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Jitsumi1221 02-28-2007 06:40 PM

Book Recommendations
right, i havent noticed a thread of this sort in this forum so i figured i'd make it so i can see what books other people really enjoy.

please put books that you reccomend other to read, dividing them up into genra would really help as well since people all have different tastes and it'll make it easier for us to pinpoint the types we may have more interest in

- Fantasy -

"Priestess of the White" || Trudi Canavan - i really enjoy this book, actually its the first of a 5 series.. and so far i have been really intrigued about the new creatures and the different types of magics she has so far <3
"The Lost Years of Merlin" || T. A. Barron - lower reading level, but this is still one of my favorite series, about the younger days of Merlin
"Rhapsody" || Elizabeth Haydon - triology thats fantastic! i love this series, the characters are all amazing and refreshingly different. granted the first book is a bit slow but the series really speeds up about half way through the first.
"The Black Magician Trilogy" || Trudi Canavan - Her first series, i really liked this one as well. it made me cry ; ;
"The Wheel of Time" || Robert Jordan - good series, i havent actually finished reading the whole thing.. it tends to slow down drastically in places, but he really does write well. he has a way of making you really hate a character one moment, and then totally sympathize with them the next.

-Romance - (yes yes.. im guilty, i do like to read a sappy romance every so often)

"Talk Nerdy to Me" || Vicki Lewis Thompson - honestly, i reccomend all her books if your like the shy nerdy guys (like myself) shes really amusing, made me laugh tons.
"One Night with a Prince" || Sabrina Jeffries - again another writer that i reccomend all her books, i really like how she mixes real things with history into her stories to make it seem more real. That and im in love with the time period all her books are written in ^^;;

Catonia 02-28-2007 11:54 PM

I've read Elizabeth Haydon, and I really enjoyed the books, but I'm pretty sure there's more than three. In fact, I think she's still writing more for that series. I've also read Vicki Lewis Thompson, and I agree that she's a great author. ^^

The Legend of Nightfall by Micki Zucher Reichert. There's also a sequel to this book called Nightfall Returns. It's about this famous assasian and how he's forced by magic to escort a really naive prince and get him landed, and he can't let anyone harm the prince either. It's a really good story
Anything by Mercedes Lackey. She's a wonderful writer, and she's written tons of books, all of which I'd recomend.
The Xanth books by Pieres Anthony, his books are hilarious, and one of the things that makes them so great is the awful puns uses throughout the storys.

Oh, I have lots more I like and that I'd recomend, but I can't think of any right now ><

flaming-Scorpion 03-01-2007 12:22 AM

Fore vampire lovers i say

Twighlight and New Moon (its sequal) are spectacular. it has romance, action, and a good plot. i'm not good at explaining things so i'm done for now -.-

Kain 03-01-2007 12:30 AM


That's the one with the human girl and some vampire boy called Edward right? Pretty decent of a storyline, strong writing as well. :)

Jitsumi1221 03-01-2007 01:28 AM

hahaha i knew this would be a lovely idea <3 now i have a nice new list to look for next time i hit up the library or the bookstore *scribbles down names* hummm i have a lot more recommendations its just... i recently moved so all my books are still in boxes >.>; and i cant remember all the names right off the top of my head.

Phareas 03-03-2007 08:16 AM

I would recommend any book by Anne Rice although most of them are a pretty hefty read and some are quite adult they are all very good books.
For a light fun read the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich are really good books. They are about a bounty hunter called Stephanie and are super hilarious. Also Christopher Pike books are all very good and any book by L.J Smith especially her night world series XD

Coqui 03-03-2007 03:57 PM

For comedic fantasy, I love Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels. My only regret is it took me so long to give in and read one.

Robin Hobb also writes rather good fantasy novels. I absolutely love her books, even though its rare for me to like stories written in first person point-of-view.

I enjoy Mercedes Lackey's stories greatly, even though I do think her writing style could be better. My main problem is how quickly I get through the books!

