Menewsha Avatar Community

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p o p p e t ♥ 06-28-2012 06:42 PM

•▒• Nomination Station •▒• {Closed for repair}
(Yes you can nominate more than one person and NO you cannot nominate yourself with your mule!) There will be first and second place prizes. If there is a tie for first place, there will still be a second place prize given. Prizes will vary depending on what I've got. If you would like to donate to the cause, feel free!
Click the "spoiler" and copy the nomination form below and paste it into your reply to this thread. Remember to quote it. Fill in the necessary information and I will add the user to the list of nominees. At the end of an undetermined amount of time (for now) whoever has been nominated most, wins a prize!


Username of nominee:
Nominated by: (insert your username here)
Literacy level (choose one): Literate/Semi-literate
How long have you been writing with this player?:
Response time when it's their turn (choose one): Same day/within a day or two/within the week/more than a week/totally random
Pros to writing with this player: (examples: creative, fun, always prompt, pays attention to detail - BE ELABORATE)
Cons to writing with this player: (examples: disappears from time to time, doesn't always read through other's posts, doesn't spell check)
Insert a quoted paragraph of this player's writing:

* Please, for goodness' sake people, be elaborate. I have way too many entries here that say "creative and fun". Come on, these players are going into our listings for other people to look at. If we have twenty "creative and fun" players, this whole entire contest was pointless. - Also, don't be afraid to be truthful. If you can't bring yourself to write the cons to playing with someone, they will never be able to improve! *
Read this before you make your nominations! Keep in mind that the answers listed here are subject to change without warning.

A. Yes! Please do! If everyone was only nominated once, we wouldn't have ourselves a contest, and no one would win!
A. Just post it here in the thread. If you're afraid I may not see it, feel free to ping me!
A. I have a selection of items, though they are mainly St. Patrick's Day t-shirts and balloons, as well as a few Easter items. If you would like to donate CI's, EI's, or commons to the cause, please feel free to send us your unused thangs!
A. I just got this babeh up and running again and I have not set a date yet. It will depend on how quickly the nominations roll in. I will post the date here as well as in the title of this thread when it has been decided.
A. Yes, as long as they also play actively here on Mene as well. The writing also needs to be in accordance with Mene's rules.
A. Of course you can! I just created the thread, I didn't die!
A. No, sorry, a player has to be nominated for his/her talents to be added to the listings. The skeleton used in the listings is taken from the Nomination Form and you can't fill that information in yourself, it would be biased.
A. Yes and no. A player needs to be nominated by other people to win in a single round. Once a new round begins, you can nominate the same people over again if you'd like, though you need to enter a different sample of their writing each time you nominate them.
A. Yes, I saw them! I have a three year old who I take out and do activities with almost every day on top of errands and housework. I'm also married and have a barnyard of animals! I'm a busy gal, but I promise, I haven't overlooked anyone. I will add them as I can, and double check before I end the contest! Please feel free to ping me if you're afraid I will or have overlooked your entry.
Link to us in your siggy or thread. You don't have to support us, but if you did, we'd love you forever and ever!

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Without these guys shoveling coals into the flame, our train would never leave the station. In other words, they've kept this thread going. And for that, we thank you!


5,000 G.

Spring Glade
Cheezy Romance

Kya Katsumi
Bargain Basement Costumes

Bunchi is ANGRY x8
Bunchi is Shy x9
Bunny Bag x8
Gold Shamrock Balloon x9
Bunny T shirt (f) x8
St. Paddy's Lucky White T (f) x9
St. Paddy's Extra Lucky Black T (f) x10
Shamrock Balloon x10
St. Paddy's Extra Lucky White T (f) x10
St. Paddy's Lucky Black T (f) x9
Silver Shamrock Balloon x9
Snowy Head Wrap
Atlantis Shell Bottoms
Atlantis Shell Bra
Atlantis String of Pearls
Tarzan's Top
Glass of Blood
Red Demonate Horn Headband
Aquamarine Fairy Tiara
Red Demonate Skirt
Red Demonate Tail
Female Vampire Teeth
Snow Bathing Shoes
Red Bathing Shoes x2
Meredith Hat - ocean
Demonate Mask (f)
Ragged Shirt (f)
Elsa's Shroud Dress (f)
Overlord's Wrath x2
Mystic Faun
Steampunk Headgear
Peeblo the Imp
Yin Yang
Bunnies x2
Peacock Scythe x2
Sleepy Time
Yumeh Plush x5
Kitsune and Caboodle x2
What the cluck...
Scepter of Chaos
Emerald Isle Gift Bag
Syne Battleaxe
Weather Forecast
Tome of Nightmares
Dark Crystal
Eyes of the Wild
Imperial Lucky Cat
Merkheti Legend
Blind Justice
Tapio Defender
Book of Daydreams
Tigra the Tiger
George the Alpaca

p o p p e t ♥ 06-28-2012 06:43 PM

p o p p e t ♥ 06-28-2012 06:44 PM


1st place tie:
Papillon Cameo

2nd place tie:
Kya Katsumi

p o p p e t ♥ 06-28-2012 06:44 PM

Literacy level: Semi-literate
Response time when it's their turn: Almost instantaneous.
Pros to writing with this player: He replies quickly and always gives everyone something to work with. He's amazing at taking on multiple characters just to help the roleplay along, and he really gets into character. He's fun.
Cons to writing with this player: Spelling mistakes.
A quoted paragraph of this player's writing:



Jared came in, and shook ash off him. He then cast a heated look over a gemini. "It's a wonder why my Brother love's you. You two are Polar Opposite's. "He said. then got smacked by Nemisis

Nemisis growled "Look, Though I don't agree with her ethic's sometime's, i know she's trying to think what's best. Cool it. "He said.

Literacy level: Literate
Response time when it's their turn: Pretty random, sometimes same day, sometimes over a week or so.
Pros to writing with this player: She's really creative and friendly, her characters are always original and super interesting, she plays males and females and likes to help plot!
Cons to writing with this player: She disappears from time to time.
A quoted paragraph of this player's writing:



Cursing fluently in his native tongue, he turned around and pressed his back against the dead end. Bastards had herded him here. "Poor little apprentice, did you think you could escape us?" One taunted gleefully, bringing the dagger that was still coated in his blood up to its lips and licking the red substance off. Shuddering in disgust, Kale's attention went from the vampires to the sudden vibration of the ground. He was new to the town and had so far never experienced anything like it, but the vampires seemed to know what it meant as the one with the knife seemed to grow all the more happier. Whatever was happening, the mage didn't want to be here alone with the vampires. Glancing at his tome, he grit his teeth and prepared to cast another fire spell. He knew for best results he should cast the lightning storm, but he wasn't in full control of the part of his element yet.

Stumbling along the shaking ground, he shot white hot flames at them, managing to accidentally hitting most of them but the leader. It was enough for him, he took off running again, blinding sending out balls of the flame behind him. Falling to his knees at a particularly bad rumble, the sound of screams and alarms confusing him as he tried to find his fallen book. What on earth was happening to this town? Grunting as a glass showered down on him, his hand reached his book. Pulling the bound stack of papers closer, he moved to stand, to get further away.

He kept stumbling, but gladly as far as he could tell, the vampire was no longer chasing him. He sighed in acceptance, summoning a small glow of orange light so he could see, he decided it might be the best idea to rest for now. Curling his protective cloak tighter to his body, he sat as close the the edge of the building as possible, his eyes slipping closed in a light doze.

Arc Angel
Literacy level: Literate
Response time when it's their turn: Within a day or two.
Pros to writing with this player: Her posts are always interesting. She's creative, fun, encouraging and patient.
Quoted paragraphs of this player's writing:



Talon stared down at the porcelain doll blankly for a moment before his eyebrows drew together. Had it just blinked? His body stiffened in place, jaw tensing to render him speechless as the form before him moved to sit up. This affirmed his prior thoughts, which had lead him to believe that he was seeing things, such was appraently not the case. The doll clad in a light blue dress was here, sitting before him, looking straight at him. Clearing his throat a bit, he made a hesitant assumption, "You can speak too, can't you?"

He had heard countless rumors of his estranged uncle, who'd apparently died of a freak accident just a few years ago. Yet, of all the rumors of voices coming from his house, the stories of his ability to make things come to life--, well, none of them paralleled one of the memories Talon actually still held of the man. He had been just seven years old the first time he'd gone to his uncle's house, and there he witnessed a sight destined to stay etched in his mind. His mother had pleaded with her brother to take her son in for the night so that she could tend to their father in the hospital, and the soft-spoken, older gentleman had agreed. The night had been pleasant, and the two had gotten along swimmingly, however what Talon remembered the most wasn't something he'd experienced alongside his uncle. Rather, it was something he'd seen his uncle doing. During the night, he had awoke with a start, hearing voices down the hall. The younger Talon had crept down the hall to see what was going on, believing his mother had come early for him, but he was delighted and awestruck to see his uncle sitting in his armchair speaking with a wide array of antique toys.

Somehow, though he hadn't expected his childhood memory to have been entirely factual, this was the reason his surprise wasn't any greater. Still, his gaze locked upon the doll intently, cautious though accepting of its ability to move.

Taking another bite of the cooked chicken that was held on a small stick, she let herself relax a bit. It seemed whatever lesser demon that had been making its way to the village was lying low for now so she should have plenty of time to at least finish the food she had purchased. She didn't often trust the human merchants of towns like this, but she had to eat something to keep her human form in shape. This thoughts in mind, she shifted the neckline of her kimono, paranoid of the gills she knew protruded from her neck on either side. She was alone for now, but if a human were to see them-- she shook her head and sighed, throwing down the wooden stick she'd been eating from as she took the last bite of the chicken. Another riot was the last thing she wished for from this town. Besides, it would be a bit troublesome seeing that one of her precious katana was still in the room she had rented at the village inn.

Athilea Majiri
Literacy level: Literate
Response time when it's their turn: More than a week.
Pros to writing with this player: She interacts with her environment, is descriptive, and her posts show evidence of thought and work in them.
Cons to writing with this player: She disappears from time to time.
A quoted paragraph of this player's writing:



Somewhere, far in the distance, Cithien thought she heard a scream. Either her mind was playing tricks on her, or there was trouble. From the sounds of it she was to far away to do any good, though. The woman struggled with this for a moment before she sighed and went about the small town asking questions of someone passing through recently. She would be looking for a young woman that was, perhaps, not used to travel and looked more at home in the larger cities.

