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For-Chan Cookie 07-17-2017 09:23 PM

❀ Wilting Wallflowers ❀ Hide in the Shade with us! ❀

Oh man summer. I have a love hate relationship. It can be nice and bright and you can go out and do fun things! But it's hoooooooooooooot. And the sun beating down on me makes me sick. You can go swimming! But sun burns. I'm just gonna sit over here in the shade ok? Come join me in the blissful coolness under this bush. There might be cold lemonade and cookies. Or I might have eaten them all. You'll just have to crawl under and find out.

I'm a bit late to the game though. I've just been so busy. Concerts, dinners, birthday parties, flea markets. Gotta get my social activities in when I can and then go back to being a hermit cookie :D

Kory 07-17-2017 09:36 PM


Hi Cookie!

For-Chan Cookie 07-17-2017 09:39 PM

Hi Ava. What's shaking?

Kory 07-17-2017 09:40 PM

Not much,
I was just going through deviantArt looking at Thorki pictures. :D

What's up with you?
Well, besides the stuff you already posted. [sweat]

For-Chan Cookie 07-17-2017 09:54 PM

Just all that stuff. I had a pretty fun and busy week. I got to see Lisa Loeb, which I was very excited about her. Got her autograph and a picture :D And I had some great Mexican food. Hung out with my friends at a birthday party and got eaten alive by mosquitoes. My feet have not yet recovered. x_x

Other than that, watching youtube and writing a terrible fanfic :D

Kory 07-17-2017 09:55 PM

Ooh! That sounds like fun! :D I don't know who Lisa is, but she sounds like a cool person! [sup]

D'aw, I bet your fanfic isn't terrible. :D It's probably way better than like half the fanfics out there!

For-Chan Cookie 07-17-2017 10:05 PM

She was popular in the 90s. She's since gone on to make a bunch of kids albums and family friendly music, so she was playing a very tiny venue and such a thing was possible. It was nice. If you've heard anything by her, it's probably her breakout hit, Stay.

She still looks and sounds exactly like that too. Witchcraft!!

Actually, I think I write pretty decent fanfiction, but I fell into one of those questionable fandoms. And I was like "Well, I'm at the bottom of the trash heap, might as well go wild and not hold back." So whereas you might reign in your crazy ideas, I'm just letting them go wild. It's pretty fun to do. :)

Kory 07-17-2017 10:13 PM

Oooh. I don't know if I have ever heard that song before, but it's actually a really pretty song. :) Although, that's crazy if she doesn't look like she's aged... <_< She might secretly be hiding something from us!

LOL! I can understand that feeling! xD
When I get into those really weird fandom ships, I just read a load of fanfiction of it (if I can even find it.) and then wish that I could write something even remotely as brave.

For-Chan Cookie 07-17-2017 10:16 PM

Not only that, but she's had two kids. She's a witch! A good one I'm sure. Since she makes cute children's song albums. :)

Actually, I think my whole fanfiction writing career has been like "what if this crazy thing happened? know what? Sure, let's write that weirdness!" cause man, I have written some crackety crack crack. And not only that, I tend to approach it from a serious angle. But hey, that's what fanfiction is for right?

I'd glut myself in fic in the fandom, but most of it is either bad, or very graphically weird and violent, which comes with the territory of said fandom. It's one of those ones that you're like "How did I end up here?!" Curiosity my friends, that's how I ended up there. I'm the cat and the curiosity got me! x_x

Kory 07-17-2017 10:23 PM

Children's albums can be fun, though. :D I really love certain kids' artists.... *cough*Parachute*cough*Express*cough*. They are really fun and creative and just... danceable. :D

Oh yeah, definitely. I read some pretty fucked up fanfics every now and then, and I just love it when they are so crazy that no one else tries to write anything like it. Although, I am super picky when it comes to my OTPs.

[rofl] It's kind of funny when you do end up in the weird realm of fandoms like that.

