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Kat Dakuu 05-08-2015 06:54 PM

Fake Bonds Don't Break
Name: Tavis (signs art as Talon)
Age: 23
Mark: false tiger moth
Appearance: images
Slightly side parted hair with the bangs a little in his face. It's white blonde with black tips either on one side or all around. Hair always starts out sleek, but he messes it up without fail. Has multiple piercings, at least three per ear and wears unique and flashy earrings. Style is steam punk, cyber punk, and plain punk mixed together. Has a tongue piercing and almost always wears rings. Overall he's very into accessories and his style is eclectic and 'cool'. Will wear his personality on his sleeve in a mismatched, asymmetrical way. Is 5'10" and not muscular, but not skinny either. He has a very slight tan. His eyes are gold/green. Davvin's mark appears on back of hand.
Occupation: artist/sculpture. Works with restoration art when not doing original pieces. Sort of in an apprentice space.
Personality: he is a rude little bastard. Loud with an obnoxious laugh. He self-flatters a lot, but shows a serious face with his art. Takes no nonsense from anyone and enjoys being him. Frowns on anyone too afraid to be 'real'. Doesn't seem to care when he steps on other's feelings, but he's not a bully. Mostly picks fights with fakers and talks shit back to other rude people. Might use fists, but prefers words. When he falls into a worrying mood, it's hard core panic to the point his health suffers. His environment and appearance tend to reflect his mood so you can see when something is off. All his life he's considered what his soulmate might be like and fears it will be the sort of person he proclaims to hate. Smart book-wise, but often lacking in common sense, motor skills, and other useful things. His ability for self-denial is immense.

Name: Erik
Age: 26
Mark: Hyena in front of an arrowhead
Job: Working at his father's multi-million dollar company that he will inherit.
Looks: 5'10 with shaggy sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. He's leaner, but more masculine in the face. Sort of sharp. The others' marks appear on the back of his neck.
Personality: He's cunning, smart, devious, and great at planning things. He's the instigator of the group. He loves to be a bachelor and least wants to find his soulmate. Tends to do things so he can make a profit or to have fun. Only serious when it comes to one of his schemes. Somewhere deep down he's kind(?)

Name: Javier
Age: 24
Mark: snake entwined around an arrowhead
Job: Small family business building clocks and small knickknacks.
Looks: Hispanic with dark hair and eyes. 5'8". He has a decent masculine look despite ruining it with his goof smile. The others' marks appear on his stomach, near the belly button.
Personality: He's the peanut gallery who never shuts up. Acts like an idiot most of the time. He's good with his hands, but not with his brain and his short attention span doesn't help. He's excitable and friendly, but sometimes even more conniving than his other friends, though he's usually the first to back off as well. He's more fluid, able to accept things once they've started to happen. Always laughing/cackling.

Wings of Writing 05-08-2015 07:23 PM

Name: Davvin
Age: 24
Mark: dianthus superbus or fringed pink left most flower.
Mark on his Body: False tiger moth
Looks: 5’9.5”. He’s toned and fit, but not super muscly. He arms definitely have definition to them and he’s got the slight impression of abs, but they’re not like super defined. His hair is of a blonde base but it’s almost impossible to see as all colors of the rainbow are dispersed throughout at complete random. His hair is slightly long but still sits right around his ears for the most part; he has a fringe that is slightly longer and can hang into his eyes. He usually sweeps it to the left side. He’s got a very soft and delicate face with full plush lips that tend to draw people’s attention. His eyes are a very light grey. While not one to get a ton of piercing he does have both his lobes pierced (wearing usually simple studs) and a crossbar on his right ear that he wears an arrow earring in. He started getting tattoos after his mark appeared (which horrified his mother, but he didn’t really care). His mark is on his lower ribcage on his left side. His first was a flying phoenix on his left shoulder and arm in a watercolor style. He later added a tattoo of roses in a deep purple color with dark blue, almost black, swirly patterns connecting them on his calf and ankle. His most recent and biggest tattoo is a sakura tree that goes up on the right side of his back and has on branch that stretches towards the left and the other onto his right arm. It’s filled with dozens of the bright pink blooms.
Personality: He’s very self-conscious of his height and a quick and easy way to upset him is to tease him about it. He’s the shortest guy in his family by a lot and he’s always felt very out of place because of it (plus his brothers used to give him hell). Other than that he’s really not very sure of himself. He’s always been middle of the road when it came to school and only decent at sports, places his brothers both excelled. As such, he covers this up with a lot of snark and a whole lot of bravado. His friends know him as being the one whose willing to do crazy stupid shit. This includes doing things like skydiving to attempting to learn parkour and even just taking on bets to eat things that probably should have killed him. He’s usually up to try anything once. However once you push past all the bravado and snark, he’s relatively laidback and could lie on a couch all day without doing anything quite happily. And really once he’s comfortable around you he’ll just go with the flow of what you want to do, figuring it might be fun or funny. Doesn't really give a damn about gender roles and what is considered traditionally masculine.
References: Phoenix Tattoo, Rose tattoo, sakura tree, and arrow earring Hair


