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luvable_bear 02-25-2010 04:31 AM

When in Paris... [A Yaoi Fanfiction]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Naruto or Rugrats (which is the story baseline)

Summary: Kakashi is the father of a young boy name Sasuke. They end up in Paris where certain circumstances lead to love... yeah i suck at summeries... leave me alone!

Rating: T for teen [due to slight language]

Pairings: Kakashi x Iruka, slight Sasuke x Naruto, Other pairings thrown in there


[explain of baby talk]

a/n: I got the idea for this watching the Rugrats’ movie. It just reminded me of Naruto…. I don’t know why…. I’m just strange like that… I decided to make Kiba and Ino the twins because I needed someone to play that part and they fit the part….well in my mind they did. Tell me what cha think!!

When in Paris…


A long brown-headed boy walked up to the desk. He was no more than three years. He pushed a little girl forward in front of him. The little girl bounced in her stroller happily. When he reached the front of the desk he bowed politely watching the movement of the red chair. Quickly he spoke. “Uh… Bobfather [Godfather]… I believe in playground… It’s my favorite place in the world, but two yesterdays ago they took by cousin Hinata’s binky [pacifier] and buried it in sandbox,” he said resting his hand on the stroller.

“Binky buh-bye,” Hinata said almost in tears.

“They maked [make] my cousin cry,” the long brown-headed boy said, “So I said this is a job for the Bobfather!”

A red-headed boy around the older one’s age turned around in the huge swivel chair. “Neji…” he said wiping off cookie crumbs from his chin, “You come to me on the day of this wedding to ask me to take care of the boys who made your cousin cry?” He began to drink the milk that sat in the sit of the desk in a clear cup.

“Uh…No…Hinata just wants a new binky,” Neji said casually.

“That’s it!? A Binky!?! Gaara said spitting out the milk in his mouth. He jumped on top of his desk in outrage, “I don’t get to squeeze no one’s head or pull no one’s hair!?”

“Uh… no,” Neji said slight backing away from Gaara’s rage.

“Binky Pease [please]” Hinata said holding out her arms from the stroller.

Gaara sighed. “Ugh… fine…dang baby can’t even make a good wish,” he muttered to himself and sat on the top of the desk and leaned over. “Alright kiss me ring.”

Hinata grabbed his hand slobbering all over his hand since she was still at such a young age and couldn’t control her drool.

Gaara pulled back shaking his hand. “Ew… I said kiss it not drool on it.” He crawled back over the desk and sat in his chair. “Go send the next one in and tell him to bring a sponge!”


Outside on the dance floor, a raven-headed, three year old boy stumbled around, his shoe laces getting tangled up.”9…11…20…”

A cute pink haired girl wearing a flower girl outfit laughed lightly. “Sasuke, you’re not suppose to look at your feet when you’re dancing.”

Sasuke stumbled again. “I gots to Sakura, my feets keep getting tangled up,” he said as he tripped and fell into Sakura’s arms. She laughed as she caught him.

Meanwhile Neji past Sasuke and Sakura and walked up to Kiba and Ino. Ino was pushing Kiba up trying to get the figurines at the top of the cake. “C’mon Kiba we gots to get to the peoples on top!” Ino cried pushing him higher.

“I call the feets,” Kiba said reaching up. He almost had it when Neji walked by.

“Ino, Kiba. The Bobfather [Godfather] wants to see you now,” he said, not sounding too pleased.

Ino and Kiba walked into the room cautiously. Gaara waved his hand and they came closer to the desk. Ino looked up. “Uh…Bobfather… we founded this in our crib,” she held up a decapitated head of rocking-horse. Kiba nodded.

Gaara stood pounding his fists on the desk. “That’s what you get for putting your boogers on my teddy bear!”

Kiba perked up. “That’s here I left ‘em,” he said earning a shocked look from Ino.


Back on the dance floor the music that played was suddenly cut off. A man grabbed onto the microphone. “And now to welcome the newly wed couple Tsunade and Jiraya!” They both walked in as applause rang through the building.

