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Shadami 12-02-2010 04:19 PM

St. Aethers School of Magic Continued
Due to a wildly increased lack of attendance here at St. Aethers the President has decided to move the location so that those are loyal to the school may attend it much easier, with no distractions of missing people.

Please PM bios to me. : you will most likely be approved but trying to keep somethings flowing nicely
Pet Peeve: Be literate and pay attention to what other people post. I tend to be really slow to reply to poorly made posts.
Hints to not tickle my pet peeve:
Use quotations when your character is speaking. " Hi"
If your character is thinking, please use italics This music is so amazing
Ridiculously short posts are irritating, but understandable if your busy. Please just make a small note in OOC using parenthesis. ( This is my prefered method, but ] } or OOC: /OOC are perfectly acceptable to me as well.
Keep it in the past tense. For example. 'Ashley glanced out the window, forlorn on that particular gloomy day in the middle of small town USA. Even the fields of corn looked sad as she clung to whatever hope she could find in her heart. She turned as she heard her younger siblings cell phone ring. '

Rules of the school have been noted as:
No relationships (though they are encouraged )
Be in by curfew (Not that the students obey that)
Stay on campus

Rules of the Thread noted as:
Do NOT rush anyone into posting. This thread is for the enjoyment of the starters, and those who join in must understand that we all have lives and post whenever we can.
This thread is NOT allowed to die :)
If your character has gone missing, and I deem it necessary to take it over to continue the story. I will. I will also PM you a warning to let you know. If you do not reply and I am tired of using the character I may send them somewhere else, kill them, lock them in prison. Who knows. creativity at the time determines your fate.
DO have fun!

OOC Thread: a place to chat and ect about the school and any questions you may have . =]
Old location: if you ever feel like taking a look at the back story that happened until the new location of the school was made.

Shadami 12-02-2010 04:19 PM


All updates will be done at the end of each 'day.' Each day will end when all students have either gone to bed or midnight.

Day One: Moving in Hours
Many students moved in to the school to get accustomed with the student housing and prepare for classes that would begin the next day. First to arrive in the dorms on move in day was Milly. An ice student who distastes the heat, but loves swinging her hips when she walks and showing that she knows she is attractive. As soon as she iced the halls of the first floor in the girls dormitory Celesta arrived and got into a brief conversation with her about why she was icing the walls and than retreated into her room. Milly shrugging retreated to hers and changed clothes before she came back out and eyed the new student Ace as he walked towards the boys dorms. She teased him about his singing and he went along with it leaving them in conversation.

Meanwhile several other students arrived by their own personal vehicles. Assina, who is dropped off by her siblings, than Rin the first one to drive in on his own, riding a Ducati after which he decided to avoid people by just hanging out in a tree to watch new students arrive. Killian, an Earth student who would rather have a Honda(but he got it as a gift) cruises into the school in his SSC Ultimate Aero, melting the hearts of all girls he ran into. The only one who seemed to resist was Lena-May who arrived just moments after he got there in her grandfather's old car listening to her Ipod. She ignored him and headed straight for the dorms where she finds her rooms handle iced shut. She blasts the handle into the room ignoring Celesta and Milly(who's room is right next to hers) who are conversing.

Lena-May messes around with some metal she got as gifts from her grandparents, (giving Killian time to get in and find his room) before heading outside to sit under the very tree that Rin is in to smoke a cigarette. Killian unpacking in his room (boys dorm, 2nd floor, room 55) set up some sand traps to protect his doors and windows before he headed outside just in time to see Lena-May put out a cigarette. About to yell at her he strode over, watched her pick the cigarette up instead of littering, and had to continue walking to not raise suspicion. They headed up getting into a conversation of their own, unaware that Rin was in the tree above them.

Earth student Harlo arrives happy to be out of the streets and decides to stalk the halls in snake form to investigate her new school. Miyuku is dropped off by her brother shortly after with a text message that says that she will get her brothers car as a present for her first year at St. Aethers. Both girls go to explore, Harlo still wondering around in snake form, Miyuku because she's bored and looking for excitement. Miyuku pulls a prank on some boys by the main fountain before wandering off into the school grounds to feed peanuts to suirrels. Harlo spots her and shapeshifts into a rat to mess with Miyuku's head. Falling for the trick Miyuku is unaware she has been deceived even as she waves good bye to Harlo who has run off toward the lake shape shifting into a beagle.

Day One: The Actives start Arriving

Lestella and Jaz both arrived the previous night and are just starting their day as other students are arriving. Jaz is already working on a metal project of her own creation when Lestella joins her on the steps in front of the academical office building, overlooking the front fountain. They hit it off immedietly and get into a conversation. Azure arrives at the school and Jaz watches him briefly as the metal he wears calls to her metal user self. He came back out shortly after exploring his room and went off on his own, once again ignoring Jaz as he passed by her. She and Lestella continue conversing.

Krista arrives followed shortly after by jai who purposefully bumps into her to introduce himself. They converse briefly before Krista awkwardly bows out and heads off to her room, leaving an opening for a possible friendship between the two. Azure moved over to talk to Jaz as Krista entered the dorms and started unpacking. She decided to head out to the lake around the same time Azure had a panic attack flashback and ran off ending up by the lake where he saw Krista enjoying her hidden side. He startled her, and ended up with them hitting it off and becoming an awkward couple on the present of a necklace from Azure to Krista. Jaz and Jai hit it off getting into their own conversation, though Jaz is having guilty feelings because she has a boyfriend back at home.

The two blossoming relationships continue blooming over conversations until they went back to their rooms planning to stay in touch. Jaz and Jai by a metal user only cellphone made by Jai, and Azure and Krista planning to meet by the lake that night.

Krista and Azure meet up and have some quiet time alone, briefly. Nyirko shows up soon after when a storm starts stirring in the air. Which revealed the presence of someone that had been hidden by the shore the entire time, Ren.

Begin spark of attraction via frosty and sparky. The dynamic duo of arguments and confrontations creating an entertaining brewing relationship.

Que entrance of storm as Ren and Nyirko's first fight begin, and draws the attention of several teachers to the lake. Matt is angered to be bothered in the dead of night and storms outside to be caught by Kaito at the beach, sending him back inside (so he doesn't rust) after he reveals his talent for tracking and was just about to track them further into the woods. Kaito than turns around and tracks the students himself.

Meanwhile Melesha wakes in the middle of the night possessed by her fear of lightning. Kaito radar tracks them and ends up catching them. Krista tells the truth and thinks bitterly of her parents. Nyirko takes the blame and gets a paper filing punishment with Vincent Kaito at 1-2 the next day. This night seems to break off Azure and Krista's relationship because they never got to say good bye.

Day Two: Monday Morning
[hide]Azure has been up since a nightmare the prior night and is still carving a statue portraying a demon carrying a women in distress. Jai is the first one awake and immedietly heads to the metal user gym to train, his thoughts centered on Jaz. Jaz texts him on their private cell phone line and they open a video chat and decide to meet for breakfast. Nyirko wakes up as well but stays in her room with the window opening enjoying the after storm smell, and spots Ren's room right across from hers, where Ren is asleep on his desk by the window. Nyirko takes the time to chuck an eraser at his window to continue their argumentative relationship.
Krista wakes up gushing over Azure, even going to the point of pulling her hair up into a ponytail, something she did just to look good for him. She headed to the cafeteria for breakfast.

Azure wakes up and leaves his room that is right next to Sayren's dorm room, as Nyirko rushes to her first class, "How to light a lightbulb," and sat bored through the class drawing a forest of lightning trees and little faeries. He spots Krista and briefly talks to her, handing her a metal heart, before he runs off to class late in the same time slot as Nyirko's first class.