Name: Elliot
Age: 26
Mark: Hyena and snake intertwined
Job: Owns/runs a parkour and gymnastics studio
Looks: Light brown hair 5'8" and a little bit stocky. He's muscles in a pretty obvious way but not like a hulk.
Personality: Calm, cool, collected. He's one of the calmer one in his group of friends, which pays of when your friends with Jae and Davvin. He's often the one bringing common sense into their hair brained schemes to keep them from getting themselves hurt. Though when he really gets an interest for something, he'll pursue it obsessively until he achieves his goal. This is how he learned parkour and eventually opened the studio. He's stubborn, to put in other words.

Kat Dakuu 05-08-2015 09:03 PM

Tavis stalked through the stone paths of his apartment building with his head held high. His each step jingled from the metal nicknacks threaded through his belt chains and the various earrings, bracelets and other jewelry attatched to him. Despite it being mid-spring, he wore a full sleeved contraption, dull brown in color and made up almost entirely of strap designs in the sleeve fabric. Eyes stared at him, but he ignored those neighbors unable to look at someone like him. As if he gave a shit. The time read nearly one in the afternoon and he made arrangements to meet his new model outside his apartment around 12:45. Tavis didn't hurry though. Instead, he stared down at the flower on the back of his hand.

In some ways it matched his wild appearance and in others, it made him wince. A flower? He felt sure the mark belonged to a girl and some kind of sweet, pretty little false thing too. Because that's what flowers were--something that sat there and looked nice. The mark appeared on him years earlier and he had yet to find the soulmate it belonged to. Tavis did keep an open mind. It would be his soulmate. Of course they would be happy, but that didn't mean he didn't worry. He worried as a second occupation and he worried most of all that he would have to change because all these years he might have been telling himself lies about what he wanted. He didn't want to think about that though.

Rounding the corner, he came up to apartment number 13b, his own.

Wings of Writing 05-08-2015 09:20 PM

Davvin leaned back against the wall casually outside of the apartment he'd been told to meet the artist he was working for at. His hair was styled a bit rougher then normal some of it in the back standing up a little. His head was tilted down so his rainbow colored fringe hung into his eyes a bit. He sighed, wondering why he'd agreed to do this again. When he'd met with the artist to agree on a time and location, the other male had been a bit of an oddball, and very brash. The next few months working for the guy promised to be interesting but maybe a little annoying; somehow, Davvin still figured he'd get some sort of amusement out of it.

He stretched out his arms scratching a little at his side, but not really worrying about too much. Davvin didn't waste too much time thinking about his soulmate, figuring whatever happened happened, and besides the person who managed to be embodied by some weird type of moth was a mysterious to him. Like seriously, who got a mark in a moth? Animal marks were usually things like lions or elks, maybe a butterfly here or there, but not a moth.

As he heard footsteps coming up the stairs, he sighed, wondering what the artist would say about the large tattoo that covered his back. While you could see the tail end of the phoenix on his shoulder peeking out from under the sleeve of his t-shirt and some of the buds from the sakura tree on his other arm and the roses on his legs were exposed by the khaki shorts he was wearing, the full scope of the sakura tree on his back was completely hidden, along with his mark.

"Yo," he greeted when the artist, Tavis he thought his name was, walked up the apartment.

Kat Dakuu 05-08-2015 09:55 PM

Tavis very nearly tripped over the top stair before he righed himself as if nothing happened. That did not happen at all. "Hey you, David or whatever! Ready to strip for me?" he called. After a pause for about ten seconds, he burst out in laughter, dragging a hand through his hair so that it clumped together in a mess. "Jk. That'd be totally weird right? Anyway, welcome to my art studio of wonder!" He made a grand gesture as he spun around and reached his door. He'd just unlocked it and pushed the door open when an airy voice called out to him.

