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-   -   Mystery of the Missing Mirror: A Whodunit || Day Seven Results have arrived! (

Wyrmskyld 06-14-2014 05:22 AM

Mystery of the Missing Mirror: A Whodunit || Day Seven Results have arrived!
Banner crafted by the lovely Shadami and colored by the fabulous WherededIgo

Wyrmskyld 06-14-2014 05:36 AM

Shortcut to Today's Investigation!

The Mystery
In the strange exotic lands beyond Merkheti, there is a king with three sons. He wishes to leave his country in the best possible hands after his death, and his two eldest sons both seemed equally qualified to rule. His youngest son, unfortunately, is a bit of an impulsive dreamer, but ancient tradition decrees that all three sons be given an equal chance. So, following that tradition, all three sons have been sent out, each with the quest to find a magical item that would help him rule the country wisely and well.

The oldest son was a great warrior, and after many trials and adventures he discovered a horn that would summon a thousand soldiers when blown. The middle son, a learned scholar, found a scroll that would magically answer a question with words of wisdom from any book or writing in the world. On their way home, both brothers ran into the Desert Winds Caravan and found the youngest brother was preparing to marry the caravan master's oldest daughter to get the magic mirror that is her dowry.

The mirror's magic power is showing a probable future whenever one looks into it, which would obviously be a great way to prevent future misfortunes. Unfortunately, it seems nobody saw the future where the mirror would vanish during the wedding rehearsal! The caravan master has asked all interested Menewshans to help find this valuable heirloom in the name of his daughter's happiness!

There were 7 people who were unaccounted for at some point during the rehearsal, and any of them would have been able to get to the mirror during the time they were gone. Your mission is to find out who took that mirror, and make them give it back!

Wyrmskyld 06-14-2014 05:37 AM

How to Play
  • Each day we will be inspecting a different location. There will be options for where to look. Pick an option, fill out the form, and post!
  • Every day an interview and the results of the previous day's search will go up, along with the clues that were found.
  • After the event, write up your theory as to whodunit. Correct answers will evenly split the grand prize of 10,000g, but everyone who submits an answer will get something!
  • Only one account per person, please. It's no fair trying to double your chances.
  • Do I really need to remind you to follow the Menewsha TOS? Well, I did anyway!

Prizes and how to win them!
  • If you find a clue, you'll get 5 raffle tickets for the CI prize pool.
  • If you don't find a clue, you'll either get 1 raffle ticket or an instant prize!
  • After the event ends, Wyrm will raffle off the CIs, and maybe some leftover EIs!

CI Prize Pool

Wyrmskyld 06-14-2014 05:44 AM

Prince Salil
Khalid's oldest brother. Somewhat boastful and warlike, but not a bad sort.
Prince Talib
The scholarly middle brother of the trio.
Prince Khalid
Typical fairy tale third son-- young impulsive dreamer who is scorned by his brothers.
The oldest daughter of a wealthy caravan master. Vain and snobbish
Marika's younger sister. Rather shy and bookish, fond of animals.
Marika's ambitious mother.
Tamina's long-suffering maid.

Wyrmskyld 06-14-2014 05:47 AM

Today's Investigation
Yesterday's results are up, soon it will be time to put on your thinking caps!

Wyrmskyld 06-14-2014 05:48 AM

Yesterday's Results
Oasis Pools
Observing the Oasis
Investigation Options
Search through the flowerpots
Yet another of those pesky wedding gifts!

Take a dip in the pool
Clue! As you come out of the water, you feel something on your head. You reach for it and find... a handful of straw.
+5 Raffle Tickets

Get a good look at the grass
Clue! Near the edge of the garden you spot something sparkling in the middle of a pile of flattened grass! Did someone drop this while hiding here?
+5 Raffle Tickets

Climb the wall
One of the stones of the wall comes off in your hand... and it's not a stone at all!

Rustle the bushes
A chicken runs out of the bushes! Curious, you look closer and find... an egg!

Wyrmskyld 06-14-2014 05:50 AM

Clue! A blue feather that you're pretty sure didn't come from the pillows people were ripping up.,0.5,0,0
Clue! An odd mirror! Figuring you'd solved the mystery, you took it to the caravan master, only to learn it isn't his mirror, and he's pretty sure it's not even magical. It does have a cool hinge on the handle, though, and he says it's probably made for looking around corners.
Clue! A letter that seems to be in code! And someone else apparently tried to read it and left a note.
(And someone made an error with the code! 'fvsjoh' should be 'evsjoh' [sweat])

Explore the balconies
Clue! As you looked over the room you saw something you missed at ground level-- fingerprints on the wall by the door like someone leaned against it to peek out of the room.
Clue! It looks like the second page of a blackmail note!
Clue! A set of footprints in the sand... leading away from the tent where the mirror was kept! Unfortunately they disappear when they reach the vegetation near the pools of the oasis.
Clue! You didn't notice 'til after you knocked the bench over, but this one had a book on it! Someone's been reading the memoirs of Julius Caesar

Study the map on the wall

Sift through the straw
Clue! Mixed in with the straw by the door are a bunch of pink flower petals!