She met with nothing. No information. There was someone that passed through, but she did not fit any of the information she was given. That was annoying, to say the least. Still, she would find the girl. Of that she had no doubt. So, once she was certain that her horse was well rested and watered, she climbed back onto him and started him down the path, through the village. How far was she off course? Did the girl find a different route from her? Perhaps, but she didn't really think so.

Literacy level: Semi-literate
Response time when it's their turn: Totally random.
Pros to writing with this player: She's creative, fast at replying and understanding.
A quoted paragraph of this player's writing:



Knew this was going into deep water, so he decide to let it go before he gets to deep. Clark shakes his head "Uhh its nothing..I guess I'm just abit paranoid about being turn down." shrugged alittle. But he was glad to hear that Lex would say now that just leave his dad to behave himself. "Oh cool now just make sure dad will be on his best behavior..but I'm sure mom will take care of it. Lets go." He turns and heads back to the house. Martha was staring out of the screen door wondering what was taking Clark so long from the mail box.

"Whats he doing here?" Jonathan had saw Lex pull up when he had return to the house. Martha looks over at her husband and shakes her head "Please don't start anything, Jonathan. Clark will never forgive you if something happens." says moving over to set another plate at the table on the other side where Clark sits at the table. Jonathan sighs figures he should but he still couldn't trust the guy but he would try his best to behave himself.

Literacy level: Literate
Response time when it's their turn: Within a day or two, rarely longer.
Pros to writing with this player: Chi is really fun, her characters are always very original and interesting and she's super creative!
A quoted paragraph of this player's writing:



Arlotte ran through the streets with increasing speed -- the slaughtering was finally beginning tonight. This town was to be in shambles very soon, covered with corpses and blood. Even though the scent of blood permeated the air heavily, the vampiric vampire slayer did not have the tiniest urge to feed herself. The smell of blood was extremely repulsive. It had been somewhere around 200 years since she'd been changed, and never had she fed from a human. If she was desperate, she'd go for a small animal, but nothing more.

Sprinting faster, she could smell gun power and residue in the air. Someone probably shot a vampire. Following the scent, Arlotte eventually met a wounded, whimpering, and writhing vampire. She seemed to be hit with a normal bullet -- it wasn't anything that was supposed to kill her. "Let me... end your suffering, you wretched creature," she cooed quietly. Swiftly, the girl drew her silver blade -- an old katana she'd stolen from a shop over a century ago -- and pierced the monster's chest. Immediately, she stopped moving. It was over. Dead. "May God have mercy on your empty soul," Arlotte mumbled, her light British accent echoing through the air for a few seconds. That phrase was like her prayer. No matter who she killed, she would always chant that one phrase in a soft voice -- perhaps she hoped that God would have mercy on her when she was killed, or perhaps she truly wanted these creatures, who used to be human, to have another chance.

Sighing, Arlotte sped out of the area, down a littered alley, and placed the blade back in its sheath. The smell of human blood was now too much to ignore. That vampire must have attacked someone. At the same time. the scent of other vampires filled the air -- Shit, they've come to finish the job.

In no time at all, Arlotte was met with two other humans -- obvious human since she could smell their blood, hear it pumping through their veins. Her heightened hearing could make our quickening footsteps behind her. "You both need to get out of here. Trust me or not, you have to go." She stared at the two with scarlet eyes before turning around and drawing her sword again.

Literacy level: Literate
Response time when it's their turn: Within the week.
Pros to writing with this player: Fun, easy going, willing to enjoy a mystery, finds ways to interact with all our crazy characters.
Cons to writing with this player: Disappears from time to time, but she always has a really good reason.
A quoted paragraph of this player's writing:



"So class, we will be painting today." Daisy was looking at Ms. Oleander as she demonstrated the different strokes. She knew most of these but she wasn't going to say anything. After a while Daisy looked at Alex. Alex was staring at the board and focusing. Daisy was surprised because he looked so serious. Ms.Oleander had them move to the art stations. They had a small canvas infront of them on a stand and they were all spread apart from eachother. Ms.Oleander explained what we had to do.

Around five minutes later Ms.Oleander let us start painting out own thing. We had to paint a picture by the end of the club. Daisy thought about what she should paint. Alex had already started. Ms.Oleander told us not to look at each others paintings until the end. Ms.Oleander was coming around and putting a tall barrier between us and our fellow artists. "How fun~" Daisy lifted her brush and started painting with ease. She used a flick of her wrist to add a thick line, then a series of smaller ones to add thinner ones. She was going to paint a cliff that overlooked the ocean. She wanted it to be night too. Daisy continued to paint furiously and with a graceful composure she stopped and stared.

Alex had stopped and was eyeing his painting, checking for mistakes. He wanted to add more to this simple painting. He was painting a simple dark room with a girl hanging from the ceiling. The young girl was holding a teddy bear in her left hand and her heart to the right. A little bit of light from the window was all you could see. It lightly illuminated the hanging girl and made the mood seem more sinister than it already was. Sadly, Alex didn't know what to add. He was thinking of adding more value to the nightgown the girl was wearing but he dismissed that thought. Then it came to him... "You forgot the blood and the hole where her heart should be! Idiot!"

Daisy started to paint a girl sitting at the cliffs edge, hair flowing in the wind. The girl had her knees pulled to her chest and her right arm was extended with a single rose in it. Daisy was thinking of adding more when Ms. Oleander told us to stop. Daisy had never painted this fast and she was surprised she could get all of the values in. It usually took her weeks to do something, eventhough this was a pretty small canvas. She didn't put that much detail, if she did she would still be doing the background. The only thing in her background was a silver moon and some half-assed stars. This would have to do though, I mean, they only had a half hour. It wasn't even the end of the art club yet. Why had they stopped. Daisy wondered for a bit and Ms. Oleander started picking up the large board barriers we had between us.

Literacy level : Literate
Response time when it's their turn: Within the week, sometimes longer.
Pros to writing with this player: She's super fun and nice, her characters are always very original and interesting, she almost always plays male characters which is great since there aren't many of those around, she's ridiculously creative, writes great detailed posts and is a great friend!
Cons to writing with this player: Sometimes you have to prod her a little for replies, but it's totally worth the wait!
Quoted paragraphs of this player's writing:



"I won't leave you," Nym said quietly, stroking Scarlett's back and shoulders. Taking in her freshly clean scent, the blond smiled a bit. "You won't be losing me any time soon. I've made up my mind about all this." He was a fiercely stubborn man, too. He would stay with Scarlett, no matter what now.
The feeling of her fingers entwining with his made Nym close his eyes. He shifted so there was little space between them. This was heaven. He wanted to stay like this forever and not leave this moment. This is where they belonged: together. "I'm hard to kill," he whispered into her hair, brushing the dark curls away so he could kiss her again. "You know that." But her fear was reasonable. In a world like this, once someone walked away . . . it was possible that they wouldn't come back.

Cypher watched from a window as a cab pulled up. She frowned when she saw someone get out, and then stood still as there was a knock on the door. She stayed in her room, her silver eyes lingering on the vehicle as it began to drive back the way it had come. But . . . there was movement.
"Zane?" she whispered, watching the male get into the taxi. "Where are you going?" A burden of sadness overcame her so suddenly, a tear slid over her cheek. "Come back. Please come back." Her words grew a bit louder, but he would never hear her. He couldn't. There was glass between them.

Cali closed her eyes, turning away from the scene. Zane was leaving. He was really leaving. I won't leave this estate, Zane. You know that. She hadn't since everything had fallen apart. It was her duty to be guardian to what was left of a once-glorious family. This was her place. She wouldn't go after Zane.
"Please, return."

Literacy level: Literate
Response time when it's their turn: Roughly once or twice a week. Usually more.
Pros to writing with this player: Lovely flow of conflict - she knows when to be angry and when to be happy. She also knows when to amp up the drama!
Cons to writing with this player: No problems other than natural delays in the written responses.
A quoted paragraph of this player's writing:



Then she felt it, dimly though the pain but she was sure that he had shifted her in an odd...oh god. Something cold tore through her chest. She felt every bit of it. The tearing of her flesh and muscles and a coppery taste invaded her mouth. But she wasn't looking at Abel anymore, just over his shoulder she stared at the face of the person who had just...just killed her.

His face was just like how she had last seen him. pale skin, a mouth that warmed her when it twisted up into a smile, blindfold tied tightly over his eyes covering just a bit of his nose as well.His silver hair caught the light like it always did.His hair really was getting too long. She had to remember to bug him about cutting it later.

The blackness ate up all of her vision and she would have found it peaceful if it hadn't been for the hard surface she collided with and something warm but loud that was keeping her from enjoying her blackness. She wished it would stop.

Literacy level: Semi-literate.
Response time when it's their turn: Same day.
Pros to writing with this player: Finx is a girl of few words, but what she does say speaks volumes. She works really hard to create her character before joining a role-play; from the name to the biography all the way to a very carefully chosen picture. Finx is smart and has high standards, and she doesn't take any crap. She's fun and creative with intelligent posts and perfect Tom-boyish acting.
Cons to writing with this player: Sometimes she doesn't write very much.
Quoted paragraphs of this players writing:



"What now?" Finx said putting it down and traveled the short distance to dracula's castle "hello child." dracula said hugging her finx hugged back "I heard about you're wedding and I'm so happy." "I don't think it will happen." finx said leaning into his chest "why not?" dracula asked patting her head "I can't marry someone like him. Yuo don't have a sister right?" "Not that I'm aware of I was an only child just like you. Why?" "Just making sure some fruit bag showed up at my almost wedding claiming to be you're sister child and jared invited her." finx said with a cross look "Really?" "really." "So now you hate him for inviting people you don't know?" "Partly that partly my door partly he doesn't get alot of things."

Finx stood beside the door ready to leave to find the others and eat with them but she wasn't ready to let them know she was a girl what if one of them asked her to be theirs before jared did? what would she do then? No she would go back to her room. She bowed to the queens before going to leave.

Anna noticed finx standind there about to leave "Why don't you join us finx?" anna asked as rena sat down to the left of her queen her usual spot.

