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MurasakiCrown 03-31-2008 10:36 PM

Platinum's Art Auction II [OPEN!++HB:Oriental Fan+slipper set=approx 82K. ][OVER!]
Platinum's Art Auction II

Hello and welcome to my solo Menewsha art auction thread! I will hold many auctions throughout the year in this thread, so feel free to stop by as often as you'd like! This is Art Auction II (version 2, since the original winner canceled the trade. Can't say I blame them XD). The winner of Art Auction I was Divine Tempest. Congratulations and thank you for bidding :heart:

For this auction, you will be bidding on my current style of art. It a bit more saturated than some people are used to, with strange colors on the skin, etc, but I hope people like it enough to bid. As of now, my only real sample is a W.I.P. All other samples are over 4 months old, so while I'm wary of using them, they're complete, and so I'll just keep the links ^^;

-Close Up-

Old Samples
-Sample One-
-Sample Two-
-Sample Three-
-Sample Four-
-Sample Six-
-Sample Seven-

What You Will Get:
Depending how low or high the bid is, you will get anything from a bust-up colored piece, to a full-body colored piece. No backgrounds this time around, except for a few colors/patterns here and there. Sorry!

Won't Draw:
Hentai, Too much Mecha, Anthro, OC's coupled with an already established character (fanart)

I'll do anything but that, even couples are fine, as long as they're not doing anything too explicit.

May 29th, 2008: Auction back up, plus a new sample!
June 20th, 2008: Auction I over, Winner is Divine Tempest, with AB (Pudao of Time)
June 29th, 2008: Auction II Opens!
January 6th, 2009th: Auction II Opens, again!

MurasakiCrown 03-31-2008 10:45 PM

Thread Rules
Follow the Menewshan Terms Of Service
Yeah.. this rule isn't specific to this auction, but we thought it wise to point out that we will Blacklist you if you don't follow Menewsha's bible.

Do not Beg
I'm doing this auction because I WANT stuff, not because I have stuff to give away ^^;

Do not advertise
If you'd like to become affiliated with me, send me a private message to exchange banner. Be sure to advertise my thread in yours as well.

Do NOT steal art
I despise art thieves with a passion bordering on insanity. If you steal, I will come after you, and I will come after you HARD.

Auction Rules
Do not retract your bids
This is not only disorienting, it is also very rude. If you were hacked (and can prove it), then you're excused. I will move on with the auction and will not ask you to give what you don't have. If you were the highest bidder, I are sorry to say, you will not win the auction. I didn't start this to work for free.

Bid only what you have
If you make me start a picture and you can't pay for it, I will be so pissed off it won't even be funny.

Joint Bidding
You are allowed to bid jointly, but please keep in mind that I will be drawing only ONE picture. Make sure you agree on what you want me to draw before you decide to bid.

Acceptable Bids
I accept pure gold, monthly collectibles, and any common listed in This Thread , priced at regular store price.
You'll make me extra happy if you bid with an Oriental Fan: Valued at 60K

MurasakiCrown 03-31-2008 10:55 PM

Auction Info

Auction Begins: January 6th, 2009
Auction Ends: January 31st, 2009 (date can change depending on my schedule)
Starting Bid: 500g
Minimum Bid Increment: 100g
Current Bid: 14,000g
Auto Buy: -none this time around, sorry!-

Bidding History


Originally Posted by Croon (Post 1763891224)
Oriental Fan + Slipper Set


Originally Posted by Rvaya (Post 1763890982)
I'd like to bid Oriental Fan (60k) + The Mask of the Phoenix (15K) = 75K


Originally Posted by Croon (Post 1763886810)
Oriental fan + Bee slippers. : )


Originally Posted by Rvaya (Post 1763886786)
Ohh xD

I bid an Oriental Fan + Sash of Chaos


Originally Posted by Croon (Post 1763886303)
I would indeed!

I bid one oriental fan. c: <3


Originally Posted by Seiki Nova (Post 1763869269)
I was going to wait, but I'm impatient xD

30k sounds like a good bid for Platypus art : )


Hello, Platty! >3<

I hope you get someone who bids with an oriental fan, you definitely deserve it! =3

I think I'll bid 14k, though. :XD


Originally Posted by Jitsumi1221 (Post 4555830)
*excited* oh! i love your most recent sample, shes gorgeous! i bid 10k pretty please!

