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beautiful_psycho 12-19-2012 03:43 AM

Accademy for the Psychically Gited
Hello gifted student,
You have here by been accepted to the APG or otherwise known as Accademy for the Psychically Gifted. You will be expected to report to campus within a week of reciving this notice. As a student here at APG you will be reqired to live on campus in the doorms assigned to you. You will no longer be allowed to interact with the outside world untill graduation. This would be a total of four (4) years. You will abide by camups rules and regulations. Any missconduct will result in firce and imideate consoquences. Upon ariving at APG you will be required to submit the following information to an administrator. We wish you all good luck on your following years here at APG. If you have any furthur questions, please attach them when you fill out the following.

There has been some confusion in the RP as far as Psychic Powers go. Everyone is supposed to have a different powers as to create variety. If you find that you have one or more of the same powers as another player, please change it. The player with the higher sinorety gets first choice as to if they wish to keep that specific power, or give it up. Please also take into consideration that everyone's Psychic Powers need to be reccognized. If someone does something via a power, other players have no right to exnay that power. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to PM me. Thanks!

Name :
Age :
Grade (9th-12th) :
Username :
Psychic abilitie(s) (at most two) :
Background Info :
Pic :

*No attmitence to RP without a proper Bio sent to elizabeth_mazur. She will tell you when you may begin your schooling.
* Please follow all of Mene's rules and be respectful.
*No god modeling
*If you cause problems such as failure to follow rules, I reserve the right to evict you from the thred and kill off your character(s).

---------- Post added 12-18-2012 at 07:43 PM ----------


---------- Post added 12-18-2012 at 09:07 PM ----------

Name : Avril Jones

Age : 17

Grade : 11th (Junior)

Username : elizabeh_mazur

Psychic Abilitie(s) : Avril is an emapth, this means she can feel other's emotions and inflict certain emotions in others. This can be intentional or non-intentional, usually non-intentional. Avril also has the power to see the future through her drawings. This is at random and never intentional.

Background Info : Avril never knew her real father and has grown up with her mother, her step father, her older sister, and her two younger brothers. When Avril was in grade school she was often shunned and picked on because she was "diferent". Avril was bullied from age 5 to age 14. She was also verbally abused by her step father since the age of 4. At first, Avril would go to adults for help in these issues but soon found that she was on her own. Eventually she was hardend and changed from a sweet, sensitive little girl to a punk teenager who couldn't care less what others thought of her. Avril's views on life changed as she became older. She began to prefer being alone. Avril usually doesn't go out of her way to make friends, and the friends she does end up with are usually male. She's found that she has a harder time keeping female friends as opposed to male friends. Due to her past experiences, Avril tends not to trust others. Avril had always expirenced proof of her pshycic abilities, but never paid much attention to them. That is, untill she began sketching huge fenominons before they happend. She also began to get swamped with emotions, most of which were not her own. When Avril received her letter from APG she was greatly confused. She had not sent any aplications out and had no idea how the school had gotten so much information on her. At first she was hesitent, but Avril's inability to deal with her step father any longer pushes her to accept. Not that she had any choice, that is. Avrils favorite past times include reading, witing, drawing, playing the guitar, playing the drums, and creating strange works of art. She had once had blond hair, now dyed blood red and has blue eyes that change depending on her mood. Others would describe her as gothic or emo, but then again, Avril never cared for such titles. She prefers to be herself, free from judgment of others. Due to this, she often shys away from contact with others.

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Name: Ferdinand "Ferdi" Bourne

Age: 18

Grade (9th-12th) :12th

Username: Grumman_Goose

Psychic abilitie(s) (at most two) : Bilocation (ability to be in multiple places at once) Psionic Powers (Ability to over load ones mind causing pain, memory loss, lack of consciousness or even death.)

Background Info: Ferdi has known that he was different from other people from the moment he knocked out his nanny from staring at her and causing her to collapse at the top of a staircase. He can sometimes appear to have two personality's one day he can seem to want to keep to himself and other days he can seem as the centre of attention. He gets on with most people but will give people headaches if they get on his nerves.


Name : Ryuzaki (Ryu) Nighengale

Age : 17

Grade (9th-12th) : 11th Junior

Username : Kiyoto

Psychic abilitie(s) (at most two) : Psychic Energy Manipulation , Psychometry

Background Info : Ryu spent most of his life in an asylum. People did not understand him or his mind and how it worked, so they believed he was a danger to himself and others around him. His mind has always been a complicated piece, for his psychic powers have severed him from the normal world in many ways. He never felt a connection with him and the people around them, more curious about their minds and how they worked, and lacked many of the skills needed to form lasting bonds with people. He resisted and highly hated the thought of being touched without permision, and those who did were often sent flying across the room. As his powers began to develop, people became more and more afraid of him, and he withdrew farther and farther into his mind itself. He created a barrier between himself and the outside world to protect himself against the pain and things that he felt and came into contact with.

By this time, he was spending most of his time in solitary, and seeing a mentalist, who tried many things to get his mind "on the right track". They told him what he could do was not natural, and was frowned upon. At the same time, they were curious and interested in his mind and abilities, and often conducted experiments. He learned quickly to control himself and his powers, but at times his emotions would get the better of him. At these times, he often lost control, creating devistating damage, and even more fear umong the people who were around him. It only succeeded in pushing him farther inside of himself. Feeling that he could not be saved or brought out of this, they eventually left him to his own thoughts. An odd group of people soon showed up however, and without propper explination or why, all legal ties to Ryuzaki were handed over to a school he had never herd of, and he was soon taken away from the asylum, and brought here.