Literacy level: Literate
Response time when it's their turn: Within a day or two.
Pros to writing with this player: Very creative, good at description, carries the story really well, keeps the thread fresh and alive, good character background and development.
Cons to writing with this player: Disappears from time to time.
A quoted paragraph of this player's writing:



Carter made it to the garden without a moment to spare. All he saw was a black-haired man on the ground beside his gun, and the other kick Aquarius into the pond. Water. Salt water, by the smell. It would hurt her, though hurt was certainly an understatement. A fiery anger rose up inside him as the man stepped over the pond where she lay, seemingly frozen by what she felt. Gritting his sharp teeth, he flew across the garden, crushing some flowers in the process, and when the man turned around, he brought up his foot well above his own head, striking him in the forehead. He stumbled back, over a stray rock that probably came from the pond, and fell. Carter fell on top of him, rolling him onto his stomach and pressing his knee into his back. He slid the blade’s stainless metal across the assailant's neck, letting blood stain the ground, and though he could have left the man to bleed out, twisted his head around so swiftly he clearly heard the snap.

Spinning around, he found the other man sitting up, reaching for his weapon. He leapt forward, kicking the gun away and letting it skitter under a bush, out of sight. The man shot up, grabbing Carter's hair. He kneed the surviving stalker in the stomach and kicked him back, pulling off his belt and smacking him with the buckle as hard as he could in the jaw. It left a red mark, and sent the larger man over a bit. With a moment to spare, he twisted the belt around the man's neck and, with the knife, dug a new hole into the leather and tightened it to where he couldn’t easily breathe. Pushing him into the tree behind, Carter took the knife and thrust it into the man’s shoulder, pinning him there and growling at the fool’s strangled cry of pain.

As the adrenaline wore off, rain started to fall. Instantly, he recalled the source of his anger. Aquarius’s pain. He rushed to the pond, using the remaining adrenaline-fueled strength to haul her up. He remembered her saying that pure water didn't hurt as much as salt. It would help her regain movement, perhaps enough to where he could help her into the house. Taking the lightweight jacket from the dead man, he knelt at her side and wiped the water from her face. "Aqua? C'mon, you’re all right, you're okay now. Can you hear me? We have to get out of the rain…" He bent close to her, listening for signs of response. But the scream she had let out was still ringing like an omen in his head.

Literacy level: Semi-literate
Response time when it's their turn: Within a day or two.
Pros to writing with this player: She's a great idealist, has near perfect spelling, is a savior when the role-play is in trouble of dying, and act's out the scene like she's in it. With Gemini, it is obvious that she takes her roleplays to heart. She uses characters that most under dogs can realate to, one can feel the emotions she puts into her words.
Cons to writing with this player: There are instances where the 'fourth wall' has been broken, meaning direct references to the inspiration of the play have been mentioned in the play. She disappears once or twice every other month.
Quoted paragraphs of this player's writing:



in her dreams,gemini envisioned a child.a little boy who kept calling to her,but she couldn't see his face."wait! what's your name? where are your parents?" but the little boy only shook his head and ran away."wait! little boy! wait!"
"wait...wait!" she spoke in her sleep,tossing and turning.suddenly,she shot upright,her breathing ragged as if she had been running."wait!"

Taking a bite of her pizza, Rosemary shook her was hot, but she didn't seem to notice.she chewed thoughtfully for a moment, then swallowed."no...I always had the chance to be friends with her, and with alot of other people, but I never took it.I like Rika, she's nice, but I just don't care about her enough to make the effort.besides, I'm practically a recluse, and she grew up normal.she has a life and friends on the outside, and outside is a place I have never's always that way.I wanted to make friends, but I came from a world that was too different from theirs.I didn't belong on the outside, with the healthy, active people.I always belonged inside, in the dark, something people could see but never the ice princess.that's what they called me.beautiful but cold and unreachable, untouchable, distant.I never belonged out there.and I never let anyone else in one else belonged to the dark like one but you..." She said, a faraway look in her eyes.suddenly, she shook her head and looked at him, realizing he had asked a question."the pizza? Yeah, its great! Best you've ever tasted, guaranteed.especially if you put alot of parmesean cheese on it." She said with forced brightness.she took a restaurant style cheese shaker from the table, where she always kept it, and shook a sizable portion onto her slice of pizza."try it, you'll like it.and if you want, you can use the parmesean, too."

Literacy level: Semi-literate to literate.
Response time when its their turn: Within a day or two.
Pros to writing with this player: His characters are really well thought out, and he has realistic character development. His posts are long and easy to work off of, and he never forgets to respond to someone. He offers a wonderful amount of information.
Cons to writing with this player: Sometimes his grammar isn't the best and he can disappear.
Quoted paragraphs of this players writing:



Hearing the first two people to speak up just happened to be the male named Hunter and Vixen saying that they had liked the idea of having a spar between one another. Well, there were two people who agreed to the idea now if the others would agree as well then they could actually spar with one another. In hopes that their powers would awaken much more to the point that they could possibility master them. When Vixen had came up with the idea of starting a little mini tournament as a playful joke so that they could also have fun with the sparring matches rather than have it as a plain old boring fighting one another. Tenshi couldn't help but look over at her with a nervous smile. It was rather shocking to him how she was so excited about this when they were simply just training to take down someone who could destroy the whole digital realm and possibility even the human realm. His attention was soon returned over toward Garrie and the others as Tenshi held both his arms out to them all for a moment. "So? What do you guys say? Sparring match and a little tournament for the fun of it?"

Shin during this time had continued to listen and watch all the events play out as he soon enough shook his own head at doubting that his master would even have a bit of trouble if these newcomers mastered their powers. To him, his master was the strongest being in the entire digital realm and even possibility the human realm as well. Soon enough, when he had gained control of everything, not a single soul would dare stand in his path.

(No idea what to write for Shin at this point xD
and as for his past, I lovers it :D)

While Tenshi was helping the rest of the group with finding more and more rocks to shoot toward the large beast; each time they had gathered enough rocks, the sound of the voice from the neko male shouting out fire was heard. Right after the rocks were fired toward the large beast that was getting closer and closer, hearing a loud painful roar come from the beast. Tenshi was obviously able to tell that they were able to at least hurt it; although something was coming to his mind. What happened to Yukito? His raven hadn't returned yet. Tenshi was truly becoming worried about him as he kept on gathering rocks; while telling himself within his own mind that his raven was doing just fine as well that he would come back just fine too. However, Tenshi could only dream of that as he heard a loud crow-like noise come out of nowhere from throughout the entire plains. His own eyes widened up in shock to hear the painful crow-noise come from the direction where the beast was. "Yukito!!" he called out in sorrow, throwing all the rocks that he had gathered in his hands to the ground; running straight toward the direction where he heard the crow. Tenshi knew he was heading straight toward the beast, so rather than going directly forward; he took a couple of detours through the woods to make it toward the large grassy plains so that he could reach where his raven was.

Within a couple of minutes of running, Tenshi was able to quickly make it toward where he had heard his raven call out in pain. It wasn't too difficult to locate Yukito since he was the darkest thing around the entire plain of green grass. "Yukito!!" Tenshi called out once more in shock to see how his raven was laying on the ground; bleeding an uncontrollable amount of blood, along with his wings broken as though someone had just snapped a branch. Running straight up to his raven, Tenshi kneeled against him with tears rolling down both his cheeks. "Don't you dare die Yukito!!...I...I mean it!...I..I won't forgive you if you die!!" he spoke out toward his raven, while his own voice was breaking down from how many tears were rolling down his cheeks. Yukito was the only other family member he had left in this whole world, even though he was just a bird; it was something that made him feel much more comfortable when he lost his parents and best friend.

"Someone!...H..Help! P..Please! Help me!!.." Tenshi immediately screamed out as loud as he could, not caring if even the large beast that was charging toward the group had heard him or not. He wanted to do anything he could to keep his raven alive, even if it meant his life; he would've done anything he could to keep it alive. Although soon enough, when the painful crowing noise stopped from Yukito; Tenshi's eyes widened up in shock as the tears stopped for a moment. Slowly looking back down toward the grassy floor toward his raven, his eyes stayed widened up in shock for a few moments to see that his raven had completely stopped moving all together. Not a single noise came from the raven, not even a single inch moved from how much pain it must've been in. " cant b-be...Yukito...No!!...No!!!!" he screamed out, as the tears continued once more to roll down his cheeks; Tenshi's anger, sadness, and dark heart within himself began to grow even more as the grassy plains around him began to blow as though there was a storm brewing around. Even though all it was, was simply Tenshi's aura sky-rocketing over it's limit. His own breathing began to become much more heavy as his wings began to spread out to their opposite sides.

The sky over the large grassy plains began to darken, while Tenshi's body began to become covered in darkness from how much sadness filled his body. Slowly standing up to his feet, he glared over the direction of where the beast was charging after the group. "I'll tear you to pieces..." he whispered quietly to himself with his own face hidden within all the darkness that surrounded his body. Immediately within a couple of seconds of staring toward where the beast was, Tenshi's whole body vanished as he bolted forward toward where the beast was. His feet barely touching the ground from his wings allowing him to hover just above the ground to move much faster. "I...I'll kill you...." he continued to whisper to himself while the tears kept rolling down his cheeks from how angry he was.

Literacy level: Semi-literate
Response time when it's their turn: Same day.
Pros to writing with this player: Fun and creative.
A quoted paragraph of this player's writing:



A tall man dressed from head to toe in black, made his way down the rode. His name was Vlad, and he had just coming form a meeting of the vampire council, and it seemed that the angel where going to start coming down much harder on them. He licked the blood from his lips and managed a smile, those week little angel, didn't understand anything. A vampire such as himself, required blood to live, and human or angel blood was the best source of nourishment for a vampire.If anything he could care less about the humans or the angels, in the end the where little more then food. So if the angels wanted to fight back, and passably expose the vampires to the humans, he would have to help the council to deal with the angel, no mater what it took.

