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-   Winter Nights 2011 ~ All aboard for the train tour! (
-   -   [Pre-event hangout] Menewsha Station Ticket Office :: Ticket sales closed! (

Lance 12-12-2011 03:26 PM

[Pre-event hangout] Menewsha Station Ticket Office :: Ticket sales closed!
Welcome to

Menewsha Central Station!

Hello, friends! I'm Lance Montour and I run Headworks, the place where you'll get the best and most stylish hats here on Menewsha. What many of you probably don't know is that apart from tending the shop, I also help out at the train station, I love trains!

Trains are the only public transport around here (apart from boats) so the system's always being worked on and that's what I'm here to tell you about! Something really exciting is about to be unveiled and you get to be involved! All this year, new lines have been under construction. Previously, the tracks went around the flat outskirts of the island, but now they go right inland and even up into the mountains!

To celebrate the opening of the new lines, a very special inaugural train tour has been arranged. The train will travel around the island and stopping off at the new stations. It's not a whistle stop trip either, it's a proper vacation! The train is super luxurious, set with private cabins, fantastic meals 3 times a day in the dining cars and 2 awesome dome cars where you'll be able to have an amazing view of the passing countryside. The train will stop overnight in every location, so you'll have 2 whole days for exploring each area it visits. You can sleep in your comfy cabin on the train, or find some local accomodation at the stops if you fancy a change of scene.
Fancy an upgrade?

I'm not sure if I'm supposed to have these, but I won't tell if you don't. :ninja: Either way, I've got my hands on some VIP tickets for the trip. If you have one of these it means you could get free accommodation anywhere in any of the places we stop. Not just that, but free food too! Pretty amazing, right? I'm going to be selling these tickets for a little bit of gold, then I'm going to do a prize draw for all the ticket holders, and after that I'll split the gold between the winners! More about that later. :D
What's in a name?

A good question, what is in a name? Do you know? You get to choose one though :D
Not only do we have lots of new train lines, but we've got a shiny new engine for this special trip, too! So new that it doesn't even have a name yet! So in the time before the trip we have to pick a name for our lovely new engine! More on that later too. ;D

Lance 12-12-2011 07:50 PM

:mail: Tickets :mail:

No more ticket sales!

Just one per account, but mules can travel too!
When the ticket sales close, I'll pool all the gold received and do a prize draw for all the ticket holders. The winners will receive the collected gold split amongst them!

I'll close the sale of tickets when the event starts, so make sure you grab one while you can. ;D
Important Notice!
If the event has started and you have yet to collect your tickets, they would be called back!
Make sure to accept your trades!
P.S. - No refunds given.