For-Chan Cookie 07-17-2017 10:36 PM

Yeah. You can get a good dance on to some of them. [boogie]

I've read some really fun and creative stories. I've also read a lot of stories where I'm like "....what were you smoking when you conceived this?"

I can get pretty picky too. I can be flexible with some pairings, but super picky with others. Someone actually emailed the other day asking about a fandom I haven't worked on in over a decade, asking if I would write more because nobody wrote the pairing in her preferred way, A/B as opposed to B/A that is currently popular.

Kory 07-17-2017 10:58 PM

I want to read more of those "WTF!?" stories. :D I am usually pretty vanilla, but occasionally I'll find something that is really weird... But I'm not going to lie, I read it anyway. xD

Ah, that makes sense. :o
I am picky when it comes to that too. I don't prefer my OTP to be like, (I'll just use Thorki as an example [lol]) Thor!bottom x Loki!top. You know? I always want it to be Loki on the bottom. Always. But I did make an exception for one story that I read last night.... [love] But I seriously doubt anyone would be able to write anything *that* good again.

For-Chan Cookie 07-17-2017 11:31 PM

If you read at Archive of our Own, you might have luck using the various filters and looking for crack or crackfic filtered to your fandom and maybe rated g or pg, so you don't go too far down the rabbit hole [rofl]

I think the skill of the author has a lot to do with how much you'll accept a swapping of your preferred pairing. Some people can pull off a top swap and some people just can't.

hummy 07-18-2017 12:35 AM

*sobs* hummy missed her cookieschmookie

Kory 07-18-2017 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by For-Chan Cookie (Post 1773927873)
If you read at Archive of our Own, you might have luck using the various filters and looking for crack or crackfic filtered to your fandom and maybe rated g or pg, so you don't go too far down the rabbit hole [rofl]

I think the skill of the author has a lot to do with how much you'll accept a swapping of your preferred pairing. Some people can pull off a top swap and some people just can't.

Yeah, right! If I'm going to go down the rabbit hole of weird ass fanfics, I'm going to go for the R rating!! [rofl]

That makes sense. I thought this particular story I read was really good at switching the positions. But at the same time, it kept true to the characters and kept the same dynamics that I like in that pairing.

hummy 07-18-2017 01:03 AM

hiya, Ava

Kory 07-18-2017 01:04 AM

Hey there, hummy. :)
How's all?

Kirin Rosenbaum 07-18-2017 01:11 AM


For-Chan Cookie 07-18-2017 01:12 AM

hummy! *glomps* I was going to come see you, but I got distracted by shiny things!! Sorry!

Meh, when I'm down the rabbit hole, all bets are off. NC-17? *buckles up* Let's do this! [twisted]

That's good. It's a rare find sometimes. Like, if you try to find another, you'll probably just find a lot of crap. That's just fanfic life. *shrugs*

Hey Kirin! *waves*

Kirin Rosenbaum 07-18-2017 01:15 AM

Howdy. I have a sticky thread this event. With raffles.

hummy 07-18-2017 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by For-Chan Cookie (Post 1773928023)
hummy! *glomps* I was going to come see you, but I got distracted by shiny things!! Sorry!

Meh, when I'm down the rabbit hole, all bets are off. NC-17? *buckles up* Let's do this! [twisted]

That's good. It's a rare find sometimes. Like, if you try to find another, you'll probably just find a lot of crap. That's just fanfic life. *shrugs*

Hey Kirin! *waves*

it happens *hugs* come do RAKissmas in July [yahoo]

Nephila 07-18-2017 01:23 AM

*sets up an umbrella*

For-Chan Cookie 07-18-2017 01:23 AM

I'll check it out after I'm done watching this episode of weird high school gambling anime. [rofl]

Ok hummy *snuggles* In a bit, for the same reasons. Weird high school gambling anime [sweat]

Hey Neph!

hummy 07-18-2017 01:26 AM

don't forget, cookie, i'm not afraid to ping you!

Kirin Rosenbaum 07-18-2017 01:28 AM

Me either.

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