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PapillonCameo 07-23-2015 05:21 PM

The Runaway and the Gamer
Priscilla stepped into the store and struggled not to wrinkle her nose, or show how much she disdained this place. Ironically, that dislike for the gaming store was the reason why she found herself huddled with all her too large backpack in a corner, away from sight.

She just needed a rest, someplace to hide from her father and his people. The surveillance team he'd set on her had already found her twice, but then she'd gone places they'd expect from her. Why did her father want her to marry that man so badly? Why was it so important?

Priscilla tried to blend in with the other people inside the store, and started looking at the rows of games, at the comic books and toys. What was it about a little ball of pink that was so interesting? Two plumbers fighting hordes of evil to save a princess from a spikey fire breathing turtle, she'd never heard of anything so absurd!

Kat Dakuu:

Kat Dakuu 07-23-2015 06:29 PM

Key jingled both from his excitement and from the the line of keychains attached to his belt. Today, he sported a notable mix of Disney princesses and video game characters that didn't match his blue pleated skirt and stockings. But then, those didn't exactly match his gender either. Not that he could think about such things in the face of the world's best video game ever.

"It's out!" he squeaked as he snatched the game off a shelf in his favorite store. It had all the newest, stunning art, big guns, aliens, and everything a guy could want. Or girl. Being who he was, he'd hardly assign gaming to a single gender hobby. Still as bubbly as could be, he pranced through the store toward the front so he could take the game home and binge play for twenty-four hours.

PapillonCameo 07-23-2015 06:43 PM

A jingling contradiction walked right by Priscilla. Disney Princesses and video game characters? She sniffed, opened her mouth to say something snarky, but found herself saying something else as she followed along after the stranger. There were others in the store, but this odd character seemed like exactly the kind of person Priscilla was looking for.

"Excuse me," said the young woman as she tapped his shoulder, "but I was wondering if you could help me?" She needed someone to help her hide from her shady dad and his marriage plans for her. Gamers wanted adventure, and maybe they would jump on the chance for a real life one. She hoped so. It was the other reason why Priscilla had wandered into the store.

Kat Dakuu 07-23-2015 06:52 PM

Key jumped a bit when someone addressed him and he spun, his brown eyes going wide. "Oh? Yes?" he mumbled as he got a good look at the woman. She didn't look like she belonged here and the look on her face only confirmed that. Rather the kids running around pretending to be Hans Solo, or young adults who perused with rapt interest, she didn't look at the games with awe.

Dragging a hand a hand through his gingery hair, he offered his best smile. "Just what can I help you with?" He wasn't sure what he could do unless she wanted advice on a game in which case, he probably was the best to help her.

PapillonCameo 07-23-2015 06:59 PM

Priscilla tugged at her dress, pushed back her sleeves. She couldn't just come right out and say the truth, that she needed a place to stay and hide from her father, a place so unexpected no one would ever think of looking for her there. "I've never played any games before, but I really would like to try. I just .. don't know anything at all about them, or where to start." Priscilla looked around nervously. She thought she saw someone looking at her, staring. The young woman shifted away, moved to hide beside the person she'd started talking with so abruptly.

She couldn't honestly tell if her conversation partner was a man or a woman. She seemed like some odd cross between the two. Priscilla didn't care one bit. She just wanted to hide.

Kat Dakuu 07-23-2015 07:13 PM

Key tilted his head so that only the rainbow hairpin he wore kept his hair from falling into his face. "Oh, I know a lot about a lot of games. If you want something simple then Mario or Pokemon are a lot of people's first choice. Or maybe SIMS?" He mumbled a bit at the end, his brow furrowing. Didn't this situation seem a little odd? He looked around, trying to find some sign of why any of this was happening. Even without asking, he could tell the woman was in trouble and that made him worry too.

"But...are you really alright? Because I don't really think I can help with more than video games," he added. He was a princess type after all. Doing the rescuing never went well for him.

PapillonCameo 07-23-2015 07:37 PM

"And what about the console?' Priscilla fidgeted. Was it really so obvious that she was running away from something? Should she come right out and say the truth?

The young woman hesitated before letting out a long sigh and squaring her shoulders so she stood tall as could be, head held high. "I need a place to stay, somewhere as different from where I would usually go as can be. That's the real reason why I'm here … I'm running from my father." Blunt, perhaps, but she was desperate. "You can't even suggest somewhere?' Priscilla looked at the other young woman with desperation.