The teachers wake up and start to prep for that days lessons. Melesha heads for orange juice in the teachers lounge and runs into Vincent who was already there reading a book when she arrived. They chat over the mystery of disappearing orange juice. Kaito leaves for his first class.Matt wakes up late in a sour mood and head to his metal art class to prep for the students.

Jaz and Jai get breakfast and Krista awkwardly joins them. Jai leaves the girls at the table to chat and Jaz goes to Matt's art class a little bit late.

Day Two: Monday Classes
Where she woke her own teacher from his daze he was having immersed in his own artwork at his desk in the front. Matt quickly assigns a work period where they were to design something to show their metal and artistic skills. Jaz worked out the statue of a little bunny catching the attention of Mr. Onis, who excused her early. A little less than an half an hour later (halfway through Jaz's class) Krista, and Nyirko head to their etiquette class taught by Ms. Melesha Carone. Sayren wanders in, thoughts revolving around Nyirko.Pop-quiz on the first day. Kaito is teaching a student one on one in another gym before his 10 o'clock class. Jai has moved to the gym to train again because he has two hours before his next class. He texts Jaz and they meet up briefly before she goes back to Matt's room for his metal control class.

Sayren hands in his quiz one minute before the end of class, and heads straight off to his next class where he spars with Kaito. Kaito tells him that he needs to conserve his energy and then he moves off to spar with Krista as Frosty and Sparky go at it again, blushing all the way. Ending with him skipping the last part of class and both fighters to storm off outside for some fresh air, and just end up at the lake together once again.

Jai walks into Jaz's metal class after finding out that his advanced class was actually him being a student teacher in the basics class. He got there just in time to see Mr. Onis expertly fire and freeze a metal bullet. The class went smoothly with only a few interruptions and flirtations, and messages being passed around.

Nyirko almost skips her basic offense class with Melesha while chatting with Sayren down at the water and makes a run to get to class on time. Which in the end wasn't worth it because she has to drop the class and take the more advanced one. Which requires her to drop Matt's class. She gets to his classroom in time for Dimitri the troublemaker to get called up to move metal in front of the class. And thus missing her detention with Kaito, a fact that has completely skipped her mind.

Lena-May arrives late to class and sits in the back and chats with Jai until Mr. Onis acknowledges their troublemaking. Which she of course took as her cue to start her shenanigans and write back, forming letters on a metal tea pot on Matt's desk. They shared a smirk of amusement before Mr. Onis called her up for her turn at the class assignment, that Jaz had so far topped everyone else at. Lena-May showed that she still knew her stuff and was in the wrong class.

Matt called a break in which he assigned Jai and Lena-May to be student teachers with actual assignments, mainly separating Jaz and Jai even though they'd be in the same room. Nyirko would stay and observe the class whenever she felt like it. But Matt did excuse her from having to attend his offense class on the concept that she stop into his office if she was ever struggling with it. The rest of the period actually did go smoothly after that. He assigned an optional reading on chapter two, and practicing levitating without hand motions for the next class.

Metal control gets out and they all escape to the lunch room to meet up.

Day Two: Afternoon Classes

Jaz, Jai, and Nyirko are enjoying their lunches, the couple chatting with each other. Nyirko sitting at the fountain.

Krista and Kaito decide to get in another duel before lunch and Krista is actually getting some control over her powers after an hour of dueling other students. Ren comes back to class after going seperate ways from Nyirko at the lake. He is distracted and messing up moves.

Krista is getting her power directed by Kaito so that she can sense how it feels when it is controlled. She develops the slightest crush on her teacher, though she doesn't realize this. Vincent comments on how fast she is learning, gives her a smile, and dismisses the class.

Everyone heads off to math class. Jaz and Jai sneaking a quick kiss before class, just before Krista walks in. It's time for textbook classes, and Matt is sleeping in the teacher's lounge. Kazuma walks into class late and gets lectured for being late because Melesha is also the etiquette teacher. It turns out Krista is horrible at math, and they are assigned a homework assignment as listed on the syllabus.

Kazuma puts on rollerblades and gets out as fast as he can. Jaz and Jai meet up in the gym once again, a favored dating spot of theirs. Sayren and Nyirko headed to the lake to argue until Nyirko had to go to her last class of the day, art.

Matt chats with Melesha (possible flirtations on both their parts) while he waits for his students to straggle in late. Their is always late people the first day. First assignment is simple and Nyirko gets right into it painting a beautiful picture of Sayren that personifies him rather approprietly. The moment she finishes he pops in the door inviting her to a secret stash of ice cream after class.

Awkwardness between the two is evident in that both had acknowledged that they like the other, but haven't revealed their thoughts yet.

Day Two: Afternoon and Good Night

Sparky and Frosty go off on their ice cream date where the sparks between them is obvious. But the conversation takes a nasty turn and Nyirko has a flashback and takes off running towards the lake her power building in kinetic energy. Ren closely at her heels, unknowingly worried for her.

Matt exits his classroom and heads to his office where he runs into Melesha whose office is right across from his. They chat for a bit and he invites her into the classroom to look at the freshly painted art from the last class.

Krista leaves math and immedietly heads back to her dorm to the get the homework done which she doesn't understand. She studies for a few hours and gives up when she starts thinking about how she got ditched by Azure. She tears up and decides it is best to just head to bed.

Meanwhile Sayren and Nyirko are still down at the lake having just experienced a nasty transfer of power that leaves Nyirko feeling weak and ashamed that she hurt Ren, and leaving Ren in awe of her power. Matt spots the electricity from his classroom window and an anger on reembering the night before clouds his senses and he strides down to the shore, melesha following.

They get their just in time to catch Nyirko and Ren in an innocent hug, though it doesn't appear that way to the teachers. Matt teasing lets them off the books because he was impressed by her painting. Which he mentions briefly to embarrass her and warn her not to spark off in the middle of the night and disturb him anymore. They agree to the lenient punishment and decide to head back to their rooms under the guise of 'studying,' and instead each head to bed. Friends. They share a brief moment at the window and than head to sleep.

Jaz heads back to the cafeteria for a late night snack, and received a text from Jai who had fallen asleep in their spot in the gym. Kazuma was out rollerblading and is just back to campus shortly before curfew.

Melesha and Matt headed back to the school conversing all the way up to his classroom door.

Miss Cooper who loved her books left the library to talk to Matt and entered his room since it was open only to get scared by him moments later as he pushed open the door right behind her. She in that moment revealed her crush on Matt as she glared at Melesha, though Matt missed the transfer of looks completely.

Melesha catches Jaz and Jai in the gym, punishment as of yet is undetermined. Nemisis gets to the school after a full day of classes has gone by and arrives a few minutes before curfew. The teachers he run into give him leniency as it is his first day. Makeups will probably be required for him.

Day Three: Tuesday, second day of classes

7 am and the entire campus is stirring. Most of the students have awoken and headed out to Breakfast where couples are meeting up, or there are studious students already working on homework from the previous day. And of course, there is frosty and sparky already starting a fight this early. Manny And Arch get in a 'fight.' And all this before the 8 Am classes!
Time for the 8 Am classes. Sparky and Frosty are fighting, good thing they have different classes. Matt is taking a class as a teacher...intresting. Tohru and Rebecca meet outside the cafeteria and chat before heading towards Matt's class, and are joined by Archimedes. They all go separate ways for a bit.
Mandred and Nyirko are paired off and there is literly sparks as they spar, and are getting into it when a foreign exchange student named Archimedes interrupts the fight looking for members for a club he's looking to start. Melesha ends the class shortly after when Matt leaves to get to his own classroom to teach, being trailed by Archimedes who he mistakes as one of his students. Tohru is as giggly as normal but for some reason Raine keeps escaping when she looks at Archen. Frosty is being frosty and avoiding actually putting any effort into the classes he has for some reason decided to actually attend, is attraction for Nyirko turning him into a good student? Could be! He even has a blast of strength from looking at her, and refusing to appear weak to her... How sweet.