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Name: Elizabeth (Beth) Nicole Carson
Age: 13
Grade (9th-12th): 11th
Username: Angelo
Psychic abilitie(s) (at most two): Teleportation and Telepathy
Background Info: While her parents were very loving and kind, they were ripped from her life cruelly by a twist of chance: they were driving home from a business party when a drunk driver swerved and hit them dead-on. All three of them were pronounced dead on the scene, and Beth was thrown into foster care roughly at the tender age of three. Within a year, her power of telepathy began to manifest, blocking out her power to manipulate auras. By the age of five, she had a mastery over her telepathy that few could exceed, and had run away to the city. There, she cast illusion after illusion on people to ensure that her life was left alone. When people came knocking, she would make them see a perfectly kept home with her two loving parents and older brothers until they left, though she only ever masked the pitiful building that she had set up in.

Before too long, she was using her power to make people give her things for free. Food and clothing were her most common targets, but nothing was really beyond her grasp. To help cement people’s belief in her life, as well as to ease her subconscious desire for normalcy, she went to school all the way up until she received her letter from the school. Strangely enough, she never used her power to cheat, but rather used it to understand the lessons as the teacher did. By the time that she received her letter from the academy, she was the unparalleled master of the mind. There was, and is, no one that is immune to her touch. Even those with powerful psychic shields can be reached. Every shield, after all, has its weaknesses.

Unfortunately, as her powers grew, so did the weaknesses. While she can find read the mind of a person one hundred miles away with ease, she has a hard time blocking out the thoughts of people around her when she opens her mind like that. City atmosphere’s bother her even when she isn’t open because of all of the “white noise” that she experiences just from being near so many people. Fortunately for her though, she’s getting a handle on blocking out thoughts better, as well as improving her precision. On the other hand, she's completely clueless to the fact that she can teleport.

Name : Marco Sullix

Age : 16

Grade (9th-12th) : 10th

Username : Sporcle

Psychic abilitie(s) (at most two) : Pyrokinesis, the ability to mentally control fire.

Background Info : Marco never had a dreadfully sad past or a hideous back story. He grew up in a wealthy family. He was loved, spoiled rotten actually. He got exactly what he wanted, when he wanted it. His parents saw him as the most precious thing in the world. Of course there was his annoying older brother, but what family didn't have a little sibling rivalry?

When Marco's powers started to grow, it took everyone by surprise. He'd managed to burn his whole room down, it was a huge mess really. But his parents never changed views on him, never saw him as a 'freak' or a 'weirdo' , even his brother found him a little bit cooler. Marco, being the child he was, found and immediate advantage to this newfound gift. Whenever he'd been humiliated by his friends or family, all it took was a simple thought, and he could have them running away in terror at fear of being burned. Marco had remained the same cocky, arrogant, selfish, stubborn child he had always been, and was now able to get what he wanted even faster.

His parents were not pleased when he got the letter for the academy. How could they send him off to a school they hadn't even heard about? But it was what he wanted, and they both knew better than to argue with him. Marco still had those occasional accidental night fires, but was pretty pleased with the progression of his pyrokinesis, and saw huge potential for going to a school with other people who weren't 'normal'.

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Name : Avias Styx

Age : 17

Grade (9th-12th) : 11th

Username : Kiyoto

Psychic abilitie(s) (at most two) : I am a technopath and technokenetic. I am able to comunicate with machines by using my mind. I can control electrical curents and move machines with my mind. My mind is like a supercomputer, and I am able to open up "screnes" and connect to any technical database, computer or electronic in the world. I can "interface" with any electronic object, linking my mind with it, and moving or controling it in anyway I see fit. I am able to absorb electronic currents and power from machines, releasing it into a green form of energy that can be used in blasts or to power up other psychics/electronics. I have been refered to as a walking battery at times..

Background Info : Avias grew up gifted from a very young age. Anything to do with the mind and needing him to think he quickly excelled at. He was placed in special classes, and soon placed in a special school. His parents were a doctor and a scientist, so most thought nothing of it, they were very proud of their son. He grew up with basically anything he could ever want, and he was very happy. He thought he was normal until he turned twelve. When he was in the computer lab at school he began hearing voices, touching the screen his eyes began to glow and the computers went crazy. The screens began to flash, and wires began to move on their own. The students began to get freaked out and be hurt. He was afraid of his powers.

His parrents found out about the incident, and had it paid off to disappear. They put him in another school, forbidding him to use his powers at all so he wouldn't soil the family name. He continued to have minor incidents, but nothing like the first. He decided to work on the powers a bit, so things like that would not happen again. Once he began working with them, it opened up a whole new world for him. He became basically slef taught, but kept it hidden from others especially his parents. He was afraid of people finding out and going against his parents, he would eventually inherit theit fortune and buisiness and had the weight of the family name on his shoulder. When he became sixteen, he got more into politics, especially work with psychics.

Pic : http://kitetakesflight.files.wordpre...46259836_n.jpg

Name: Rafael
Age: 16
Grade (9th-12th): 10th
Username: dragonjake
Psychic abilitie(s) (at most two): Transvection - Bodily levitation or flying. And Mediumship (or channeling) – Communicating with spirits.
Background Info: Rafael has known about his power to levitate since a young age of 6 years old, but he has not been too bothered about trying to practice this skill and so he can't hover more then a few inches off the ground. He has however been able to see spirits since he was born which he has disliked due to the fact that he used to be petrified by the spirits, but now he is just irritated when they appear from nowhere to ask for help or just to talk to him.
Knowing about his powers, his parents became worried and tried to treat him normally, yet he still knew they were scared of him like most others. He finds it hard to interact with people due to the abuse he used to get when he was around other people.