Literacy level: Literate
Response time when it's their turn: Usually within the day.
Pros to writing with this player: Inuyami is great with spelling, grammar and character development. She's creative She has long thoughtful posts, great adaptability and is perfect when ideas are in a shortage.
Cons to writing with this player: She sometimes disappears.
Quoted paragraphs of this player's writing:



The sight of the man bowing befoe her set Shaylin into a panic. What was this guy doing; is he serious? She wasn't sure weather to take this man's word or not. How could she? A man, whom she'd never met before, comes offering oodles of money then tells her she's some sort of heir to the Black Queen's throne? This couldn't be real.

"Wha....what? No, not me.. I'm... not I mean... I'm no princess. I'm an Everhart." Shaylin said as the questions inside her belly began to bubble again. She tough of how much lighter her hair was then her mother's blond hair was or how no one else shared her ocean blue eyes. Perhaps the feelings she's held inside where true all along.


From across the market, Mckenzie had since finished her morning chores and arrends when she noticed Shaylin speaking with the man who'd been at the shop earlier. She stood and watched as they spoke. He showed her something and a moment later was on he knee.What in the world? Is he... proposing? Mckenzie's mind raced and soon her curiosity got the better of her and she made her way over.

"Yo, Shaylin, who's this?" She asked rudely interupting the mage's sincear pleaging of alleagance.

In the back of the cave, which was only about twenty feet deep, the sound of chains cut threw the air and passed Todd's ears. There was something inside, it was alive and still moving. The chain noise began to grow violent as the demoness within awoke and recalled her predicament. A moment passed and the sound of the chains subsided in the darkness.

"If you've come to kill me I assure you that you lose your life long before I lose mine!" The demonesses voice was plain and low. She spoke slowly as she's heard her father do her whole life. It was a way to intimidate others and mask her true powers.

As Inokumaru made his way down the path and towards Gemini and Miko, he could sence their energy signatures and smell them. Kitsune, doubtlessly, but there was a touch of something else. Perhaps it was the blooms of sakura in the trees, or perhaps one of the females ahead was of some sort of special interest. It was a strange smell, a smell that he hadn't yet encountered in his life

The gap between the half demon and the kitsune closed and soon the black and blue haired male spotted Gemini and her small white companion. They didn't pose any threat to him, and he had no desire to start any sort of fight with either of them. He passed the two, shifting his eyes slightly to watch Gemini as she passed him. What is that smell... there is something about her. Inokumaru thought as she vanished from his field of vision. To Inokumaru's misfortune, his momentary laps of mental weakness let loose to his exaustion and her fell face first to the ground.

"....damn.... it..." He muttered to himself, his eyes clenched tightly as he cursed himself more inside his own mind. He hated to be weak or vulnerable, it was even worse no that he'd just passed such an intriging woman who would inevitably of heard the thud he'd made when he landed in the dirt.

Literacy level: Literate
Response time when it's their turn: Within a day or two.
Pros to writing with this player: He carries the story, interacts with those around him, and his character actually does more than stand there.
A quoted paragraph of this player's writing:



I see, he said as he lowered her to the ground. Looking towards the door he saw the wolf and met its gaze. Unsure of what to make of it, he asks the girl "Friend of yours?"

Kat Dakuu
Literacy level: Literate
Response time when it's their turn: Within the week
Pros to writing with this player: Light hearted, easy going, willing to discuss ways to twist the story.
Cons to writing with this player: Short responses.
A quoted paragraph of this player's writing:



Jay wasn't sure why the fuck he was chasing this guy. What was he going to do if he caught up? Thankfully, the man just hopped in a car parked by the curb and let off a few shots in Jay's direction. They were ill aimed so they flew wide. He ducked behind the trash can just in case though. He heard the car start, silence, then suddenly the air exploded with noise. Jay covered his ears, cowering further behind the trashcan as shrapnel scrapped his arm and heat surely gave him an instant sunburn.

Long seconds passed before he realized the explosion had ended, it was just the sound that was continuing in his ears. He crawled out, dazed, trying to find something familiar. He spotted an arm and wide puppy eyes beneath it.

"Kitten!" he yelled. He heard himself like he was yelling underwater. "Kitten!" he yelled again as he crawled frantically toward her, the ringing slowly dissipating in his ears.

Katie Scarlett Divine
Literacy level: Literate
Response time when it's their turn: Response time is rather good! She's always quick about it.
Pros to writing with this player: Super fun, amazing sense of how a girl would respond to a guy in most situations, and good with coming up with back stories for the plot.
Cons to writing with this player: Not many downfalls! Perhaps sometimes a lack of motivation.
A quoted paragraph of this player's writing:



Within moments Scarlett was out the door. Once she was in the street she saw who was shooting the bullets. "Hey asshole! Your gonna get us all killed!" She called, yet quietly. Though the damage was done already. She could already hear the screams of the infected coming towards the street they were on. "Zach, Hide Lily!" She called into the shop.

Scarlett charged down the street to confront the male but stopped dead in her tracks. "OF ALL THE FREAKING MEN STILL ALIVE IN THIS FREAKING COUNTRY!" She yelled, recognizing the man as her ex. She took out her .45 pointing it at him. "Your so lucky I don't shoot you where you stand." She growled, shooting a bullet at the ground near his foot. She then rolled her eyes, shooting him a glare and going back into the shop. "It's too late, the hoards coming. Get Lily up somewhere high and don't let that guy in, whatever you do." She warned.

She just couldn't get over how the one man she wanted dead was still alive. The man that had cheated on her, but then the next day came running back to her and saying he loved her, not the girl from the bar. But she wasn't stupid, so luckily she had dumped him.

Aurelia ran swiftly behind the blonde male trying to keep up. "Why are you drawing the zombies too us!? How stupid are you!" She screamed, her voice cracking at her anger. Her long blonde hair blew gently behind her when she noticed a pretty woman charge out of a pawn shop and yell at the man she was with. "Who the hell's that!?" She asked, jumping when the woman shot at the ground by her companions feet.

"You better be getting me out of here! You know I can't shoot a gun and I'd hate to get blood on my new dress!" She groaned, looking down at her pretty light pink dress that matched her pink slightly heeled shoes. She had been at work during the outbreak, and hadn't had time to change.

Literacy level: Literate
Response time when it's their turn: Same day to a week.
Pros to writing with this player: Kilia is a strong role-player who offers creativity and is a big help in moving an idea forward.
Cons to writing with this player: Sometimes Kilia's ideas can get ahead of others and cause the story to take unexpected directions.
A quoted paragraph of this player's writing:



Leo chuckled as he easily let the gun go as his friend took it from him, laughing as he slowly followed him out of the home, a grin on his face, he couldn't help teasing the male. "All i am saying Andy is that there are not that many girls in this village and she is one of the good ones." he said to him as he laughed some more, clapping him on the back as they headed down the dusty road that was laid out before them, his eyes scanned the village, noting everyone that was in it. "I still think that you should find someone. It may do you some good, besides she is one of the most adventurous girls your going to find here." he said to him as he pulled his knife out and started to pick at his nails with it.


Blake frowned, his head jerking towards a certain direction, he cursed considering the day just started but he couldn't really use his power to make the person lost and his daughter wasn't there to use her power to blind anyone that came upon them. So the male did his best to make it as dark as he could with the morning light seeping into the forest. It was a failed attempt as he heard someone go crashing to the ground, his black wings flew open as he shield Finx from the person, taking a deep breath as he let it out slowly. It took all his strength to pull the darkness around them, to hide them from the female, already hearing whispers within the darkness, though he didn't show it as what was shown of his face began to look deadly. "You have no right to be here, human. You are better off leaving this place and living else were. Forget what you have seen." he said to her in an equally as mysterious voice that seemed to echo as he spoke, he was clearly very protective, dead serious and not wanting such a confrontation like this at the moment, it was far to early after all.

Kirin Rosenbaum
Literacy level: Literate
Response time when it's their turn: Same day.
Pros to writing with this player: Always around to role-play with, doesn't mind putting up with my drama stuck into the story and has unique characters.
Cons to writing with this player: Really short posts.
A quoted paragraph of this player's writing:



Kirin puts a protective arm around her. With his magic he creates a light that floats in front of them. He looks around.

Literacy level: Literate to advanced literate.
Response time when it's their turn: Same day.
Pros to writing with this player: He gives you a heads up when he's going to be away or something, responds very fast, and is extremely enthusiastic about writing. He tries to keep everyone engaged and comes up with cool characters. He has colorful posts.
Cons to writing with this player: Sometimes misses things but if you give him a heads up he'll fix it.
Quoted paragraphs of this players writing:



Liore sighed, not like he had much of a choice in the matter. Sophie was missing apparently, and all signs pointed to the manor. He nodded to Men in respoonse to his question, giving the it's fine without actually saying anything response. He hoped the woman was safe, and hadn't ruinec their mission. He paused as a strange wave of nasuea toom over his stomach, but he kept it to himself thinking now was not the best time to bring up that he felt like puking. He looked up at the tree in front of him and pausrd. "What the..." reaching up, he pulled a blacj ribbon off of one of the branches. It was most likely silk, but where hd it come from?

---------- Post added 07-12-2012 at 07:54 AM ----------

Fang glared, and stepped forward a bit. His muscles felt stiff against the cold in the room, but he ignored it for the time being. He looked at the female darkly then at Cheshire holding the mirror. He was not one much for violence against females, he was usuLly a gentleman. In this case however, he allowed his nails to lengthen a bit, he could feel his snake DNA begining to work, the poison that coursed through his body moving to prepare for an attack. He waited for the perfect moment, when she crossed to the eyes, before grabbing her wrist. His nails dug in, and his venom unknowingly floated into her system. "You are forbidden to be in here" he spoke with clear annoyance in bis voice.

---------- Post added 07-12-2012 at 08:20 AM ----------

cheshire smiled, this was unfolding deliciously indeed. He watched Fang begin conversing with Sophie, as Reina eyed him. He gives her an innocent wink and then laughs a bit to himself. He wondered how Sophie would fair if he vanished and left her there, he doubted though if she could handle a two on one fight not knowing what she was up against. He sighed, so many options, but he could only choose just one.

Vincent smirked as the guy ordered the cuffs taken off of him, he was either really strong, or really stupid. Then again, attacking the warden would only land him in solitary, and that would mean no more play time with the other inmates. He plopped down into the seat offered, as he listened to the question asking if he was enjoying it here. Vincent smirks and tilts his head back to look at the ceiling. "Oh of course" he laughed knowing it would probrably be a slight shock to answer so positively, "just like back hom only...more prisony." He was trying not to laugh again, so he turned his attention back on the warden.