Pet the camels
Clue! Heey... these feathers on the white camel's halter look pretty familiar...

Clue! It's a map of the oasis-- and it must be magic because it shows the caravan, too!
Dig through the trashcan
Clue! Newspaper clippings!

Open all the cabinets
Clue! A blue thread is caught on one of the cabinets beside the trashcan!

Wyrmskyld 06-14-2014 05:51 AM

Day One

Ladies' LoungeX

Ladies' Lounge
Looking over the Ladies' Lounge

Look at the lantern
It's... a lantern. A little disappointing and a lot dusty, but at least you eliminated one part of the room!
+1 Raffle Ticket

Check behind the curtains
Misplaced wedding gifts! You slip one into your bag, hoping nobody will notice.

Rummage between the couch cushions
Clue! A blue feather that you're pretty sure didn't come from the pillows people were ripping up.
+5 Raffle Tickets

Peek under the rug,0.5,0,0
Clue! An odd mirror! Figuring you'd solved the mystery, you took it to the caravan master, only to learn it isn't his mirror, and he's pretty sure it's not even magical. It does have a cool hinge on the handle, though, and he says it's probably made for looking around corners.
+5 Raffle Tickets

Rip open the throw pillows
Feathers. Feathers everywhere. And pillow fighting. You had so much fun you forgot to look for clues. Oops!
+1 Raffle Ticket

Marika's InterviewX

Marika's Interview
Marika: What are you doing there? Why haven't you found Daddy's mirror yet?

Wyrmskyld: Um... We just got here. We haven't even had time to start searching.

Marika: Ugh, then why are you bothering me?

Wyrmskyld: *patiently* We need to question everybody who was away from the banquet last night.

Marika: You mean I'm a suspect? Don't you realize if you don't find the mirror I won't get to marry a prince?

Wyrmskyld: We're just covering all the possibilities, ma'am. Could you tell us more about the mirror?

Marika: Well, Daddy has this mirror that shows the future. Or what might be the future. And this really cute prince showed up looking for something magical, but we couldn't just give up our family treasure, so Mama talked to Daddy and he made a deal with the prince-- The mirror would be my dowry! You have to find that mirror so I can be a princess!

Wyrmskyld: Right. I'll... get right on that. When was the last time you saw the mirror?

Marika: I guess during the banquet? I got bored with my dress so I went to change clothes, and I know I saw it on the way because I forgot for a minute it wasn't a normal mirror and tried to see how I looked. *looks nervous for a moment* I didn't see any futures, though.

Wyrmskyld: Who do you think might have taken it?

Marika: I saw Prince Talib looking at it the other day. I bet he stole it so Khalid wouldn't win. He's probably jealous, I mean, Salil is the strong one, and Khalid is the handsome one, so Talib's just stuck being the nerd.

Wyrmskyld: Ohkaay... I'll keep that in mind. Thank you for your time.

Wyrmskyld 06-14-2014 05:54 AM

Day Two


[COLOR="DarkBlue"]Browsing through the Library
Drool over the books
Clue! A letter that seems to be in code! And someone else apparently tried to read it and left a note.
+5 Raffle Tickets

Explore the balconies
Clue! As you looked over the room you saw something you missed at ground level-- fingerprints on the wall by the door like someone leaned against it to peek out of the room.
+5 Raffle Tickets

Check inside the clock
How the heck did a wedding present get in here? You ook it out so it wouldn't mess up the clockwork.

Spin the globes
Whee! The whole world is spinning! For a minute you weren't sure if it was you or the globe spinning. You decided to have a little sit down until the dizziness faded.
+1 Raffle Ticket

Peek behind the paintings
Yeesh, these things are everywhere! They won't notice one missing, right?

Talib's InterviewX

Talib's Interview

Wyrmskyld: Excuse me, Prince Talib?

Talib: *looks up from his book* Hm? Yes, can I help you?

Wyrmskyld: We're looking into the disappearance of the caravan master's magic mirror. Would you mind answering a few questions, your highness?

Talib: I suppose I have time to talk. *sets his book aside*

Wyrmskyld: Let's get the easy question out of the way-- did you steal the mirror?