Raine slips out the window around the same time that Jaz slips out the door and Matt is far to distracted by the fight that's broken out and all his students suddenly acting strange. And something deeper and darker lurks on the horizon. Some magically enhanced storm is approaching the school with the speed of the lightning striking from it. What dark threat from it is about to enshroud the school?

Day Three: About 9:30 Am - 9:45 Am
Matt Onis has practically trapped his students in his classroom as a dark cloud of terror descends ever faster on the school. Raine and Archen had slipped out before he put a near lockdown up and are in the courtyard 'talking.'
Archimedes and Matt come to an agreement to form a club but on parting their ways they both get struck by the power of the storm. Archimedes sees a vision of himself attacking students, and only thanks to breathing exercises is able to stop himself from turning the hallways into a metal deathtrap of locker spikes, while Mandred is suddenly taken over by a massive headache and grasps a door frame to keep standing. His dreads are sparking electricity across his body, when the storm hits will they still be able to contain the power braided into them?
Nyirko's electricity is reacting just as poorly and has let loose striking her icicle crush. She flees into the halls leaving him in the classroom to be looked over by Mr.Onis whose worries are growing rapidly. He has sent two students to retrieve the nurse and is keeping the others in the classroom. Krista is frozen in horror watching the scene, she's only snapped out of it as the student Matt singled out grabs her as his extra to flee through the halls to get the nurse... where Azure was waiting, sick.
Jaz had bailed class before the storms effects struck and is texting Jai, maybe they'll meet up and defend each other in this descending time of doom?
Kazu runs into the young teacher Miss Cooper and immediately gets into a fiery duel that the teachers comes out on top. His heart is pounding in excitement, but at the mere mention of her coworker Mr.Onis' name she seems lovesick and distant. Is there any hope for either of the fire wielders?

Day three: Time of the storm
The storm has descended in what seems like full force on the school. An announcement by Melesha Carone has students fleeing to the dorms where they will be safe. But not every student makes it there. Down by the lake Nyirko is being overcome by the storm and she succeeds in redirecting it, only at the risk of her life. Sayren stands nearby trying to help but unsure of what he could possibly do. Meanwhile metal users like Mr.Onis, Jai, and Jaz are all finding the metal they've decorated themselves with fight back at them. Jai manages to gain control enough to make a hoverboard though with the power of the storm he ends up on the roof of the dorms, but safely into the building. Jaz crumbles over in pain and is found by Melesha who using a fire shield leads her back to the dorms, all the while thinking of what she can do to help the girl screaming in pain, possibly dying, in the distance. In the dorms she finds Mandred and they put a quickly thought up plan to action.
Back at the school as students are still fleeing a possible relationship is striking up even in the midst of termoil and disaster. Archen and Raine/Tohru have met and keep challenging each other to silly things such as flying, or making comments on the 'cuteness', 'wierdness' and 'hot-headedness' of each other. As they bicker all the way back to the dorms Archen saves her life when a window shatters near them and he reacts fast enough to shove her to the ground. Tohru takes back over and hugs him gleefully, before Raine switches back with a temper and ices the window shut and storms off.
The nurse ushers her sick patients to the dorms where the magic barrier is stronger, and Azure is convinced that he is not going to make it and vows to stop the storm and save Krista's life, even at the cost of his own.
Kazu is having trouble with his fire powers and gets an extra burst of speed on his skates from the storm. Vincent Kaito grabs him and they talk briskly where Kaito agrees to form a water shield to stop Kazu's powers from hurting anyone, and together they head for the dorms to meet up with the rest of the school.

Day three: Decent of total destruction
Archen gets hugged by Tohru for saving her life, but a poor reaction to the storm sends mistrustful Raine out into the storm where she is picked up in a gust of wind and battered to painful oblivion. He quickly runs after her but is to late to stop the storm from catching her.
Meanwhile Jai makes it to the dorms via the roof and quickly joins Krista and Miss Cooper's group where they begin to plot out how they are going to survive and beat the storm. Krista agrees to try to find Azure and some other powerful metal students.
Mandred and Melesha went outside to save Nyirko, and in doing so Melesha is now face to face with a firey family member, while Mandred is blacked out from using to much of his powers. Sayren enteres the fray after Nyirko pulls away from him .
Matt has made it back to the dorms with all his students but Kazu who has run off to fight the baddies alone, and Keito has been tricked by a beautiful nymph (illusion?) She takes control over him and sends a tidal wave of water to kill Matt.
Archen has flown to force Raine out of the trapped attack she is stuck in and they plummet to the ground, only to be caught by Archen's own wind, run towards the dorms, and get trapped yet again in a windless sphere of energy where they can hardly move.

Day Three: A brink of Hope?
Jai has announced his plans to a room full of students, and slowly people are starting to see what is going on and are stepping forward, willing to risk there lives to save others.
Vincent Keito has been broken from the spell he was under by the ice-harpy, but both he and Matt Onis are in bad shape from their epic battle.
raine and Tohru have seemed to find a kind of agreement together, and their power has increased. Is it because of Archen? They sure don't want to admit it if it is the cause. They've even gone out of their way to destroy the evil wind user on their own... or is that also because he seems to be hurting Archen?
Kazu has landed a hit on the ice baddy. Proving that these people, though filled with evil and destruction, are not invincible, but it looks like the hot-headed fire user may need some backup after all. But who is around to answer his cry for help when everyone is so intent on their own battles?

Shadami 12-02-2010 04:20 PM

Class Time slots available
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
8-8:50 : Basic Electrics
Attending: Nyirko, Mandred
8-9: Electronics Lab
Attending: Jai
8-10: Metal art with Matt
Attending: Jaz
9-10 am: Etiquette with Melesha
Attending: Krista, Nyirko, Sayren, Rebecca, Archimedes
9-11 am: Air elemental training
Attending: Archen
10:10-Noon: Basic water control with Kaito
Attending: Krista, Sayren
10:10-Noon: Basic metal control with Matt
Attending: Jaz, Archimedes
10:10-Noon: Basic air control
Attending: Tohru
10:10-Noon: Basic earth control
Attending: Mandred
11-1: 1st year Basic Offense with Melesha
Attending: Rebecca
11-1: Advanced metal control (Currently mixed with Matt's class)
Attending: Jai, Archimedes
11-1: Advanced fire control with Kel
1-2: Basic Offense
Attending: Tohru
2-3: Mathematics with Melesha
Attending: Krista, Nyirko, Jaz, Sayren, Jai, Kazuma, Archimedes
3-5: Art class with Matt
Attending: Nyirko, Mandred, Tohru, Rebecca, Archimedes

Tuesdays and Thursdays
8-10: 2nd and 3rd year Offense with Melesha
Attending: Jai, Kazuma, Nyirko, Mandred
9-10: Basic Defense with Matt
Attending: Jaz, Sayren, Krista, Tohru, Archen, Rebecca
10-11: Weather Studies
Attending: Mandred, Tohru
11-12: Advanced Etiquette with Melesha
Attending:Sayren, Krista, Archen
11-12: Advanced Defense
Attending: Jai, Mandred
11-1: Fire vs metal Dueling class with Matt and Kel
Attending: Nyirko (observation), Jaz, Kazuma, Archimedes
1-3: Advanced Offense with melesha
Attending: Jaz, Archimedes
2-5: Advanced art class with Matt
Attending: Sayren, Jai, Rebecca, Archimedes

Extra Classes:
10 am - Noon: Sayren spends Sat and Sunday with Kaito training
3-4 pm - Mon, Wed, Fri: Archen has an attitude adjustment class with Kaito
Noon Flying Lessons - air elemental class on Saturdays, Archen attends

Teacher's Office Hours
Matt Onis: 5-7 Monday through Friday
Keladry Copper: anytime except for her two classes.