Ticket Holders

Ticket HoldersX

  1. LizzyCollinsDeArc
  2. Burger King
  3. Carzeebear
  4. jellysundae
  5. Knerd
  6. Chunsa-chan
  7. Popcorn Gun
  8. Anglie
  9. Elirona
  10. Ferra
  11. Ikuto Akihiko
  12. Iroase Delschatten
  13. 飛段
  14. Sefirosu
  15. Facade
  16. momochan
  17. Wrenji-chan
  18. Codette
  19. Xaevan
  20. DariaMorgendorfer
  21. Yumeh
  22. Linnea
  23. Finnian
  24. Quarter_Queen
  25. blueblackrose
  26. Captain Aamelia
  27. SexualPlacebo
  28. ShadowDemon101
  29. llonka
  30. Cassette
  31. PapillonCameo
  32. Maria-Minamino
  33. Hatake Ayumi
  34. Daine
  35. Ayumui Yue
  36. BellyButton
  37. `Kitami
  38. shinigamikarasu
  39. Kiyoshi
  40. Jackii587
  41. ` B u t t e r
  42. Hadsvich
  43. Kent
  44. Micki Chiba
  45. hummy
  46. KatMagenta
  47. Melody Xyelle
  48. Mageling
  49. Cherry Flavored Antacid
  50. Aoi Kazuya
  51. butterscotch
  52. HIM_ROCK
  53. Lush Cutie
  54. Some Random Randomness
  55. Andraus
  56. Janus Shirato
  57. Mehimaru
  58. Ribe
  59. bloodstainedwings
  60. dana eleanor
  61. musasgal
  62. sdgfam08
  63. hillary84
  64. Angelo
  65. YourInMyHeart93
  66. Naoto-chan22
  67. GwenaHikari
  68. Kya Katsumi
  69. Sinsue Hoshigo
  70. Imagination
  71. Celestrya
  72. Sezumie
  73. Emma Corrin
  74. Shishunki
  75. Artsydaze
  76. kittykondos
  77. Star Valo
  78. Fate's Pearl
  79. Little Sister
  80. Night Watcher
  81. Beliar
  82. Usherette
  83. Siri
  84. Clair Voyant
  85. TheDesireMistress
  86. Wulfwynn
  87. Captain Howdy
  88. *Hime*
  89. alonzo:)
  90. *Neko*
  91. Ashlyn Mae
  92. star2000shadow
  93. Ivvy
  94. Derezzed-Batman
  95. Stefan Krieger
  96. Neyor
  97. Ney
  98. Draciolus
  99. nightengale
  100. Nema
  101. Usako
  102. Roxxxy
  103. ~Sara Lee Cupcake~
  104. Shania583
  105. dragoness129
  106. Lost in Austen
  107. Jaz
  108. Zasaleen
  109. Chikuma
  110. katyasha
  111. Zetsumei Bara.
  112. Kirin Rosenbaum
  113. Lady Rosenbaum
  114. Jesmond
  115. Lorwynmoontide
  116. CrimsonShadow
  117. Lady Zelos
  118. Leafey
  119. dark world dealer
  120. EirianHikari
  121. Nephila
  122. midnightstar
  123. Wings of Writing
  124. Kraven
  125. Damon//Mii
  126. Nicole Legion
  127. Death_to_the_reaper
  128. NightStalker
  129. Shadami
  130. ToriKat
  131. Glass
  132. King Usbeorn
  133. Ameika
  134. ChiNoMizuumi
  135. letmefly101
  136. Keondre Lorano
  137. Afanassii
  138. finx15
  139. Phantom
  140. Medusa Flame
  141. CK
  142. clock
  143. Woodlandnymph
  144. VictorianMess
  145. AAVM
  146. Ascadellia
  147. The Wandering Poet
  148. Kat Dakuu
  149. Anaxilea
  150. puppetmaster999
  151. white2fire
  152. Jeannesha
  153. Liztress
  154. Connielass
  155. GrannyJ
  156. BurningDread
  157. FireOnix
  158. Sizzla
  159. Kah Hilzin-Ec
  160. SpiritTaker
  161. Orial
  162. Itsuna
  163. Dillo
  164. Gemini
  165. cuppycake_geek
  166. missdark
  167. Beautiful Disaster
  168. Haven
  169. Angel<3
  170. orlybirdy
  171. Kamikaze Kendra
  172. flamethrower1391
  173. HoneyButterbaby
  174. NiaMaggie
  175. HC-Gal
  176. Saravi Boo
  177. ObviouslyAya
  178. Grimnir
  179. Woofie267
  180. MiriuOniaya
  181. Rabid Rainbow
  182. Alexagirlie
  183. Chronos Mephistopheles
  184. jupiter
  185. Kay
  186. Pa-chinko
  187. mewmew07
  188. Zom...Boo
  189. Heso
  190. Sho-Shonojo
  191. Ghost Pony
  192. kasakir
  193. Jade
  194. Roachi
  195. Midian
  196. LoveAria
  197. The_Crow