"Tavis! Hey long time no see."

Tavis didn't try to hide his wince, not that the girl noticed it as she ran up. Her long honey curls bounced as she moved and the long white dress she wore contrasted with violet shoes. "Corena... Hey...."

"Guess what!" She continued without pass before turning to show off her shoulder. "My mark appeared this morning and it's an eagle! Isn't that great! It's such a regal mark. I can't wait to meet him!" She smiled at him again and Tavis backed up a step, looking awkward. An eagle was cool. Sometimes, he fancied that he would be such a creature.

"" He realized with a start that she smelled intensely of flower blossoms. Her violet shoes looked the exact shade he imagined his flower would be and he looked down at it with a frown pulling on his face. It couldn't be...

"Well, I'll see you later!" She exclaimed before she pranced off again, leaving Travis reeling in her wake. A look of sadness and distress passed over his face and for a second, he did t do anything. He forgot he was even next to someone else.

Wings of Writing 05-08-2015 10:02 PM

"Davvin," Davvin muttered, sounding slightly annoyed, though that annoyance may have been mostly directed at his parents for giving him such a weird name. He blanched slightly at the proposition of being completely nude in front of the other male, but did his best not to show it on his face. He'd signed up to be an artist's model and whatever went along with it, he'd do. He smiled slightly at the joke when it was revealed though, glad the other male found the prospect just as awkward.

As the exchange between Tavis and Corena took place, Davvin fought to suppress a smirk. The other male looked completely uncomfortable with the girl invading his space. In fact, Davvin got the feeling that if he could Tavis would have bolted quickly in the other direction.

"I take it you and your neighbor don't get along?" he asked wryly, not even bothering to hide the amusement in his voice.

Kat Dakuu 05-08-2015 10:43 PM

Tavis shook himself when he heard davvin speak. "Ah...what?" he asked with another overdone laugh. He pulled his hand through his hair before pushing his way into his apartment. He dumped his shoes by a pair of black boots, avoiding the many things on the floor. Pretty much everything short of trash could be found on the floor and other surfaces. His trash actually stayed in the kitchen for the most part. "Corena? She's such a little ditz. Been living her whole life to meet her prince charming soulmate." He rolled his eyes and pushed open the door that should have been a second bedroom, but he transformed into a mini art studio. What lay past that door looked far more wild than the rest of his home.

Half finished porcelain torsos cluttered on makeshift shelves. A dragon eye peered from between two leather bound books now smudged with clay. Mounds of oil clay, plaster molds, the gauzy white plastic that protected the room and kept earthen clay moist, it all added to the feeling that they walked into another world. The art looking down at them was a mix of elegant beauty and unearthly touch. "So anyway, there's a stool over there somewhere so take a seat. I'm really digging torsos now have tattoos?!" Momentarily he found himself grinning though he hadn't gotten over his earlier...dare he call it depression at thinking Corena might be his soulmate?

Wings of Writing 05-08-2015 11:01 PM

Davvin chuckled, "Well you certainly don't mince your words. Good to know. I personally don't get the whole soulmate obsession, you'll find them when you do, why stress yourself out in the meantime? But to each their own I guess."

He looked around the art studio and whistled low in admiration, "Quite an impressive amount of sculptures. Dang! So I guess I'm supposed to at least pull of the shirt, no problem." He moved over to the stool pulling his shirt over his head, reaving the rest of the sakura tree on his back as he moved away from the other male. "Ah yeah, I have three. Want more at some point too. My mother hates them, thinks you shouldn't have any other mark on you besides the mark. I say screw that." He settled on the stool and waiting for instruction on what pose to sit in.

Kat Dakuu 05-09-2015 03:54 AM

"Right? I mean, it's soulmates. You can wonder and everything, but does it need to be prince charming cliche romance?! That shit has to be untrue," Tavis exclaimed. He dragged both of his hands through his hair. "Oh god, but I think she's my mate...a-and-" He choked on his words, unable to even think past this revelation. He paced a step then glanced over at Davvin, eyeing his look without his shirt. That was an interesting person. Totally not a weird flower though. Tavis ground his teeth together. Why did it have to be Corena? Because he had that idea in his head now and he wouldn't give up on it. "Damn it. I don't want it."