Was this guy really the warden? Looked sort of like a chick to him. Eh, then again pretty faces in this place were both blessings and curses. Though he could tell by the guy's eyes, that there was something dark there to. He noticed his filez, and smirked. People here were always reading files. To Vincent, files were useless, a bunch of words on paper could only tell so much. They couldn't give you experience or first hand other words, a bunch of workds onpaper...were a waste of time. He noticed though his family file, open on the desk a picture of his mom, dad, and even his little sister looked back at him. Vincent's parents had always blamed him for what happened to her.

His mind wanted to go back to that memory, but he stopped it. No use in livin in the past. Something that wasn't really his fault. Usually Vincent was very picky of what he was accused of. He was blunt and honest in personality, they type where he would admit if he did it, and deny only what he didn't. He did not like being accused of false things, but liked taking credit for what he had actually done. In this case however it had been pointless with his parents, so he had given up long ago. He wondered if his sister's case was in his files..that his parents had literally turned in their own son as a suzpect. He had never been found guilty or convicted of it, but that incident, her death, had helped initiate events that led to where he was now.

Krieger Engel
Literacy level: Semi-literate
Response time when it's their turn: Totally random
Pros to writing with this player: Creative and fun
A quoted paragraph of this player's writing:



Lex sat in his office, he was hearing about how all of these people were being saved miraculously, and he couldn't help, but, to think about that day he ran into Clark Kent on the bridge. Clark was his best friend and somehow he survived being hit head on, Lex kept the car that was pulled out of the water later on to examine anything that might give a clue to how he was find without any wounds.

Normal people would've died, anyone else would've been in a coma, or even the slightest bit hurt, however, Clark wasn't. Clark even saved Lex's life that day, if it wasn't for him, he would've died. Clark was usually busy with school unlike Lex who was busy running his share of his father's company trying to get others to trust him. No one could trust Lionel Luthor for all the things he had done in the past.

Literacy level: Literate
Response time when it's their turn: Same day or within a day or two, within the week.
Pros to writing with this player: He's so much fun, his characters are always really original and well put together with awesome back stories, he pays attention to detail and is creative and friendly. He's funny, prompt and detailed. It's really engaging how Kry types out the thoughts and feels of his characters.
Cons to writing with this player: His posts can sometimes be short.
Quoted paragraphs of this player's writing:



The library would darken for a few moments, what looked like a swirling grey cloud appeared close to the ceiling, a bit of a breeze seemed to have picked up. Inside the library. Causing pages of open books to flutter and turn gently, the cloud seemed to open up a bit, a pit of hollow darkness in it's center. But something seemed to be falling through that hollow darkness. Whatever it was came tumbling out in a flurry of white and blue but mostly white until it landed with a soft 'ow' on it's butt.

A person, it looked more like a girl than a boy, had landed. The dark cloud was gone, the wind stopped and the library had lightened back up again. The cloud the person had fallen out of was gone, but suddenly a black hard bound book fell out of the air and landed on the person's head. Another 'oww' escaped those lips as the book bounced off the head of white hair and landed on the feminine boy's lap. He picked the book up with one hand, and slowly stood. With his free hand he straightened and smoothed out his skirt and then took a look around. People were staring at him. They seemed confused and unsure of what to do. And he seemed to be in a library of sorts. Well that was good. Libraries were good, no doubt a book with the return spell in it would be here.

"Where are the ritual books located?" The voice that left his lips sounded more feminine than masculine. No doubt everyone thought a girl had just dropped from the sky. That was alright, Alai didn't mind too much that people couldn't immediately tell he was a boy. Besides it was very fun to play along. Of course that did often make others angry when they did eventually find out the truth. Blue eyes just watched the few people that were watching him. They really didn't seem to know what to do. He didn't understand why they looked so confused. It had just been a bit of magic. Magic that had gone wrong, as he obviously was not where he had intended to go.

Luce jolted awake. The inn had woken him but the information had been jumbled and unclear in his sleeping mind. Now the information came in clear as crystal. Those blue eyes dulled over as Luce jumped out of the bed and ran out of the room. He could move very fast when he needed to, and he needed to. He had promised Sikura that nothing would happen to her here. By the Gods Above and Below he would keep his promise. Luce didn't go down the stairs, he vaulted over the rail, landing on his feet with barely any noise and bolted towards the kitchen. The Inn graciously unblocked the door for him and he threw it open with a loud noise. "Get away from her!" Luce's voice was quiet, but it sounded so very dangerous, dark. The shadows in the room quivered as Luce exerted his will over them. Tangible tendrils of darkness reached out. Curling around Sheldon's neck, wrists, waist and ankles. The shadows pulled the disgusting man away, off of Sikura and toward Luce.

"Sikura, please do not watch. What is about to happen is not for the eyes of young ladies." Luce had looked to her with only kindness in his expression and gentleness had replaced the danger and darkness in his voice. He would wait a few moments, to give Sikura time to decide what she should do before he continued. The tendrils of shadow holding Sheldon tightened around him, as Luce returned his attention to the nasty man. "I am the demon Lord Lucidna of the Ebon Moon. I am Master of Shadows and Lust." The tendril around Sheldon's throat loosened and moved to the man's mouth. It forced it's way between the man's lips and teeth. That shadow slipping down the man's throat and swimming through his inards. Ripping and pulling organs this way and that. It would be an excruciatingly painful experiance for Sheldon, and Luce almost seemed to enjoy it.

Another shadow had laid over Sheldon's mouth, preventing the man from screaming in his torment. Luce would torture the man for several long minutes before that shadow inside of him coiled around his heart and forced it to stop beating. Once Sheldon was truly dead, the shadows began devouring the body, it just began to disappear into the shadows. Once it was gone, Luce released his control, and the shadows returned to their proper places. As the shadows of various objects in the room. Luce's entire demeanor changed as well. Blue eyes bright with worry for Sikura.

Luce went to her quickly and pulled her into his arms. Running his hands through her hair and mummbling reassuring words into her ear.

Then the boy had tripped, and Rabbit caught the scent of fear and of tears. Rabbit hesitated, watching as the young man scrambled around and attempted to hide behind the statue. Rabbit should take care of this man first, then the barking hounds and the humans that undoubtedly came with them. Rabbit watched the young man for a few moments longer. Clearly the boy was scared of something, scared of something that wasn't Rabbit. The Guardian stiffened a bit. Outsiders were not allowed, but this young man seemed to be seeking shelter, protection. Rabbit was a protector. He shook his head, the symbols on his body glowing slightly as they always did. Rabbit would just deal with this boy after he dealt with the ones he had led here.

Angel soon found himself on the floor and his body felt weird. Strange and not at all like the body he was used to. He was attempting to get up, when he was suddenly picked up. At least from this vantage he could get a look around and a feel for what happened. He was looking for Regan and Vex but all he saw was koalas. A small noise of disgruntledness as the genie hugged him. He didn't wriggle around or struggle though. He just sat there in her arm, looking like a grumpy koala. Then the genie was picking up another koala, but Angel was sure who this one was. They all looked the same to him in koala form really. He made a noise of annoyance. This was not the proper respect to show a vampire lord, still he couldn't get too angry. After all she was just a masterless genie. All you could expect from such was chaos and tricks. Though Angel would have found it slightly amusing if he weren't a koala himself.

The air had changed again and Alistair's grip around Cherry had tightened in that half a moment before the dropped to the ground. At least they hadn't been to far up, since he had grabbed the edge of the counter and kept them as close to the floor as he could. His feet touched the ground and he lifted Cherry against him some so her feet were just a little above the floor. He didn't want her to end up landing on her feet wrong and wrenching a knee or twisting an ankle. Gently he set her on the floor, but his arm remained lightly around her. "Of course I will. Not every one is bad, and not everyone does things for the hope of recieving something. Some people do things because it is the right thing to do. I will protect you. No harm will fall upon you while I am around."

Kya Katsumi
Literacy level: Literate
Response time when it's their turn: Within a day or two, sometimes within the week, occasionally longer, but not often.
Pros to writing with this player: Creative characters and plot ideas. Kya is rather good at recalling scenes that most people have regrettably forgotten. She's friendly, fun, creative, thoughtful and attentive. She tries to bring everyone's characters into the role-play when it's a group role-play. She manages well and has such grounded characters with very believable writing.
Cons to writing with this player: Not many! Kya can sometimes have a bit of a delay between posts, but that's what I'd like to blame on life.
Quoted paragraphs of this player's writing:



Gasping when the squirrel appeared on the desk and knocked off the pens, Aura held a hand to her heart as if to try and stop it from beating out of her chest. At least it hadn't been the candle. In the next moment the squirrel lunged, latching onto Aura's arm. Stepping back with a small yelp Aura swatted at it and squirmed as she tried to knock it away from herself, loudly whispering her own set of orders, "Get off of me! Shoo! Go away! Ow!"

She jumped again as she turned to see Vos now standing before her. As he reached to quickly snatch the papers from her, the squirrel jumped from her head to Vos' shoulder, leaving her hair in a mess as she scowled up at the mechanical creature. Her eyes went from the little monster to Vos and her expression changed quickly to that of a child who had been caught in a cookie jar as he told her to get out of his tent.

Smiling when Vos didn't push her from the tent she looked up at him, "Enough," she responded. "I'm not so sure how the others will take to hearing about that dragon," she said, still hinting that he needed to let her help or she would out his secret plans.

When the sun was high above the smoke over the city it was warm and humid, there was a certain hue about the buildings and streets. A red-brown color tinted the world now. Trees and grass didn't grow in many places, weeds were most all that survived without the sunlight. Some buildings and museums had trees and 'exotic' flowers growing inside under specialized lighting, like artificial sun, to keep them alive as well as the wealthy, but seeing such things was a rarity to a commoner.

A couple of blocks later Tessa was in front of the diner. She swung the door open and moved inside to grab a newspaper and seat herself in a booth near the window. A short time later she was sipping a cup of coffee and reading the local news. She was shaking her head and frowning deeply. Every newspaper in every city was exactly the same. Page after page of obituaries and missing photos of mothers, children, best friends... She couldn't read anymore.