MurasakiCrown 03-31-2008 10:56 PM


MurasakiCrown 03-31-2008 10:59 PM

done setting up >w<

KeiraRose 03-31-2008 11:04 PM

Sample four is gorgeous! Your work is amazing! *ogles it* @.@

Good luck! I'm sure you'll get some very high bidders with such excellent work!

Uzura 03-31-2008 11:11 PM

Ah, I was hoping you would open a shop or do an auction.

I'll start with 100g :3

MurasakiCrown 03-31-2008 11:23 PM

@KeiraRose: Thank you!
I sure hope so! XD

@Uzura: Here I am! Thanks for the bid >/////<

Uzura 03-31-2008 11:34 PM

Bidding probably won't do me much good though. I'm willing to bet that someone's gonna autobuy you.

MurasakiCrown 03-31-2008 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Uzura
Bidding probably won't do me much good though. I'm willing to bet that someone's gonna autobuy you.

Autobuy? Me? o.e

Schwartz Panda Kiri 03-31-2008 11:48 PM

I'd say good luck but your art is amazing and I'm sure you'll do very well. >w<

MurasakiCrown 03-31-2008 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by Schwartz Panda Kiri
I'd say good luck but your art is amazing and I'm sure you'll do very well. >w<

Thank you very much! I'll take the luck I can get ^^;

Schwartz Panda Kiri 03-31-2008 11:52 PM

Well good luck then. >w< <3 And you're welcome. :3

MurasakiCrown 04-01-2008 12:07 AM

*gathers luck into a little basket* I shall be un-nekkid one day! XD

qeanin 04-01-2008 12:19 AM

good luck! I love your art, especially the last one, the water one. She is soooo pretty <3333

MurasakiCrown 04-01-2008 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by qeanin
good luck! I love your art, especially the last one, the water one. She is soooo pretty <3333

Thank you! ^^

Arkeyla 04-01-2008 04:30 AM

Wow! You are very talented indeed! Unfortunately I am too poor to bid on such gorgeous work, but I wish you all the best!

ladyumbra 04-01-2008 09:48 AM

nice work, the auction ending is so far away though. would you consider doing commissions in the mean time?

MurasakiCrown 04-01-2008 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by ladyumbra
nice work, the auction ending is so far away though. would you consider doing commissions in the mean time?

Unfortunately, I'm pressed for time DX; That's why my auction ends when it does ^^ My time won't really clear up until after mid-May, when AP exams are over >_<

Uber-Kitten 04-01-2008 02:57 PM

Ahh! Your art is so pretty! Wish I had some moneys so I could buy some, but sadly I am nekkid and poor. BUT! Soon I shall not be so, I hope anyways. Good luck though, I'm sure you'll get all your items in no time!

MurasakiCrown 04-01-2008 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Uber-Kitten
Ahh! Your art is so pretty! Wish I had some moneys so I could buy some, but sadly I am nekkid and poor. BUT! Soon I shall not be so, I hope anyways. Good luck though, I'm sure you'll get all your items in no time!

Aw thanks ^^ don't worry, I know what it feels like to be nekkid poor o.e;

ScarletStratholme 04-02-2008 04:24 AM

Hehe, I don't think my bid will last long, but 150g.

MurasakiCrown 04-02-2008 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by ScarletStratholme
Hehe, I don't think my bid will last long, but 150g.

XD People are so negative o.e

Good luck, and thank you for the bid ^^

Drache-Lehre 04-02-2008 03:37 PM

Awww, very, very lovely art! But the end date is a longgg way down the road from here so I won't bother to waste time bidding. I'll check back when its closer to ending if no one has AB'd by then. =3

MurasakiCrown 04-02-2008 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by Drache-Lehre
Awww, very, very lovely art! But the end date is a longgg way down the road from here so I won't bother to waste time bidding. I'll check back when its closer to ending if no one has AB'd by then. =3

I wish I could change the date, but I don't think I'd be able to star the time any time before June DX;

I think my masochism will eventually lead me to change the date though. I tend to give myself a lot to do sometimes XD;

EDIT: Small update. See the first post >w<;

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