Kat Dakuu 07-23-2015 07:59 PM

"Do you have any consoles...?" Key started. it was half the reason he didn't suggest more. He had no idea which direction to suggest in and if any of it was possible, or even all that interesting to the woman in front of him. She pulled herself up taller before he could really question it though.

"Uh...what?" For a second, that's all he could think to say. "You're running away?" So far, his tone remained confused and questioning because nothing quite fizzled down into his brain yet. She just looked at him so desperately though that eventually his face melted into one of pity. He knew what it was like to need to get away from your family, even if he wished more than anything that he could be close with his one again. "You apartment has two bedrooms...."

PapillonCameo 07-23-2015 08:21 PM

Her mouth fell open. Did she really mean that? Priscilla struggled with it for a few seconds, before breaking out with a wide smile, bright and filled with hope. The brunette was hugging her new roomie before she knew it. Someplace safe! She couldn't wait to be able to relax for a little while, away from danger, from the constant threat of being found.

"Thank you, thank you so very much!" She pulled back abruptly, turning serious. "I can pay for half the rent and pitch in for anything else. I promise, I won't be a burden." But she would have clean, wouldn't she? That worried her. She'd never had to clean anything in her life. Even the thought of doing groceries was alien to her. Usually she didn't even step into the kitchen. Priscilla had no idea how to do much of anything for herself. All she knew came from movies, and the rare books she read.

Most of the time, she sewed to pass the time, or fund raised for the charities her father had created, or she was hanging out at a country club.

Kat Dakuu 07-23-2015 08:49 PM

Key squeaked from the sudden hug, stammering before he managed to say 'you're welcome'. Just what did he get himself into this time? He didn't know this woman. He didn't even know her situation, but he couldn't be cruel either. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't just turn his back on someone in trouble. "Okay, that sounds good to me," he said, still offering his best smile though it looked a little strained now.

He stepped back and ran his hands over his outfit, putting it back in order. "Just let me pay for my game and we can get out of here, kay? I'm Key by the way. What's about you?"

PapillonCameo 07-23-2015 09:05 PM

Key? What kind of name was that? Priscilla frowned a bit, put off by the name. Was it something his parents had called him, or had he gone and named himself that? She forced a smile to her lips. It didn't matter, Key was helping her. She, or he, was the only person who had offered such kindness to her for weeks. She wasn't going to ruin that by saying something to offend her.
"Alright. And my name is Priscilla." It was a proper name, though unusual for all that. It was elegant, impressive, and it suited Pris perfectly.

She watched and waited, silent and patient, while her new roomate paid for her game. The store had so many unusual things in it. Priscilla poked a mug with an angry zombie on it, disgust on her face, but then her face lit up when she saw something she actually recognized. Even she had watched Sailor Moon when she was younger, and the sight of the first pink compact of the original series made her want to break out the bills and buy it, just because it existed. She had to pull herself away when Key was done paying to follow her outside.

Kat Dakuu 07-23-2015 09:44 PM

Key's natural and bright smile came back onto his face as he chatted a little with the cashier. Once he had the game, he tucked the bag under his shoulder and had to resist running back to his apartment just so he could play it all that much sooner. "Okay! I'm all done. I'm afraid I walked here though so I hope you don't mind," he added as he headed out the door.

It seemed that Priscilla didn't question him or his gender. Key wondered if she was oblivious or just didn't want to say anything. He met with quite a few different reactions after all. Plenty of people only saw what they wanted to see despite his lack of boobs and not quite flawlessly feminine voice. But then, some people noticed and called him out on it immediately--not always in the best way. He was confident and sure in what he was though, so he tried not to let it stop him even if sometimes he pulled awkwardly on his shirt sleeves as if covering more skin would hide the truth.

Once on the street, he decided to learn a little more about this situation. "So...why are you running away?"

PapillonCameo 07-23-2015 09:58 PM

She nodded a bit and looked around at the street. It was so different to be walking someplace. She was used to chauffeurs and having every whim granted without question. She'd always been Daddy's little girl. Maybe if her parents hadn't divorced, maybe if her mother had been a part of her life, things would have turned out differently.