And for a nice sci-fi/fantasy (not sure what it classifies under, really), there's Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern novels. Not all the books are equally interesting, but they're good enough that I've been reading her works for years.

flaming-Scorpion 03-03-2007 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Kain

That's the one with the human girl and some vampire boy called Edward right? Pretty decent of a storyline, strong writing as well. :)

it is!!! i take it you've read it =3

Morte 03-03-2007 06:39 PM

I enjoy the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series.. :) Its a pretty long set and its still not complete, but its well worth it. ^^

Morte 03-03-2007 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by flaming-Scorpion
Fore vampire lovers i say

Twighlight and New Moon (its sequal) are spectacular. it has romance, action, and a good plot. i'm not good at explaining things so i'm done for now -.-

I've read them both as well! I hope they come out with eclipse soon. :)

ToriKat 03-03-2007 10:30 PM

Wicked, by Gregory Maguire is a must. <3 It's a parallel novel to the Wizard of Oz. I'm halfway done with it and it's SO hard to put down. *smacks it in fantasy?*

Jitsumi1221 03-03-2007 11:38 PM

Ah! thats one of the authors i was forgetting in my Fantasy ones <3 i have quite a few of the Robin Hobb books. shes a lovely writer, i really enjoyed her "Royal Assasin" series ^^

"Conclave of Shadows" series || Raymond Feist - i just like a lot of Raymond Feist's books ^^ they are all so well written and very interesting plot.

"Enchanted Forest Chronicles" series || Patricia S. Wrede - again lower reading level but these books are so funny and cute. i really enjoyed reading these and go back to them every so often to read a part i enjoyed over and over again.

"The Malazan Book of the Fallen" series || Steven Erikson - this is a fascinating read but also a bit hard for me to follow at time because of the sheer number of chars that are switched throughout all the books. hes a VERY VERY good writer though. i strongly recommend this series.

Jitsumi1221 03-06-2007 09:08 PM

"Highlander in Disguise" || Julia London - i LOVE her books, again sappy romance but DAMN... *drools* i just really like her stories quite a bit *snickers* Scottish men... and accents... mmmmm

Maybe i should recommend manga as well?

Basara - GREAT story line. normally i only buy manga if i think the art is pretty AND i like the story line. but this one just wow. the story is fascinating.

Hana Kimi - girly manga but *whistles* i really really love this one. its just so sweet. the art style is really beautiful as well (i bought the art book) and this is by far one of my favorite manga.

Negima - this is a great manga for laughs. made by the same creator as Love Hina, and still just as funny as his previous works. Negi is a child mage (9) that is sent to an all girls school to be an english teacher. this is just full of funny little incidents.

Tsubasa - im pretty sure everyone knows about this one. made by clamp and another one of their amazing stories <3 they use almost all their previous chars in this manga making it really neat to read.

poet`s playground 03-06-2007 10:53 PM

  • The Awakening, by Kate Chopin is very good, and outlines the conflicts of being a woman, and the choices which women are required to make which men never think of.

Kongouseki 03-10-2007 09:15 PM

Mercedes Lackey: i've only read one book and that's the Black Gryphon
anne mcCaffrey: dragonriders of pern series
Anne Rice: basically any of them

xdark_secretsx 03-11-2007 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by flaming-Scorpion
Fore vampire lovers i say

Twighlight and New Moon (its sequal) are spectacular. it has romance, action, and a good plot. i'm not good at explaining things so i'm done for now -.-

I'm a total vampire lover, love anything with vampires in it. I bought New Moon though not Twighlight, should I read Twighlight first or would it be okay to read New Moon now?

KeyKey 03-11-2007 08:12 PM

I recommend books writen by Tamora Pierce, If you like fantasy/magic, knights, swords and and a little love.
The books I recommend most is The Song of the Lioness.
I think its one of her first books.

Sizzla 03-11-2007 08:58 PM

I'm glad to see some recommendations here. Though isn't there a separate sub-forum for manga? It would be nice to keep this a regular book forum...

