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Furious 03-24-2008 10:40 PM

Tomorrows Storm *Now Accepting Characters and Starting*
Dear Member

Congratulations. You have been invited to go on an all expenses payed cruise, provided by the owner of your country club. No strings attached, all you must do is provide your club membership I.D at the dock. This will be a seven day cruise. The ship will dock on an island several hundred miles from land, and will be returning to land on the seventh day.

Mr. Smith.

Furious 03-24-2008 10:46 PM


First, and Most importantly: Absolutely NO Werewolves, Ghosts, trolls, ESPECIALLY no Vampires. No combination of the above, no magic. Basically NO MYTHICAL CREATURES.

Also; looking for romance? GTFO.

This is NOT the titanic. Do not jump overboard PLEASE. However, if by some cosmic, freakish chance we hit an iceberg, feel free to jump. It would amuse me greatly.

Just a friendly reminder, please try not to rush your posts. It looks sloppy, nasty, and it makes me go |:<

Just another friendly reminder; The seas can be harsh, and as such, anyone not meeting expectations could just happen to be bumped into the ocean by a pesky little misplaced wave.

Now. Onto the other rules.

1: No flaming
2: No double posting
3: Respect the people in charge >: O
4: Follow Menewsha's rules
5: Cussing is allowed, but keep it low. This may be a cruise, but there's not gonna be any sailors ;)
6: No Godmodding, or anything similar.
7: Literacy...It's an absolute must.

ANNOUNCEMENT: From now on, a Roleplay sample is required. If you can prove you're up to standard, you're most likely in. If you don't provide an RP sample, I will look at your past posts to see if I can find any. Those who have submitted a profile that has already been approved will not need a sample, but any future members will need to make a sample RP post.

And also to avoid and future confusion, you MUST wait until your bio is approved before RPing.

Furious 03-24-2008 11:02 PM

Biographies and Character Sheets:

Please PM all Character Biographies to me for approval.
Player Name:

Biographies can be as detailed as you'd like. But don't be too vague, we need to know the essential details, like who they are and such.


Player Name: JamesB14
Name: Daisy Williams
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Personality: Snarky, sarcastic, and generally not fun to be around
Description: Red hair down a bit past her shoulders, and dark blue eyes. She weighs about 115 pounds, and stands at around 5'10. She usually wears jeans and T-shirts, despite the disapproval of those at the country club.
History: She hasn't really disclosed much about herself. She grew up in a rich family, and as such developed a spoiled brat kind of personality, further enhancing her sarcastic side.
Player Name: Jayms_Fallen_Angel
Name: TiaoMai Kong (Pronounced t ow May Kun)
Age: 21
Brief Biography: TiaoMai was born and raised in an Upperclass Chinese family, living in America. Her family has always been rather strict and TiaoMai has always obeyed them. She sees herself as a doll. Something that should look pleasing and do what she's told. She is very quiet and well behaved.
Name: Dawn Sprite Blaire
Age: 18
Gender: female
Personality: she is bubbly and happy and somewhat energetic. she's very optimistic and doesn't like people that are depressed or spoiled
History: Dawn comes from a rich family but she never liked the country club, it was a bit too snobby for her, but at her 18th birthday her mum managed to persuade her to go on the cruise to relax a bit and get to know more people who are, as her mum sais, like them. Her mother is one of those snobs that doesn't like people that have less money than they do and her father is never home.
Player Name: Estrella
Name: Charlotte Pilots (Charlie to her friends)
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Personality: Charlotte is very outgoing and a bit of a chatterbox. She really likes to meet new people and is slightly vain.
History: Charlotte grew up with two moms and led a pretty normal life. She was homeschooled mostly because of the controversy her moms caused and they didn't want Charlie to be teased. Her moms provided her with a very priveledged life. One was a lawyer the other was a sucessful author.
Player Name: Estrella
Name: Christian Pilots
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Description: He's 6'5" and fairly thin at 145lbs. He has short, black hair that he keeps in a spikey style. He's Hispanic and has lightly tanned skin and chocolate brown eyes. He's got a muscular build and a very structured face.
Personality: He's very corny with his jokes and is usually the only one laughing at them. Christian is just as outgoing as his sister and loves to tease her. He's not vain and is generally a people-pleaser making him very gullible at times.
History: He was adopted as a baby by the Pilots and was homeschooled as well, two years later through In-Vitro fertilization Charlotte joined their family.
Player Name: life in red and black
Name: Nicholas Ivan Karlos (Nik)
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Pale hair that often flops in front of his face while he's reading. Wears glasses, appears mature and quiet.
Personality: Nik sighs a lot, since he's usually bored. His mind wanders so he appears to be quiet. Quite pessimistic. Nosy, pokes into other people's business, even though he keeps his comments to himself. He has a habit of adjusting his glasses when he's thinking deeply.
Nik's father often drags Nik to their country club, hoping to establish relations between his son and his business partners for when Nik takes over his company. Nik has no interest in such, and was glad for a chance to escape his father and his friends.
Player Name: Twilight_New Moon_Eclipse
Name: Melai Nisiko
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: She's a dork at heart, really, and fairly shy. Unless the other person starts talking first, she's really antosocial.
History: Melai lives with her aunt and uncle. Her aunt is a total hippie and her uncle is never around, she doesn't even know what he looks like. She's self-homeschooled and her aunt put her in the country club to make some friends. She's not looking forward to it.
Player Name: Cows Go Moo
Name:Alexus Travis
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Personality: She is offbeat and somewhat of a sarcastic. Most of the time she holds her tongue, unless someone ticks her off. Then she will be snarky.
History: Alexus pretends not to be rich and not use as much money as possible, but often she is dumped at the country club for a "play date" while her mom gets drunk and gossips with the other moms. She used to sneak off to find something better to do, thankfully the cruise came up at the right time.

