Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   Time Tales: Dino Might! (
-   -   It's the Final Countdown... A Giveaway! With Games and Prizes! Day 7 of 'And You Wonder' now commencing! (

Queen_Andais 04-29-2017 02:41 AM

It's the Final Countdown... A Giveaway! With Games and Prizes! Day 7 of 'And You Wonder' now commencing!

Aliens, Dinosaurs and Time Travel... [shock]

Well, it would appear that we are being taken for a ride into the Jurassic, or is it the Triassic? Mesozoic? Paleolithic? Is that even a time period? Oh hell, I am just surprised my brain has managed to remember any of that! Kudos for those brain cells hanging in for the long haul! (Reading this out loud to my husband right now is hilarious, considering my voice is currently going out, adds a certain level of millennial whine.)

Guess we will have to make sure we have our towel with us as we travel through time, or whatever we are doing with the aliens and the dinosaurs.

Anyone else have a hankering to try out the Butterfly effect? Or am I the only twisted person? [rofl]

Now now, don't get mad at me, being sick combined with a Tylenol PM makes for all of this comedy goodness.

Welcome to the thread! There will be games, prizes and hopefully, a bunch of posting.
Read through the posts, participate where you want to and ignore the things you prefer not to do.... won't hurt my one remaining feeling none. [twisted]

Queen_Andais 04-29-2017 02:42 AM

Don't miss the chance to get an item from the event store! Would hate for you to be like that remedial T-Rex couple who can't mark a calendar for the important things. [headdesk] (Probably because they have those little arms)

Anyone visiting the thread can request an item from the event store...within reason.

1. PM Queen_Andais with your request of the item your heart is yearning for.
2. Be sure to list the name of the item and the specific color. ( Please note that if you don't give me a specific color than I will just purchase one of them and you might already have that color, would much rather give you what you want.)
3. NO asking for the EIs!
4. Requests will be filled within 24 hours of receipt
5. No requests will be taken on the last day, but I might get generous and announce randomly that people can ask for things... so be on the lookout!

Queen_Andais 04-29-2017 02:42 AM

Instead of doing a traditional raffle (of which there might still be one, but not in this post)I came up with this idea based on a multitude of other things mashed together. Rather than forking over 100s of your gold to me for tickets, you generously send over a small amount each day with the hopes that you get something awesome. [wha]

In the spirit of Cards Against Humanity and Ipsy (Not sure if that's how you spell it, honestly does it really matter?) You get the general concept of "less is more and you never know what is coming to you."

Here is how this will work: [:B]
1. Send Queen_Andais a donation of 25 gold (reasonable right?)
2. In the donation box put the following: "You're never going to believe this! Totally just saw/experienced..." and add some funny little tidbit.
3. You can only enter once... a day
4. Mules can play, same with Charity mules
5. Prizes will range from simple items in the store to EIs and CIs. (Awesome, no?)

Now please, don't get upset if you don't win something big and fancy, not everyone is special. And favoritism will not be an issue. However, if you feel that you were left out or singled out, remember it's only a game and not all prizes are created equal.[XP]

Queen_Andais 04-29-2017 02:43 AM

Damn right it was US!

This is where you get to prove just how much it was you! The chance to win 50k in pure!

Here is how: Be the one with the most points at the end of the event...kind of easy right?

1. Posting will net you 1.5 points per post
2. Dice Rolling will get you points based on the number of sides
3. Rolling your personal number on the dice.
4. Random chances for points as well.