Name: Joshua (Josh) Mathias Blackwell
Age: 17
Grade: 11th
Username: Angelo
Psychic abilitie(s): Telekinesis
Background Info: Raised in the suburbs of Houston by his middle class family, Josh has always been average, except for the fact that he can move things with his mind. Of course, such an ability didn’t manifest itself overnight. The triggering event for his power occurred when he and his sister were playing outside their house, they were around nine or ten at the time, and his sister ran out into the road to retrieve their ball. A car was speeding by and would have hit her if it weren’t for the fact that she was suddenly yanked off the road and onto the lawn hard enough to cause whiplash. From that point on, she helped him train his ability as best she could, both of them keeping it a secret from their parents.

Eventually, they were caught, which was to be expected considering their age and all. His parents were understandably shocked at first, though they tried to think about it with open-mindedness. His level of control helped them see that he wasn’t a danger to anyone, least of all himself, which eliminated the major concern that they had with him having such powers. They set up some rules governing the usage of the power, but they also figured that the best way to keep it controlled was to use it, so they weren’t too restrictive, in private at least. When the family came over, he had to be really careful not to use his powers in front of them.

When he got his letter, his parents were originally rather concerned. They had never sent in an application and had always kept his powers under the radar, so it was kind of hard to believe that they would send an invitation like they had. But Josh and his sister came up with the theory that there was someone at the school who could detect psychics, which helped put their parents at ease. Especially when a follow-up letter came explaining the program of the school and how they came to discover their students. They were happy for him, and can’t wait to see him when he comes back.
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Name: Allistar Mackenzie Calhoun
Age: 17
Grade (9th-12th): 9th
Username: JediMercJeff

Psychic ability(ies) (at most two): Mechanical Intuition and Adaptive Psionic Shielding (A quasi-mixture of Psychic Constructs and Ability Intuition).

Allistar can create generalized psionic shield constructs (usually in the form of an energy "buckler" at the forearm) at will, that offer a degree of protection against attacks. However, if he is under attack (directly or not) in the same way for a sustained time, Allistar can study the attack and adapt his shielding to be more effective against it... Sometimes to the point of the ability to reflect the attack back at its source. The adaptive ability of the shielding requires some concentration, and withstanding the initial assault, of course...

Background Info: Allistar was born into a loving, caring home, with a military father and a teacher mother. His family didn't want for much, but wasn't well-to-do. He was diagnosed with an odd genetic marker before he was even born, but nothing manifested itself early in his life. He was quite normal, though somewhat shy and studious.

However, once he was of an older school age, his genetic 'anomaly' came to light; while under assault from bullies throwing rocks and sticks, Allistar found that (to the shock of said bullies) he could form a 'shield' with his mind, one that protected him from the barrage. He attempted to keep this hidden as much as possible, but his difference from the other kids caused even more bullying. Allistar discovered during all the bullying that, with concentration on what was happening, he could so well shield himself from certain items that he could actually make them bounce back at their source. Soon, he could keep his 'talent' hidden no longer, and his parents were at a loss of what to do.

Allistar's attitude had managed to stay afloat; he was a little less shy now, having actually made some friends that weren't immediately "freaked" by his ability. But he'd become a little more daring and risk-taking than they would've liked. He was always trying to push the bounds of his powers... He'd even shown a mechanical aptitude bordering on the unbelievable, but he mostly used that to create machines and devices to further test his psy powers. Nothing had killed him yet, but the trips to the hospital were becoming a little more frequent, and a little more suspicious to the doctors there.

The letter from the APG was at once mysterious and heaven-sent for Allistar's parents. They loved him no differently than any other point in his life, but knew that his life and gift were just that: a gift. By the time the letter had come to them, however, Allistar was nearing the end of his high school career. When he found out about the letter, he knew it was a bitter pill to swallow being relegated to a lower grade. His powers were raw and untrained, they said, and would require more time to refine. However, the Academy was willing to work with the classes he'd already had, making steps towards Advanced Placement, and also offered to 'feed' his innate curiosity for building mechanical devices out of seemingly nothing at all (a talent that vexed his former high school to no end).

With those things in mind, and accepting (with some trepidation) that he wouldn't see anyone on the 'outside' until he was done, Allistar accepted the offer, ready to move on to a place where, maybe, he would be accepted for what he was: Just a little more different than the norm.


Name : Elizabeth "Ellie" Trevorson

Age : 23

Grade (9th-12th) : Teacher

Username : Sporcle

Psychic abilitie(s) (at most two) : She's just a simple english teacher, though she does happen to be quite skilled at hydrokinesis.

Background Info : Ellie never found the power of moving water very useful at all, and her parents never saw it as a threat. Her family kept her talents a secret, worried others might not be so accepting with these skills. They did, however, do all they could to help her, out of the public eye of course. Her skills began to expand as time went on, and she slowly started finding out how much water manipulation could help her.

Ellie thought going to academy was an opportunity to meet people like her, attending at the mere age of 14. She learned to take a deep liking to school, and knew that it was the one place she didn't need to hide. The academy became her home, Elizabeth never finding herself with her parents anymore. Ellie stuck around for all four years, and was more than willing to become a teacher there when the job was offered.

