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Immy 01-10-2014 09:21 PM

Rane Hatter's Memory Jar
Rane Hatter's Memory Jar

About Me-
Username: Shattered Heart
Nickname: Rane Hatters
Age: 23
Appearance: My avatar reveals my looks (eyes are blue though)
Favorite Color: Blue, purple, black, silver.
Birthday: November 14th, 1990
Pets: Alice (white kitten with blue eyes), Hatter (Black kitten with blue eyes)
Occupation: Part Time Mother, Part Time Cashier

Immy 01-10-2014 09:22 PM

So far the best thing happening to me is the little bit of warm weather we get or the more I get to sleep. I know that's an odd thing, but still. I watched the movie Frozen and loved it. 1-27-14

Immy 01-10-2014 09:22 PM


Immy 01-10-2014 09:22 PM

saved and post now

Immy 01-28-2014 03:50 AM

i had forgotten about this.

Immy 02-10-2014 07:36 PM

Alright, my memory to match this date is: A guy/customer where I work dropped his checks on the ground and left not realizing it. I went to turn it into customer service (its his, no one else's) and later about five minutes or so, he returned asking if anyone found any checks on the ground. I said I did and turned them in. He came back to me afterwards saying "This is for being honest, thank you" and left after slipping me a $20 bill which TOTALLY caught me off guard (i only have 3 hours of sleep and a tad bit of caffeine, but I was aware of what was happening) and I tried to tell him no but he wouldn't take that for an answer. So after that, I slipped it into my pocket, and finished my day out. At the end of the day I was trying to figure out what to do with it and because I don't like taking money or anything for doing what I was raised to do. Mainly a good deed. I then went to buy a gift card from the store itself and waited a few minutes for someone to need some help money wise. I know most of my customers, those who really need help, and those who just act like it. So I found this customer I knew and gave her the gift card telling her "Here, a $20 gift card" and she asked why was I giving it away and I just said "Passing along the kindness" then I quickly slipped out of the store while she was confused lol

I can't stand taking money or anything for doing something good. It really bugs me. I have to give that money away or I have to somehow use it towards others.

Immy 03-06-2014 04:31 PM

Ah last night I saw the moon in a crescent with its points facing the sky above it and man did it feel so magical now that we are getting such nice weather. I mean yea it was a little cool, but I didn't need to wear my coat ^_^ SO far that is all I have to offer on my good day yesterday.

Immy 04-03-2014 01:28 PM


This time, last night a storm erupted and the tornado sirens went off, and I was just going through the motions. Like I always do. After they went off we went back to bed for another hour or less and got up again. I got online to check and make sure my friends were okay, one of them is Sam_Grey here on menewsha and he is a crush of mine, a great friend at that too. Well now this bad stuff is passing through his home town in which he lives and he doesn't live in the safest place, so I'm kind of scared & worried for him alot, and I hope nothing happens to him. I'm not the type to pray, but please pray with me that he will be alright and those in his town.


Immy 05-19-2014 12:27 AM


So my ex tried to speak with me after ignoring me for about 6 months when he got his new job. Now there was alot of complications between us and age was one of them. I am 23 and he is 34 so yea...that was already awkward enough. He still believes our love is there, but it was lost a long time ago when I was told to move on by his best friend. I never did understand why he decided to talk to me after all that time. I guess he couldn't keep that last girl.


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