Furious 03-24-2008 11:02 PM


Furious 03-24-2008 11:03 PM


Amo_Angelus 03-24-2008 11:20 PM

TiaoMai leant lightly back against the leather seat as she listened to her father recite his buisness plans and instructions on her behaviour. He would not be on the ship with her as he had more important things to do than relax on a cruise. Thankfully, he had given her permission to attend. She simply nodded slightly and added the appropriate agreement when it was called for.

Eventually the car rolled to a stop and the driver opened the door, allowing TiaoMai to step out and stand up. Her mahogany eyes flickered to the huge ship before them and her slender fingers brushed her dark hair from her eyes. It was impressive, but when it came to the country club...what wasn't? She smiled and pulled the letter out of her purse as she headed to the ship, followed by her driver and bags.

A slight smile passed her ruby lips as she handed her letter to the man on the dock, one perfectly manicured nail pointing out her club ID number. "May my driver deliver my bags to my room for me?" She asked quietly in a thickly accented voice. The man smiled and nodded in return, telling her her room number before she boarded. "Thank you" She smiled as the driver walked past her, finding her room for her. She lingered on the deck, surveying the passengers who were already there and looking for her friends.

Her driver emerged a few minutes later, informing her of where her room was and heding back to the car. Slowly TiaoMai walked to the edge of the deck, looking down on the dock as the black Mercedes started up and left. Her fingers moved, a refined and barely distinguishable goodbye. Did her father even notice? It was impossable to see through the tinted windows.

HotaruHoshi 03-25-2008 12:30 AM

Dawn sat in the backseat of her mother's Jaguar, she had her ipod in her ears, knowing her destination was close, too close for her likes, she really didn't want to go but her mother insisted so here she was. The driver opened her door and she stepped out in the sun. She slid her sunglasses over her eyes and walked toward the ship. It was massive and impressivd, but she hadn't eexspected anything different, it was the country club after all, they always found ways to please even their most spoiled members.

She took her sunglasses off and blinked against the sudden sunlight, she wanted to see the world in full colour before docking on the giant ship with all it's rich inhabitants, they were quite late and wecretly Dawn had hoped they would have been too late, but unfortunately the ship still waited for it's passengers to arrive.

