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Amane 04-18-2009 01:24 PM

Last-minute Easter collecting thread! (Now with clue help! First post)
I'm getting (at least attempting to) the things I want, unfortunately at the last minute. I really want those 200 gold+ items. But they'll take a while!

So, any other last-minute collectors? You can chat with me here.

And now, the clue help! If you haven't found any and aren't sure how to find them: Scroll to the bottom of the page that you think a bunny is hiding on, and if you see a bunny peeking out, click it! Then, go to The Magic Burrows (there's a link at the top of every event-related page except for the "Easter is Cancelled!" announcement) and click the bunny to exchange a certain amount of carrots for an item. If you want to know just how many carrots each bunny will accept, that can be found in the Event FAQ,

Clue one:

One of the major 'pressure valves' on Menewsha's micro-economy, designed to make sure there is recirculation.
If you want to buy or sell something, but not to an NPC store, where will you go? Look further within when you find it.

Clue two:

This game of chance is nice because in the end, everyone's a winner - even if you didn't win!
Now that you've found the bunny of clue one, look in a similar place. Will you play?

Clue three:

I'm calling my lawyer!
It doesn't mstter what page you're on, this page is at the bottom and just one click away.

Clue four:

Go back to the start.
Where does one start from?

Clue five:

Required reading.
Follow them. We all wish everyone would.

Clue six:

The well-dressed man with a plan. You can drop him a note here.
Someone is hosting an Easter gala. Once you've found it, where could you go to leave him a message?

Sagitar 04-18-2009 01:28 PM

just collecting carrots so I can get the event items.. :) the new store items are so cute too though

Amane 04-18-2009 01:30 PM

I'm going to get another basket, but then I'll just spend the carrots as I like.

tigerangel 04-18-2009 01:33 PM

Hello there, Amane.
I'll chat with you for a bit.

DescendedDesirez2 04-18-2009 01:34 PM

Hello ^^
I'm just collecting carrots. Uhm.. where can I find those new store items? I feel like such a noob XD

Mysti 04-18-2009 01:38 PM

Hello everyone.
@ DescendedDesire: You can find them at the event shop. We were all noob once xD

purple_picklez 04-18-2009 01:39 PM

Hello, I'm trying to collect the 50 carrots I still need. I've been so busy, I haven't had any time to collect them! :(

SunFlowerBeam 04-18-2009 01:39 PM

Hello everybody!
Enjoying the rest of the event!
The last 2 clues are tricky lol

tigerangel 04-18-2009 01:40 PM

I thought all but the second clue was pretty easy to figure out.

Amane 04-18-2009 01:40 PM

@DescendedDesirez2: Yep. There's an Event Store link at the top of any event related page. Except for the "Easter is Cancelled!" announcement!

@tiger: I wouldn't mind that. ^w^ And I didn't even know that clue two's hiding place existed! I don't spend too much time poking around that forum section.

Ah! Hi, everyone! ^.^ I feel so silly. I forgot you can equip several of the items labeled "MULTI" at once!

DescendedDesirez2 04-18-2009 01:41 PM

The items are so cute!! 8D

SunFlowerBeam 04-18-2009 01:43 PM

I thought the one that gave you the baby chickies was easy lol the items are soo cute!!

Mysti 04-18-2009 01:43 PM

I know. I love the bunnies and the chickies!! They're just so beyond cute. :3

Amane 04-18-2009 01:50 PM

Clue one is pretty easy. Clue four just gave it all away. Clue six... well, I found out who, but I couldn't find where. To anyone that needs help with clue six:

This person has their own Easter thread. Once you've found him, where could you leave him a message?

pink blossom 04-18-2009 01:54 PM

I just need one more carrot and I have my second set, and 200 gold for the blue Capri pants. woot then I'm done.

DescendedDesirez2 04-18-2009 01:54 PM

Clue two was the hardest one for me to guess Dx
My brain hurt when I was trying to figure it out. Good thing I got all the clues now.

shosho 04-18-2009 01:55 PM

which of those 200+ items are you looking for, amane? :O have you guys played tetris or the other games? XD

Amane 04-18-2009 01:55 PM

@pink blossom: You're a lucky one. I've excluded many items I can do without. But I must have my BLUEEE! XD

@Descended: I didn't know clue two's hiding place existed. I feel your pain.

@shosho: The blue items and the panda raingear set. Yes, I'm playing several ronds of Tetris. I got almost 2,000 points (I went over 2,000 points this last time!) and then I start failing, the blocks all start stacking up, and I fail. D:

Mysti 04-18-2009 01:56 PM

@ Amane: Clue four is the easiest XD
@ pink: Wow! second set. You must have been working really hard.

DescendedDesirez2 04-18-2009 01:58 PM

shosho: yup! ^^ the highest i got from tetris so far is 42g -__-;;
i know, i suck XD
and i'm playing the snake game right now... i'm addicted to the phyton level 8D

Mysti 04-18-2009 02:02 PM

I suck at snake game. The most I get was like 8 gold XD
But I like tetris. I always get 50g. That's the only game I play. XD

Amane 04-18-2009 02:07 PM

@Mysti: I only play Tetris as well. The most I ever get is two gold, though. And that's my best game. *sigh* When I was little, I was a master at it. Whupped it like nothing! I'd be up there in the top ten. XD

DescendedDesirez2 04-18-2009 02:09 PM

I was once good at tetris too.. I don't know what happened XD
Ever since I was a kid I really like the snake game. So I'm kinda addicted to it XD

Mysti 04-18-2009 02:11 PM

You just need practice. I really suck at Tetris when I started playing. I only lasted for like a second XD but now i'm good enough to get 50g ^.^
I don't think I'll ever be good at snake game. They move too fast.

DescendedDesirez2 04-18-2009 02:13 PM

That's what's nice about the snake game. It makes me hyper when I see the snake move fast =)) I'm weird.
I guess so. Most of the time I only get 4g in tetris >.> XD

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