  198. Youn
  199. Neora
  200. maidenroseheart
  201. Ze_Mole
  202. sensia101
  203. Tatsukichi
  204. FakeSunShine
  205. FakeMoonLight
  206. SuddenVertigo
  207. JellybeanInc
  208. Bound Birdie
  209. Corlatta DeNaught
  210. Zephi
  211. Pistol-Chan
  212. ElysiumFate
  213. hippymiester
  214. Rochiel Silverfire
  215. Insert_Witty_Username
  216. Ling
  217. Chen
  218. Jack MacGaven
  219. WherededIGo
  220. Sizzla
  221. Candys
  222. Saisei
  223. secretdae007
  224. Twethereal
  225. Projectwolfie
  226. Heiyuu
  227. Amelia
  228. IchirusVampireGirl
  229. emiko_firecaster
  230. AarinsRitsuka
  231. Drexy4ever
  232. KidK Mirai
  233. The Evil Triplet
  234. Gailia
  235. Chi
  236. Chi's Mule
  237. Brinne Tanneson
  238. lunanuova
  239. linapoo
  240. Xaxa
  241. Nivvy
  242. Whimsical Sadist
  243. dragonjake
  244. fairywaif
  245. sidrabutterfly
  246. Squishface
  247. Vickyll3
  248. Shy_Ness
  249. d2hiriyuu
  250. Spring`Tyme Fresh
  251. marnie
  252. jecynecy
  253. Alorrena
  254. Ravinessa24
  255. TaiyoTsuki
  256. Darth Mudkip
  257. The_Moons_Whisper
  258. hiriyuu
  259. Rei Ann
  260. Lady Chello
  261. AlbaRosaria
  262. Eileanora
  263. Waffle
  264. woohoohelloppl
  265. KittyLuhv
  266. June
  267. whitexsuicide
  268. Ancasta
  269. Angel Spirit Girl
  270. scholar
  271. XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX
  272. yukiaine22
  273. Lock-e
  274. xtina
  275. Draken_Lord
  276. Rusalka
  277. Queen_Andais
  278. Amice
  279. fireprincess
  280. RatedE
  281. devcul
  282. Athilea Majiri
  283. Ottersaurus
  284. Sylira
  285. Harley Q
  286. Lilim
  287. KillingFrost
  288. Fallen Rayne
  289. TutsTalkin..
  290. R a n d e h
  291. Siti_Hajar
  292. TheEmpressofEvil
  293. Lavinia
  294. Fauxreal
  295. needs_cheese
  296. GuppyMan
  297. Aerinn
  298. wish
  299. reno
  300. lightkanna
  301. Ryo Skylight
  302. WinglessFairy
  303. Seito
  304. Seika
  305. milkandcookies
  306. Anzelthur
  307. Suzhi Mix
  308. Assassin_666
  309. harakun
  310. Whisper Invictus
  311. Lacquer
  312. xXBelleXx
  313. Lathrine
  314. duckyprincess
  315. Paprika
  316. anatomia87
  317. LogicallyDoomed
  318. ashlemo
  319. promised_forever
  320. Helios
  321. Acheron
  322. DivineHeart
  323. sadrain
  324. Evergreen Goddess
  325. Urchie
  326. Arechi
  327. Metatron
  328. Cemetery
  329. Misha
  330. RebelFey
  331. The Unspoken Truth
  332. M i r o
  333. Kayxx
  334. Sumerian Manic
  335. Cora Lorington
  336. Tsunii
  337. AndreL
  338. zigbigadorlube
  339. Lacrimosa
  340. anadentone
  341. LaVida
  342. makituchan
  343. Rinetteable
  344. Aspinou
  345. Adrastiea
  346. N I G H T
  347. Panda Spirit
  348. Mingnon
  349. QueenPeppermint
  350. MintyRey
  351. dancrgurl
  352. Muliette
  353. Amistad
  354. iKat
  355. Mystic
  356. neller
  357. Izumi
  358. AlessaStar
  359. Dystopia
  360. Viaroc the Feared
  361. KH4Life
  362. Maka-chan
  363. Mr. Stravaganza
  364. Car'a'Carn
  365. Ace Strife
  366. Akpyro
  367. Mizz Paperdoll
  368. Elluh
  369. For-Chan Cookie
  370. Acobjum
  371. cleo873
  372. Seiki Nova
  373. Sakura_Madison
  374. Syaoran_Li
  375. Panther
  376. Damia Flagg
  377. Demoscout
  378. DaisyKeehl
  379. RhianwenHikari
  380. AmaniIshtar
  381. Easther_Bunni
  382. Ayreiya
  383. say-i-love-you
  384. x-cutie-x-pie-x
  385. Karasu's Notebook
  386. Plateau 300g
  387. Derpy
  388. Roka
  389. kandii_k