She showed her letter and ID number to a man on the dock and he told her where her room was "My driver will deliver my suitcase and bags to my room" she stated in a smooth voice, the words lingered in the air as the man nodded. She walked toward the rail, this was going to be a very long trip since she didn't know anyone, she had never even gone to the country club when it wasn't required or she wasn't forced by her mother, like on this trip, and she had never socialized with any of the people. now she regretted that fact, since she had to approach people she didn't know, she was determined not to spend the entire cruise alone, sulking in her room. But for now she let her light brown hair sway in the salty wind, the sun creating a silky shine as she waited for the ship to move away to leave her no ways of escape

Estrella 03-25-2008 05:23 AM

Charlotte sat in the passenger seat of her brother's convertible, staring at the vanity mirror in a fuss "Look at my eyes," she said to her brother "They're so droopy. I shouldn't have stayed out so late." she whined miserably and turned slightly in her seat to face him. She was wearing a pair of designer shorts and a halter top. Her brown hair was down as of now and curled slightly.

"You look fine, Chuck," Christian said rolling his eyes at his little sister. He himself was in a pair of khakis and a simple button up shirt, his brown eyes were covered in a pair of light brown sunglasses.

Charlotte snorted "Don't call me that, Chrissy," She said, in turn using the nickname he loathed. "What do you know about appearances anyway," she scoffed as she took a compact out of her purse and began to powder under her eyes. When she was satisfied with how that looked she applied more lipgloss to her pink lips and blew a kiss into the mirror before slamming the visor back into place. Christian only rolled his eyes as he pulled the car to a stop near the cruise ship that seemed very massive. He stepped out of the car and was a few steps behind Charlotte, who seemed to already have her flirting face on. He placed a hand on her shoulder to slow her down and pointed to the guy "Do you even know our member number?" He asked, looking down on her.

Charlotte pursed her lips in annoyance "Lead the way, Spock," she said and waited as he spoke to the guy. Behind her was two men carrying the bags, they had been sitting in the back of the convertible the entire time being ignored entirely. "Are these all mine?" she asked the guys, knowing she had packed about five bags for the trip. As one nodded she instructed them to her room and noticed they had Christian's bag as well. Without another word the sibilings lumbered onto the ship. Charlotte smiling at those she recognized.

Amo_Angelus 03-25-2008 07:29 AM

With a sigh TiaoMai watched her fathers car turn and vanish around a corner. As she was about to turn away from the railings another car pulled up. One that she did recognise, but had no idea who the brunet was that got out of it. A quizical expression crossed her face momentarily, before she turned from the railings and headed towards the entertainment section.

Once indoors she proceeded to find the stack of leaflets detailing what there was to do on the ship. Slowly she folded it in half, taking her time and ensuring that the fold was perfectly neat, before she slipped it into her purse and returned onto the deck where Charlotte and Christian had now appeared.

A smile spread across her lips as she headed over to the duo. TiaoMais hands clasped together in a prayerlike motion as she bowed her head slightly. A silent hello, not dis-similar to a wave. "I'm glad you both came." She told them pleasently.

Estrella 03-25-2008 06:32 PM

Charlotte flipped her hair and flashed a smile at TiaoMai "Good to see you too," she said and then looked around the deck of the ship "I hope this isn't an alcohol-free journey," she half joked. Ever since turning twenty-one Charlotte became a bit of party girl. She generally spent her Fridays and Saturday nights in bars, flirting and flaunting. Running her fingers through her hair she pointed to where TiaoMai had just been "Is that the list of activities?" she asked.