Talib: I'd say 'no' even if I had taken it, of course.

Wyrmskyld: Hey, can't a girl dream of an easy confession? Besides, you do kind of have a motive-- keeping Khalid from winning the throne.

Talib: *looks offended and holds out a book* Why would I need a pathetic little mirror? I have a book filled with all of the written knowledge of the world! The mirror doesn't even show a definite future, just a possible one. Anyone who holds this much wisdom doesn't need to see what might happen!

Wyrmskyld: Whoa, sorry. I didn't mean to offend you, but I do have to ask these questions. Where did you go when you left the banquet hall last night?

Talib: The caravan has a magical library just through those doors. The banquet was boring, so I went to go read my book in more pleasant surroundings. I wasn't the only one who slipped out, of course.

Wyrmskyld: It sounds like you saw something suspicious.

Talib: I saw lots of things. Marika looking in the mirror, my brother sneaking around, Nadra going out to play with her pets...

Wyrmskyld: I don't suppose you saw who took the mirror, do you?

Talib: Unfortunately, no.

Wyrmskyld: Yeah, that would've been too easy. Who do you think did it?

Talib: My guess would be that maid. I saw her pocket one of the wedding gifts.

Wyrmskyld: You did? Well that's definitely suspicious. Thank you for your time, your highness.

Talib: Of course. *goes back to his book*

Wyrmskyld 06-14-2014 05:56 AM

Day Three

Tamina's WagonX

Tamina's Wagon
Fixin' the Wagon
Investigation Options
See what's cooking on the stove
Mmm~ It's some of the best soup you've ever had! You fill a bowl and sit down to enjoy a meal, completely forgetting to look any further for clues.
+1 Raffle Ticket

Poke through the knickknacks
Another one of those pesky wedding gifts! Obviously this one will never reach the happy couple, but there's no point in leaving it in the hands of a thief, is there?

Rummage through the drawers
Clue! It looks like the second page of a blackmail note!
+5 Raffle Tickets

Look out the window
Clue! A set of footprints in the sand... leading away from the tent where the mirror was kept! Unfortunately they disappear when they reach the vegetation near the pools of the oasis.
+5 Raffle Tickets

Check under the mattress
There's a hiding place under this mattress! And it's got yet another present in it! You make sure this obviously important bit of evidence is put safely away... in your pocket.

Amani's InterviewX

Amani's Interview

Amani: *suspiciously* I'm told you want to ask me some questions.

Wyrmskyld: Yes, we're asking questions of everyone who left the banquet at any time last night. Can you tell us the last time you saw the mirror?

Amani: I'm sure I saw it at lunchtime-- the Caravan Master was offering to let everyone look into it. And I think it was there right before the banquet. *thinks a moment* I don't remember if I saw it when I went to the wagon, though.

Wyrmskyld: 'The wagon'?

Amani: Tamina's wagon. She hates tents, so she has one of those gypsy wagons to sleep in. I made her a cup of tea before the banquet, and I couldn't remember if I'd taken the kettle off or not. *looks prim* I certainly couldn't let the whole place burn down, could I?

Wyrmskyld: And that's all you did? Went to the wagon and checked the kettle?

Amani: ... Fine. I also took this. *reaches into her pocket and holds out a small box* There are so many stupid wedding presents around, even that greedy cow Marika won't notice one missing.

Wyrmskyld: You... don't like your mistress's daughter?

Amani: I don't like any of them. Tamina married for money, Marika's lucky a prince came along because she wouldn't settle for anything less, and Nadra's always bringing home filthy animals. I only stay because we hardly ever see civilization. The minute we see a city, I'm getting my pay and getting out.

Wyrmskyld: That mirror would be pretty valuable if someone sold it...

Amani: Do I look stupid enough to take something that expensive? *gets a conspiratorial look and leans closer* If you ask me, Salil's the one you want to be talking to. It was obvious he saw something veeery interesting when he looked into the mirror, but he wouldn't tell anyone what he saw.

Wyrmskyld: That might be useful, yes. Thank you very much, Amani.

Wyrmskyld 06-14-2014 06:02 AM

Day Four


Today's Investigation
Poking around the Armory
Investigation Options
Look inside the armor
It's empty... mpty... ty. Echo... echo... cho...
+1 Raffle Tickets

Check out the display cases
The label on this case says it's a magic box... but it looks an awful lot like another wedding gift!

Turn over the benches
Clue! You didn't notice 'til after you knocked the bench over, but this one had a book on it! Someone's been reading the memoirs of Julius Caesar
+5 Raffle Tickets

Get a closer look at the stained glass window
Hey... sitting on the window ledge and blending in with the glass... it's another wedding gift!