“Ready to show how it’s really done,” Jiraya said leading Tsunade toward the dance floor. All the people in the room gather around to watch the dance. Kakashi stood watching when he felt someone nudge the side of his arm.

“Gonna get hitched anytime again soon.” Gai said giving Kakashi a wink. “’Cause I got a friend that I coul—“

“Uh that’s okay Gai,” Kakashi said trying to get away from the subject.

“Oh you should get another parent in the house. It’ll be good for Sasuke as well,” Kurenai said butting into the conversation.

Kakashi had adopted Sasuke a year ago and ever since then most of the surrounding couples continuously bugged him about his single parenting. Kakashi, on the hand, didn’t care much about it. Kakashi sighed as Kurenai and Gai continued the conversation even when he tuned out.

Meanwhile in the office, Sasuke stood fidgeting under Gaara’s gaze. “You’re like family to me Uchiha… name your wish.”

“Gosh Bobfather… I dunno what to wish for…” Sasuke said scratching his head.

Gaara groaned. “Just pick something!”

“Uh…. Um…”Sasuke began picking his nose as he stumbled.

“I didn’t mean your nose!”

Sakura busted into the room. Her pink flowery dress making it obvious that she wasn’t suppose to get dirty. “Sasuke, You’re going to miss that cake.” She quickly ran in and grabbed onto Sasuke’s hand dragging him out the room. Gaara grunted and followed them out.

As he was passing the food table Gaara noticed a small child sucking on a pacifier. He quietly crawled under the table and snatched the pacifier from the baby’s mouth and walked away before it could even start crying. As he continued down the table he found Neji, Hinata, Kiba, Ino, Sakura, and Sasuke eating cake. He popped the pacifier into Hinata’s mouth. “There ya go…” he started walking away, “It fell from a truck…”

“Wow…” Neji said amazed. “Your wish came true.”

Hinata smiled and nodded. In the background you could hear the sound of a baby crying.

The announced rang on the microphone again. “Okay everyone it’s time for a special dance between the children and their mothers.”

Hinata’s mother walked over and picked up both her and Neji, swaying with them in her arms. Sakura grabbed the hands of a tall pink-haired woman when began to dance. One by one women and their children gathered on the floor. Sasuke just stood in the corner watching. He spotted Gaara walking.

“Hey Gaara, I know my wish now….” He said running after him. He grabbed onto Gaara’s sleeve making him stop. “I would really like to have a new mommy.”

Gaara shrugged. “Sorry, Uchiha, that game’s over. Besides I’m wanted on the dance floor,” He said and ran straight into the arms of a tall blonde woman. She held Gaara up before swaying like the other mothers.

Sasuke frowned and backed into the corner. “But that’s my wish…” he said disappointed. As he watched, Kakashi sat at an empty table alone. He was beginning to realize that the table was feeling lonely. He stood and walked over to his son Sasuke.

“Ready to go?” Kakashi said smiling kindly. Sasuke nodded. Kakashi lift up Sasuke and put him on his back and walked out the door, away from the realization of loneliness.


Kakashi washed the last pot as he put the rest in the dishwasher. He got bored and decided to watch T.V. The house was quiet since he had put Sasuke to sleep and with no one to talk to loneliness cried from the walls. He sighed as a commercial for a perfect family played on the screen. “Hmm…” he thought to himself. He sighed and turned off the T.V. and walked to Sasuke’s room to check on him before heading to bed.

He looked at the sight of Sasuke cuddled up to his old bear. It was purple and had a broken eye and stitches everywhere. “Hmm…” he said thinking again. “I guess we could use a motherly touch around here.” He said noticing the messiness of the room. He sighed before heading off to bed.

The next morning Kakashi sat across from a computer. “Behold,” Gai said looking over Kakashi’s shoulder, “Youthful internet dating!”

Outside Sasuke looked though the window. “What are they doing?”

Neji shrugged. “I think my dad’s helping your dad catch some dates in a net.”

Sasuke stared at Neji confused. “What’s a date?”

“Big raisins that make you poop!” Kiba said.

Gaara walked out drinking a juice box. “What with you guys and poop?”

Neji laughed. “Where to you want us to begin?”