Although Elizabeth embraces her skills, she does often find herself hiding said abilities from her students, mostly out of habit.
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beautiful_psycho 12-23-2012 08:00 PM

Avril was all but pushed out of her step father's car as it was moving. Her bags were thrown out after her and one hit her square in the chest, nocking the wind out of her. As she coughed and gasped for air her other bag hit her in the face, nocking her on her but. The car's doors slammed and her step father sped off. As she watched the car drive off into the distance and eventually dissapear all together, Avril thought she didn't know who was more excited to have her out of the house. Avril figured she took first pace in that race and her step dad a close seccond. She regained her composure, stood up, and dusted herself off. Her red pelted skirt was fraying at the hems, the little tassles brushing aginst her knees. Her black combat boots were scuffed from her being forced onto the concreat. She couldn't care less about all these things as she stared off at the gates of the school. They were huge, iron, and the type you'd expect to find at some creepy manson. She bent down, threw her two duffle bags over her sholder, and began to walk towards it. It was shut and locked. Avril sighed, she must have been late or something and was locked out. "Just great.." She mumbled to herself as she plopped her bags down on the floor. She tugged at her long red hair as she ponderd what she should do next. She sighed and sat down on one of her bags. Maybe if she could yell loud enough someone would come to help her? Only Avril wasnt one to yell..or ask for help. No one would come to her rescue anyway. She looked down at her pale hands and pulled at the sleves of her black jacket so they coverd everything but the tips of her fingers. Avril rested her head in her hand and closed her eyes. It was night and she hadn't slept in about three days. She'd been too bussy with school work and chores. And once she got the letter from the accademy, she didn't even want to know where they got her information from, she'd spent the whole day packing. She figured that enything that took her away from home must be a good thing. As she thought about her home life she started to drift off.

When she opend her eyes, Avril wasn't infront of the accademy gate anymore. In fact, she wasnt anywhere near there. She lifted her head as her vision began to clear. She saw chainlink fences and small jumgle gyms. She frowned to herself. Wat was she doing at her old elementarary school? She'd eft this awfull place and all it's terrible memmories behind a verry long time ago. As she looked on greatly confused, kids started to flood out of classrooms and into the playground. She watched as all the kids ran and played with eachother. None of them seeming to notice her. One little girl caught her eye. The little girl was wearing a white, frilly, summer dress. Her dark red hair was a stark contrast with her pale skin and white dress. Her pale blue eyes stood out and made her features come alive. She looked happy and sad and content all at the same time. Avril closed her eyes in attempt to shut the memory out. She rememberd this day all too well. One problem, her eyes wouldn't shut it out like how she hoped. Avril bit her lower lip, how could one escape their own memories? She watched helplessly as two girls approached the first grade her. They started calling her names and making fun of her. Little Avril tryed to run away from the mean words and nasty gestures, but now the girls were chasing her. Except now, it wasn't only the two girls anymore. Three more had joined in and they were all starting to circle in and corner her into a wall. Avril couldn't watch what came next. She shook her head, trying to shake the memory away. She screamed in her dream, helpless. She couldn't escape it!

Avril gasped as she woke up. She found her head on the concreat and her body contorted in a strange way, laying attop her bags. She wasn't at her elementary school anymore, she was outside the big iron fance of the accademy. She wasn't small and defenceless anymore, she was strong. She could protect herself now. Avril stood up and rubbed at her eyes. She leaned against the gate and fell backwards. She caught herself and looked around. That gate was open. Had someone came by and unlocked it when sh was asleap? She looked at the gate and found the lock on the ground. Who waould unlock a gate and then just throw the lock on the ground? "Hello..?" She called, unsure if anyone was even around. Avril shrugged, picked up her bags, and walked throug the gates into a huge courtyard coverd in trees and plants of all shapes and sizes. it was almost as if she'd steped through into some sort of forest.

Grumman_Goose 12-23-2012 09:47 PM

Ferdi was walking across the open courtyard to the school, after getting lifts with anyone he could he arrived at the perimeter gate to the school that was his home. Well, he considered it home. He found it better living at school then at home. He hated at home, his estate was in the middle of nowhere, with no contact with the outside world. Living in a life of luxury but not with a penny to his name. His mother removed him from any inheritance that he would have received from his parents wills. Because of a lack of money he had no way of getting any where. It was as though he squatted in his own home. His mother refused to look at her son in the eye after the accident involving him giving his nanny an aneurysm at the top of a staircase in his lavish home. Ever since then his life at home went from fantastic to feeble.

When he arrived at the gate it was still locked. Students weren't due back for a few days, but he thought that a few days back early would do him some good after his hellish living out side of school. He noticed a girl by the gate fast asleep. "Hmph, she looks like she had the same idea." He reached over to the lock and examined it. He pulled out a pair of callipers and cut the lock and dumped it on the floor. He pushed open the gate with it squealing loudly in the silence, and he stepped forward on to the grounds of the school that he would stay in for the rest of the academic year. His shoes tapped lightly against the stone courtyard when he heard a quiet 'hello' from behind him. He turned around and took off his sunglasses to see who had called towards him. "Hey! How are you? I see you had the same idea as me. What brings you here? People aren't due here for another few days." He dropped his only bag. A tattered duffel bag and sat down on the cold stone floor to waiting for the person to approach.

beautiful_psycho 12-23-2012 10:15 PM

Avril staggerd backwards, not really expecting a reply from anyone. "" Avril tugged at the bottom of her black jacket nervously. She didn't do well with people. "The paper said to come right away.." She whisperd. This was her fist day and already she'd mannaged to make a fool of herself by showing up early and stammering like an idiot. Avril looked at her shoes and furrowed her brow, both confused and embarrased. "I was dropped off by my stepfather.." No, she was thrown out of a moving car by her step father. Thinking about it made her remeber her tatterd skirt and scuffed boots. She blushed a deep scarlet. She probobly looked pathetic. She looked back up at the guy before her. "I'm guessing you've been here before?" She asked. She could feel his happiness to be back. His energy swirled around her and tickled her fingertips. She let his psychic energy dance around her and whisper in her ear. Then, Avril rememberd where she was. She bit her lip and tryed to foccus on letting his energy go. She felt like she was intruding on his privacy. She had to remember to refrain herself here.