And then the dreaded question came up. Priscilla avoided looking at Key; she still didn't know what to call him or her... "My father is a very rich and powerful man, but not all his business is legal. In fact, most of it at least sits on the grey edge between lawful and not." She took a deep breath, glanced up and nearly walked into a lampost. "He wants to force me to marry someone to get rid of his debts to that person. He made the promise without consulting me and even though I said no, he still expects me to go through with it." It sounded too incredible, too far fetched, to be believed.

Kat Dakuu 07-24-2015 02:15 AM

Key's eyes went wide and he gasped at Priscilla's story. "Oh my god, that's terrible! How can marriage be like that?!" He stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and turned to grasp the woman's hands. "Don't you worry, I'll help you however I can! Everyone knows that weddings should be about love and beautiful white gowns and vows that take ten minutes to say and you don't even care!" Marriage should never be about money or convenience because love conquered all. All the movies said so.

After giving Priscilla a quick hug, he grabbed her wrist and hurried along at a quicker pace than before. He lifted a fist to the sky in defiance. "I may be a princess, but princesses can be heroes too!"

PapillonCameo 07-24-2015 02:31 AM

She stopped in her tracks when Key grabbed her hands. She was shocked! He, his hands larger and stronger then hers proved that, believed her so easily, and he understood why she had run away. He startled her, confused her. She didn't know how to act with this man/woman, where did she stand with him? What would he want from her for his help? Surely he wasn't helping her entirely from the goodness of his heart?

"I'm grateful for your help," Priscilla started to say before Key burst out with his comment about being a princess and grabbing her wrist.

She smiled a bit and quickened her pace. "Well of course they can be, haven't you watched Frozen or Atlantis the Lost Empire?" Now she decided to raise the question that had been nagging at her since she'd hugged him in the store. "You're a man, right? So why do you dress as a woman?" Hastily, she added a few more words. "Not that I believe there's anything wrong with that, I've simply never met anyone like you before and I'm curious..."

Kat Dakuu 07-24-2015 02:54 AM

Key grinned his brightest yet and lifted one of his keychains to reveal Olaf. "I've only seen Frozen about fifty times! It's one of my favorite movies. Ah...Atlantis the Lost Empire? That's not Disney is it? This sounds like something I need to watch." He would never pass up a good, cute movie. Animated gave it bonus points. Before he could actually ponder it longer, the words he often dreaded to hear met his ears. Key slowed and ducked his head.

"Ah...a man? So you noticed..." He tried to compose his thoughts since it always took a lot to explain. More than half the people he bothered to say anything to never understood. After a second, he tilted his head back with a distant smile. "I'm just who I am. Sometimes I wear a skirt and sometimes I wear jeans. I don't really care what other people say about it because 'he' or 'she' doesn't really matter does it?"

PapillonCameo 07-24-2015 03:19 AM

"It's actually a Disney movie, but one of the less known ones. It's also one of my favorites." She laughed a bit when Key brandished his Olaf key chain, but sobered when the conversation shifted to the other subject.

Priscilla slid her wrist from his hand silently, then she grabbed his hand in her own, and gave it a quick squeeze. "I suspected when I hugged you, but when you held my hands ..." The rich girl shook her head and gave her savior a smile. "Key, I have to admit I don't really understand but ... I think it's very brave what you're doing, living exactly as who you are." Her amber eyes fell to the ground. "I was never brave enough for that."

Kat Dakuu 07-24-2015 04:58 AM

Key found himself laughing a little bit and squeezed Priscilla's hand back. "You really think so? No one has ever called me brave before." At times, he thought of himself as cowardly for how he hid behind a girl's persona. But really, he couldn't pick one way or another to be a man or a woman so wasn't he just clinging to a notion of not having to choose? He liked to think that was brave, but other people told him otherwise.

"I think you must be very brave as well to defy your father. It's easy enough for me to be myself in public, but isn't it much harder with family? I...kinda ran away too in a way..." he trailed off with a frown. Key started to walk a little faster again now that they almost reached home.

PapillonCameo 07-24-2015 06:23 PM

She stared at him, eyes wide. "Of course I think so!" Priscilla nearly tripped over her feet. "And I think you're actually kind of cute," stated Priscilla. She was used to speaking her mind, to being blunt, because no one she spoke with could ever really argue with her. Those she interacted with the most were her father's servants, the household staff which took care of all her needs, but whom she knew didn't like her very much.

She shook her head when Key called her brave. That was the furthest thing from the truth. "I'm a coward. The only reason I ran is because I was too afraid to stay."