[Classes are known to change when more teachers are added/ other element students, If someone feels that another class should be added please feel free to and I'll put it on here where others can 'say' they were already attending it and jump right in if they had that time slot open.]

Shadami 12-02-2010 04:21 PM

Active Students
Shadami's Characters
Name - Krista Mae Holcomb
Nickname - Mae, Kris
Age - 18
Gender - Female
Height/Weight - 5'- 3" , 140 lbs
Abilitity - Water
Biography - Krista was raised at a beach house of a very wealthy family, a very political wealthy family. Because of this she had to behave and not put even a toe out of line, so when for some reason she kept having an attraction to any source of water that kept getting her into trouble, her parents sent her away. They tried sending her to different boarding schools where she didn't change. She was incredibly well behaved unless there was water nearby where she went into a kind of trance of fascination that would cause her to splash people that startled her. Finally her parents found the St. Aether Elemental Finishing School and decided to send her away to it as there last hope of not having her interrupt there political careers, as she seemed to improve her control they started to send her an allowance. She never touched it besides folding the money up and putting it in a safe with anything else she found precious that she didn't want touched by her or anyone else unless she had to.
Personality - Krista comes across as very shy, or in some cases it's interpreted as emotionless. In fact it is just her keeping as many emotions as she can locked inside because she has had keeping herself in line impounded into her since birth. If she is near water though she can be caught smiling and enjoying the sea breeze. She is a very gentle person and is rarely angered. One child when she was young teased her and found out that her anger is just the opposite of her normal formality. In fact it's even scary, but that may just be the effect of how terrifying water can be at its ultimate power and anger.
Orientation - Straight
Picture - Krista has long blond hair that she keeps pinned up for school because she believe it makes her look more formal. Her eyes are blue and reflect her fascination with the water. Or so people believe. School Uniform: The only time she lets it down is at home when her parents say she can, and when she gets immersed in working with water, and only when she is by herself.
5 Likes - reading, beaches, sea breezes and the smell of the salt, sunrises, sunsets, and being out under the moonlight and stars
5 Dislikes - stepping out of line, people feeling pity for her, uncomfortable temperatures cold or hot, pink (she really dislikes pink), and peanut butter
Posting Color - blue

Name - Mandred Hernandez
Nickname - Manny
Age - 19
Gender - Male
Height/Weight - 6' 2" / 200 lbs
Abilitity - His ability is centralized around electricity but he has some of the very basic earth techniques
Biography - Raised in a large family, aka: 9 siblings, and being one of the mid brothers, he turned out far from spoiled. Mandred knows what its like to have to fight for a good position, and he earned the body that he has now. He understands the quality of hardwork and is never afraid to lend a hand to someone that needs it.
Personality - He has that 'gay' attitude to him once in awhile, but usually he seems like any other guy. He's into sports, and will flirt with the girls. His only downfall is he is a rough drunk, something he thankfully does only on rare occasion. very laidback, and doesn't discriminate against anything.
Orientation - Bi curious
Picture -
5 Likes - storms, cliffs, forests, jacuzzis, and exercising
5 Dislikes - He doesn't really hate anything so to speak, but Mandred does feel uncomfortable when there are gays around, or if he's forced to sit around to read something. He loves the stories, but he hates the requirement that is several hours of free time. Drowning, and getting burnt. (both by fire and words)
Posting Color - Dark Green

Name - Tohru R. Trinity
Nickname - Currently has none
Age - 17
Gender - female
Height/Weight - 5' 2"
Abilitity - Strong water with ice, Air
Biography - Tohru is a girl who has lived on the city streets her entire life. She's learned that having two faces is an important tool and she uses it all the time to her advantage. You could say that she is even bi polar. At school she is only known as an air elementalist. Her powers are simple and she doesn't seem like that powerful of a person, in fact she seems incredibly spacey and innocent. But her other side is a tough girl. She'll be out on the streets jamming with her old band, smoking, and drinking. It is also when her ice powers come out.
Personality - She is one of the most bubbly innocent girls you will ever meet, that is, until her bi polar strikes and she becomes an entirely different person. Tohru is the innocent one, but when her other side takes over she calls herself Raine. And Raine...Raine is a BAMF and is never messed with, she'll freeze you to a wall upside down and leave you there if you look at her the wrong way.
Orientation - straight
Picture - School Uniform
Her secret life
5 Likes - bunnies, clouds, stargazing, playing games, rainbows / Reggae, hats, Rap ,cigarettes, and metal music
5 Dislikes - the exact opposite of her other side.
Posting Color - Cyan for Tohru Black for Raine

Jaijin's Characters


Originally Posted by Jaijin (Post 1766660694)
Name – Jason Delhome
Nickname – Jai
Age - 17
Gender - Male
Height/Weight – 5'10 175lbs
Abilitity - Metal
Biography – Jai was born into a family in the middle of a total of 13 children. From a very young age he could fix any thing that had an engine always knowing what was exactly wrong. At 15 Jai was kicked out of his high school for binding all of the bullies to the rafters of the gym. His parents decided that it was a cry for attention but when it happened a total of 15 times, they decided that he needed to go somewhere. So his parents sent him to St. Aether Elemental Finishing School.
Personality – Jai tends to stray from the norm liking to indulge in electronics and is quite shy when in comes to the opposite sex. Though if a girl gets him alone he will show his true nature that he is a sweetheart. Since he is a very neat and organized person he tends to get very annoyed with those that are messy. Also he will tend to get a little hot under the collar if someone comments poorly on the color of his hair.
Orientation - Straight
Picture -
5 Likes – Older girls, sneaking around after hours, bass guitars,video games and cheating
5 Dislikes – Messy people, sharing electronics, being single, bullies and straight edge people
Posting Color –dark slate gray


Originally Posted by Jaijin (Post 1766660694)
Name: Kazuma Hideaki
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Height/Weight: 5’ 8” 135lbs
Ability: Fire
Biography: When Kazuma was around 2 his parents knew he was different because every time a candle or some form of fire passed in front of him he would reach out and it would flare up. He was taught control when he was sent to a shoalin temple in the northern region and was taught the proper use of his element. He was always very arrogant having an older sister who also studied there even though he was the best of his class he could never defeat her in any sparring matches. Eventually he was banished from the temple and was told to never come back so his parents decided to send him to st. aether’s for him to get a degree and go to college. He finds it peaceful to roller blade but he has also learned to fight on them as well.
Personality: Kazuma is very quiet until a girl is around him then he never shuts up. He is also very arrogant trying to push his body to its limits learning more about fire every day. Also he has learned that his fire is a gift more than a tool so he treats it with respect.
Picture: Just make him have red eyes and black hair and you have the same attire and that’s my Kazuma.
Orientation: Straight
5 likes: Shorter girls, Aggressive Skating, Heat, Flirting with his teachers
5 Dislikes: Ice, Cold, Water, Metal, Confined spaces
Posting color: Red

