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hummy 02-22-2018 10:23 PM

🌺💙MacBook Air Help💙🌺

I'm new to the Apple world,
Any helpful tips or tricks?

I finally can highlight
And use the command button
It took me forever, to be honest

Do you prefer your MAC?

hummy 02-26-2018 08:04 PM

ghostPastry: are you a Mac User?

ghostPastry 02-26-2018 11:35 PM

i am! i was gonna say the command button thing, so i'm glad you figured that out. i don't have a mac air and i'm still on OSX Capitan, which isn't the most recent update, so i can't help with everything but if you have specific questions i can probably help you out. :0

one tip it took me a while to figure out is that you can have multiple tabs in Finder! this is really useful when you're moving files from one place to another, but i also like to keep folders i use often open all the time.

also, if you go into System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts, you can look at and change which combinations of buttons do what. the only one i ever really use is Screen Shots, but it's so helpful to know. also if you go to System Preferences > Keyboard > Text, you can have it auto-complete words or phrases if you type a shorter version. for instance, i have it set so that if i type @g, it auto-completes to

oh, and it's also helpful to look at/change what your trackpad does, which you can do by going to System Preferences > Trackpad. that way, you can make it so you can right-click by tapping with two fingers instead of ctrl+click and a bunch of other cool stuff.

if you're having trouble with using the trackpad, it might also be helpful for you to buy a USB mouse. i got one for pretty cheap and it's really nice to have. much less strain on your wrists and fingers.

also, if you hold down any key that has variations (vowels, y, s, z, c, l) it'll show the variations and you can press a number to type it. and! if you hold down option and press a key, it'll type a different symbol. (2 becomes ™, g becomes ©, etc.) and up at the top of the screen, next to where the time and date are displayed, there's a little symbol that looks like a box with the command key symbol and some dots in it. if you click that, then click "show emoji & symbols" you get basically every symbol and apple emoji you could ever want to use. all you have to do is open it, click into where you want to type, then double click the symbol/emoji.

that's all i can think of right now... but again, if you have any specific questions, i'm more than happy to try to answer. :>

hummy 02-28-2018 03:30 AM

I still don't know how to copy a picture. And everything sort of seems backwards to me. Like even wear the x's on a tab is on the opposite side. I didn't even know there were emojis on here so I'll have to look for that cuz I tend to overuse them, but I'm sure you've noticed. I really appreciate the tips because I don't even know what I don't know, you know?

Kat Dakuu 03-01-2018 12:04 AM

I use a mac and I remember it being very different from the computer I used before. The bottom bar and the finder function are not similar to search on a windows device. However, finder is so much more useful! I've gotten so used to it so I'm sure it's just a matter of time.

The way mac's update though and sometimes change the layout so you have to be lost all over again...XD
The icons slightly changed their appearance after OSX Capitan.

hummy 03-01-2018 01:12 AM

I can finally copy/paste text fairly easily.
however I don't try to change it often =3
I still don't know what 'finder' is ;p

ghostPastry 03-01-2018 06:19 PM

to copy an image, you just ctrl+click on the image then select "copy image", or if you want to copy the image's url you ctrl+click and select copy image address. same thing for saving an image, ctrl+click then select "save image as..."

Kat Dakuu 03-01-2018 06:26 PM

I know I have my settings done so that I two finger click for a right click. 'copy image location' is usually the option I use instead of 'copy image' because it lets you paste it in more places.

Finder is one of the main apps in your dock. It's the search function and more, I'm pretty sure. Because the one time it crashed for me, all of the icons on my screen vanished.

hummy 03-02-2018 02:26 AM

okay, Kat. this is how dumb I am...what is a dock *bites fingernails*

oh, I didn't see ghostie's post. control plus click?

ghostPastry 03-02-2018 06:21 PM

you hold down control while you're clicking. it's basically the same as right click on a mouse, or like Kat was saying, tapping the touchpad with two fingers.

the dock is the grey bar at the bottom of the screen where all your application icons are. you can drag new icons into there and remove icons, and you can also change the location of the dock so it's on the right or left side of the screen by right clicking (or ctrl+click or two finger tap) the line on the dock. and if you click and drag the line, you can make the dock bigger or smaller.

Kat Dakuu 03-06-2018 01:31 AM

Oh? I didn't know you could drag new icons on, but I often do add or delete icons from it. I had to take off the mail app because I never use it and I would open it on accident and my computer would freak out because it's not set up or anything.
I know on my computer, it also shows a black dot underneath the apps that are in use in the dock. You can also place your dock on the side of the screen instead of across the bottom. Should default at the bottom though. It drove me nuts that the macs at school had the dock on the side instead of bottom.

Facade 03-07-2018 02:38 AM

I've worked almost exclusively on Macs for almost a decade now - my new job is the first time I've worked day-to-day on a PC in AGES. It still trips me up, particularly in how folders/drives are arranged versus on Macs (I can more easily navigate drives/computer storage and file shit on a Mac than a PC; the PC paths and lack of a 'back' button keep tripping me up).

Welcome to the Mac world! We have shiny things but also a lack of easy customizability and substantially fewer native games than PC!

hummy 03-07-2018 04:20 AM

Thank you guys so much. I'm still having difficulties but I'm feeling less lost now.
One thing I totally love is how the charging cord connects

ghostPastry 03-08-2018 09:52 PM

i know, right?! i love that it's magnetic, that way you don't have to go searching for the hole.

hummy 03-11-2018 05:35 AM

And it doesn't get all wobbly from being bent up against something it just pops off and you put it back on

Kat Dakuu 03-15-2018 12:57 AM

I used to love the charger cord, but the way I sit with my computer destroys the cord apparently and I've gone through quite a few because they get bent and cease to work. This one is not apple brand and it's doing better. Hasn't gotten bent yet.

hummy 09-03-2018 07:35 PM

I am not much better all these months later!
I really try not to use it, to br honest.

my latest problem is when I click to quote or even post
sometimes it comes us with the words showing but no
button to click submit or anything?!! what's up with that?

hummy 01-04-2019 12:54 AM

@Kat Dakuu do you have problems editing or quoting with your MAC?

hummy 01-06-2019 05:16 PM

Kent: sorry for the ping...
I saw you use safari,
do you use a MAC
do you ever have problems
with editing or quoting?

Kent 01-06-2019 05:31 PM

I use an iPhone 8 and a mac desktop. I’ve never had problems with editing and quoting. o 3o You’re talking about posts on Menewsha, right?

hummy 01-07-2019 06:12 AM

Correct, I am using a Mac air book laptop. It will open up the clothes or open up the edit but it won't let me do anything there's no button to submit you can't delete anything you can add stuff to it but there's still no button to submit with and I don't understand how to fix it. But thanks for responding I really appreciate it. And, by the way, do you like your iPhone? And have you always use Apple or have you ever had an android? Thank you.

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