As they stepped up to the back entrance of the tavern, Daralis' question made Ren stop in his tracks. His mouth dropped and he stared at her for a moment as if he'd been shot or something. "You mean to tell me, you've never eaten, much less roasted a marshmallow?"

His wide grin returned. "I have a feeling we'll be enjoying many firsts together, Miss Daralis." He opened the door with one hand and grabbed her hand in his other. He was even more excited now to roast those marshmallows than before. Everyone loves marshmallows and he could tell, him and Darlais were going to have a fun night.

Tugging her along the hall behind him, he glanced back at her and paused again. She was soaked to the bone, purple hair stuck to her face and deep pink puppy dog eyes blinked up at him. His heart fluttered and he stopped. He squeezed her hand in his fighting the urge to push her up against the wall and kiss her. He really liked Daralis, and if she only liked him as a friend, he certainly didn't want to go ruining things by doing something like that.

Any other girl, who cared? But Daralis, she was different. After waging an internal war for what felt like an hour, Ren cleared his throat. "If you don't have any more clothes, you can come up to my room and borrow something until yours dry." He was grinning at the thought of her in one of his huge t-shirts. "Though I'm not sure we wear the same style dress." He winked a hazel at her. "Or you could ask Biti for some clothes. She can just conjure them up. Or something."

Literacy level: Literate
Response time when it's their turn: Within the same day, multiple times during the same day, oftentimes.
Pros to writing with this player: She's very interesting to work with, with realistic characters and interpretations. She's extremely prompt and is always flexible with new ideas and/or different takes on some of the ideas that are run by her.
Quoted paragraphs of this player's writing:



Camilia found herself unusually annoyed at the gawkers. She watched from her perch up near the top of the tank, where she'd been put to keep an eye on the crowds. They didn't have to crowd so close, putting handprints and faceprints and sticky appendages on the clean glass... She shook the thoughts away. Of course, when she'd been told a month ago that she'd be in charge of a new exhibit in the aquarium, she'd been wary. They didn't just give out positions like that, but it had included a pay raise, so she'd taken it. When the new creature arrived, though, she suddenly understood why only one person would be interacting with it, rather than a team.

She'd been more than a little starstruck when he had been brought in and put into the tank, she would admit. And she might even admit she was still a little starstruck whenever she glanced into the tank at him. Of course, she only assumed it was male because of the general bone structure and the lack of obviously female bits, but it still seemed to be an accurate assumption, so she ran with it.

She was distracted from people-watching when her pager on her belt buzzed at her. She barely glanced at it to read the reminder for closing time before climbing down from her spot above.

Ana gave a small, slightly-insane smile and turned back to Marcus. By this time, Marcus looked frantic, although he didn't try to bolt even when the hunter backed away. Ana was too close, and she grabbed him by the wrist before he could run.

"It really is best if you just tell us," she crooned softly. With her free hand, she reached back and pulled out one of her silver-edged knives. Gently, she pulled it delicately down Marcus' face, leaving a thin, blistering cut. She was about to make a second cut, much closer to his eyes, when Marcus finally gave in.

"Bloodhounds!" he shrieked. "Caine calls them his bloodhounds! They scout out and bring back humans for the family table!"

"And how often does Caine send them out?" Ana asked, staying her blade for the moment. It made sense that Caine had his underlings bring the food to him, and it also made sense, considering she'd sat at the family table less than a day ago and had seen the humans that were being 'served.'

"Once a week," Marcus replied quickly. "Maybe more, if he needs to."

Ana glanced at Kris again, waiting to see if he would need any more information from Marcus. While she waited for him, she absently took her knife and cut a few more lines into Marcus' flesh, underneath the cut that Kris had put on his chest. After a moment or two, ignoring Marcus' yells, Ana had left a bit of a 'note' on Marcus: 'Ana's Pet.'

Magician Girl Mirani
Literacy level: Semi-literate
Response time when it's their turn: Within a day or two.
Pros to writing with this player: She's creative and fun. She creates really detailed and realistic posts.
Cons to writing with this player: She disappears from time to time and has typos in her writing.
Quoted paragraphs of this player's writing:



Sounds began to filter through the black haze that seemed to be clouding Lelouch's senses. Sound was the first thing to return and the immediate impression he got of his surroundings was that he was not where he had been last time he was conscious. Bird song filtered through the air and a cool wind rustled many leaves nearby. So he was in a wooded area. The next sound to register was the crashing of waves against rocks and sand...a beach perhaps? But why would he be on a beach when the last time he'd been awake was.....

Lelouch tried to sit bolt upright but was stopped by a stabbing pain near the base of his spine. He barely stopped himself from crying out in pain adn shock but stopped himself, barely, by biring the inside of his cheek harshly, almost drawing blood. His eyes were scrunched shut but he forced them open. The world was tinted blue thanks to the mask he wore but he saw enough to assure himself that what he had been hearing was not an illusion. He was lying on a teach a few feet away from some pretty unpleasant looking sharp rocks. He was, at thsi point, curled on his side with his cloak covering him. He was curled up ttightly in a defensive position on pure instinct. He gritted his teeth and forced his limbs to stretch out, slowly.

Where exactly was he? An off shore island perhaps? This coast did not look familiar with the abundance of greenery he could just make out from where his head lay on the, thankfully soft, sand. That and the air smelled...cleaner, less poluted by the mining and factory waste that permiated the settlement. It was strangely refreshing and he would have taken the time to enjoy it if it weren't for the pain in his back and, now that he was recovering from that initial burst, the pain in his right leg and left wrist. He couldn't see if there was any blood and he couldn't feel anything but that meant nothing. It could be taht he was numb to it so he wasn't willing to bet there wasn't anything. The pain in his back was almost assuredly caused by some kind of wound, perhaps caused by one of those sharp rocks. He wasn't sure but he didn't have the strength to move. once again he cursed his poor physical condition and complete lack of stamina. Really it was pathetic how unfit he was when you thought about it.

Another thought passed through his mind. If he had survived the blast then was it possible that others had to? Who else was on this island? Was Kallen here? And if she was did that mean.....Suzaku! Fantastic, just fantastic. If the Knightmare pilot found him.....

The ringing of his phone woke Damon from his sleep. He rolled over in bed, scrabbling for the small device. With a small grunt of anooyance he lifted the phone to his ear, pressing the "accept" button as he did so.

"Aeron," he barked into the receiver. The dispatcher's voice came quick and almost mechanical, well trained. There had been a break in and theft. he growled in annoyance. Couldn't this have waited a little longer? No doubt it was one of those beaurocratic types. They had influence and now that something of theirs was gone they wanted it back now. They were no better than big children. When they lost something it was like you'd taken away their favourite toy, no matter if it was something large or small. He climbed out of bed, not casting a glance to teh one that had been sharing it. They'd be gone by the time he returned anyway. He grabbed a towel and his clothes for the day and took a quick shower.

He shook his head, dislodging water droplets from his copper coloured hair as he began to dress, his shower taking him less than five minutes. He pulled on a pair of dark blue jeans and a midnight blue shirt. Over that he threw a leather jacket. He was a plain clothes detective and so didn't have to worry about teh uniform like the lower ranks did. That was one thing he definitely enjoyed about teh rank. The paperwork on the other hand.....He didn't bother getting anything to eat. He was in a motel anyway so he doubted there was anything remotely edible around here. He was just glad he'd had the foresight to bring a spare pair of clothes just in case.

Literacy level: Literate
Response time when it's their turn: Same day or within a day or two.
Pros to writing with this player: She's a delight to work with, and is very timely. Her crystal-clear descriptions and ease with which she writes always wants me to come back to the RP and reread her posts, and anticipate each new reply she puts together. The scenes are so clear one could almost be there. She is very detail oriented and describes the scene and actions so well that you can almost see the place and character. You can feel her characters' emotions as if they were your own. She's creative and fun.
Quoted paragraphs of this player's writing:



She casually leaned back with one hand on the cantle of the saddle behind her. Also a deceptively restful position, it gave her easy access to the pistol tucked in her shirt behind her. Just in case there was trouble. The warm air would only get warmer as they headed west. Western Kansas was notoriously for getting maybe an inch of rain a year. She would do well to preserve the water in her canteen until she reached a well, spring, or town. The towns along the railroad had to have water for more than the people. Trains were so predictable in their use of water now that the steam engine had emerged. You would think people would stop investing in expensive new weapons and work on improving their own daily lives for once.

She saw the dust cloud as the motorcycle came into view. It was an impressive machine. She couldn't make out the details of either it or it's rider yet, but she was fairly impressed by its size. It was no pansy of a bike, that was for sure. She tilted her head forward a little and waited.

Tabitha felt the familiar bonds between her and her element strengthen, supporting her. In the blackness of her mind, she floated with the bonds running on all sides of her. She reached out a hand and touched one of the bonds, letting its power strengthen her mental state. She reached out and touched another, and felt a sense of physical pain. She wondered if she was asleep and should wake up. Looking around at the blackness on all sides, she felt at peace. Here she was herself and had the bonds with water to keep her company. Water.

Picking up her pace down the road, she started humming to herself. It wasn't long before she neared a small farm. Hearing azscream, she paused long enough to register it and then took off at a run with her blue hair trailing out behind her. A smallzgirl had strayed from her family's farm dwelling and now her father and brothers could only stare helplessly as a large wolfzjumped for the girl. Mere seconds. That was all anyone had and for a normal person it wasn't enough time to run to her aidzmuch less find a weapon. Mere seconds. That was all Rini had and it was enough. Thrusting her hand forward and muttering azword in the ancient language, the wolf was simultaneously knocked over and bursted into flame at the same time. Rini ran tozthe girl and reached her about the same time the family did. She knelt beside her whispering comfort while the men quicklyzused shovels to move the large creature away from the farm.

Literacy level: Literate
Response time when it's their turn: Within the week.
Pros to writing with this player: Descriptive, loves action scenes, helps carry the story really well.
Cons to writing with this player: Has real life to worry about.
A quoted paragraph of this player's writing:



Pulling the knife from the mans neck Kyle started to poke it into the mans back. "Tell him what you told me or I swear I'll gut you like the pig you are!" The portly man arched his back and cried out from the pain, the tip of the blade eased into the soft tissue that covered his lower back. "I'll talk...I'll talk!" he squealed and tears wet his face. "There are men..." Kyle pushed the knife a little harder. "Louder! He can't hear you!"