KionaredHawk's Characters


Name -Nyirko Aquice
Nickname -Ny
Age - 16
Gender - Female
Height/Weight - 6'0" 140 lbs.
Abilitity - Electricty
Biography - Her mother was a white-haired metal worker, her father was a gray-eyed Electrician. Due to their natures they both died soon after Ny's birth by accident. They were experiementing because both of them were scientists and their powers meshed wrong and they both burned to a crisp... Ny grew up in a small town at the edge of a forest, not knowing any of this. She found out when she was three that she had control over electricity, especially through metal. She became a traveler at age 6 when her power took a wrong turn and she burnt a childhood friend. She had always been strange, with her grey white hair and her stormy grey eyes. She went around, trying to find a place to belong, learning things here and there until her powers made her leave. At age 16 she was in a fight because a gang was trying to rob a couple. She was caught and sent to St. Aether's for control. She can use a bladed fan with expert skill and learned to control her abilities slightly through her weapon. She also has a tendency to carry a chain around that uses for her powers as well.
Personality - She rarely gets close to others because of the incident when she was a child. She is usually a polite, nice person but she does like to fight and she loves to engage people physically if they will. Thus, at times, her anger will get the better of her.
Orientation - Mostly straight but bi.
Picture -
5 Likes -Metal, light bulbs, fighting, weapons such as swords and the like, rain especially in storms
5 Dislikes -bullies, science and new technology, authority, closed minds, gray.
Posting Color -Dark slate gray

Name: Archen Lionidas
Nickname: Arch or Lio
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Height/Weight: 5' 7" 145 lbs.
Ability: Air
Biography: Arch grew up to a noble family in a far off country where he was a spoiled rotten brat. Even though he has other siblings, they were all treated like only children. And in his country, having powers was reserved for only the highest of nobility. Even if a lower class person was born with power, they were removed from their homes and made into nobles. Many did not last long.
For all that he was only fifteen, one of the youngest at the school, he still acted like the nobleman he really is. As most teenagers, he rebeled against his parents and they're wishes, enrolling at St. Aethers. They did not like the fact that anyone with power could go there and that he would be mixing with "commoners." But, with a sisters help, he ran away and enrolled. Now he's trying to learn what he can and be who he is...even if that's a jerk.
Personality: Haughty and arrogant. Thinks he's better than everyone but he actually wants friends ;) but don't ever call him cute. He hates that.
Orientation: normally straight O.O
5 likes: blue, windy days, skylights, birds, and flying
5 Dislikes: his parents, idiots, older people, more powerful people, art
Posting color: Royal Blue
Username: kionaredhawk
Esmee's Characters


Name – Jasmine Prayr
Nickname - Jaz
Age - 18
Gender - Female
Height/Weight – 5’ 8” and 130 lbs
Abilitity - Metal
Biography – Jaz has always been technologically advanced; a true whiz when it comes to computers. Her parents were a bit worried when the teen began speaking to the metal components, not to mention never leaving her room. The only time Jaz was social was when she was out with friends – which she truly didn’t have. Seeking help for their daughter, the Prayr’s heard of St. Aether. Sending their daughter there in hopes of her gaining a bit more of a hold on reality, Jaz’s parents await her return.
Personality – Jaz enjoys nothing more than sitting in her room with machines. She isn’t the most social, though not purposefully . . . she just doesn’t really know how to speak to living things. Strange to talk with, Jasmine Prayr has a few odd habits, and constantly thinks about technology. Eager to learn, eager to please, and full of random bits of personality. Tends to be seen as quiet and moody, but that could just be because of her habits.
Orientation – Straight. Nothing but. Ever.
Picture – Jaz has a few piercings (eyebrow, lip, as well as upper and lower ears). Chains and other metal gadgets are pinned and hanging from her clothing constantly. Has a few tattoos that resemble delicate chains wrapped about her upper arms and trailing down her back and arms. Her eyes are silver, just like her metallic tattoos and piercings. Jaz’s hair is silver and dark gray underneath.
5 Likes – Adores music, computers, fruit, purple, stripes, and hot drinks.
5 Dislikes – Books, small animals, writing, silence, and water.
Posting Color - Purple

Name - Sayren
Nickname - Ren
Age - 18
Gender - Male
Height/Weight – 6’; 175lbs
Ability - Ice
Biography – At first, the people around him thought that Ren was a bit odd. After a few breakouts with his power, they knew he was a freak. It didn’t bother him much – he merely secluded himself further. Sayren was brought to the school by the authorities of his hometown, and here he will stay until he can prove that his temperamental lashings have been taken care of.
Personality – Silent, cold, and for the most part unpleasant to be around. Occasionally does things against the rules merely to mess things up – though you wouldn’t think he was the sort to do such things.
Orientation - Straight
Picture - Ren
5 Likes – Quiet, the cold air in winter, snow, water, and being left alone.
5 Dislikes – The summer sun, authority figures, small animals, pointless actions, and being forced to do something.
Posting Color – Blue
Username - Esmme

Name: Rebecca Griff
Nickname: Becca
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Height/Weight: 5' 1" 101lbs.
Ability: Earth
Biography: After growing up with foster parents her entire life, Becca yearns for friendship and a family. She was only a little girl when her powers manifested. A dog nearly killed her, but she managed to harm the creature enough (though she makes little mention of how) so it ran away. Haunted by the event, Becca makes little mention of the hideous scars over her collar-bone and upper arms, right arm and wrist. Hiding them as best she can, she ended up being forced into school by her most recent foster family - the Griff's.
Personality: Soft-spoken and gentle. Tends to be the one that everyone trods over and spits upon for not being out-going. She seems stuck up and rude, but really she's just a quiet person.
Orientation: Straight :sarcasm: I wouldn't think of anything but.
Picture: Becca
5 likes: I like the sky, the beach, cats, and books. I love small things.
5 Dislikes: Bugs . . . and mud. Mean people, ugly animals, and anything related to dogs.
Posting color: [COLOR="Sienna"]Sienna

Missing Characters


Name - Nemisis Cloud
Nickname - Skyrus
Age - 17
Gender - male
Height/Weight -165
Abilitity - Fire
Biography - Fire Elemental From the Ryans Elemental Finishing school, A Rare fire kind of elemental. Was Destructive at first but has learned to control his element and weave it into Beauty. he spent 3 years at the School until he was Transferd [ Due to an incident which involved Severe Casuelitys] Now is Carful around people and Dosent plan to get to attached to anyone. Has a little pet hound named Ruby as a friend
Personality - Used to be Carefree and kind but now is Cold and Cautious
Orientation - straight
Picture -
5 Likes -Being alone , Books, Games, Jokes, Electronics
5 Dislikes - bieng in a crowd, Being pranked, Water elementals, Air elementals, Annoying people
Posting Color - black

Originally Posted by Holleh Knight
Name - Arianna Knight
Nickname - Aria
Age - 17
Gender - Female
Height/Weight - 5'10 114
Abilitity - Earth
Biography - Aria grew up a spoiled rich girl, but she didn't care about that as much as you think people would. Her parents always to keep her away from the people she dated and hung out with. She would just laugh and tell them, "You can't tell me what to do!" And walked away with pleasure. Even with all this, they still wanted the best for her. One or two times, she ran away for a week with her boyfriend and some other friends. She had the time of her life. After awhile, Aria's parents wanted to make sure she was doing the right thing with her life. They too her out of her school and put her into St. Aethers School of Magic. Again, she yelled things like 'You can't do this to me!', 'This isn't fair!', and other things. Her parents din't care what she said. It was too late and they wouldn't change their minds. Their goal for Aria was for her to be a proper, young lady.
Personality - She's a rule-breaker, bipolar, and funny. Although you may not see it when you first meet her, but, she has a heart. Aria has been in a lot of relationships so, she knows what it feels like. She's also very artistic.
Orientation - Straight
Picture -
5 Likes - Writing dark poetry, Art, Being with Friends, and Cherries
5 Dislikes - Losers, Shy people, Rules, Getting broken up with, and Preppy people. Ugh.
Posting Color - Green
Username - Holleh Knight