Grumman_Goose 12-23-2012 10:41 PM

Ferdi listened to the stammering girl in front of him, he tapped the heels of his feet on the floor hearing what the girl would say. She had the pleasure of being dropped here by car where as he had to get whatever transport he could manage. "So had you been waiting long?" He got back up and grabbed his bag as well and threw it over to the grand front doors of the school. "Yep I've been here before, this is my final year. How about you?" He couldn't really see the girl very well from the distance he was from her so he wandered over to her but wasn't too sure at the pace to go at, as he didn't want to seem too offensive but didn't want to seem to cautious. He decided to wander at a leisurely pace as though he was observing the scenery around him. "Hey do you wanna go inside now? Or later on?"

beautiful_psycho 12-23-2012 11:19 PM

Avril watched hm walk. "Im not sure how long i've been waiting.. I sort of fell asleap.." She felt foolosh for not being able to give a straight answer. "This is my first year here bit the letter i receved said i'd be enrolled as a Junior as if i've been here for three years." Avril said, looking after him. He seemed like he wanted to be careful of her. "I guess we can go in now. Umm.. do you know what im supposed to do?" She asked confused about where she needed to go. She wished she didn't loo so confused and helpless. She bit her lower lip and tryed to project the feeling of confidence from hrself. Maybe it'll help a little if he felt that she was confident in herself.

Angelo 12-24-2012 10:35 AM

Handing the cab driver a fist full of leaves that he thought was an extremely generous tip from a well-dressed rich girl, Beth sighed as she took in the view of the school. The woods had never, ever made her feel at home, and it was looking like their school was in the middle of such a forest. Great, she thought as she hefted the small bag over her shoulder and waved the cab driver on with a fake smile. He nodded and drove off to his next customer. The illusion that the pile of leaves was a stack of hundred dollar bills would soon fade away, but by then, he would have forgotten all about her.

A telepathic pulse revealed two things: first, that the forest was absolutely teeming with all manner of reprehensible creatures and second, that there were two people already ahead of her. Clearly she hadn't been the only one to think of getting to the school early, though in her case it was because she had nothing better to do. She walked down the path with an expressionless mask on her face, even with the creepy crawlies surrounding her just out sight.

Upon spotting the two people she had sensed earlier, she froze where she was standing and focused her mind. The one girl was obviously nervous, while the boy seemed at ease. The psychic shields that they had puzzled her though. No one she had met had ever had anything like it. Sure, people had natural defenses against her telepathy, but it had never been as strong as the two of them had by themselves. Was it because they were also psychic? Still, she was more worried that they had felt her callous touch. Having been surprised by the shields, she wasn't nearly as careful as she usually was.

"Uhmm... hello there?" she called out, though namely to get a feel for their reaction. Had they felt her touch? Would they have even recognized it if they had? "I'm a bit lost here. This is the Academy for the Psychically Gifted, right?"

Grumman_Goose 12-24-2012 04:04 PM

Ferdi noticed in the corner of his eye another person appearing out of the wilderness, he looked over to the second stranger and waved them over. "Hey! Yeah this is the right place don't you worry your little heart." He turned back to the other girl. "You fell asleep? You much have been there ages. Shall we go in? You're probably quite cold. I'm Ferdinand Bourne by the way, but you can call me Ferdi for short." He stuck out his hand.

Meanwhile by the grand front doors of the school were in the process of being unlocked with the sound of the locks being changed and the loud creaking of the door slowly opening. Looking out on to the courtyard was an exact copy of Ferdi from the colour of his hair to the shoes on his feet. "Hey! Are you coming in anytime soo, oh you have company I thought that it was just you here?"

beautiful_psycho 12-24-2012 04:51 PM

Avril turned around as she felt another presence. Her evergy was strong but slightly comforting to her. Ash she approached Avril noticed that the girl was about half her size. She was so young to get caught up in all of this stuff. She'd hate to be so young at a new place like this. "Yes, you're in the right place." She called to the gril. She turned backto Ferdi and nodded. "I'm Avril. Avril Jones." She said to both of them. As she felt their psychic energy swiring around her in a glorious dance she inhaled. Both Ferdi and the girl had very strong pshy energy. It was a nice change from what she was used to. As Aril heard the gate creek open she looked over towards it. She jumped as she saw the figure opening the gate. It was Ferdi. Wait, no, Ferdi was right next to her. On this side of the gate. Maybe they are twins. She thought. She sreched for his psyy energy, but for some reason she couldn't find it. She looked harder, feeling every bit on energy there was to feel. She felt the trees' energy, the squrls' within the tall trees, the birds' flying overhead. She could even feel a few insects. She stared at the seccong Ferdi, confused. She knew she was being rude, but she just couldn't help herself. Maybe his energy is the same as Feri's. She thought.

Grumman_Goose 12-24-2012 05:36 PM

Ferdi watched as the small child approached. Compared to him she was tiny and looked too young to even be here. She surely couldn't be here for school. He heard the other Ferdi approaching and turned to him. "Why thank you for opening up the door." He put his arm around him and turned to the girls. "This is Avril and...?" He felt as though he was quite intimidating with two of him in front of this small girl. "Your welcome, nice to meet the both of you." He turned to the original Ferdi. "Oh you might want to check your room while there's no one around." Ferdi snapped his head round. "What." He pulled on the other Ferdi's shoulder and they both appeared to fuse together. He then grabbed his bag and ran towards the school building leaving Avril and the small girl outside. As he got further and further away from them, their psychic presence became weaker. "They're certainly strong for their age, especially the young girl. I don't think I was like that at her age."

beautiful_psycho 12-24-2012 05:49 PM

Avril watched the two Ferdis chat. She was greatly confused. And then all of a sudden she saw them fuse together. Avril gasped. Well that would explain a lot. She thought. She watched as Ferdi ran off into the school. "Wait!" She called after him. She had no idea where she was supposed to go. She was still confused about the whole being there early aspect. She must have read the letter wrong. She chewed her lower lip as she watched Ferdi get smaller and smaller and eventually dissapear. Avril turned to the girl and smiled. "Hi." She said, feeling sort of awkward. She wasn't used to other psychics. Especially younger ones. "I think we should go in and try to find our way around." She said. She started walking in the direction Ferdi had run off in hoping it would lead her to the school commons.

