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King 07-22-2008 02:16 AM

Welcome To A Mene~Summer Night's Dream!
One of Shakespeare's most beloved plays, "A Midsummer Night's Dream", is now presented by the Menewshan community as "A Mene~Summer Night's Dream"! Join us as we experience the magic of Shakespeare come alive right before our eyes. The pixies and fairies have finished preparing, we're ready for you!

We've set up multiple activities for you to indulge yourself in. Please take the time to visit each one and see if it fancies you.

Role Call!
Have you ever dreamed of getting a role in the classical Shakespearean play "A Midsummer Night's Dream"? Well now's your chance! Winter Wind and x-Cutie-x-Pie-x are giving you the chance of a lifetime by dressing up and presenting yourself as a character straight from the story.

Fairy Visuals
Fairies are often recognizable as small creatures with wings that acquire magical powers. In this photography competition participants will have to capture a fairy on film, with a catch! The fairy will have to be homemade, created only by the participant, no-one else! Duchess and Sakura will be the resident hosts for this event.

Creative Representations
Shakespeare created the original plot line of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" our of his pure imagination. Unfortunately while creating the play he didn't have any illustrations to depict the magic involved. This is your chance to help Shakespeare illustrate the story! There will be separate sub-categories for creative graphics, pixels, and tradition art. Each category involves you to recreate the characters in your own form or depict a midsummer night. Hosted by your own Ironic_Depressions and Burnt Biscuits.

Sonnets Under The Stars
Release the poetic side of yourself with host Sad_Girlformat in this activity involving you to write a fourteen line, iambic pentameter poem that rhymes! Be truly original to get yourself noticed for a chance to win!

Do You Know Shakespeare?
Fitting to the event we ask you one simple question, do you know William Shakespeare? Enzeru has set up a collection of questions all about the man behind the play, in hopes that we will find the one Shakespearean enthusiast that knows all!

The Bad Fairy Charity

Join Lilith W and Clair Voyant in a charity full of true...well, true mischief! Participate in their fairy hideout to better your chances of becoming victim of a bad fairy! Be careful, you can never assume what they'll do!

King 07-24-2008 01:58 AM

Spacial Thanks To ~

Blondheart ~ Setting up and organizing most of the event.


Winter Wind
Burnt Biscuits
Lillith W
Clair Voyant


Angelbug (also wrote up most of the trivia questions)
Lilith W
Melody Xyelle

Eroy 07-24-2008 06:20 PM

Yay! Good work everyone!! <3

Kongouseki 07-24-2008 08:31 PM

good work on pulling this off. ^^

linapoo 07-24-2008 09:22 PM

Yay for events! Good job everyone. > w< <3

Zwij 07-24-2008 09:34 PM

Hi, I'm new here & have no idea wat I'm doing, so if anyone is willing to help me out, that would be great!!!! PLZ HELP ME!!!

Pearl 07-24-2008 09:40 PM

Hey, when will the Shakespeare quiz be taking place?

Amurita 07-24-2008 10:12 PM

Good job on the work everyone!
Now i'm off to explore the dream :]

@Zwij: Well this is a user-run event so all you have to do is explore the threads, follow the rules they set up to participate and have fun :3

Enzeru 07-24-2008 10:13 PM

Let's get this party started XD

Uzura 07-24-2008 10:22 PM

I almost forgot that this was today! I wanna do the photography competition x3

Miss Mad Hatter 07-25-2008 04:47 AM

One word.

A-m-a-z-i-n-g. :o

Tre Le Coco 07-25-2008 06:03 AM

great work guys ^^

Kiami 07-25-2008 06:07 AM

I love this site for many reasons. One important reason is that users care enough about the site and about each other to do stuff like this. If someone tried to pull this off in another site, it would be wimpy and just plain pathetic, but you all always go above and beyond to create wonderful user-run (and to the staff, you all do a great job too!) events that everyone can enjoy!
So, I just wanted to say thank you, and great job!

Duchess 07-25-2008 08:41 AM

'ello King
I was wondering, is our guest still coming?

And thanks for all your work <33

sad_girlformat 07-25-2008 11:02 AM

Let's get this party started!!

thank you to everyone who contribute to this event, all the donators, the host and hostess, Blondheart :heart:, King and alot of people who made this happen.

Have fun everyone!!

Apocrypha 07-25-2008 11:51 AM

I think I'm late. XD

Have fun everyone! <333

Anglie 07-25-2008 12:14 PM

Great work! This is amazing!

Sade le Aviva 07-25-2008 01:53 PM

Wohoo! Looking great ^^

I love this event's theme, one of my fave Shakespeare's play <3

Miss Ember 07-25-2008 02:30 PM

Awesome! So glad this was made, and glad Blondheart got it to be so big ^___^

Esmereina 07-26-2008 12:58 AM

Well, I think this event is wonderful. I wish I had the talent for all of the categories.. but sadly I am not. But its fun to see how people come up with things. The photography portion is going to be quite interesting. ^^

thank you for carryin this plan through for us to enjoy with you. *hugs*

Vickicat 07-26-2008 02:56 AM

How does this event work... Didn't even realize there was an event today. >.<

Esmereina 07-26-2008 03:18 AM

you just go to any of the event sub categories and do your best. The Charity Event thread is a good place to start. Remember to read the very first posts before entering so you know how to enter. The trivia one is good too... if you are good and art and photography.. there are two sub categories for those too. If you are a poet and you know it.. try out the sonnet section. ^^

just look around..don't be afraid. *hugs* Now go and explore! YAY! :)

clock 07-26-2008 06:23 PM

Does anyone know what time this will end on Monday?

Esmereina 07-26-2008 06:31 PM

I always assume midnight eastern standard time. But I could be wrong. ^^

cairnina 07-26-2008 10:35 PM

Congratz with this wonderfull event.
I realy enjoy looking around.

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