Name - Azure
Nickname - Azure
Age - 17
Gender - Male
Height/Weight - 5' 9" / 165 lb
Abilitity - Metal
Biography - Abandoned when he was born, was adopted by a rich family, raised thinking he was really their son, although he felt there was a piece missing. At the age of 2 he bent the safe in the house. He started to show signs that he was not normal. He bent metal into trophies and other objects with his bare hands at the age of 6. Finally at 10, they found a private trainer that trained him for 2 years in solitude. Afterwards he disappeared for several monthes until he finally signed up for the St. Aether Elemental school. He never was accepted until christmas when the the teacher's were drunk and made the decision.
Personality - He is shy and does not talk a lot, he is easily tempered but keeps to himself. Whenever angered he is cruel and unusual, making sure he exacts revenge. He isn't pigheaded, but eats like a pig.
Orientation - Straight
Picture -
5 Likes - Quiet, piano music, heavy metal music, food, and sparring.
5 Dislikes - Most snobbish people, lying, trickery upon him, and rotten food.
Posting Color - Purple

Originally Posted by Graxdon
Name - Archimedes Suoh
Nickname - Prince
Age - 17
Gender - Male
Height/Weight - 5'9/185
Abilitity - Metal
Biography - Archimedes is the son of an infamous piano player, his father, and a math professor, his mother, Archimedes grew up living a normal life... well, as normal a life as a rich kid with his kind of parents that he could. Archimedes' powers manifested one day when he was in fourth grade in the cafeteria, when he accidentally turned a metal spoon into a rose, which he then offered to a young lady sitting nearby. Since then, he's been destined to go to St. Aether's to learn more how to master his powers, though he didn't go until this, his senior year, spending his first three years of high school attending the academy where his parents met. All of his parent's friends, all of them being men that he simply refers to as his uncles, all agree that Archimedes is, very much like his charismatic, princely, but idiotic father, much to his dad's sorrow.
Personality - Charming, romantic, able to win the hearts of women everywhere. Also, fun-loving, but can become very serious about some things (usually not things that are actually important).
Orientation - Straight
Picture - He's the spitting image of his father, but his eyes are brown, like his mother's
5 Likes - the ladies ;), dueling, piano, waltzing, classic music
5 Dislikes - brutes, bullies, bad manners, being called an idiot (he kinda is though), being tricked (he often is)
Posting Color - this

Shadami 12-02-2010 04:21 PM

Metal Teachers:

Name - Mr. Matthew Onis
Teaches: basic metal classes, art, some defense
Age - 23
Gender - Male
Height/Weight - 6' - 3" 180 lbs
Abilitity - metal
Biography - An ex military man, he was decommissioned and sent to the St. Aethers when they learned of his metal powers. Being part of the government they knew of these kinds of things and were accustomed to it, not being scared or anything. Though they also knew he needed the training there. Matt quickly learned to control his powers and enjoyed being in the school with people that understood him. He decided to stay on as a teacher. Quickly becoming popular because of his enjoyment of creativity, though the people that caught him at night rarely seemed to like him because he was easily angered at night and far more strict. He dresses like a student, down to having piercings and odd metal pieces on him all over.
Personality - Generally easy to get along with, but is really moody at night. He'd be the guy you'd flirt with and he'd get flustered.
Orientation - Unknown
Picture -
5 Likes - piercings, guns, metal sculptures, fire, art
5 Dislikes - disturbances, paperwork, night, getting to wet, classical music
Posting Color - Orange

Fire Teachers

Name - Miss Keladry Cooper
Nickname - Kel
Teaches - Advanced fire classes, offense
Age - 19
Gender - female
Height/Weight - 5' , 110 lbs
Abilitity - Fire
Biography - Incredibly gifted with fire she mastered it at 5 and moved on to learning martial arts with all sorts of weapons. Her favorite is the staff and she's thinking about opening up weapons training as a class but hasn't quite gotten the approval of the school. Most of the staff doesn't think she will be taken seriously because she isn't any older than the students. Not really anyways. Of course they're wrong, which they realize when she strikes.
Personality - A bright bubbly girl who loves learning and will often be found cooing over new books in the library. Her attention wanders almost constantly making people wonder if she has add, but somehow she knows everything that's going on around her. The only time she gets angry is when someone goes out of there way to harm an innocent creature. (animal or human) She is viscously fast and hard to follow at everything she does.
Orientation - unknown
Picture -
5 Likes - animals, books, learning, training, campfires
5 Dislikes - bullies, ocean, boats, rain, nazis Posting Color - Purple


Name - Melesha Carone
Nickname - Mel or Les
Age - 24
Gender - Female
Height/Weight -5' 9" 140lbs
Abilitity - Fire
Teacher- Mathematics, Etiquette, and Offense
Biography - She was born and raised in Romania, a gyspy to the core. Elemental power is common in her clan, so she was taught and learned to control her power at an early age, as well as how to protect herself without her magic. When she was fifteen, she came to the town with St. Aether and lived there until she was twenty, moving to the school after landing a job. She has been there since.
Personality - Usually quiet but a hellion when she's angry. She's a good teacher and seldom uses her powers to keep control of her class. If she does, that means she's mad and that's no good.
Orientation -Straight
Picture -
5 Likes - fire, books, incense, bombs (making them especially), and cooking
5 Dislikes - Knights, water, storms, and lemurs
Posting Color -Orange
Username -kionaredhawk
Water/Ice Teachers

Name - Vincent Kaito
Teaches: Beginning Ice and Water Control
Age – Unknown; older twenties to younger thirties
Gender - Male
Height/Weight -6' 11" 185 lbs
Abilitity – Water and some ice
Biography – He has been a teacher at the school ever since he improved his own skills there, and honestly loves to teach. He lives at teh school, and has no home to speak of. He can get a bit carried away . . . but overall he’s a good teacher for smaller groups. All of his classes are small groups of less than a dozen students – and he focuses on each of them equally.
Personality – Seemingly calm and cool, the type you’d think is really strict on his students. But he’s actually a really easy instructor, and likes to take care of his students and their troubles individually.
Orientation -Straight
Picture - Vincent has bright blue eyes (or, single eye), and silver hair. Constantly wears an eyepatch over his left eye.
5 Likes – Teaching, water, ice, and students who try to be good at what they’re doing.
5 Dislikes – Disrespect, rude or arrogant people, when a student can’t seem to catch on well.
Posting Color – Blue
Username – Esmme

Kaito is constantly available for one on one teaching, though leads group classes during lunches and dinner through the weekdays. His classes also run on the weekends from noon to six. Since he's always around (everyone's pretty sure he just lives at the school and has no other home to speak of), Vincent rarely refuses a time to teach a student, and only does so in the most severe cases.

Shadami 12-02-2010 04:27 PM

Bio Sheet for Students

Name -
Nickname -
Age - (15-19)
Gender -
Height/Weight -
Abilitity - (Air, Water, Earth, Fire, Electricity, Ice, or Metal. Pick one.)
Biography - (5 sentences or more)
Personality - (5 sentences or more)
Orientation -
Picture -
5 Dislikes -
Posting Color -
Username -
Bio Sheet for Teachers

Name -
Teaches -
Age - (19 + )
Gender -
Height/Weight -
Abilitity - (Air, Water, Earth, Fire, Electricity, Ice, or Metal. Pick one.)
Biography - (5 sentences or more)
Personality - (5 sentences or more)
Orientation -
Picture -
5 Dislikes -
Posting Color -
Username -
Bio Sheet for Baddies

Reason they became baddies/ are attacking St. Aethers:

Shadami 12-02-2010 04:58 PM

Relationships developing

Krista and Azure - Complicated
Jaz and Jai - Cute and secret
Frosty and Sparky - Adorable arguments
Matt and ??? - he tends to be liked by the girls
Kel + Melesha - Kel is jealous of Melesha
Manny + Archen - A little bit of a crush on Manny's part. But oops he called him cute.
Manny + Nyirko - confusion? Could it develop something
Becca + Jaz - Quickly great friends
Kazu + Kel - Quite obvious that Kazu likes Kel
Archen + Tohru/Raine - is something developing between these two?