Study the map on the wall
Clue! It's a map of the oasis-- and it must be magic because it shows the caravan, too!
+5 Raffle Tickets

Salil's InterviewX

[COLOR="sienna"]Salil's Interview
Wyrmskyld: Prince Salil?
Salil: *looks the investigators up and down* You're the ones looking for the mirror.
Wyrmskyld: Yes. We're asking questions of everyone who was away from the banquet last night, in case they saw something useful. May I ask where you were?
Salil: I was waiting in the armory.
Wyrmskyld: 'Waiting?'
Salil: *speaks very quickly and won't meet anyone's eyes* Waiting for the banquet to be over. I hate formal events like that, and they have a tent with a magical portal to an armory here. It's very nice-- I wish I could have it to take on campaign.
Wyrmskyld: On campaign? Did you see war as a possible future when you looked into the mirror?
Salil: *blushes* No... it wasn't... no. I'm just a warrior, and I think about things like that.
Wyrmskyld: Did you see anyone else while you were out?
Salil: Marika went to her room and back. And her sister snuck out not long after that and disappeared into the shadows. And Khalid wandered around stargazing the way he always does.
Wyrmskyld: But you didn't see any of them actually take the mirror?
Salil: No. But I'd lay odds on the sister... what's her name... Nadra? She seemed really upset when the wedding was announced. She's probably jealous-- nobody would look at her with Marika around.
Wyrmskyld: I see. Thank you very much, your highness... and good luck with the contest.
Salil: I don't need luck. *pats the horn he wears attached to his belt* I have an army.

Wyrmskyld 06-14-2014 06:07 AM

Day Five

Camel StableX

Camel Stable
Studying the Stable
Investigation Options
Sift through the straw
Clue! Mixed in with the straw by the door are a bunch of pink flower petals!
+5 Raffle Tickets

Pet the camels
Clue! Heey... these feathers on the white camel's halter look pretty familiar...
+5 Raffle Tickets

See what's in the pots on the back wall
A wedding present! Or maybe a leftover Christmas one... anyway, it's yours now!

Open the green door
Someone left some nice clothes back here! You can't resist trying something on!

Inspect the ceiling
Whoa... that is not the ceiling you expected to find in a camel stable. You gaze at it in bemusement.
+1 Raffle Tickets

Nadra's InterviewX

Nadra's Interview
Wyrmskyld: Hello? Nadra?
Nadra: *stepping out from behind a camel* Yes?
Wyrmskyld: We're looking for your father's mirror, and we've been asking questions of everyone who was away from the banquet last night. You were out here in the stable?
Nadra: Yes... I just... couldn't stand listening to Marika boast anymore, so I came out here. I'm more comfortable around animals, anyway.
Wyrmskyld: We heard you weren't very happy about your sister's engagement...
Nadra: It... came as kind of a surprise. I guess I should have expected it, though. Marika always gets what she wants, even if she has to take it from someone else.
Wyrmskyld: Sounds like you two don't get along very well?

Nadra: She's my sister, and I love her, but she can be very hard to live with.
Wyrmskyld: Did you see anyone else while you were out here?
Nadra: *bites her lip nervously* Amani going into Mother's wagon... and Prince Khalid on his way to the oasis for a swim. And Mother.
Wyrmskyld: Who would you say might have taken the mirror?
Nadra: I hate to say it, but... Mother's been acting strange lately. She actually seemed pleased when Prince Khalid said the marriage was off until the mirror was found, even though she was the one who made all the wedding arrangements. She was so excited about Marika marrying a prince-- she even went through the library trying to figure out what kind of title a queen's mother would have.
Wyrmskyld: So she completely changed her mind overnight? That is pretty strange, Nadra. We'll keep it in mind.

Wyrmskyld 06-14-2014 06:13 AM

Day Six


Lookin' in the Kitchen
Investigation Options
Dig through the trashcan
Clue! Newspaper clippings!
+5 Raffle Tickets

Raid the fridge
Really, now, who puts wedding gifts in the fridge?

Wander through the walk-in freezer
After all that desert heat, this freezer is lovely! You grab a popsicle and have a rest.
+1 Raffle Ticket

Open all the cabinets
Clue! A blue thread is caught on one of the cabinets beside the trashcan!

Search the floor inch by inch
This tile lifts up! And there are presents underneath!

