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Bearzy 08-19-2017 12:06 PM

Help Wanted: Looking for Crew (Dead or Alive)
Looking for a crew for the group avatar competition. Anyone else keen for ghost/skeleton crew?

hummy 08-19-2017 04:00 PM

Carebear wants y'all...dead or alive!

Bearzy 08-20-2017 01:44 AM

I'm not picky y'know

dragoness129 08-20-2017 01:58 AM

Yes! This sounds awesome!

What kind of matching uniforms should we go for?

GummyBearKisses 08-20-2017 02:04 AM

I want in. I think Linnea and her friend need a group too. I forgot who her friend was.

Linnea: If you and your friend still need a group check this out.

I'm double posting because I don't know if the merge breaks pings.

Bearzy 08-20-2017 02:09 AM

I was thinking something like the undead pirates from the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie?

GummyBearKisses 08-20-2017 02:12 AM

I have the pirate chest, hat set. I'll need to borrow skeleton skin. Oh yeah I have a background pile of heads too that may come in handy.

dragoness129 08-20-2017 02:29 AM

Sounds like a good idea! ^_^

GummyBearKisses 08-20-2017 03:48 AM
I forgot I do have the tattoo set with bones. Here's one background idea if someone has the boat. Or option B. We can build our own boat with the wooden floor, crates, etc.

Bearzy 08-20-2017 04:47 AM

I think it's a good idea to make a deck, so it looks like we're standing on the same deck
Oh! And we have to have different roles in the crew. Do you want to be captain, Gummy Bear?

Linnea 08-20-2017 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by GummyBearKisses (Post 1773946734)
I want in. I think Linnea and her friend need a group too. I forgot who her friend was.

Linnea: If you and your friend still need a group check this out.

I'm double posting because I don't know if the merge breaks pings.

it doesn't break pings! so i merged your post :P

but it looks like you guys are all set, so good luck! i've got another person now too! thanks for thinking of me!!

GummyBearKisses 08-20-2017 07:50 PM
I am playing around with ideas. I will be any position of crew. I do not own the pirate clothes or the ship. I think that is one set. I have everything else I used in my examples.

Bearzy 08-21-2017 02:13 AM

I have the pirate clothes and ship and we can ghost them around if need be (geddit, ghost). I'm at uni for most of today but I'll play with my look in a couple of hours

GummyBearKisses 08-21-2017 02:33 AM

I've only actually seen clips of that movie. As far as I can remember I think I remember a dude that has like an octopus beard face. That is that movie, correct? Is he part of the skeleton crew? If he is then the octopus looking hats here could be handy to make him.

Bearzy 08-21-2017 02:41 AM

The guy with the squid face is from the second movie
I was thinking of this scene here

GummyBearKisses 08-21-2017 03:19 PM

Wow, you look fantastic! Are we all going to wear the same clothes and stuff to match or have different clothes? I need to know before I shop.

dragoness129 08-21-2017 03:33 PM

So what positions is everyone going for?
I love the fog effect on the ship, Bearzy!

GummyBearKisses 08-21-2017 03:48 PM

I guess I am crew? I do not know correct terms. Maybe deck hand could be my position? I notice this background comes without a window too. Mine and Bearzy windows pair up and the other people can do pairing windows or make up our plain wall of the ship. I need to finish up my clothes. Does anyone have this vignette fog, I think it will look cool.
Some one should use the event item (head) like we killed the enemy and took their human head.

We need a few more members we can have 5 max. We are at 3/5.

Bearzy 08-22-2017 02:06 AM

Yeah it looks like we should have like distinct crew positions, like captain, mate, ships cook, cabin boy (bagsie that one)

GummyBearKisses 08-22-2017 03:31 AM

Any pointers on mine? How do I look? I thought I saw a monkey in the Google images so I added one. I guess we can do like cook and add food stuff on that avi. Captain and put them with maps and stuff. Weapon person or something similar with the crates etc. Maybe a person to guard the treasure with gold and treasure. What about a cleaner that takes care of cleaning up bodies?

Bearzy 08-22-2017 09:39 AM

ooh I might swap my sword for a broom

Shadami 08-22-2017 02:11 PM

There's Captain, First mate, navigator, cabin boy, powder boy, riggers, sailors (general crew) , cook, ect ect. there are tons of different positions that can be on a pirate ship including musicians and blacksmiths :D

if that helps. you guys look awesome ^^

dragoness129 08-22-2017 09:59 PM

Should I make one without that window? I'll work on it some after work. ^_^

GummyBearKisses 08-23-2017 01:37 AM

I need fog does anyone have the vignettes it was a Menes Item I missed. Mine will be changing up to be more of a cook or something. I wanted to test the window out. I guess make ur avi without a window, I wish we had more than three people. We have so many ship positions we could fill. I am thinking we should fill the most important ship jobs since we are only a group of three. Which are most important on a ship, I know the captain and...........

dragoness129 08-23-2017 01:44 AM

So we still need a captain?

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