His face fell again and for a second, he stood still, silent. Tavis glanced at the door, clearly unhappy. He needed to avoid the inevitable somehow. How could a person even do that? He glanced at Davvin again and his face twisted with a grin. He jumped into action, pointing both fingers at the other man. "Oh great! Yeah, you don't even know me so this is the best! Be my fake boyfriend, David! Because then...yeah, maybe she won't figure out I'm her mate if I look taken! I'm begging you, dude! Help a guy out here!" He'd traveled across the room as he talked and ended up a foot away from Davvin, his hands clasped together, green eyes begging with far too much skill.

Wings of Writing 05-09-2015 04:31 AM

Davvin twisted around in his seat so fast to stare at Tavis, an incredulous look on his face. However, he over balanced and managed to fall of the stool as he twisted to look at him. "What the hell are you on about??!! And my name is not David. It's Davvin." He growled. "Learn my name if you're going to ask crazy things of me."

He paused, right himself on the floor but staying seated there in case the artist decided to drop anything else surprising on him. "You want me to pretend to date you.... to convince some random chick that you're not her soulmate. You are a strange one."

Kat Dakuu 05-09-2015 04:42 AM

"Yeah, that about sums it up," Tavis said, ignoring the other man's correction about his name. He continued to stare with his begging eyes, but had given up the hand pose, choosing instead to lean his elbows against the stool. Tavis already decided that his plan was going to happen and didn't look like he expected Davvin to turn him down. Such a thought never crossed his mind. "Come on, it's not that strange. If you found yourself mated to that girl, you'd try to run too!" He let out a small noise of disgust. It didn't even make sense that Corena should be his except they had been close since he moved in here. Maybe like an annoying brat of a sister he wished would die sort of way though. He shook his head with another frown.

Wings of Writing 05-09-2015 05:03 AM

Davvin chuckled and shook his head, "You are legitimately crazy. Like, the girl can't be that bad to begin with and how the hell do you know I'm any better? All you know about me is I'm willing to strip to model for art and I have tattoos. How the do you even begin to think this a good idea?" However, while he was saying this, he couldn't deny the part of him was definitely interested, if solely for the amusement that would come out of it. After all who wasn't in for something that was a good laugh. He stood up, realizing the other wasn't gonna help him up or anything.

Kat Dakuu 05-09-2015 05:15 AM

"She's exactly who I've always feared I'll be mated with because somehow it makes sense, but I hate it!" Tavis cried. When he realized he just said something so honest, he snapped his moth shut, blushing just the tiniest bit. He jabbed a finger at Davvin again. "Who cares what you're like. I don't have to fall in love with you. Thank god," he added under his breath. Though he couldn't say why that should be awful. It just was, like Corena was. He thew himself forward, accidentally spinning the stool and stumbling into Davvin. He grabbed hold of him and stared into his grey eyes from inches away. "I know you wanna." He waggled his eyebrows as if he planned his trip in order to be tempting from the start.

Wings of Writing 05-09-2015 05:59 AM

"Well even if she isn't what you want, can you exactly control who your mate is? I don't think I've ever heard of someone ignoring the bond out of existence. I don't think it works that way." He chuckled again, the other was really quite desperate for the help. "But I'll go along with this, solely because watching you try to ignore this is probably gonna be one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time."

Kat Dakuu 05-09-2015 06:11 AM

Tavis knew Davvin was right, but that wouldn't stop him from at least procrastinating. He just wasn't ready yet and Corena would probably never figure it out, dumb blonde that she was. "Thanks, man!" he exclaimed before he spun away again, about to sit back down at his work table. It took until then for him to fully understand what Davvin said to him. "I'm not an idiot, ya know! Will you just sit still and shut up already. Models aren't supposed to come with sass." He plopped down in his chair about a yard away from Davvin and leaned forward, chin on his palm, to stare.

Wings of Writing 05-09-2015 06:21 AM

"You are entirely the one who started this conversation, not me." Davvin said, unrepentant a broad smirk spread across his face. He sat back down on the stool anyway. "And I don't know, you seem pretty idiotic to me. After all, what type of artist forgets to tell their model what pose they want them in?" He eyed Tavis, a challenge written all over his face. He settled into a comfortable position as he said this, one hand coming up to rest under his chin as he propped his elbow on his knee.

