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xserenityxninax 07-09-2010 10:13 PM

Dark love
it is the year of 1765 A time when England was in war with the other side A girl wanted to get away from it all and wish something could happen to her.
One day while she was out she feels that someone is watching her and she knows she will never be the same again.

Username xserenityxninax
name Nina blue
age 16
bio She is a girl that lives in England with her mother in a home on the farm she always goes to the city and likes it there as well but she feels that someone is watching her from the dark she doesn't know that her life is in danger.

Forever_Trapped 07-10-2010 12:10 AM

Name: Nathan
Age: 19
Bio: He's an orphan trying to make a living. If that means killing people - so be it. He can just imagine that every one he kills was the person who murdered his family.

xserenityxninax 07-10-2010 01:02 AM

Nina was a girl that lived in the farm lands outside of England and not thinking about the people of England and feels that her life might get worse everyday. One day her mother told her to go to England and look for people to help us. Her mother said to her and Nina went to the city.

Nina went to the city but didn't find anything and it was so dark out she feels that she might get hurt or lost but she feels that someone is watching her from the darkness.

Forever_Trapped 07-10-2010 01:12 AM

Nathans' green eyes watched the girl from inside his shadows. He didnt allert her to his presance or make any noise to do said thing. He kept his outfit and his shoes quiet by staying totally, completely still.

xserenityxninax 07-10-2010 01:20 AM

Nina feels that someone is watching her she walks down a dark alley and runs in it as well but than got to a dead end as well she was scared and lost as well.

Forever_Trapped 07-10-2010 02:03 AM

Nathan followed her. He went to her, smiling. "Excuse me ma'am, ar eyou lost?" he asked, playing up the 'nice guy' act.

xserenityxninax 07-10-2010 02:04 AM

Nina looked at him and she was scared she runs to him and hugs him so tight.

Forever_Trapped 07-10-2010 02:07 AM

Nathan smiled, then took a needle out of his little pouch then inserted it into her neck to knock her out before picking her up and taking off.

xserenityxninax 07-10-2010 02:14 AM

Nina was out cold she didn't know what was wrong he was such a nice guy. Few hours later she woke up in chains and wearing a purple dress like this.
Nina just screamed for help.

Forever_Trapped 07-10-2010 02:19 AM

Nathan polished his knives. "Shut up please or you'll be knocked out again," he said simply, glancing over to her.

xserenityxninax 07-10-2010 02:26 AM

Nina looked at him and was scared "why are you after me why did you come after me?"

Forever_Trapped 07-10-2010 02:46 AM

"I was paid to, I dont ask questions, I just do my job, lady." he said simply, looking at her.

xserenityxninax 07-10-2010 02:47 AM

Nina was scared of him "please let me go don't hurt me." She cries and she was scared as well.

Forever_Trapped 07-10-2010 02:50 AM

He shook his head. "I cant." he said, smiling. "So relax honey, I wont kill you nor hurt you in any way, shape or form."

xserenityxninax 07-10-2010 02:52 AM

Nina looked at him and was scared "than what you want with me than?"

Forever_Trapped 07-10-2010 02:58 AM

Nathan shrugged. "Nothing right now. Just... to be quiet." he told, smiling.

xserenityxninax 07-10-2010 02:59 AM

Nina listened to him and she didn't talk for a while.

Forever_Trapped 07-10-2010 03:07 AM

Nathan hummed, not saying anything either.

xserenityxninax 07-10-2010 03:11 AM

Nina looks at him and said "who are you and why me?"

Forever_Trapped 07-10-2010 03:13 AM

Nathan rolled his eyes. "I was paid to and you're my target. I dont ask why." he stated simply.

xserenityxninax 07-10-2010 03:19 AM

"Than who are you?" She looks at him she as her cute light blue green eyes looking at him.

Forever_Trapped 07-10-2010 03:27 AM

"My name is Nat," he told, not ready to give her his real name.

xserenityxninax 07-10-2010 03:32 AM

Nina smiled and than falls to the ground and falls sleep again.

Forever_Trapped 07-10-2010 03:33 AM

Nathan watched over her, sighing. He got a few calls, telling him not to harm her - her family beging him not to hurt her and blah, blah, blah. It was all nonsense.

xserenityxninax 07-10-2010 03:36 AM

Nina was asleep for hours and hours.

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