The New Club:
Staff Member: Mr. Onis

Shadami 12-02-2010 04:59 PM

Water - Vincent Kaito
Fire - Melesha, Cooper
Air -
Metal - Matt
electricity -

water - Krista, Raine
fire - Kazuma, Nemisis (MIA)
ice = Sayren
air - Archen, Tohru
metal - Jaz, Lena-May (MIA), Azure (AMP), Jai, Archimedes (MIA)
earth - Aria (MIA), Becca
electricity - Nyirko, Mandred

There's a wind lady
a fire romanian man. Melesha's brother? Out for revenge?!?
The evil electircal guy ELIMINATED by Sayren and Nyirko
Someone Kazu spotted. An ice elementalist with darker intentions for St. Aethers than the school intends to ever have
Dark shadowy figure - is it the leader? who are they?


Originally Posted by kionaredhawk

Name: Jumull Carone
Element: Fire

Badness: St. Aethers was a sanctuary for Jumulll years ago. Until the accident. His sister had joined him there when his clan could no longer teach her enough. He had thought this would be a good thing, someone would be there that was actually a challenge for him. And he was right. Until a couple teachers took it into their heads that he needed to be controlled. They tried to restrain him, put dampers on his magic. He fought. And ended up hurting his sister and the teachers. Not after they scarred him either, however.
Anger grew inside him with his burning fire. His clan disowned him when he came home asking for help to destroy those teachers. He blamed them for hurting Melesha, not himself. St. Aethers was to blame for hiring the teachers.


Name: Kaito Suzamiku
Element: Ice
Reason for attacking St. Aethers: Kaito was originally supposed to be a teacher after graduating from St. Aethers. However the Head Master turned him away for the way he wanted to discipline the students who could not keep up, he wanted to make them continuously use their powers till they fainted. It was his idea that if this happened they would become stronger. So instead of changing his ways he was persuaded to remake st. aethers with the shadowy figure.
(MIA) students may be controlled by other people.
(AMP) students are being controlled by me and are to be killed off.

The nurse position is still open

kionaredhawk 12-03-2010 07:00 PM

(Those summaries are freaking awesome!)

Melesha merely raises an eyebrow when Miss Cooper glared at her and just smiled a little at her. She was one of those types that didn't really understand fleeting gestures like that; though she did have to admit, it was funny when they young woman screamed. She looked back at Matt when he talked to her again. "We were talking about you joining my sparring class as a workout." Her mouth twitches a little as she tried to smile again. "Saying you are still tough. Though, even if you are tough, it doesn't mean much if you run out of breath when you are trying to get somewhere or chase somebody. So my advanced class starts at 8 in the morning Tuesday's and Thursdays'. I understand it that you have a class at 9, but even if it's for the first hour, I believe it would do you good, Mr. Onis."

Archen twiddled his thumbs as he lay in his bed, waiting for the night to be over. This was just another thing that he hated. He was an insomniac. He's tried everything under the sun that would make him sleep and nothing works. So, its at the point where now he's just waiting for his stupid classes to begin. This was ridiculously stupid.

Andraus 12-03-2010 09:54 PM

Name - Nemisis Cloud
Nickname - Skyrus
Age - 17
Gender - male
Height/Weight -165
Abilitity - Fire
Biography - Fire Elemental From the Ryans Elemental Finishing school, A Rare fire kind of elemental. Was Destructive at first but has learned to control his element and weave it into Beauty. he spent 3 years at the School until he was Transferd [ Due to an incident which involved Severe Casuelitys] Now is Carful around people and Dosent plan to get to attached to anyone. Has a little Flame hound named Ruby as a friend
Personality - Used to be Carefree and kind but now is Cold and Cautious
Orientation - straight
Picture -
5 Likes -Being alone , Books, Games, Jokes, Electronics
5 Dislikes - bieng in a crowd, Being pranked, Water elementals, Air elementals, Annoying people
Posting Color - black
Username - Andraus

Esmme 12-03-2010 11:08 PM

((Absolutely wonderful here. :heart: Thank you, Shadami!! */glomp/hug/tackle* I hope you don't mind . . . but I would like to edit the pictures of Kaito. :sweat: I will post the links here, and would you mind sticking them into his profile at the end or something?

And I have a suggestion - have people PM you with their profiles so that you can stick them with the other students/teachers? =3

Thank you for revising the thread, deary!))

((Sayren = Still asleep))

Jaz looked down at her phone, nearly laughing when she saw that she'd just missed Jai. Instead of heading straight to the gym, she took off through the kitchen, snagging a can of soda out of the large fridge. She managed to manipulate the circumstances so she wasn't seen by making some racket with the pots and pans as she left them behind. It drew the kitchen workers to the opposite side of the room so she could leave quickly.
Watching for any teachers, the silver-haired girl headed for the gym. Upon getting there, she texted Jai while tugging her striped shirt (which was known for hiking up a few inches) back down over her belt. The many piercings she had make her look like a rather nasty woman to like . . . but her shining eyes and warm smile all but made up for it. Tossing her long gray and silver hair from her face, Jaz let her lips form a small "o" of surprise. Jai was right there, and she hadn't seen him right away.
"Hey Tiger," she said, giving him a welcoming smile as she moved to give a lock of his hair a tug. "Can't sleep?"

Letting his blue eyes trail over the clock on the wall, Vincent chuckled and shook his head. Now that classes were over, he was cleaning up the sparring room - which was coated with blasts of ice and puddles of water. The one thing that he'd forgotten about all day suddenly popped into his head: Nyriko, who's name Kaito had written on a note near his things, had missed her detention. On the first day, nonetheless.
Such is the way of teenagers.
As he swept his hand out one final time, the area cleared of any ice and water, all of it swarming into an orb before the instructor's hand. You won't be getting out of trouble by doing this. Vincent promptly left the building, letting the water disperse into the outside world before observing the late-night students that wandered about. There weren't many - thank goodness - but those who were up were almost breaking curfew. As one of the faculty members, Kaito was one of those who kept an eye on the students - and usually imposed trouble upon them (if he remembered). If anyone had gotten into his things they would see that he had various notes written down - if he didn't write it out, it was forgotten.

For the first night, the students could rest easy. Vincent shook his head again, continuing on toward his room. He wasn't going to make the newcomers feel uneasy. But, should they disobey curfew repeatedly . . . that was a different story. Woe to those who were caught in the future.

((<-- forgot about Nyriko's detention. xD So . . . I made Kaito forget too. :rofl: He'll get her the next day!! :yes:

Oh . . . and it's Monday night in the RP, yes?))

Andraus 12-03-2010 11:42 PM

[Idk how to start..... Il just wing it i guess]

IS drving up to the school and then parks into the lot and steps out "A new school....A new Beginning....lets hope its better then before.....jeez it feels like it only happend yestarday......Il never be abled to escape from my past but il hopefully have a better time here then back at Ryans......I hope..."walks up to the Amino building and heads to the office

[I had no clue what to write....hope this is okay :sweat:

Shadami 12-04-2010 03:45 AM

(Andraus, we were keeping these to human characters, as if you could actually find someone on Earth that just happened to be able to control an element. If you could just remember to keep it literate. For example, instead of having loads of '...' inbeetween the sentences of his thoughts, but all his thoughts in italics. I appreciate it and welcome aboard. I am going to say that he just has a pet dog though, sorry.

