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CosmicFoxKitty 11-04-2011 02:55 AM

uniquely awkward...
Hello there!

I will have to make this pretty later but I'm on my phone so deal for now, please?

This is just a hangout I guess. I might make a contest and will probably give freebies out since I need more pictures to draw lol. I can't promise they will be amazing but we shall see.

How is everyone going, how many candies do you have?

Razak 11-05-2011 02:04 AM

Right now I only have about 21, because I didn't get home from work until late today. But I'm trying to get all the event items released already today, so we'll see how that goes!

hummy 11-05-2011 02:47 AM

so far the event items only cost sixty-seven candies.

twenty-five plus twenty-one plus twenty-one.

Razak 11-05-2011 03:28 AM

Yeah, I know I don't have much more to go! I tend to get obsessive and want to have the event currency to buy all the items as they're released, and since I'm like two days behind I'm trying to get 67 candies. Not really that hard, I don't think. What's you're favorite EI so far?

monstahh` 11-05-2011 03:29 AM

How are you? c:

WinglessFairy 11-05-2011 03:50 AM

hello~! How are you today?

Ling 11-05-2011 08:09 AM

At the moment I have 35.75 candies. I'm also saving for the event rare items.

TheEmpressofEvil 11-05-2011 08:17 AM

Hi there. :) So far I have 21 candies. doesn't seem like it takes much to get them. This evil naked tree guy won't give me candies.

lightkanna 11-05-2011 08:20 AM

I had 21 but I bought my bucket. I now only have 1.75 but after this post, 2. xD

TheEmpressofEvil 11-05-2011 08:22 AM

seems to go by really fast. especially when you're actually talking to people. I should figure out if multi equip items mean you can equip the item in all poses or if you need multiples...

Iro 11-05-2011 08:24 AM

Hello, Ashtyn. xD

It's a bit slow right now, so just randomly going into thread to say hie. ;)

I've spent some of my candies, though. I have about 112 candies now.

hummy 11-05-2011 08:26 AM

the Bootifully Late Halloween event doesn't end until the eighth of November at eighteen hundred hours
pacific standard time, or there abouts.
so pleanty of time for the begging of candies y'all.

happy begging!

TheEmpressofEvil 11-05-2011 08:27 AM

8th is cool. plenty of time then. :)

Little Sister 11-05-2011 10:05 AM

I have exactly one candy... but that's because I bought this awesome bustier. :yes:

CosmicFoxKitty 11-05-2011 02:36 PM

Sorry guys, I had to work yesterday. I called in sick today though because it hurts to move...

Razak 11-05-2011 04:20 PM

Same here, Ash. I still gotta go in today, though, even though my sciatica is bothering me. It's only 4 hours for me today, though, so it's like I'm barely there.

CosmicFoxKitty 11-05-2011 04:42 PM

I'm not going in even if they call...

Amane 11-05-2011 04:50 PM

I have 23.25. I would have tons more, but that's how it is when events start on a weekday. No time. XDX I gotta post extra hard today to make up for it!

Amice 11-05-2011 04:51 PM

I've got about 15 candies. But I've already gotten the first two EIs.

Amane 11-05-2011 04:52 PM

I forgot about EIs! *facepalm* Off to do price checks!

Razak 11-05-2011 04:54 PM

That's smart, Ash. Will they get angry with you if you just don't answer them?

Amane 11-05-2011 04:56 PM

Aww, the EIs are gonna have me wiped out. I'm almost got enough to afford one. That's good.
I already saw the event store. There's so much cuteness in there I'm gonna need tons of candy!

Razak 11-05-2011 04:58 PM

That's how I feel, Amane! I am determined to buy all three that have been released at once, and I'm at about 40 candies or so by now. I neeeddd mooar!

Amice 11-05-2011 04:59 PM

It won't take too long. You should have them by the time the next one comes out .

Amane 11-05-2011 04:59 PM

This is why I always chat in tons of threads when it's event time. X3 Sometimes I even get on my other computer so the tabs don't get so small!

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