Angelo 12-24-2012 06:10 PM

"Good," Beth replied shortly, though she wasn't referring to the fact that she as in the right place. It appeared that neither of them had felt her presence, though whether that was just from lack of experience or general insensitivity to such things was impossible to distinguish. As she came to a stop next to the duo, she managed to catch the boy's name, Ferdi, and see his double appear from the doors to the school itself. Surprise flickered across her face as fast as lightning. She hadn't even sense him, which meant that he was the stronger of the two, or someone had put a serious shadow on him.

The mention of the red-headed girl's name snatched her attention away from the issue of the twin long enough for her to reply with "Beth." Despite trying to figure out the situation, it wasn't until they fused back together that she realized why she hadn't felt the twin's presence, or rather, why she hadn't noticed it. It was the exact same as the original, which meant that it was probably a clone of some sort. As the blonde boy darted away from them, she blinked a few times. She had grossly underestimated him and his abilities.

Beth turned back to the taller girl, Avril, as she began to speak. "A few things first. Don't treat me like I'm special because I suffer from minor dwarfism. I hate that. And calm down a bit. Everything's going to be fine," she interjected, raising her hand to halt the conversation briefly. It was important to get that out of the way as soon as possible, lest there be a lot of awkward moments in the first few days. And then they were heading in the same direction that Ferdi had gone.

After a few moments, Beth closed her eyes and began to search for a rat or something that had been around the inside of the school. While reading the minds of animals left her feeling a bit sluggish, they were often more helpful than people gave them credit for. Their sheer presence ensured that she would always be able to find an animal to use if necessary. Once she found the mind of a rat, it was merely a matter of using its memories to guide her to their destination.

"Take a left up here," she said, peeking every so often to make sure that she was right. "There will be a set of stairs to the left of the hall. Those will take us to the commons if we follow them up far enough."

((Sorry if it seems weird guys. I got a flu bug last night. [:(]))

beautiful_psycho 12-24-2012 06:30 PM

Avril looked down at Beth as she walked. "You read minds." She senced. Everytime she reached out to an animal she could feel her psychic energy extending. She did as she was told and made a left and began to walk up the stairs. As she neared the top she could feel the presence of other's psychic energy. She figured that classes must be out at the moment. Avril looked up at the sky. It was a deep purple and the moon was full and bright, peaking out from behind a cluster of clouds. Avril loved the night. She always felt her energy was the strongest when the moon was at it's fullest. "So, can any of the minds here tell you where Ferdi went?" She asked as she put a cloak of calm over the whole school. She smiled to herself as she saw it taking effect. It clamed the emotions she could sence. Everyone's emotios were much less excited, or frantic, or angry, or saddend, or happy. It was all too much for her to push through at the moment. Avril had other things on her mind. Like where they needed to go. She watched Beth closely, curious about her powers. She could only imagin what it would be like to hear other's thoughts. Feeling other's emotions was one thing, but thoughts were a whole other level. Avril blushed slightly as she realized that these poweres were sort of an intrusion on other's privacy.

((Im sorry you dont feel well. :/))

Grumman_Goose 12-24-2012 07:42 PM

Ferdi tore down hallways and up staircases towards his room. He reached the top floor of the building where most of the students rooms were found. "I'm going to send the little shit to the hospital that messed with my room!" He ran to his door which was about two thirds of the way down the hall and opened it. But he was sure that he had locked it months before, he stepped inside and stunned to see that everything was in it's place. His desk was still cluttered with books and stationary and hadn't been cleared in almost two years. His bed was still unmade from the school year before with half the duvet hanging off the side of the bed and his clothes still lying in small piles on the floor. "Hmm..." He dropped his bag on to his desk knocking several books on to the floor and threw his duvet so his bed looked partially made. He then collected his discarded clothes and dropped them in a larger pile to take care of them later on. The room smelt of 'dirty' air so Ferdi opened his window to let fresh air into the room. He looked out the window down on to the courtyard below and saw that there was no one there any more. "So they must be inside." He said quietly to himself. He left his room closing the door behind him and headed back down towards the entrance of the building to see if the doors had been shut.

((I hope that you feel better soon!))

beautiful_psycho 12-24-2012 08:01 PM

Avril looked around at all the buildings. This svhool was much different compared to her old high school. In her old school all the classes were sectioned off by hundreds with a huge commons area ith the middle. It was virtually impossible to get lost at her old school. If you weren't sure where you were you just kept going straight. Eventually you'd end up back in the commons. It was like a big cirlce. This school, however, was far different. It looked more like a miniture city than a school. As her and Beth walked they passed by several restraunts and grocery stores. Avril wonderd if the students here ever left the school grounds. It occured to Avril that there were a great amount of trees scattered around the grounds. As if someone wandered into the woods and decided to just drop a school in the middle of it. She let her hand trail on a branch of a low hanging tree. As she touched it her fingertips tingled. She could feel it's energy so strongly. It felt nice. Reasuring.