Christian nodded, without a smile, at TaioMai and rolled his eyes yet again at his sister "Maybe you should wait until later, people might think you're an alcoholic," he said laughing at his own joke, knowing that he may as well be talking to the deck of the ship. "And why would you care what other activities there are, Chuck," he asked "You'll spend your time drinking and changing outfits," he teased and ran his fingers through his hair and walking in the direction Charlotte had pointed.

life in red and black 03-25-2008 11:21 PM

Nik stopped and closed the paperback he was reading when the huge ship shadowed over the pages of his book. Stealing a glance behind him, Nik saw his father speaking with some of his business friends who were also in their country club.

Sighing, Nik put away his book and shuffled around his messenger bag for his club membership I.D. Nik quickly presented it to a man on the dock and boarded the ship, hoping to escape before his father decided to introduce him to his friends.

Once on board, Nik dropped off his bags in his room and set off to explore the ship. He passed by some people who had brought almost everything they owned, it seemed, in stuffed suitcases. Nik chuckled. He had only brought what he needed. He had left the bags his mother had packed at home, preferring not to bring what he considered "overprepared" items. Who brings bandaids and winter coats on a cruise ship??

Amo_Angelus 03-26-2008 12:56 AM

TiaoMai couldn't help but smile, "Yes there is alcohol" She replied in amusement. "I doubt the country club would send us on a cruise with no alcohol. Their income would suffer exponentially." She added "And yes, there are a lot of things to do on here that don't involve drink, and the list can be found in there. It should be a fun cruise." She smiled to herself. "Especially as most of the older members seem to be busy elsewhere."

She gave no remark to Christian. Not that this was unusual. She very rarely spoke to men unless they spoke to her first. Her entire friendship base seemed to be female. ""There's already wine available in there." TiaMai added as an afterthought to Charlie. "If you're thirsty."

Cows Go Moo 03-26-2008 01:07 AM

Alexus drove her Crovette long the road as she reached the cruise destination. Just because she was sneaking away doesn't mean she couldn't do it in style. As she arrived to the boarding area she came to a stop before handing the keys to her friend, named Cheryl. "I guess it's good buy from here, old friend. I remember all those times we spent, getting drunk when our parents weren't looking. God I hated you." "Don't be stealing my car, Cherry and I love you too." She opened the trunk of her car, getting out her luggage and closing it. Even if she does steal it, it's out of gas anyway. She stepped on board taking in the sea air, but getting the smell of salt in her lungs, making her cough.

She searched the various cabins for her room number. When she finally came to it, she stepped inside, dropping her luggage onto the floor. "Ugh, I miss my laptop already." She put away her clothing and as she did so, took out her mp3 player. "If you're alone and you need a friend, someone to make you forget your problems. Just come along baby, take my hand, I'll be your lover tonight." She mouthed the rest of the word as she walked outside onto the deck. She saw a girl talking to Charlotte and Christian. "Hey you two and friend..You guys won a trip too?"

HotaruHoshi 03-26-2008 01:25 AM

Dawn took a last breath of the salty air that smelled so much of the sea and turned to socialize. She thought of her outfit, a simple top, buttoned up and sleeveless with stripes in the colours of blue yellow and white tones, it didn't reach all the way down and left her bellybutton to see, and a light pair of jeans that stopped halfway down her shin. She didn't wear much jewellery, nothing except her silver necklace with her sun sign, she was a Virgo, and some silver bracelets dangling from her arm, making a little bit of noise every time she made big movements.

She saw a guy, it seemed he was exploring the ship, and decided to greet him. From her experience, guys were a little less spoiled that girls and it was easier for her to talk to them. He had pale hair and very light eyes, glasses covering them, and overall didn't look too bad, she thought as she walked toward him, her steps confident, but not snobby.

"Hi, are you liking the ship so far?" she asked as casual as she could "My name is Dawn." she smiled at him, trying to seem friendly and not totally helpless on a huge ship with no acquaintances, let alone friends.

life in red and black 03-26-2008 01:48 AM

Nik smiled back, glad that his first conversation on this ship wasn't going to be with country club adults. "My name's Nik."

He did a quick glance over. Though he especially disliked the adults, some of the country club kids were quite snobby, too. This girl, Dawn, seemed friendly, and she wasn't with the group of snobby girls he often saw around the club.