@ Em - No problem =] I guess I did miss posting a couple things before I opened this up... Mainly forgetting to put the threads rules up. *grumble*

@ Kio - awwwww thanks, I worked hard on them and had fun <3 )

Matt tinted at the cheeks and nodded, "I'll see you at 8 than, and you're right. It probably will do me some good." Double checking the door behind him he turned back and offered his arm, "Shall I walk you to the teacher's housing entrance?" He meekly glanced at Miss Cooper and decided it rude not to offer for her as well. "Miss Cooper? "

The young teacher quickly clung to the arm Matt barely had raised towards her and cooed, "Yes, thank you very much Mr. Onis, that is so gentlemanly and kind of you."
Matt just smiled, as if he was perfectly fine with the situation.

(yes it is Monday night, it'll take me a few to finish updating every once in awhile and to make sure I've got all the new thread kinks worked out. Profile will be updated momentarily Em

@ All I've added some changes to the beginning posts. =])

Andraus 12-04-2010 07:53 AM

[Um he was talking to himself and Could you be More Specific im not Quiet sure I understand....Which is odd because Im pretty much a literite person also he pretty much knows hes an elemtanl after an Incident at ryans....Il put a bit of backround story into that later]

Sees two Teachers walking down and decides Hell Might as well introduce myslef then walks out of my Car holding my dog carrier and walks up to the two Teachers "Hello Miss and Mister My name Nemisis Cloud Im new here at St. Aethers"

kionaredhawk 12-06-2010 05:22 PM

(Hey, Shadami, can I change Archen's height to 5' 7" and weight to 145 lbs? I forgot to change that. He's supposed tp be cute :XD)

Melesha watched the exchange between Matt and Keladry before she responded to Matts offer. She almost sighs with annoyance but manages to keep it to herself. "Thank you for the offer, Mr. Onis. But I am capable of walking on my own without support. I would not mind the company on the walk, however. Thank you."
She then turns to the young man that just introduced himself to the three of them. She raised a delicate eyebrow. "Good evening Mr. Cloud. Your a day late for the start of classes but you can let the administration know that you have arrived in the first building you passed on your way to this one. They will take care of your schedule, housing, and whatever needs you have to be seen to at the moment. I would suggest getting it done quickly due to the fact that students are not allowed to be out of their dorms at night. This is the only time we will allow you out without punishment. Now hop to, Mr. Cloud and Im sure one or the other of us will see you in our classes. Goodnight, young man."

Andraus 12-06-2010 10:41 PM

He smiles at the teacher but then starts having trouble holding the Dog cage "Thank you Miss..Sorry to cut this short but Ruby is hungrey" He says pointing to the Flame hound in the cage "He hasent eatten sense the Flight here"he said then walks up to the first building then wais as My shedule is set a nd my housing arrangements are being taken care of.

[Was this any better?]

Shadami 12-07-2010 07:36 AM

(no problem Kio, it's all fixed up. Yes Andraus, its better, thank you. ^-^ )

Matt frowned briefly, "Of course you are capable of walking by yourself Melesha. I sure as ...beans, wouldn't want to be the one to sneak up on you at night." He crimsoned at his accidental swear word cover up, and cleared his throat gently, "Ah well, its good to meet you Mr. Cloud." Don't be a trouble maker that wakes me up at night... please. He said as close to a prayer as he'd get in his head and saying good night walked with the girls to the teacher's housing building.

"It's been a wonderful first day ladies, thank you for ending it with such sweetness." He gave a smile, a small bow, and than heading into his room."

Miss Cooper let out a sigh of admiration as she watched him walk down the hall to the stairs on the way up to his room. The minute he was out of sight she gave a small giggle and skipped off to her own room, oblivious of Melesha completely.

Andraus 12-07-2010 12:53 PM

Nemisis goes up to his dorm but on the way to the Cross roads of the Campus Bumps into Miss Cooper "Ofh! Sorry"he said then looks to who he bumped into "Oh hello Again Miss cooper. Whats with the big smile on your face" He says picking up his bag

Jaijin 12-08-2010 02:43 AM

Staring at jaz his heart leap out of his chest, "not really at nights at least. I seem to be falling asleep in my classes." Quickly he jumped back behind the bleachers as he saw another student come into the gym. "Shhh" pulling her with him and holding her close. He could feel her breathing but when he noticed to where his hand fell he blushed and moved it off of her bare stomach.

Kazuma walked into the gym with a basket ball and started shooting some hoops to lossen up after the four mile skate he had just went through. As he was shooting his shots he was challenged to a game and he laughed. After spotting them 8 points him and the third kid won by 13 in a race to 21. "have fun losers." grabbing his ball he left for a shower.

Esmme 12-08-2010 09:24 AM

"A bit personal there, tiger." Blushing as well, Jaz pushed his hand away from her stomach. She cleared her throat, her dark cheeks lit with inner fire. "I have to get to the dorms soon. I don't want to be caught out after curfew on the first night." She gave Jai a small smile, and then reached up over her shoulder to give a bit of his hair a tug. She leaned back against him, laughing quietly as she realized that he was blushing too.

kionaredhawk 12-08-2010 07:51 PM

Melesha snorted after Matt left. He was definately a flirt and she had no idea why she even liked hanging around him. She was about to head for her room when she paused. Her hearing being what it is, she thought she heard activity from the gym's. She frowns. "That better not be students out after curfew." She mumbled to herself. Instead of going to bed, she turned around and headed back towards the gym.
She poked her head in and her face darkened. She strode in as one student was leaving the gym and two had been left, behind obviously beaten by the other. Because he left just before she could speak to him (this is Kazuma by the way) she memorized his face to give him detention later. Her eyes glowed as she turned to the other two, telling them off and giving them both detention.
Having done this, she was about to turn and go to bed, finally, when she a quiet laugh. Pretending she didn't hear it at first, she went to the bleachers. Then her voice boomed. "Alright kids, get out here. Now." She was not in the mood to play nice...

Esmme 12-08-2010 11:33 PM

"Crud." Jaz gave Jai's hand a squeeze before distancing herself from him and stepping out from behind the bleachers. "I was asking him a question about the discussion we had today in class," she swiftly defended herself, but shrugged her shoulders. "I didn't realize it got so late. Sorry about that."

((:XD I want to add Kaito in, but I think I'll wait until the next morning. :yes: That way I can wake up Ren as well.))

Andraus 12-09-2010 01:13 AM

Nemisis walks up to his Dorm and goes inside "Coozy...."he said and then opened the cage and Ruby jumped out and started sniffing his new home "Come on big girl il feed ya " he said then he went into the the kitchen [ Assuming there is one] and put a bowl of Dog Chow on the floor and ruby went ahead and started eatting

Shadami 12-09-2010 06:14 AM

Unlike the last few nights Matt got to sleep very fast that night. He was worn out for some reason, probably another side effect of him being out of shape. His dreams played around with him for the remainder of the night, none of which would stay with him when he awoke the next morning.

Miss Cooper nodded to the student and than entered her own rooms, she'd barely acknowledged the fact that there had even been someone there. With a sigh she started her exercise routine that consisted of many foot patterns to keep her in touch with the martial arts and weapon skills she had learned young. Finally she pulled out her glaive for some more complicated patterns, her last and favorite exercise that she did every night. The way the blade sliced through the air appealed to her, and sometimes she would pass flame down through the strike to add more power behind it.

With a happy, completed sigh she got ready for bed, and soon had the lights out and was snoozing happily.

Andraus 12-09-2010 07:32 AM

Nemisis looked outside and around the Area then went out of the door and started walking silently towards a Quiet spot near the Campus exit and sits down with his head between his hands

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