The houses and buildings all around where so far from what she was used to. They didn't have that rich quality she had always known. Priscilla started dreading what Key's apartment would be like. She hoped it wasn't some low class hovel.

Kat Dakuu 07-24-2015 06:59 PM

Cute? Key blushed a little, though he supposed it meant nothing coming from Priscilla. Lots of girls called him cute in the same way they hung off of gay guys like they were sunshine or something. As a guy, he never quite understood it. He shook his head, then put a smile back on before he could think to frown. "Well, I think you're brave even if you don't and it's probably not best to argue me with because we're both princesses. And princesses don't like to be wrong," he said with a chuckle.

He wondered what it might be like to share a space with this woman. It had been too long since Key actually had a roommate and he never had one quite like Priscilla. Finally coming to a stop in front of building with a newly redone facade, he waved one arm dramatically. "Well, this is home! Come on, I live on the second floor."

PapillonCameo 07-24-2015 07:29 PM

He'd hit the problem right on the head. Priscilla laughed a bit. "Yeah, it certainly seems like you're right about that. "

Coming face to face with where she would be living for the foreseeable future, Priscilla fought not to cringe. She just didn't like the idea of apartment living. Houses had always been her abode for as long as she could remember.

"It's going to take some getting used to. I've never lived anywhere like this before, or with anyone who wasn't family, or household staff." Should she mention she didn't know how to clean now?

Kat Dakuu 07-25-2015 03:54 AM

Key didn't notice the way Priscilla cringed, being too focused on finding the right room. Although it wasn't an expensive complex, everything was neat and clean. The lights worked in the halls and the interior was redone not long before they did the outside remodeling. It looked more than good enough to call home.

"Household staff?" Key echoed as he paused in front of his room and pulled out a key from the miniature backpack that served as his purse. "Just how rich is your family?" He knew she called her father rich and powerful, but it didn't hit him until now just how entitled she might be. Pushing his way into the cozy apartment, he flicked on the lights. "I assure you though, I'm plenty easy to live with. And I can teach you all about games if you want!"

PapillonCameo 07-25-2015 04:29 AM

She tilted her head. "I don't really know ... except I've never wanted for anything. And when I did, I got it." She shrugged. It was normal for her after all. The hard part had been leaving all of that behind. The cost of it had finally become too high. When Priscilla stepped through the door, she felt her heart sink. It was so small! Cozy, perhaps, but so lacking in the things she was used to. Priscilla tried hard not to show her disappointment.

Nothing was ever how she expected.

"You do know that I was just talking about video games as an excuse right?" She sniffed and crossed her arms. "I may need help learning other things, like cleaning, and how to clean my clothes. In fact, I don't know how to do anything for myself." She didn't even know how to choose her own clothes, and hadn't at all packed the right things. The only reason she was even presentable was because she'd grabbed dresses.

Kat Dakuu 07-25-2015 05:18 AM

Key scratched his head and tried not look look at Priscilla like she was an entitled bitch or crazy. He wasn't sure which right now. Still, he liked her and wanted to be her friend. "Well, I'll let you in on a little secret in case you're expecting anything rich around here." He dropped the carefully cultivated speech he'd taught himself and let his natural accent wash through. "I'm just a boy from small town Alabama. I could be so much more hick if you want me to be!"

Then he threw back his head and laughed at that hilarity of that accent and his own joke. A second later, his face turned serious again. "Look, I can teach you all that stuff. I like to clean, but my cooking could use help. Help me pay rent, and I couldn't care less if you never lift a hand to help clean."

PapillonCameo 07-25-2015 07:47 PM

Priscilla got the gist of it, but didn't understand the joke. She was frowning. Key certainly seemed like an easy person to get along with. Maybe getting him to help her hadn't been the best idea. He could get hurt so easily if her father found her, and sent people to capture her, to take her away. Key seemed like the kind of person who'd jump right in to try and defend a friend.

"I already said I would pay half the rent." Priscilla glanced at her clothes. "As for the rest, I'm fairly certain I should be the one to do my own laundry." She turned bright red at the thought of Key handling the most intimate of her clothing. When maids did her laundry, it bothered her not a bit, but she really didn't want Key touching her things. For one he was a man ... and she didn't know why else, though there was indeed something just out of reach of her conscious mind.

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