Taking a quick and shaky breath the man tried again. "There are men boarding your ship. I've given then orders to find my niece!" The man yelled out he was sobbing at this point. "You really are pathetic you know that!" Kyle whispered in the mans ear. "Why...why are you doing this!? I hired you to do a job..." "I'm a thief and a con artist you don't think I have an agenda of my own?" He says pushing the knife harder causing the man to cry out again. "As much as you hate me right now I think Terri takes priority right now!" Kyle yells out pulling the man away from the window and throws him to the floor.

Leaving the man for a moment Kyle quickly goes to the door. He closes and locks them and then takes a chair and shoves it up underneath the door knobs for added security. Crying Kyle's employer lays on the floor trying to hold his bleeding neck and back at the same time. "What...what are you going to do to me?" the man whimpers trying to turn to look at Kyle. "I'm going to reward you for being such an upstanding man." he says picking up a small wooden box from the mantel. He pulls the painted canvas from his boot and carefully places it in the box as he walks up to the his boss. Cowering the man tries to curl up in a ball and covers his head. "Don't hurt me!" Kyle eyes him for a moment and then rips off a piece of the mans shirt and ties it around the small box. "I'm not going to hurt you fool! Kyle snaps and walks back over to the window. "I don't expect that this makes us even but I know it's what you want!" he yells out the window and tosses the box towards the Captain.

"YOU FOOL!!" Suddenly brave the man climbs to his feet and lounges at Kyle. Quickly pulling his knife Kyle shoves it in the mans gut as they tumble to the floor.

Literacy level: Literate
Response time when it's their turn: Roughly a couple times a week.
Pros to writing with this player: Lovely sense of detail, a good bit of conflict to add to the story in the right scenarios, and she always has witty things to say.
Cons to writing with this player: There is a slight delay in posts. Nothing unreasonable, though!
A quoted paragraph of this player's writing:



'What... what does he see when he looks at me...?' She questioned herself, the question answered a moment later when Rai licked his fingers. 'Oh. That... is not good.' As another apparition approached, Rai turned his attention from her and back to his perceived foes. She had to snap him out of it, and fast... even if that meant putting herself in more danger by drawing the hungry vampire's attention to her. The vampire whose arms she was currently in, whose blood was dripping onto her from his wounds. The touch alone had her nerves frazzled, but the moment she realized that Rai was bleeding on her, her panic attack returned with a vengeance. 'It isn't your blood. It's Rai's. And if you don't snap him out of it, those things will kill him.

...and if you do, he might just have you for dinner.'

Steeling herself, Mellony focused on Rai's face- the only part of him that didn't seem to be covered in blood. "Rai! Rai, you have to snap out of it! They aren't real! Look at me!" She demanded, grabbing his face. Her fingers left smears of Rai's own black blood across his cheeks. "I'm not really bleeding! The knights aren't real! Rai, please!" When she saw that Rai wasn't listening, she felt the bitter coldness return in her chest. The next words that came out of her mouth were so... so unlike her, Mellony wasn't sure she had control over.

"I know you're hungry, so if you have to feed, feed on me!"


Literacy level: Semi-literate
Response time when it's their turn: Totally random.
Pros to writing with this player: Creative and fun.
A quoted paragraph of this player's writing:



Sephiroth looked out at the expanse of land that was in front of him. He knew that taking this solo missions was probably a mistake, but he was the General of the Shinra Army, and he wasn't afraid of anything. Getting back on his black chocobo, Midnight, he made his way across the landscape and towards the city of Midgar where he was supposed to report in. He, however, knew as soon as he got there that he would have to immediately go to president Shinra and give his report. He didn't like the man, nor did he like the two things that were to come afterwards. He would be seen by Professor Hojo to make sure that everything was alright with him, and then he would have to go to the training hall and see the new recruits. All in a days work he thought. At least he knew that he would be able to spar with Zack later that evening.

Literacy level: Literate
Response time when it's their turn: Within the week.
Pros to writing with this player: He can adjust his writing for ordinary day to day scenes but just as quickly get into a good fight scene. He's easy going and fun.
Cons to writing with this player: He can disappear.
A quoted paragraph of this player's writing:



Before Jordan could see anything a girl stood between her and them. She looked nice qnd before she could object she was in her arms and being carried away. She tried to struggle away and to see if her friends were okay but after a bit found it was useless. She then heard a voice, it was beautiful and enchanting. As she listened she found her eyes slowky starting to drop. Leaning intothe girl she started to slowly nod off.

West continued to knock down person after person. Blood was splattered over his paws, face qnd fur. He looked llexactky like what he was, a animal. When no one stood between him and the man with Serena he growled. He moved towards him, with deadly grace and slowly he changed back into a human.he moved towards the man, his eyes still had the same look he had as a puma. Blood coated him Exactly where it had when he was a cat and he looked evil. Once he was close enough he said, "you die." and grabbed the mans head, his fingers dug into his skull as he ripped him away from Serena and threw him to the ground. Jumping ontop of him he body shifted right back to that of a cats and he started to rip into the man. Nothing of the human that had been west was there, he was a animal.

Literacy level: Literate
Response time when it's their turn: Same day, within a couple days sometimes more than a week.
Pros to writing with this player: She's fun and friendly, her characters are always original and she's super creative! She keeps things fascinating and really puts energy into her characters and their reactions. You can consider them actual people by her descriptions and situations. She is descriptive, carries the story, and is observant.
Quoted paragraphs of this player's writing:



Something was happening, footsteps too quick to be human neared making the ground vibrate. It made her lose her concentration, making her powers snap back into her harshly. Lucrese winced, but kept her eyes on the hunter while the purple haired vampire was carried away by another of their kind.

He was so quick! Maybe someday she would be that powerful, for she knew he was. There was just something about the vampire that emanated age and power. "Run. My powers need to recover, I'm in no shape to fight." Survival was after all what she wanted, to prove to those who had once shoved her aside so easily that she was stronger then any of them!

Though of course, Lucrese thought, they were already all dead. "You don't need to carry me though, I can run well enough. It's my arm that's hurt, not my legs." With that she was off, running away towards the scent of vampiric blood. It pulled her like a flower called to a bee, though she had no intention of taking Bell's blood without his permission. He'd saved her again, for truth this time even if by accident. She owed him for helping her.

This other vampire on the other hand didn't really much matter to her as her feet pounded against the ground. It was exhilarating in a way to be running for her life like this. Times like this made Lucrese feel alive again, truly so.

The young woman was immersed in her book. She flipped trough the pages with a rapt expression as the story unfolded before her eyes and in her mind. Every word brought a fresh image into being until the next followed to build upon it. A cool breeze wafted trough the park, but did nothing to make Valentina shiver. For some reason the cold had never truly bothered her like it did everyone else. When winter came around she usually ended up roasting because of how warm all the extra layers of clothing made her.

It was just one of many things that made her so strange. Another was the sounds of everyone's minds pushing against her own. If not for her imagination and love of reading Valentina would never have figured out how to block them out. People had already written about the subject so much, whether in fiction or not, that finding information about how to control this ability was readily available. At the moment only an uncertain sense of urgency pressed against her mind.

Lifting her blue eyes, Valentina tried to find the source. There was something ... different about this mind, as if there was an echo of herself in it. Hesitantly the woman poked lightly at the other mind, reaching out in a way she hadn't done since she was very young. As she did so, Valentina returned her eyes to her book and pretended to read. A twinge of hope flared within her heart at the thought that maybe there was someone else out there who might understand these strange things she was able to do. It would be such a relief to talk with another like her, without fear of being pushed away and shunned or hunted down! So far the last hadn't happened often, not since she'd moved away from her old hometown to this large city where it was easy to hide amongst the masses.

The white haired man turned his eyes away from the prince and his companion with a small smile. This at least he could answer without having to lie. It reminded Uriel of yet another reason why he was invaluable to the Unseelie court. Lies could pass his lips, while if a fae tried such a feat they would choke upon the untruthful words. "The prince seems to be enjoying himself. I was thinking that perhaps the queen would be pleased, or not, depending on his companion."Shrugging, Uriel returned his attention completely to his dance partner with an apologetic look. Everything seemed to be distracting him during this masquerade.

Fealty shouldn't have been in the store in the first place. Her master had died again, one among many, and this time hadn't left any provisions for her in his will. It was how the mahogany haired doll with delicate features had found herself in the toy store. The old, time ravaged, blue dress she wore made a soft rustling sound as the doll shifted from her box to stand upon the table. Usually she wouldn't show herself so to anyone. Even the magically inclined shop owner didn't know about the fact that she had a living doll in her store.

Loneliness had been gnawing at her though, and here was finally a way to chase the feeling away. "Over here!" Pipped up Fealty softly in her chiming voice. Made of porcelain, she didn't dare jump from her table for fear of breaking her limbs. She was bigger then most dolls, but much smaller then any human. Oh how she wished to be human, to feel, to be able to run about without fear! That was impossible though. Even grasping things in her hands, stiff and clumsy as they were, was a very difficult task.

With a shake of her head, making her curled locks tumble delicately around her pale face, the doll peered into the darkness. A spark of hope lit her amethyst eyes, as surely as the sun shone, she wanted someone to take her home.

Literacy level: Literate
Response time when it's their turn: more than a week
Pros to writing with this player: Extremely detail oriented, creates gorgeous pictures, responds to everything around her character, carries the story
Cons to writing with this player: Disappears from time to time.
A quoted paragraph of this player's writing:



Circe smiled at Celestia, drinking in both the kindness and the magic in her touch. She felt so much calmer now. It was that there was much wrong with this world, and that there would always be those who destroyed nature and cut down other for their own good. But there were also people like Celestia; people who cared for the whole earth and everyone living there.

"Thank you." Circe said, reverently. She knew that Celestia may not understand why she was thanking her, but Circe needed to say it. "Living out here, I am so cut off from much of the world... yet I see destruction and hurt everywhere. Some days I just want to give up. Thank you for reminding me... that there is still good in this world. There is no greater favor I could ask for."

