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NekoShade 12-01-2010 06:46 PM

How the Monkey Met the Clam and Other Blurbs: A Weekly Contest Thread
Welcome to How The Monkey Met the Clam and Other Blurbs: A Weekly Contest Thread!

Hey all, I'm NekoShade, NekoSari's mule and I will be hosting this here writing contest. Now, things might be a little shaky since I've never held any kind of contest so you guys will have to bear with me while I smooth over any little things that crop up; but I shall certainly do my best to make this as fun for everyone as I can. The contest is still very much a work in progress so don't be too disappointed that the prizes are a little puny at the moment.

First though, everyone's least favorite part: The Rules

1. This one's obvious, respect Mene's TOS
2. Keep everything pg-13 please
3. Respect all who post here, we don't want to be disrespected, right?
4. No whining or complaining if you are not chosen to be the week's winner. There will be other chances since this contest is going to be held every week, so there's no need to get all snippy
5. Have fun!

Table of Contents:
1. Intro & Rules
2. Contest Notes
3. Announcements
4. Contest Themes and Requirements
5. Contest History
6. Undetermined
7. Undetermined
8. Undetermined


The way this will work:

1-Every Monday morning (or maybe sunday night) I will announce the week's theme and requirement

2-All participants will have until Thursday evening to post their submissions (beneath a spoiler bar please~) so The judges can read every entry and reach their decisions by sometime on Sunday

3-Winners will be announced at some point sunday afternoon and prizes will be sent out

4-This is very important!! All participants need to make sure to shoot me a PM with a link to their subscription so that nobody gets overlooked!

5-As a special sort of extra prize, the winners of the previous week may choose to volunteer to judge the upcoming week's contest entries

These are the tags for the spoiler bar: [hide] Entry [ / hide ] But with no spaces in the second /hide.


Special Announcements:

Before the contest is officially open, I'd like to ask for my first two (possibly three) Judging volunteers, since judging would be a bit of a heavy load on me and wouldn't be very fair or unbiased. If anyone is interested, shoot me a PM and I'll let you know whether or not I'll need ya. The way I want to do the judging is to have all 2 or 3 judges (myself included) read a portion of all entries and discuss the better ones out of the bunch. As a final note: I will be the only person that knows who the judges are, so there will be no chance of bribery. Not that I think anyone would actually do that :ninja:


NekoSari 12-01-2010 06:51 PM

Weekly Contest Themes and Requirements

Week One:


Since it's the first week, and it's December, how about a Christmas-type contest month? Here we go:
Theme : Best Present Ever
Requirement : Give me your best and most inventive titles! (Title to a story, of course [Thanks to Cami for pointing out that I didn't specify :heart:])

Week Two:


Theme: Meeting an Angel (because angels are a Christmas tradition too :P )
Requirement: Best Description: Write a short description of a person meeting an angel (any angel) in under 100 words. Good luck!

Week Three:


Theme: A Search for Santa
Requirement: Best Ending Paragraph: Write me the end of a story about someone questing to find out if Santa exists or not. Luck to all!

Week Four:


Theme: Absolutely optional! But must be Christmassy
Write me either a short story, or a poem about a Christmas event of your choosing. Word count needs to be under 500 words! Luck to everyone~! :heart:

Week Five:


Theme:New Year!
Requirement:Write me a conversation held between two partygoers at a New Year's party!!

Week Six:
Finish this sentence: The cat was black and white, but _____________.
Requirement:The sentence can be finished in any way/manner that you wish! You can add from one word, to a sentence, to a whole paragraph if you want! I'll even accept drabbles (but they must be exactly 100 words ^_^) Have at it, my pretties!

NekoShade 12-01-2010 06:51 PM

Contest History of Entries So Far:
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3

Week 4
Week 5
Week 6

NekoSari 12-01-2010 06:52 PM


NekoShade 12-01-2010 06:52 PM

Another Reserve

NekoSari 12-01-2010 06:52 PM

Last Reserve

alonzo:) 12-01-2010 11:30 PM

Good luck with your contest :D
Hope it becomes successful :]

Liquid Diamond 12-01-2010 11:34 PM

Yaaay!! You made a contest :heart: I'll be sure to stick around for it :D

NekoShade 12-02-2010 12:33 AM

Heh, thanks guys :boogie: hopefully it doesn't crash and burn on me >.>

And now the contest is officially OPEN

Zephi 12-02-2010 08:32 AM

So what is the topic for the first week, or do we have ot wait all the way til Sunday. I suppose that would be the rules though... other wise it would be longer than a week for the first thing. Hmmm... So we just have to sit around and wait til then!? :gonk: What am I going to do til SUNDAY!? *wanders aimlessly through the thread biting her finger nails.*

Vix Viral 12-02-2010 08:49 AM

I have subscribed :cool:

Zephi 12-02-2010 09:02 AM

I just hope that I'm around enough to either be a contestant or maybe a judge once in a while *o*

NekoShade 12-02-2010 05:30 PM

Haha, no no no, silly! I already put up the topic! *points up* I put it on the second post

Zephi 12-02-2010 05:32 PM

Oooooooh. See. i didn't even see that one :sweat: Thanks for clarifying.



Hiding all the Puppies

NekoSari 12-02-2010 05:36 PM

Yay! My first official entry! Oh, and I made the title of the post bigger, heh heh :sweat:

Zephi 12-02-2010 05:39 PM

Heh. It's not that it wasn't big enough, it's just habbit for me to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to see the last post I guess :sweat:

NekoSari 12-02-2010 05:45 PM

*laughs* I do that too! Except when I see there's something been posted in one of the threads I'm subscribed to, I always click the little page thingy that'll take me to the very last post >.>

Zephi 12-02-2010 05:51 PM

Yep. I always go straight to the last page.

So i ran around and posted about this thread in a lot fo other threads and I was wondering, are you nervous yet? For some reason the commercial of the people who are starting up a new business just popped into my head. Like they are sitting around a computer waiting for someone to buy something of theirs, a product of some sort, then the number 1 dings on the computer and they celebrate! Then 2, and 3, and 4... then it's like 20... next thing you know it's in the thousands and they are freaking out XD

llonka 12-02-2010 06:06 PM

Hello!! so i don't how to do that spoiler thing, zephi...

NekoShade 12-02-2010 06:19 PM

You have nooooo idea! I'm pretty freakin' nervous! And hoping I get at least one judge volunteer before it starts to get overwhelming o.o

I should probably put the spoiler tag on huh? It's like this llonka: [hide] Entry [ / hide ] but without spaces ^_^

Zephi 12-02-2010 06:53 PM

Or you can go into the advanced section and click on the little dotted line box icon. Type what you want between the brackets ^^

NekoSari 12-03-2010 08:17 PM

Yeah, that'll work too! I forgot to mention that since it's the first contest, I'm going to be accepting entries until Sunday morning, that way I can still announce a winner/s by sunday night and put up the new theme and requirement by monday morning. If there's any interest in the contest at all at least :sweat:

Cami 12-04-2010 03:04 AM

Hello! I don't really have more to say than that.

NekoSari 12-04-2010 04:34 AM

Hi, Cami! It's okay if you just say 'hello'! As long as the thread stays active and lures people over :ninja:

Cora 12-04-2010 05:22 AM

I will be joining!

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