Inside the computer room, Gai laughed. “C’mon, internet dating is the new youthful way for expressing love and look you already have 13 hits.” He clicked the mailbox in the corner and 13 envelope lined up on the computer screen.

Kakashi sighed and decided to click on. “Well let’s see….likes sunsets, walking on sandy beaches… and is not allow in the country of Africa… Uh…I’m not sure about this…”

Back outside Gaara groaned. “I already told ya a thousand times. Dates are for people like Sasuke’s dad who don’t got no wife.”

Ino was still confused. “But why does he need a wife?”

Gaara sighed. “Cause if Kakashi gets a new wife that means Sasuke gets a new mommy!”

Sasuke perked up. “You mean I get my wish?

Gaara smirked and fiddled with his fingers. “As long as you stay in my good flavor [favor].”

Ino whispered to Kiba amused. “I don’t know he had a good flavor…”


Across the world in Paris, France men pushed box after box into one of their entertainment areas of the famous theme park known and Euro Reptarland. At the command center of the theater a man with long black hair yelled at a nearby man. “Get off your ass and get this show on the road!” He smile as he turned around to his assistant. “Aw don’t you just love the theater Kabuto?”

Kabuto shrugged but stopped when he felt a glare. “I am deeply moved, Orochimaru-sama,” he said avoiding the gaze. Orochimaru turned back and gazed at the man in the top box signaling for the lights. As he turned back forward the show began its practice run.

The people ran in the streets as the huge metal green lizard known as Reptar terrorized the town. People sang their parts under the suspecting eye of Orochimaru. Suddenly the metal robot Reptar sprang out of control the head suddenly popping off and smashing half of the audience seats. Many of the crew got out of the way and the robot stopped and fell to the ground. Orochimaru stared the damage.

He turned around. “Kabuto, get that dumbass of a mechanic in Paris tonight…. or another head will roll!” he threatened then continued to complain to the crewmen.

Kabuto nodded. “I’ll take care of it personally.” He stood and looked around the room. “IRUKA!!”

A man with a short brown pig-tail ran into the room, a notebook in his hands. A scar ran across his nose and he wore a causally green shirt and jeans. He panted as he came to the call of his bosses. “Yes, Sir!” he said.

“Orochimaru wants that man on the phone NOW!”

Iruka nodded as he pulled out his cell phone. He quickly dial the number, which he knew by heart. He waited until he heard the sound of Asuma on the other end. “Hello? Asuma-san?”

Asuma yawned. “Yeah that’s me… why?” Asuma had been sleeping along with the rest of the town when he received this phone call.

Iruka covered his mouth over the phone trying to keep the sound of Orochimaru’s complaining from reaching the phone. “The Reptar you created needs to be fixed….”

Asuma nodded sleepily. “The Reptar’s a hit?.... You want me Paris when… My friends and family… sure…goodnight.” Instead of hanging in on the hook he gave it to the cat who took it somewhere in the house. “Hey Kurenai, we’re going to France.”

Kurenai turned away from her husband. “I’m too tired to dance...”

“FRANCE!!!!!” the both shouted realizing what they had just agreed to.

To be continued…

Sizzla 02-25-2010 03:49 PM

I'm going to move this on over to the fanfiction subforum for you.

AshbornFox 05-12-2011 01:59 PM

woop woop! that was tottaly awesome- can't wait for you to continue!!! you matched the people perfictly! I LOVED THAT MOVIE!! though- since in the movie the chick in paris with the clip board was asian, it'd probably been better if you switched naruto and sasuke- but still, it was totally wickid!!! good lick!

AshbornFox 05-27-2011 01:52 PM

are u gonna write anymore on this???

yaoiboi 08-01-2011 01:25 AM

jhey i like yaoi

N • B ! L ! T Y ♥ 09-27-2011 04:52 AM

Ohh! This was awesome! I'm not much of a fan for Iruka and Kakashi, but I will read a well written one. This is turning out to be just that! And I love how you made Gaara act! He's a perfect Angelica... it was Angelica, right?
This is the first time I've ever come across such a random Naruto crossover, but it totally works. Keep on it, please!

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