Nik looked around at their surroundings. "Yeah, pretty big ship, I just got on, and I think I'm lost already." He chuckled, "How about you? Have you found anywhere interesting on the ship yet?"

Twilight_New Moon_Eclipse 03-26-2008 01:51 AM

"No! You can't make me go!" Melai screamed as her Aunt Stacy carried her to the old, beatup gray van.
"Chill, Mel, you'll love sailing. That's where your parents met," her hippie aunt said.
Melai sulked. "Don't mention Mom and Dad please."
She crossed her arms and stared out the window for the half-hour it took to get to the port. This is going to be one long week, She thought, dragging her faded blue suitcase out of the trunk. "Can't you go on the cruise?" She asked as a last-minute plea. Stacy was firm. "Absolutely not. It's good for you to get out of the house for once." She dropped Mel off and drove away. Mel dragged the heavy suitcase a few feet to get out of the road and looked around. Where do I go?

Estrella 03-26-2008 03:11 AM

Charlotte smiled brightly "I could go for some wine," She said and looked to Alexus as she approached waving slightly "I didn't think we won anything, just got a letter in the mail telling me it was a free cruise and how could a girl like me refuse free sunshine and alcohol?" She laughed and walked off after Christian, waving the two girls to tag along.

As she approached Christian he was looking down at the list of activities. And began to list them off "So, we have knitting 101, shuffle board and limbo," he joked and let out a goofy laugh, finding himself rather hilarious.

"Let me see that, doofus." Charlotte said and snatched the list out of his hands and began to run her finger along it, grabbing a glass of wine as a waiter passed by and took a large gulp as she read.

Christian pulled off his sunglasses, folding them and tucking them into the collar of his shirt. He looked towards TiaoMai and Alexus and knew once they approached he would ask if they had had any plans for their first event, if any.

Twilight_New Moon_Eclipse 03-26-2008 03:31 AM

Melai got on board after a few helpful tourists' directions. She dragged her suitcase five more feet before it slipped out of her sweaty hand. "I hate boats, hate water, and hate cruises!" She kicked her suitcase, which didn't help with the stubbed toe that resulted. "And now I have no idea what to do. Why did Aunt Stacy do this to me?"

Cows Go Moo 03-26-2008 03:41 AM

"Weird, that's why I thought we were here. Well anyway I could go for some myself."Alexus chuckled at Christian's jokes, she was probably the only one who laughed at them. She silently grabbed a flute of champagne off the tray of one of the waiters and downed it, feeling a lot better about the trip. She looked her garb, it was a bit unseasonal, but she could change later. She looked at Christian wondering what he and Charlotte would be doing on a ship like this, at least what they could do without killing each other. First day here and I can't even think of what to do, except maybe drinking my liver to hell and back.

Twilight_New Moon_Eclipse 03-26-2008 03:48 AM

Melai dragged her suitcase into an onboard restaurant. "Can anyone help me find somewhere to put this?" She asked, shyness kicking in so it was pretty much inaudible. Right about then, a waiter dropped something on her foot and she dropped the suitcase with a loud crash.

Furious 03-26-2008 04:49 AM

Daisy rode along the road in her car, a beat up old mustang. Sure, she had the money to buy a better, more expensive car. But there were a lot of memories in the thing. Besides, she didn't really want to show off. She swerved in and out of traffic, causing several honks from fellow cars on the road.

She took the turn leading to the docks at a fast speed, her tires squeeling as she did. She came to a spot in one of the parking spaces a few yards away from the boat. Before getting out of the car, she put on her pink sunglasses (The only thing she ever did splurge on, and probably the most expensive accessory she owned)and tied her hair up into a sloppy ponytail.

She opened the door and reached for her duffel bag. Slinging it over her left shoulder, she looked up at the cruise ship and closed her car door. It was impressive, to say the least. Whoever owned the country club must have went all out on this cruise.