I'll have to come back later and read more when I'm not trying to watch Heroes at the same time...:D

AkashaHeartilly 03-12-2007 12:24 AM

let's see books i can recommend are:

Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond. For me, this has to be one of the most major books I will have read. The books sets out to explain why, without a look at race, onto why the Europeans were the ones to be able to take over and colonize the world, and not say the Native American, Africans or Asian cultures. This book pretty much, in detailed explaination, shows tat race had nothing to do with it.
The only problem with the book, is that you have to enjoy reading pretty much text books, but there is not a better book.

The Abarat Series by Clive Barker. A modern day fairytale of a girl who ends up in a world connected to ours but not any way shape like ours. The pictures are beautiful and fantastic and are soemthing you have to have when buying the book.

The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Bedor. A different take on Alice in Wonderland, where Alyss is actually the soon to be queen of Wonderland and that it is a real world, and when she told her story to Lewis Carrol, he completely changed it to make it works of fiction.

Kaenai 03-13-2007 05:00 AM

A great book to read is 'Naked' by David Sedaris.
It's a hilarious telling of some of his personal history, and I've had the best time reading it. I've also got it on audiobook, I like it so much. xD

A great quote from the book:

... He prodded me in the ribs.
  • "Watch this... 'Bueños Dios Miguel!' "
A small dark-eyed man looked up from his wood-splitting, alarmed.
  • "They spook easy." Hobbs said.
Yes, well, people tend to do that when you come up behind them shouting, 'Good God!' It's just a habit, I guess.

Jitsumi1221 03-13-2007 06:25 AM

Indeed there is Sizzla, but at the time that sub forum had not been made ^o^

Aliena 03-13-2007 06:32 AM

Catonia - yeah, Elizabeth Haydon wrote a sequal trilogy to the original Rhapsody series, which I absolutely loved! I haven't read the second series yet, but they're definitely on my list.

My best bud recommended Steven Brust's Vlad Taltos series to me and I've been reading the first book, Jhereg, and have to forward on the recommendation. I love the way Brust writes and there's a certain realness and humor to Vlad. Some novels you read, you can never seem to connect with the main character, but I've had no trouble here!

I have to say, for historical fiction, Phillippa Gregory writes wonderful stories - I've read several of hers that all center around the prominent people in Tudor England and whatnot. Fantastic books!

Harlan Coben is another favorite of mine. I guess he'd be classified as mystery or drama/suspense. I actually prefer his stand alone books to his Myron Bolitar novels, but enjoy pretty much anything he puts out.

And then, Jasper Fforde's Thursday Next series is an absolute must if you're a literary type! They are hilarious and if you love the classics, you will absolutely love them. I do think the earlier ones are better than the later ones, but they're seriously clever.

Hazel Harwood 03-14-2007 01:47 AM

Inkheart, Inkspell, and The Witch of Blackberry Pond (I think that is what it's called...) All are very awesome books and deserve to be read by all simply because they have interesting storylines, characters, and bend the rules of reality ^.^ I think those are all very good reasons to read them <3

I have heard that The Awakening is supposed to be an excellent read ^.^
Everyone must read Wicked! Oh, and has to see the musical XD My sister told me that it was amazing.
My sister read Twilight and the sequal to it (cannot remember what it's called). She loves them <3

Aliena 03-14-2007 02:43 AM

I read Wicked years ago...probably 6 or 7 years ago. I need to reread it and see how close it is to the musical, though, because I don't remember it very well.

I remember reading The Awakening back in high school and did enjoy it pretty much, but again, that's another that I don't remember many specifics - I just know that I didn't struggle reading through it like I did some of the other books assigned.

Katherdante 03-14-2007 08:15 AM

Terry Goodkind: Sword of Truth Series. If you love long, amazing fantasy books and never want the series to end this is about as close as you can get. The series is about ten books long? The final one is coming out this year. Excellent series, and honestly he does some VERY gutsy things with his characters. Not for the faint of heart, but addicting.

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