Grumman_Goose 12-24-2012 10:16 PM

Ferdi walked out of the building on to the small residential plaza that provided a home away from home, the sun rising higher in to the sky. Further ahead he could just see the girls wandering about exploring their new home for the year. He looked about to see what was available this year as in the last two years that he'd been here some places had closed while new ones had opened never seen before. From what he could see everything was the same down to the last detail. He jogged over to the girls to meet up with them and introduce him self to the smaller girl whom he hadn't spoken too yet. "Hey, how are you finding the place? I know it seems daunting at first but you'll be able to find your way around soon enough." He could definitely feel something from the smaller girl, she gave a very strong presence whether she knew this or not. He would have to try and sort this out when the school year starts and there are teachers available. He sat down on a near by bench under a large tree with the leaves a vibrant green colour contrasting with the sky which was now a rich blue with scattered white clouds here and there, and the sound of the wind passing though the branches above them flowing with energy which he could only just feel. He looked at the smaller girl. "I'm sorry I never got the chance to catch your name. I'm Ferdi by the way."

Kiyoto 12-24-2012 10:44 PM

Ryuzaki (Ryu) Nightengale

Ryu paused at the door, his hand outstreatched to frip the handle. He glanced back at the car where a few guards stood in case he tried to make a break for it. He draws in his lower lip a bit, biting it with a slight force. He reaches into his pocket, pulling on his black gloves. He did not know where this handle or any of these things had been, and he did not want to be getting any visions at all. As he did, the guards narrowed their eyes slightly, but he ignored them. He was not concerned with them in the slightest, for if he really needed to, none of them would be able to stand in his way. They were no match for him. He moved his hand up, lightly biting his thumb, as his nerves slightly got the best of him making him hesitate. People were not his strong suit, and now he was going to be around them for at least two years. He still did not understand why he was being forced to do this other then because of his mind.

His eyes glanced around, and he finally took a hold of the handle to the door. Sliding it open, he peeked inside. The chatter of other students hit him, and his nerves grew. He was not well with crowds or with confined spaces. Ryu was a bit clostrophobic, and it tended to make his mind...spike so to speak. He eased his way in the door, bit by bit. He was told his room would hold what he needed, so all he had with him, was a bag on his back. His life had been turned over to this place, which at the moment, he knew nothing about. He was determined to learn all he could however. Even now, he could feel the other's minds pressing against his own, and he was beginning to get a headache. He moved down the hall, ignoring the noise both audio and mental around him. He closed his eyes and focused on his safe place, the only one he had ever known. The white padded cell in the asylum, the bright lights over head, being left alone with no one else's annoying prescence around him.

He paused at a set of stairs, and glanced back, before hurrying up them. He took out a paper from his pocket, and managed to unfold it with shaky fingers. Looking it over, he memorized it in mere seconds. One glance was enough, before he shoved it back in his pocket. He felt many weaker minds here, those he could easily crush if he wanted to, and a rare few stronger minds. There were not many, so he did not worry about it. Psychic energy was a broad power, though his Psychometry was a bit more closed ranged. With his energy, he could in a way use verious forms of psychic powers themselves, though the strength varried, and being so powerful with his mind, it at times got out of hand. His major focus right now was control, control, control, control. If he could not gain it, he risked destroying everything, or his own mind. The thought of being a vegetable in a hospital was not exactly a pleasing one.

He shakes his head, and glances out a window into the courtyard. Students there to, walking around and getting to know eachother. Some had always been here, some were new like him. He sighed, looking at his reflection in the window, he was shaking a bit. How could he be so confident with his mind, and yet so afraid at the same time. With his power, the mere thought of people frightened him. That was a bit pathetic in his mind. He had a long way to go still, but that would not stop him in any ways. Good thing he had been working on the shield around his mind, for in a place full of psychic and mental abilities, he would need it. He could sense that not everything was what it seemed however, and that offset him even more. He stared out into the courtyard, he needed to gain the upper hand on this, before it gained the upper hand on him.

beautiful_psycho 12-24-2012 10:57 PM

Avril watched as Ferdi ran up to them. She smiled and continues to examine the tree she was toughing. She looked up at it, it seemed happy. She figured this must be a nice place for a tree to live. As Avril inspected the tree she listednt to Ferdi speak. "We don't leave campus, do we?" She asked. Avril wasn't sure if she liked or disslied the is=dea of being forced to stay on school grounds. At least it would keep her far away from her past. She needed that. Suddenly, Avril's attention was ripped away from Ferdi, Beth, and even the tree. She could feel a strong presence. She looked up at the night sky and breathed in the air, taking it all in. She could feel intence emotions. They made her a little unstable and dizzy. Avril didn't know who they belonged to, nor did she feel like going out of her way to find out. Two people were fr more than enough for her to deal with at the moment. As a courtesy she sent a calm feeling towards whoever the presence was. Avril returned her attention to the tree. It seemed slightly uneasy now. How strange..

Angelo 12-24-2012 11:13 PM

Nodding to the statement of what she thought to be common sense, Beth confirmed Avrill's suspicion. "Yes, I am a telepath," she said, focus snapping to their current location. "And no, there's nothing around that remembers seeing him go by. That's the problem with simple animals; they remember impressions, not details." She hesitated a bit when Avril stopped to feel a tree and commune with it psychically. Part of her wanted to leave, but the other part said that it would be wrong to just ditch her like that.

"It's easy to navigate if you know whom to ask," Beth replied. "I'm Beth, and no, I'm not helpless just because I suffer from mild dwarfism. I just want to get that out of the way right now." Clearly the boy was at ease in the strange school, indicating that he had enjoyed his three years there already. It was a promising thought. Still, she couldn't get over how surprising it was that someone with three years of training and classes would be unable to feel her touch on his mind. That was not a promising thought. She wanted to get better with her abilities, not stagnate.