Daisy hurried forward and flashed her membership ID at the person in front of the ramp leading onto the ship and he stepped aside, saying 'You're cutting it very close,'.

"I like to be oh so fashionably late," Said Daisy with a smirk before heading up the ramp and onto the deck of the ship. There were a few people there, most of whom she had seen but never really associated with.
She spotted TiaoMai, and walked over to her.

"Hello, cruise companions, this is bound to be ripping good fun, I must say," She said in a mock british accent. "When do we set forth to Gilligan's island?"

HotaruHoshi 03-26-2008 04:57 AM

"To be honest, I haven't even tried to get around the ship, all I've been doing is enjoying the fresh air around the ship, it's so different then the air of the city, more fresh." She smiled at him, he didn't seem like one of those guys that think they can get every girl they want just because they have money.

"And to be honest, this ship is so big, I don't even know where to start exploring it, I feel rather small just standing here" she said with a smile. The ship was indeed huge, the deck alone had enough room for thousands of people, or so it seemed, and it somehow reminded her of the movie the Titanic, the huge ship 'Now, if only it had a dreamy Leonardo DiCaprio on it and me in the role of Rose' she thought 'Well, let's atleast hope it doean't go down like the Titanic did'.

The wind was still running through her hair, and it made her feel rather good, well apart form the fact that strands kept flying in her face. The seawinds were a lot worse than the ones in the city. "Do you think you will enjoy this trip?" she asked, still trying to be casual

Amo_Angelus 03-26-2008 05:01 AM

TiaoMei wasn't naive enough to believe that this trip was free, or a prize or anything so pretentious. Their club memberships more than paid for this trip, and any other little surprise the club handed them. No, this was just a way to keep the paying masses sweet and she could understand it. Afterall, her father did things like this for his clients.

With no intention of going back the way that she had just come, she let Charlie leave her without another word. Instead she looked in the direction where the sun loungers were situated, about to head over to them when a familier voice chilled her. Turning around slowly, she flashed a pleasent smile towards Daisy. "I am glad that you could make it." She told her pleasantly, "And we're about to set sail at any moment." She answered her. "You only just made it Miss Williams." She smiled.

Furious 03-26-2008 05:14 AM

Upon hearing 'Miss Williams', Daisy couldn't help but snort. "Miss Williams? Please, Your Majesty the Queen of the Sea will do just fine. What's with the formalities? We've known eachother a long time, I'm sure you know my name by now," She shrugged, setting her duffel bag down and leaning against the railing of the boat.

Lifting her wrist, she looked down at her watch. It was nearly six, and the boat was due to leave at that time. She looked out at the parking lot. Dozens of people had already arrived, and more were still coming. She hadn't really made a point in becoming friends with anyone, so the only people she saw were people she knew by face only. Not that she cared much.

"So, what's on the agenda for tonight?" Asked Daisy, "Anything big planned for the first night, or do you not know?"

Estrella 03-26-2008 05:21 AM

"Well, I guess it's free because we're members of that club." Charlotte said to Alexus.As another waiter passed by Charlotte, she placed her empty glass down on the tray and dropped the paper on the table in front of her "I don't see anything fun," she said, pushing her lips together. She looked around herself for a minute and then said "Maybe I'll just go see if the lower decks are haunted," she joked and ran her fingers through her hair, turning in a half circle to see if she could find the stairs to the lower decks. "Would you like to join me?" she asked Alexus.

"You may actually have to stroll the entire length of this place to find anywher. If you reach China, you've gone too far," He laughed and walked away from his sister, in the direction of the end of the boat hoping to get a look out in the ocean.

Charlotte moved in the opposite direction "I guess I'll catch you before dinner, Christian," she said "I already forgot my room number and I have to change my outfit before dinnner," she finished, putting emphasis on the word have. She pulled a piece of hair that had blew into her face behind her ear and continued in the opposite direction not waiting for a response.

I should have just written it on her hand he thought, wrinkling his eyebrows against the sun.

All times are GMT. The time now is 12:01 PM.