Tamina's InterviewX

Tamina's Interview
Wyrmskyld: Madame Tamina?
Tamina: So. You're the ones questioning everyone as if we're common criminals.
Wyrmskyld: We're just trying to find the mirror, ma'am...
Tamina: Well, I didn't take it. Why would I? It was my husband's mirror to begin with, and then it became my baby Marika's dowry, and now it's gone!
Wyrmskyld: We understand your frustration, but your answers might give us a clue... you went to the kitchen during the banquet?
Tamina: Yes. I was telling the cook that he was changing out courses much too quickly. It's so hard to get good help...
Wyrmskyld: If you say so, ma'am. Did you see anyone acting suspicious last night?
Tamina: Suspicious? Ha! I should say so! That storyteller woman showed up wearing the same color as my Marika, and the cook put walnuts in the baklava. Walnuts! I thought I'd die of shame right there on the spot! And don't even get me started on t--
Wyrmskyld: *cutting Tamina off* Anyone acting suspicious outside of the banquet.
Tamina: *glares at Wyrmskyld for interrupting* That middle prince was going around spying on people. I even saw him pick up a piece of paper Marika dropped and stick it in his pocket. And the youngest prince skulks around all the time. I'm always seeing him in places he doesn't belong.
Wyrmskyld: If you were looking for the culprit, who would you suspect?
Tamina: 'Prince' Khalid. He's the one who came here wanting the mirror in the first place! Although he's only barely a prince at all-- it's not as if a third son is going to inherit the kingdom. If I'd known he was the youngest I wouldn't have let him anywhere near Marika. She deserves to be a queen! He's definitely the one who did it, and now he's going to run off and leave my poor baby at the altar and without a dowry! *starts to sob*
Wyrmskyld: Uhh... there, there. *pats Tamina's shoulder awkwardly* We'll... we'll get right back to looking for that mirror now... *backs away slowly*

Wyrmskyld 06-14-2014 06:16 AM

Day Seven

Khalid's InterviewX

Khalid's Interview
Khalid: Ah, the investigators. I've been expecting you. Please, ask your questions.
Wyrmskyld: Uh... thank you, your highness. I feel like maybe we should have questioned you first-- you probably know more about the mirror than the rest of the people we've talked to.
Khalid: I really know very little. I was lost in the desert, and I met a girl who led me to the oasis here. We talked on the way, and she told me about her father's magic mirror. It sounded like exactly the kind of wonder Father sent us out searching for.
Wyrmskyld: The obvious question is... did you steal it?
Khalid: I am no thief! I would never take something of such value! Even if... well, nevermind.
Wyrmskyld: Uh... I'm afraid we can't do that, your highness. Nevermind what?
Khalid: *sigh* I have no desire to wed Marika, but her mother insisted the mirror should be her dowry.
Wyrmskyld: Having met Marika, I think we can understand that. Where did you go when you left the banquet last night?
Khalid: To the oasis pools. It was so hot in that tent that I needed a swim.
Wyrmskyld: Did you see anyone else while you were out?
Khalid: Both of my brothers...
Wyrmskyld: Anyone else?
Khalid: *looking down* I also ran into Nadra, for a moment. But I'm sure she didn't take the mirror!
Wyrmskyld: Who do you think might have taken it?
Khalid: I... don't know. I saw Talib peering into the tent with the mirror, but I can't imagine him taking it.
Wyrmskyld: I see. Thank you again, your highness.

Wyrmskyld 06-14-2014 06:28 AM


BellyButton 06-14-2014 04:12 PM

This looks marvelous! [eager] I hope it's okay to start. :)

Day One: Ladies' Lounge
I want to: Check behind the curtains

hummy 06-14-2014 04:20 PM

Day One: Ladies' Lounge
I want to: rip open the throw pillows!

and have a pillow fight with belly!

BellyButton 06-14-2014 04:23 PM

Wait 'til I get this coffee in me, hummy! Right now all I can do is stare. [lol]

hummy 06-14-2014 04:28 PM

*gives belly decafe coffee*

*watches feathers swirl around belly*

BellyButton 06-14-2014 04:37 PM

*is slightly embarrassed as the feathers stick to her drool, making a makeshift beard*

sadrain 06-14-2014 04:45 PM

Day One: Ladies' Lounge
I want to: Peek under the rug - there's a reason people say that stuff is swept under it, isn't there?

Iro 06-14-2014 04:47 PM

Day One: Ladies' Lounge
I want to: Look at the lantern!

Eastriel 06-14-2014 04:57 PM

Day One: Ladies' Lounge
I want to: [Insert option here]
Look at the lantern

Seridano 06-14-2014 05:12 PM

Day One: Ladies' Lounge
I want to: Rummage between the couch cushions

Shadami 06-14-2014 06:12 PM

yay wyrm!! I'm so glad you got it up!!! I'll have to pick somethingas soon as Julie get home.. another 10 mins or so. :3

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