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Hongske 10-19-2007 06:42 PM

Porcelain Dolls [Hongske's Drabbles]
    "Poli, poli, di umbuendo"
    [Slowly, slowly, I will get there.]

    Hullo and welcome to Porcelain Dolls, where you can find my drabbles. It's the first time I've ever done any drabbles, but I'm pretty enthusiastic about it since I think it's a pretty amusing concept. Comments and critique are always welcome, as long as you don't outright degrade my work (which isn't constructive criticism anyhow, but I digress). The 100 theme kind of things seem fun to me, so I will be doing those.

    Enjoy and I'll hope to hear from you if you've read my drabbles!

    [ Introduction | Overview | Links ]

Hongske 10-19-2007 06:49 PM

  • Overview
    Here's an overview to the themes I'm doing/I've done, complete with my progress on them and with links to them.

    Five Chocolate Themes (0/5) [Theme by Seito].[list:4409bc2bcd]
  • Bitter
  • Sweet
  • Semisweet
  • Milk
  • I Love Chocolate

[ Introduction | Overview | Links ][/list:u:4409bc2bcd]

Hongske 10-19-2007 06:52 PM

  • Links
    100 Theme/Drabble Threads by Seito.

    PM me if you want your drabble/theme thread added to the list.

    [ Introduction | Overview | Links ]

Hongske 10-19-2007 06:53 PM

  • Five Chocolate Themes
    Bitter. That was all what he tended to taste when he ate or drank something, but he didn't mind it anymore and had come to the point of enjoying it. Black coffee so bitter it made most people gnash their teeth when they tasted it, cigarettes that left a dirty and bitter tang in your mouth even an hour after you had smoked one (not that he ever went an hour without them unless he was sleeping but that's besides the point) and chocolate so bitter that it almost tasted sweetly.

    Oh yes, how he loved the tang of bitter chocolate, the way it melted in his mouth and seemed to intensify the taste left by his cancer-sticks. People were often surprised when they learned of his favourite chocolate, because most of them had trouble coming to terms with the fact that a slightly hyper-active adult with childish tendencies could swallow things like that. Even more surprised were they when they noticed that he actually liked the bitterness.

    But their opinion didn't matter, he would only stop eating his favourite chocolate and drinking his favourite coffee when his own heart was as bitter as the aforementioned, because they reminded him of the fact of how he could've been and every day he was relieved that he was not.

Hongske 10-19-2007 06:54 PM

    [This is for the "It's All About the Luck" themes which I'll be doing.]

Hongske 10-19-2007 06:55 PM

    [Another reserved, for the "Ten Fruits" Themes.]

Hongske 10-19-2007 06:56 PM

    [For the "Ten Symptoms" Themes.]

Hongske 10-19-2007 06:56 PM

    [Last one, this time for the "Ten Vacation Themes".]

Hongske 10-19-2007 07:41 PM

  • I made my first drabble, with the theme "Bitter". Click here if you don't feeling like scrolling-up:

    Please read and review?

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