"How are the classes here? What do they focus on and are their methods effective?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with intensity. If the school was a waste of time, she would leave without looking back, but if it could help her better herself, then she was all for staying.

((Thanks for the well-wishes guys. :3 And I really am sorry if my posts seem a little weak. I'm operating on like 10% tops.))

Grumman_Goose 12-24-2012 11:19 PM

Ferdi sat on the bench and listened to the girls talking. "Nice to meet you Beth, and the classes are a mix of traditional lessons that you have in a normal school but then should you have powers as not everyone here will have, you have extra classes to help you use your powers to their best potential. You see this also doubles as a private school for the rich too." He heard Avril ask him a question about living at school. "You can't leave during the school year. Only at Christmas but your parents consent is needed by the school to allow you to go, if not you have to stay here like I have done for the last two ye.." He could feel something in the distance that had appeared out of no where. He could feel where it was coming from and looked over to one of the buildings. He saw a figure in the window look out at what seemed to be him and the girls. It was a powerful force that filled the emptiness that used to be in the building. "We can't leave them just looking from a distance, now can we?" Ferdi lifted his right hand and placed his index and middle finger to his forehead and closed his eyes. When he opened them he was in the building about ten feet from the stranger by the window. He looked out as well and saw himself and the two girls still under the tree. The second Ferdi brought his attention to the stranger by the window. "Hello..? Can I help you? More importantly can you sense me?"

((Ooh I wonder what your like at 100%! I hope that you get well soon!))

beautiful_psycho 12-25-2012 01:43 AM

Avril listed to the questions Beth was asking Ferdi. They all seemed improtant enough. Avril never really asked questions, she just figured things out on her own. Maybe listening to the two would sae her some time, not that it would take her much longer to just figure it al out on her own. She knoticed Ferdi create a copy of himself and prject it up into a window. Avril figured that must be where the new energy was coming from. She watched him carefully, hoping he wouldn't scare whoever it was. She looked back at the origional Ferdi. "Who's up there?" She asked, foccusing her energy on the person up there. Maybe if she could get a read on their emotions she'd be able to have a clearer understanding of them.

((sorry it's not verry long. I've been fored into baby duty. :/))

Kiyoto 12-25-2012 01:44 AM

He did not turn at all as the other appeared behind him. His muscles tensed a fraction, but he was not much of a physical fighter. Being locked up in an asylum did not leave much time for personal training. He looked out the window still at the others, so this guy could multiply himself in some way. He sighed a bit and nodded. "I am someone...or maybe no one" he says simply. He began to move up the stairs once more, looking at the doors as he went, watching the numbers. He sensed a few people in the rooms, they were in various states of mind. He paused, looking back at the other male who was back in the hallway. "Who are you?" he asks, his mind reaching out a bit to sense the other's mind. He could sense a bit of power in there, but at the moment, he was more interested in what the other could do besides splitting himself. How far could he split himself either? He was a bit curious, and that was begining to spike his intrest. He would not let his guard down for an instant around anyone here.

Grumman_Goose 12-25-2012 09:21 PM

The original Ferdi remained on the bench, seeing what the other Ferdi could find out. "I don't know at the moment that's what I'm trying to find out." He said a little bit too sternly for his liking. Mean while the second Ferdi tried to get some sort of conversation out of the tense person before him. "My name is Ferdinand Bourne. Who might you be? You don't have to be so tense, we're the only one's here. The other people that are here are out there." He pointed to the three figures that were outside. He could feel that this stranger was interested in him. Much like a cat, on edge facing a possible threat but also curious at the same time.

Kiyoto 12-25-2012 10:10 PM

He looked out the window, at the other's. His mind's shield going up a bit more. "My name is Ryuzaki Nightengale, you'll probrably figure that out sooner or later, as to anything else that is none of your concern" he made his way down, so he stood in front of the other. He looked into his eyes, using a sub form ability of his psyconic energy called pushing, to gently nudge the thought of leaving him alone into the other's mind. He did not know how strong the other's mind was, so the thought of implanting the thought thurough enough to fully take root inside the other's mind was a bit iffy. It depended on if the other was smart enough to notice the intrusion in his mind. Those with higher mental abilities usually were more sensitive to others with the same kind of powers, and within their own mind, but if one was strong enough and crafty enough, detection was relitively no concern. Ryuzaki was more familiar with his energy itself, and still learning just how far the limits of his control of psychic energy could go, so he had not really had much training with the pushing area, other then a few times by accident when he had been in the hospital. As with all psychic powers, the stronger the mind, the harder it was on a psychicly empowered person. Using the mind as a weapon was both a powerful and deadly thing. If one was not careful or strong enough, they could loose their own mind, and end up a vegetable. On the other side, if one was to strong and unable to control it, it could very much crush the minds of those around them to where the others would be the vegetables, or dead. Ryuzaki had to be very careful in both the use of his power and the way he advanced in his trainin. He could not afford the mistakes at any rate.

Grumman_Goose 12-25-2012 10:38 PM

Ferdi felt glad that he had managed to start a conversation with Ryuzaki but it was over as soon as it had begun. "Well that went well..." He was soon looking in to Ryuzaki's eyes. He could feel his energy flowing around him. It was a faint feeling that was masked very well. Maybe his timid nature had caused a slight sense of paranoia? He would have to remember all this. But what was going on now? First he wanted to keep his distance and now he was almost touching his nose. Ferdi then started to get a feeling that he should leave and had out stayed his welcome. "I should probably get going, It was nice to meet you." Ferdi turned away to head back to his original copy. "God that was weird. I'll have to put his name down for later on." He got back out side and jogged over to the three students. He flopped down into the original Ferdi and all that the copy had learnt was given straight to the original. Ferdi's eye's shot open. "Oh he can't! No way."

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