Lance 12-12-2011 07:51 PM

Name the Engine
In celebration of the new engine, it is my great pleasure to announce that the folks of Menewsha (which means all of you) are being given the opportunity to name it before the launch! Isn't that grand? I'm so excited to hear some of your great suggestions! If you have one, fill in the form below and drop it off here!

The suggestion box is now closed! Thank you for all your suggestions, everyone! :D
A name would now be selected to be engraved on a shiny brass plate for the new engine. I hope the process won't take too long! :boogie:

Lance 12-16-2011 04:04 PM

Name Suggestions

The Menewshan Express of Platform 7 & 3/4
The Trans Islander
The Midnight Meat Train
The Transcontinental Cars
Naked Train
The Menewshan Party Express
The Menewshan Yummeh Express
The Chugga-Chugga-Choo-Choo Train
Mene Meeter
The Yumeh Expurrress
The Mayor's Escape From Fangirls Express
The Mene Star
Island Explorer
The Royal Menewshan Express
Mr. Mayor
The Mene Express
The Wayfarer
mene's ♥ train!
choo-choo train
First class bullet
The train of awesomeness <3
The Flying Yumeh
Mene's Golden Express
Menewshan Polar Express
Mene's Magical Ride of Fun and Rainbows
Island Express
The Menew Shanew
Monsieur Locomative
Garnet Dragon Express
The Demon Express way
Trans Gender Railway
The Imperial Star
Phoenix express railway
Mayor Menewsha
The Snowdasher Kringle
Calesco's Blazing Trailway
The Island Hopper
The Steel Cartographers
The Menewsha Masterrail
The Frosted Freight
Orchid Express
Trans-Menewshan Express
Flying Menewshan
The Celebration Royale
Night Frieght Experess
Mayor's Star Express
The Mystical Menewsha Express
The Menewshan Express
Completely and Utterly Balderdash Express
SS Sunshine
Menewshan Phoenix Express
Fly Away Express
(The) Train
Scenic Mene Express
The Spirit of Mene Express
The Atlantica Limited
The Phoenix's Tail
The Solstice Express
Menew choo choo
Mysterious Train of Iris
flying yumeh
The Tin Soldier
The Menewshan Spirit
Afrodonkey's fifth leg
Menewshan Rail Express
The Mene-prise
The Awesome Express
Written Word Engine
The Wonderbolt
The Menewsha Dream
The Snowcrasher Kringle
Ride Me! Express
Spirit of Calesco
U.M.E (United Menewsha Express)
The Flying Kitteh
Stellar Voyager
Mene Free Ride
The Island's Traveling Spirit
(The) Steampunk Socialite
Mene-topia Express
super train surprise
The Menewshan Jelly Rider
The Jelly Belly Fun Ride!
The Menewshan Enterprise
The menewshan storm passer
Faster than the Speed of Light
Nalin Train of Nightly Fun
The Zooming Pie Thrower
The Steaming Dream
The Fiery Serpent
(the) Gold Guide
The Mene-bringer
The Fancy Smancy Steam Machine!
The Good Train Menewsha
The Daydream Express
Whoot! - Whoot!
Eat My Dust Express
Imaginaerum Rail
Chu-Chu Delight!
The Moose Caboose
The Meneooga choo-choo
Mene's Yellow Submarine Train
The Shooting Comet
The Jacquard Veniccio's* Traveling Wishes!
Dreams & Sugar Shakers
Peeblo's Distress Express!
The Ocean Runner
The Great Bass Rails


Lance 12-17-2011 05:30 PM

Aaand we're open! :D

Dottie Mae Evans 12-17-2011 05:52 PM

This is awesome! :) How do I buy a ticket? :) I'll go back and reread the thread to make sure the answer is within it.

Lance 12-17-2011 05:55 PM

Simply send me a donation or trade with the gold and state your purpose! :D
It seems I've neglected to mention that bit. I'll fix that.

Dottie Mae Evans 12-17-2011 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Lance (Post 1770195197)
Simply send me a donation or trade with the gold and state your purpose! :D
It seems I've neglected to mention that bit. I'll fix that.

Thank you. :) I'll send my ticket right now. Also, can my mule Burger King get a ticket just for the fun of it? He'll like to ride the train too. He'll send his gold soon.

Lance 12-17-2011 05:58 PM

Of course! Wouldn't like anyone to be left out!

Dottie Mae Evans 12-17-2011 07:36 PM

I can't wait for the Winter Night's Event! :) I wonder what items are in store for this year. ^_^;

Bearzy 12-17-2011 08:07 PM

This looks so awesome... I have to get a ticket!

jellysundae 12-17-2011 08:15 PM

OOH! Free food! Count me in! *starts trade* :ninja:

Chunsa-chan 12-17-2011 08:54 PM

Username: Chunsa-chan
Name it!: The Menewshan Express of Platform 7 & 3/4.

Had to throw the nerdy bid in there. >X3

jellysundae 12-17-2011 09:06 PM

OOH yeah! We get to pick a train name, that's pretty damn cool =B

Tempted to suggest something really silly though :lol:

Bearzy 12-17-2011 11:14 PM

Username: Carzeebear
Name it!: The Trans Islander

Popcorn Gun 12-17-2011 11:30 PM

Well fancy that!
I didn't even know about this.
It does sound like quite a bit of fun too.
:' 3

Boats are the ones whose names begin with 'S.S.' correct?
I wonder what a lovely train name would be...
What does the train look like?

jellysundae 12-17-2011 11:31 PM

Hey, that's kinda cool! I like the Islander bit, sounds all cool and summery!


What does the S.S stand for? Isn't that just a US thing? British ships are H.M.S, Her majesty's...ship? I suppose :ninja:

Popcorn Gun 12-17-2011 11:55 PM

Oh! Possibly. I didn't even know that was a national thing.
Nor do I know what it means
x' 3


It stands for steam ship.
x' D

Elirona 12-18-2011 01:15 AM

Username: Elirona
Name it!: The Midnight Meat Train

Bearzy 12-18-2011 01:46 AM

Pretty sure that they're HMS here in the colonies as well. :)

jellysundae 12-18-2011 02:18 AM

Yeah, they would be :yes:

I wonder if all the Mene trains "belong" to Mr. Mayor then =O

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 12-18-2011 03:36 AM

Bought mah ticket~ :cool:
Will have to think more for the naming bit.

Bearzy 12-18-2011 04:29 AM

HMT? (His mayorship's train)

Lance 12-18-2011 05:13 AM

So many name suggestions already. :D

I've handed out the tickets to those who have purchased them! Check your trades! :)

Iro 12-18-2011 05:15 AM

Thanks so much, Lance! :eager:

Now to think of a name for the train... *brainstorms*

All times are GMT. The time now is 06:55 PM.