Queen_Andais 04-29-2017 02:43 AM

Game Play:

1. A goal NUMBER and side of dice will be provided, i.e. 628 is the goal, using a 700 side die.
2. There will be only one WINNER per round.
3. Points will be based on the side of the dice.
4. Each person will have their own number to roll for in conjunction with the main number. Individual numbers will be used as additional points towards the final goal.
5. The individual number will be an individual roll in conjunction with the main game. (Variation 1)
6. Individual numbers that show up in the main game will also count towards your point total. (Variation 2)

Game Rules:
1. Everyone can play
2. Points earned go towards the final prize
3. The dice code will need to be quoted as I believe this is proper etiquette for dice rolling. (I don't want to get in trouble and I don't any of you to get in trouble.)
4. When you roll YOUR individual number, please PM me the post number so I can view it. Be sure to not edit the post as that will change the number it shows.
5. Individual numbers will be a separate roll of a 100 sided die. (Points for hitting your individual number: 50 points)
6. If in the course of rolling for the current dice game's number you land on your personal number, you get 10 points.

200 sides = 20 Points
300 sides = 30 points
400 sides = 40 points
500 sides = 50 points
600 sides = 60 points
700 sides = 70 points
800 sides = 80 points
900 sides = 90 points
1000 sides = 100 points

How to Get YOUR Individual NUMBER:

To get your individual number, please read below and follow the steps.

1. Send me a PM with the number you would like.
2. Your number selection is based on 1-100
3. Yes, more then one person can have the same number. (Since each person is rolling their own dice only your roll counts toward getting your individual number.)
4. Once your PM is received and read, your name will appear in this post with the number next to it. (This doesn't mean you can't start rolling right away. If you happen to hit your number before it shows up on the first page, you still get the points.)

Game 1 - 300 sided die looking for 222
Game 2 - 200 sided die looking for 121 - Salvete Got the Number
Game 3 - 400 sided die looking for 345
Game 4 - 200 sided die looking for 134
Game 5 -
Game 6 -
Game 7 -
Game 8 -
Game 9 -
Game 10 -
Game 11 -
Game 12 -
Game 13 -

Personal number: Salvete - 88

Queen_Andais 04-29-2017 02:44 AM

reserved 6

Queen_Andais 04-29-2017 02:44 AM

reserved 7

Queen_Andais 04-29-2017 02:45 AM

reserved 8

hanahaki disease 04-29-2017 03:01 AM

Hello Queen! Your avi is so cool [love]

hummy 04-29-2017 03:04 AM

happy spring thang

xoxoAngiexoxo 04-29-2017 03:10 AM

Hiya everyone

dragoness129 04-29-2017 03:20 AM

I just checked and found this had just started! So glad I am not late!

Kirin Rosenbaum 04-29-2017 03:21 AM


dragoness129 04-29-2017 03:22 AM

Now maybe I should actually make an avatar too. XD

Kirin Rosenbaum 04-29-2017 03:23 AM

I would but I like my current avatar to damn much.

xoxoAngiexoxo 04-29-2017 03:26 AM

That is a great avi kirin

dragoness129 04-29-2017 03:30 AM

It is a great avie. ^_^

I wish the auto post thing still showed up.

Queen_Andais 04-29-2017 03:30 AM

Thanks, Siren. Won me admin's pick awhile back.

Welcome everyone. Not sure what I will be doing for this thread, but heck, it's an event! Gotta have a thread.

xoxoAngiexoxo 04-29-2017 03:33 AM

Hiya queen.

Was quite a nice surprise to see event

Queen_Andais 04-29-2017 03:40 AM

I knew there was one coming, but the e-mail that was sent out was kind of vague about the start date of the actual event.

---------- Post added 04-28-2017 at 08:41 PM ----------

In case anyone is wondering, this is my happy face.

hanahaki disease 04-29-2017 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by Queen_Andais (Post 1773887392)
In case anyone is wondering, this is my happy face.


xoxoAngiexoxo 04-29-2017 03:51 AM

I don't guess I got the email and I hadn't read announcements or anything

dragoness129 04-29-2017 03:51 AM

Yes! Events must have Queenie's thread!

Inspiration 04-29-2017 03:57 AM

Hey Queenie. ^^ glad to see your event thread. I'll do what i can to keep active. but going to a funeral in the morning.

dragoness129 04-29-2017 04:00 AM

Gotta be active everywhere! -fist pumps-

Wait, what?! Who's funeral?

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