Circe stood up, shaking Celestia's hand off in a casual way. "Are you hungry? You've been asleep for a while... And you've lost a lot of strength anyhow, with your body working as hard as it is to get you fixed up. I have some stew on the fire if you'd like some."

Circe turned at looked at the faerie full on. She had this intensity about her that had a way of pulling you in. Circe wanted to keep Celestia talking, to keep those smooth, blue lips moving. Each motion was so graceful, it was like watching a wonderful dance. Like she was dancing even when she sat still. Circe had never seen anyone so transfixing. So amazing.

Silver Foxx
Literacy level: Literate
Response time when it's their turn: Within the week.
Pros to writing with this player: Great characters and fun dialogue.
Cons to writing with this player: Disappears from time to time.
A quoted paragraph of this player's writing:



Alice noticed Raisel before Ciel had The chance to. She grinned, wanting to make Ciel see him before the guy actually got to the table. To get his attention since he was clearly ignoring every word she was saying, she punched him hard in the ribs. She hadn't really meant to do anything but warn him, but the look on his face suggested she'd really hurt him. "Oh calm down you big baby. I was just getting your attention." She said with a dramatic eye rolling. "O-Ow...! You idiot! I didn't need that as an attention grabber!" He frowned at her, expecting her to have already known that. "What do you want anyway? Can't you see I'm...." His mouth shut immediately when he say the guy who'd rejected him just the night before. He focused back on his computer, trying to control his shaking. He figured Alice had something to do with this, and he glared at her menencingly.

Silver Storm
Literacy level: Literate
Response time when it's their turn: Same day, sometimes a day or two.
Pros to writing with this player: She can write on her own without my character as well as interact with my character. Her character development is unique and not cliche. She's never boring. She brings out the weakness and strengths of her character without making it cheesy. Her contribution flows with the story seamlessly.
Cons to writing with this player: She works too hard.
Quoted paragraphs of this player's writing:



Jessica heard the gunshot at the cafe and her heart leaped as she spun around. Her hand went to the butt of her pistol as she broke into a run, racing for the cafe. She leaped up onto the porch, hardly slowly and burst through the door. She skidded to a halt and surveyed the scene, her heart sinking as she saw Mindy on the floor and the pool of blood.

What happened? She asked, dropping to her knees next to the injured woman. Chase came flying into the room and she yelled at him to find the doctor. She yanked off her bandanna and pressed it against the wound, trying to slow or even stop the flow of blood.

The grand cruise ship sat regally in its place in port, waiting as its load of people began to board. This was the newest and most luxurious cruise ship to be made. It had every convenience that one could think of. There were world class chefs and famous entertainers. There was a pool and weight room, even a movie theater. The makers had put in anything they could think of to accommodate their passengers and the ship was finally deemed ready for its maiden voyage. Rich had purchased tickets and there had been contests and auctions for other tickets.

Literacy level: Literate
Response time when it's their turn: Within the week
Pros to writing with this player: He's super creative and original, his characters are always awesome and he's super friendly!
A quoted paragraph of this player's writing:



The air around the ship grew thick, and the wood its self seemed as if to creak to life. Making awful sounds as if to acknowledge the evil that was happening on deck. Talon did not mind or care, he had grown all to use to the ships sounds - but the crew never had. They practically huddled in the areas they believed to be safest, holding themselves and hoping for an end to the ships own madness. Though that would never be the case, as they knew the happenings of this ship all too well.

The black fog was next. Some referred to it as mist, but regardless it rolled out of the same places it always did. It came off of the masts and engulfed the ship in that eerie fog that coddled the unforgiving ship in a blanket of evil. Though nothing as evil as the Captain, whom had walked ever so peacefully towards his quarters - content with himself to an extent that made his own crew contemplate desertion. Not that they ever would... a fate worse then death.

Death was welcomed at that point - but it was never found. Below decks was the everlasting tormented, and their constant reminder.

Literacy level: Literate
Response time when it's their turn: Same day.
Pros to writing with this player: She's willing to work on the plot, carries the story and finds twists and adds them so that there's usually always action.
A quoted paragraph of this player's writing:



Renee watched in fascination at the beautiful sight and relief flooded her. Her friend was going to be ok! Then she noticed ice starting to form over the water and on the bathtub. Renee stepped back as the ice crawled over the edge of the tub and onto the floor and walls. Tabitha's eyes flew open, glowing snow white. She thinks she's still fighting… Renee realized. "Tabitha! Wake up!" Renee shouted. She prepared to give the girl a small jolt incase she didn't wake up.

Literacy level: Literate
Response time when it's their turn: Same day
Pros to writing with this player: Creative, fun, always prompt, pays attention to detail, is very descriptive, interacts with my character, helps carry the story, is willing to talk out plot ideas and twists
A quoted paragraph of this player's writing:



He pulled her farther into the water. "Stop!" He growled. "I'm not trying to hurt you, I just want an answer!" He grabbed her other wrist as she flailed around to attempt another escape. "If you haven't done anything, I won't have a reason to stay here." He twisted her around so she would have to look at him. From experience he knew the eyes told all their secrets, regardless of how trained one was in hiding their most prominent emotion. Despite age, practice, and ability, the eyes always told the absolute truth. And hers seemed terribly desperate, possibly fearful. But it didn’t say much more. They could be fearing absolute capture. Their desperation could mirror her desire to get away and vanish to commit more crimes, had she done so. But then, perhaps it was him. His look, his status, the impression he had made. Sudden and angry. Not like Alden at all.

Wings of Writing
Literacy level: Literate
Response time when it's their turn: Within the day.
Pros to writing with this player: Good chemistry, is good at dropping and picking up on little hints and is always willing to talk about role-play.
Cons to writing with this player: Can only handle one role-play at a time and is busy during school year a lot. Typos galore when tired.
A quoted paragraph of this player's writing:



Gary broke his hand from William's and stepped back again, a part of him wondering if he should be afraid. He looked at William, and decided he probably wasn't threatening, but he still felt slightly nervous. "Why would I want it? It's not like their is any faerie tale endings. I'm happy with the way my life is it's simple; it's easy." I won't get hurt, an unbidden part of him seemed to scream, but Gary quickly tamped that done. We wasn't Declan, or apparently William, who idealized romance or love; it was just a biological thing meant to attract you to a mate. No fancy stories, and Gary didn't plan on 'mating,' so why not have a little fun with whoever caught his attention. "You should probably leave." Gary muttered, not sounding at all like his normal suave self; he sounded shaken, confused.... maybe even scared.

p o p p e t ♥ 06-28-2012 07:40 PM

Imagination 06-28-2012 07:52 PM

Ello ^_^

p o p p e t ♥ 06-28-2012 07:56 PM

Hey, Magi! :eager: I'm trying to start up a prize thread for role-players. I don't think that's been done before, I think it'll be super fun. :yes:

Imagination 06-28-2012 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by Kya Katsumi (Post 1770905915)
Hey, Magi! :eager: I'm trying to start up a prize thread for role-players. I don't think that's been done before, I think it'll be super fun. :yes:

Cute outfit, you should get one of those for in person and come hang out with me ;D

p o p p e t ♥ 06-28-2012 08:10 PM

Haha thanks! I've always been a huge fan of school girl outfits and mini skirts. What can I say? I've watched far too much anime in my lifetime. :sweat:

Imagination 06-28-2012 08:12 PM

Haha pics :drool:

p o p p e t ♥ 06-28-2012 08:13 PM



Imagination 06-28-2012 08:13 PM

:talk2hand: Meanie

p o p p e t ♥ 06-28-2012 08:16 PM

Uhg I really need to do something to make this thread pop. It needs more color. I wonder how hard it would be to create a rainbow title. Lol *disappears to create some rainbow stuff*

Smores 06-28-2012 08:29 PM

This is an ingenious idea. :yes:
Smores will be lurking around. :ninja:

Arc Angel: I think you should be here dear. :hug:

PapillonCameo 06-28-2012 08:36 PM

Ooh cool! I have so many people to nom!

hummy 06-28-2012 08:49 PM

wow, this is a nice idea.
*ish not a role player by any means*
but, i can vote!

Codette 06-28-2012 09:06 PM

Ohh how exciting! I have a few names to nominate when I'm on a computer and not my phone... Wonder if I'll be nominated?

Smores 06-28-2012 09:08 PM

Lazy Smores wants to nominate. But the form is very long. :lol:
So I will have to fill it out slowly. :sweat:

p o p p e t ♥ 06-28-2012 09:16 PM

I'm glad you all are enjoying it! Is it too colorful at the top? Should I tone down the main text color??

Katie Scarlett Divine 06-28-2012 09:26 PM

Do we post them here? (:

p o p p e t ♥ 06-28-2012 09:28 PM

Yes! I should make that clear at the top! Thanks! :)

Arc Angel 06-28-2012 09:33 PM

Ooh, I love this idea. Thanks for the ping, Smores. :)
Let's see, so many people to think about....

Smores 06-28-2012 09:35 PM

No Problem Angel. :hug:

I am procrastinating on this form... :sweat:
I am terrible. xD

p o p p e t ♥ 06-28-2012 09:39 PM

Pfftt. You are terrible Smores. Procrastinator! :illgetu:

Katie Scarlett Divine 06-28-2012 09:40 PM

Nomination Form:
Username of nominee: Esmme
Nominated by: Katie Scarlett Divine
Literacy level : Literate
How long have you been writing with this player?: Almost a year.
Response time when it's their turn (choose one): Within the Week
Pros to writing with this player: Detailed and creative posts <3
Cons to writing with this player: Sometimes it takes her awhile to respond, but it's worth the wait.
Insert a quoted paragraph of this player's writing:

"I won't leave you," Nym said quietly, stroking Scarlett's back and shoulders. Taking in her freshly clean scent, the blond smiled a bit. "You won't be losing me any time soon. I've made up my mind about all this." He was a fiercely stubborn man, too. He would stay with Scarlett, no matter what now.
The feeling of her fingers entwining with his made Nym close his eyes. He shifted so there was little space between them. This was heaven. He wanted to stay like this forever and not leave this moment. This is where they belonged: together. "I'm hard to kill," he whispered into her hair, brushing the dark curls away so he could kiss her again. "You know that." But her fear was reasonable. In a world like this, once someone walked away . . . it was possible that they wouldn't come back.

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