Kat Dakuu 05-09-2015 06:36 AM

Tavis narrowed his eyes in a glare. "Maybe I'm still looking and haven't figured out what art I'm gonna make, huh?" he snapped back in challenge. He really did need to get a sense of inspiration still. When Davvin settled into his comfortable pose, he jumped up from his seat again. "Definitely not that though! Ugh, just let me!" With that, he stomped over and grabbed hold of Davvin to move him around, still not sure what he wanted. "Let me look at your tattoos!" He spied something and it left him grinning, dropping down to look at davvin's ribcage. "Wait, is that your mark? A butterfly?" He burst out laughing. "No way dude! That's so lame!"

Wings of Writing 05-09-2015 06:40 AM

"I think it's actually a moth..." Davvin muttered, pouting slightly, not that he'd let Tavis see. "All research points to it being some sort of tiger moth. All I can figure is whoever it belongs to is a complete oddball. Seriously, whose every heard of a moth as a mark?" He shook his head, chuckling slightly. He looked over to Tavis's hand, "Not that your mark is any better, bro. And at least I can hide mine."

Kat Dakuu 05-09-2015 06:54 AM

Tavis raised an eyebrow. "Moth? Ew. Those are all brown and drab and...fuzzy." He shook his hand as if to knock such a bug away. He moved his hand behind his back, not needing reminding. "Anyway, your phoenix tat is way cooler. I think I'm going to work with that somehow." How, he didn't know yet, but art wasn't science. Answers didn't just come because our called for them. He twisted Davvin around so he got a good look of it, then went back to his seat.

Wings of Writing 05-09-2015 07:24 AM

"Hm yes well I chose my tattoos, this mark was entirely determined by someone else's existence, so not my fault." As he settled into the position Tavis had put him in, which was only slightly awkward, Davvin ruminated on what he'd just agreed to. "So what are gonna be the guidelines for this fake relationship. We're only trying to convince you're neighbor, so how do we go about it. It's not like we can control when we see her. And I'm not bona be over here all the time. I have actual friends to hang out with thank you very much."

Kat Dakuu 05-09-2015 05:17 PM

Tavis flipped open to a blank page in a mostly filled sketchbook and tapped his pecil. "Guidelines? Like what?" he asked. He hadn't thought ahead to such things, nor did he think he needed to. "We just flaunt our awesome bond in front of her for like...ah, but if I live next to her, we can't just do it for a week and part ways." He pulled on an earring as he thought and ended up yanking it too hard with what Davvin said. "I have friends too, prick! Just be around sometimes and when you're here for modeling, pretend to be mine!"

Wings of Writing 05-10-2015 12:51 AM

"Well what exactly are we gonna do to convince her that I'm yours? How far do you want to take it? Do you want me to hold your hand, kiss you, touch you in front of her, have obnoxiously loud sex that can be heard through the wall?" Davvin smirked on the last bit, obviously meant to be a snide remark, though he also raised an eyebrow in challenge.

Kat Dakuu 05-10-2015 04:16 AM

Tavis had been planning some kind of comment about how he'd do as much as Davvin wanted, but the other beat him to the snark. Being on the receiving end tripped him up a little too much and Tavis turned red, coughing behind his hand to hide it. He couldn't back down from the challenge though. He met Davvin's gaze, a self-satisfied little grin passing over his face. "You sure you can handle that, pretty boy? What are you going to do if I say yes?"

Wings of Writing 05-10-2015 05:35 AM

Davvin didn't break Tavis's gaze, his smirk only widening. "Oh, I don't know. Why don't you test that theory?" he asked, cocking his head slightly, tone deliberately light, almost unintentionally playful. He was enjoying this way too much and couldn't really explain way. But something about the interplay between the two of them was invigorating in a way a lot of his conversations with his friends wasn't. He pushed that to the furthest corner of his brain though, not willing to think of what it might mean. Instead he murmured, careless, "My friends don't call me a daredevil for nothing."

Kat Dakuu 05-10-2015 05:42 AM

Tavis resisted the urge to grind his teeth together and continued to meet Davvin's stare. Why wasn't he backing down? It meant Tavis couldn't either even though he wanted to, or at least should. He recognized that, but he couldn't stop himself either. "Dare devil?" he whistled. "I dunno, man. You're going to have to prove it to me." Tavis couldn't decide if he wanted Davvin to or not though. Which didn't really make sense at all.

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