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CrepsleyKabob 12-31-2007 11:40 PM

French New Year;; America caught up XD
Happy New Year everybody!!!

I just got back from a new year's party, it's already 2008 for me XD

How's everyone else's new year?

Teive 12-31-2007 11:42 PM

I'm sad! I'm so far behind! I still have like 10 hours till my new year.

lol you're ahead of me. For why...

CrepsleyKabob 12-31-2007 11:43 PM

Haha, I think it's the same for most of America xD
Hehe, it feels weird being ahead of mostly everybody >>

Rawrsaurus 12-31-2007 11:45 PM

  • 6 hours away for meeee.

Teive 12-31-2007 11:46 PM

n_n I wish it were night over here. I feel like the day is lasting forever!

<< you could tell me who's gonna win sports games. lol No I know it doesn't work like that.

Pretty Handsome Awkward 12-31-2007 11:46 PM

6 sorry 5 hours away for me ^^

Sirocco 12-31-2007 11:47 PM

Well, you're not ahead of everybody. For me it's also a new year now ^^

Though nothing changes, everyithing is good, I'm still looking around Mene.
But finally my one of my friends went to the computer and we are talking. And maybe I'll finish short novel I started... well, like a year ago? O___o

tigerangel 12-31-2007 11:48 PM

Hi Creps.

Stardragon 12-31-2007 11:49 PM

Hi everyone.

CrepsleyKabob 12-31-2007 11:49 PM

rawr - xD interesting avi you've got there >>

Peaches - XD I wish I could lol but it doesn't work that way haha, unfortunately >>

*pokes wifey*

Sirocco - true ^^; I'll go change that xD

that's cool though =0 where are you? haha procrastinator xD

Pretty Handsome Awkward 12-31-2007 11:50 PM

Let us chat for gold Hubby 0;
How was the party?

Rawrsaurus 12-31-2007 11:50 PM

  • It's for the tiki-toyko thread >_> <_<

CrepsleyKabob 12-31-2007 11:50 PM

hey tiger and ryu ^^ how are you guys?

Teive 12-31-2007 11:51 PM

If only then we cold split the profits...Tragic! Now I want soda...

Rawrsaurus 12-31-2007 11:53 PM

  • I've gotta go pick up ingredients since my parents are using child labor to bake deserts for them to bring to a new year's party they're going to, seeeee ya.

CrepsleyKabob 12-31-2007 11:54 PM

wifzy - it was good, lasted too long though and I feel sick from all the crap I ate there >>

rawr - oh xD looks tiki-tokyoish >>

and alright, have fun, later~

peaches - xD that would be nice haha xD
ohh, get a Dr Pepper =P

Sirocco 12-31-2007 11:54 PM

@ CrepsleyKabob: Well, I'm in Poland x3
Yeah, unfortunately I am procrastinator >_< But last year most times I got an idea for a short novel and then my vein and everything dissolved into thin air. Though this one is almost finished, I'm just not satisfied how it turned out, it needs some alterations...

Pretty Handsome Awkward 12-31-2007 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by CrepsleyKabob
wifzy - it was good, lasted too long though and I feel sick from all the crap I ate there >>

xD Did you drink? :x I hope nottttt.

Teive 12-31-2007 11:57 PM

XD I did. I love Dr. Pepper! <3 It's my favorite....

iClimax 12-31-2007 11:58 PM

5 more hours for me! :3

twizted child eve 12-31-2007 11:58 PM

Re: French New Year;; one year ahead of you =P

Originally Posted by CrepsleyKabob
Happy New Year everybody!!!

I just got back from a new year's party, it's already 2008 for me XD

How's everyone else's new year?

Happy New Year! Lucky you! I still have 5 hours left! XD

So far... it doesn't exist!

CrepsleyKabob 12-31-2007 11:59 PM

Sirocco - ohh, okay xD what time is it for you then? o:
And ohh, sounds tough then, I can't write @___@ I always get good ideas but I can't ever really develop them into something more interesting... xD;
Good luck ^^

wifey - >_> <_< I was a good boy this year :lol:

Peaches - Awesome!!! XD Dr Pepper rocks! sucks they dn't have it here.... ;_____; first thing I do when I get back is buy tons of DP and drink it all day XD

climax - =O where are you?

Stardragon 12-31-2007 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by CrepsleyKabob
hey tiger and ryu ^^ how are you guys?

I'm okay I just got off work made $10 in tips. I alsogot four clusters of seashell fossils.The area where I live used to be under a shallow tropical sea. :D

Teive 01-01-2008 12:01 AM

lol tons and tons! Like a whole lake full...of course now that I know there is none in France...I don't wanna go there. I may die with out my soda...*sniffle* it's so sad.

Pretty Handsome Awkward 01-01-2008 12:01 AM

You better be ;D
I am a good girl too. I hope. C:

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