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TaiyoTsuki 10-27-2017 08:37 PM

The Warlock's Haunted Attic
The Warlock's Haunted Attic
(A Meneween art shop)

Welcome back, everyone, to The Warlock's Attic, an event art shop! It's been a few events since I've opened this place up, but there haven't been a whole lot of changes in the meantime.


I'll do avatar art and OC artwork. If it's an OC, some sort of reference would be helpful; whether it's a ref that's already been drawn or a dream avatar pic doesn't matter, as long as I've got something to go on [:3]. If it's avatar art, specify if it's your current avatar or a dream avatar so I can save a pic of it to use as a reference!

For what sort of art to expect, here's what I've done for previous events:
Halloween 2016
Menewshan Summer Games 2016


For pricing, I'm going to do something a little different this time. Rather than having set prices, you can make an offer based on what you'd expect to pay for the arts normally. I'm changing it up this year because I want to get a better idea of what exactly to price my art at, as I'm hoping to open up a permanent art shop around the new year. I still plan on doing sales during events, the only difference is now I'll have a permanent shop year-round.

Of course, I still offer the same arts as during previous events.
-Headshot (lineart)
-Headshot (full color)
-Waist-up (lineart)
-Waist-up (full color)
-Chibi (lineart)
-Chibi (full color)
-Add people: Add 100g OR 2 tokens per person.

-SKETCHES! Yes, the sketches deal is back! Unlike the main listing above, I'm keeping the starting price for these at 50g OR 1 token per sketch. For sketches that have more than one subject, it's the same rule as above.

REGARDING CHARITIES: If you're buying art for/on behalf of a charity, I'm willing to either give you a discount or for no price whatsoever. However, you must provide me with a link to the charity you're buying the art for, so I know that it's not a scam.

I'll accept payments by trade or donation, it doesn't matter to me.

To place an art order, just use this form here (minus the spaces):


@ TaiyoTsuki ;

[ B ]Username:[/B]

[ B ]Headshot, wasit-up, or chibi:[/B]

[ B ]What do you want drawn?[/B]

[ B ]References (if needed): [/B]

[ B ]Any other stuff I missed in the form goes here:[ / B ]


Just as with previous event art shops I've opened, everyone who buys an art (lineart, sketch, chibi, dosen't matter) gets ONE entry into an art raffle! At the end of the event I'll do a drawing, and whoever's username comes up will win a free full-body, full-color commision of your choice. Just keep in mind that whatever you wish drawn cannot violate Menewsha's ToS.

~Other Stuff That Should Be Mentioned~
-Follow Menewsha's ToS
-Feel free to chat~
-By default, I'll be putting all the drawings I do during the event up in a montage on deviantART. If you don't want your pic in the montage, let me know!

hummy 10-28-2017 06:30 AM

Happy Halloween

Shadami 10-28-2017 02:21 PM

Hey Taiyo. looking spiffy :D

hummy 10-28-2017 04:37 PM

*leaves candy*

Inspiration 10-28-2017 05:16 PM

Hummy are you spreading candy everywhere? ^-^

TaiyoTsuki 10-28-2017 07:55 PM

*sets out some tea to go with the candy*

@ Shadami: Thanks! ^^

hummy 10-28-2017 07:56 PM

some jasmine green tea for me, please, TT

TaiyoTsuki 10-28-2017 08:42 PM

Of course~

Would you like anything to go with it? Sugar? Cookies? Some...medication? *grins*

Inspiration 10-28-2017 09:11 PM

oh god no medication. please plague doctor!

hummy 10-28-2017 09:13 PM

no meds

TaiyoTsuki 10-28-2017 09:14 PM

^^ I promise I'll refrain from doing any experiments on people this time. Or...well, not on anyone who doesn't ask, anyway....

hummy 10-28-2017 09:59 PM

okay, TT is trustworthy

Inspiration 10-29-2017 12:41 AM

i'll just not ask than so i can avoid being experimented on :D

hummy 10-29-2017 12:51 AM

good plan

hummy 10-29-2017 04:00 PM

Slow event

Inspiration 10-29-2017 07:16 PM

It is a slow event, but it's been picking up here on day 2 i think ^-^

dragoness129 10-29-2017 07:32 PM

You can always experiment with my avies is you need. ^_^

Inspiration 10-29-2017 08:07 PM

what about grab bags? xD I'd be willing to just toss you some common and be like surprise me with art.

hummy 10-29-2017 08:16 PM

So we're tossing art about now

Inspiration 10-29-2017 09:22 PM

just items. like maybe the after party pumps and hope we don't stick an eye with them. xD

hummy 10-29-2017 10:27 PM

i'd like some lace up boots

TaiyoTsuki 10-30-2017 08:59 PM

@ Inspiration; I never thought about items in exchange for arts...? I'm mostly looking for certain items (I literally have a wishlist in my blog...or I would if they were working at the moment, darnit), but I guess it could work...? *shrugs*

hummy 10-30-2017 09:04 PM

it's borkie due to server change
my trades don't work =(

TaiyoTsuki 10-30-2017 09:05 PM

Bollocks :/

So far it seems that the donations still work though. Hopefully they'll be able to get all the borkage from the server change fixed up soon ^^;

Inspiration 10-30-2017 09:46 PM

Well i was thinking on the fact we can't trade tokens but you said we could buy for tokens. So i figured you meant items worth those tokens :P sorry

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