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Wrenji-chan 10-29-2014 11:08 PM

What's that behind you!? (It's a hangout thread!)
So, it's come to my attention that I've never actually made an event thread before...

It's about time that changed.

Amane: Antagonist: ClockReject: llonka: McNugget: momochan:

[gonk] Apparently I don't know that many people still on Mene! Help me tag peoples?

Amane 10-29-2014 11:10 PM

Advertise that you're making a ping list and sit back and shed tears because you find out how many people love you? [XD]

Titus Andronicus 10-29-2014 11:10 PM

Hey Wren!

I don't either haha, i'm sure it will get busier as more people see the events started :)

Wrenji-chan 10-29-2014 11:12 PM

Hello Titus! *offers caramel apple*

Amallama! That's a really good idea!


If you or someone you know would like to be on my PING list, let me know in whatever way you think is best. Post in this thread, PM me, send a ghost to deliver your message, telepathically... there are numerous ways.

Amane 10-29-2014 11:15 PM

Next thing you know, assembling ping lists will be the new thing. [insane]

Wrenji-chan 10-29-2014 11:17 PM

Amallama has started a trend.

Amane 10-29-2014 11:20 PM

How beautiful. Now I'm a trendsetter. *poses*

ClockReject 10-29-2014 11:21 PM

//lurks from the shadows.

Wrenji-chan 10-29-2014 11:22 PM

*adds extra shadows for extra lurking fun-times*

Amane 10-29-2014 11:31 PM


ClockReject 10-29-2014 11:32 PM

//continues to float into shadowy deep

Amane 10-29-2014 11:35 PM


ClockReject 10-29-2014 11:37 PM

//lurks in the shadows until Amanes return

Amane 10-29-2014 11:49 PM

/sheds tear
/momma's doing stuff before we leave

ClockReject 10-29-2014 11:50 PM

I'm probably going to sleep for a few hours anyways

Wrenji-chan 10-29-2014 11:51 PM

Wren just poof'd to eat supper, and comes back to find everyone else leaving.

ClockReject 10-29-2014 11:54 PM

I might not. but should nap a few hours.

llonka 10-29-2014 11:55 PM

Hey Wren! Thanks for the invite! *blows up orange colored balloons*

Nephila 10-29-2014 11:55 PM

I tag myself! XD hello!

Wrenji-chan 10-29-2014 11:56 PM

Welcome Lon! I love your avatar.

Also, Welcome Neph!

llonka 10-30-2014 12:04 AM

Aww thanks Wren! I'm a Werellonka. [lol]

Nephila 10-30-2014 12:09 AM

It is cute. :D

Thanks Wrenji!

llonka 10-30-2014 12:15 AM

So what has everyone been up to since I've been anti-social?

ClockReject 10-30-2014 12:18 AM

Clocks been and continuing to be pretty anti-social [ninja]

Nephila 10-30-2014 12:22 AM

I like to think I'm social... but I don't think I am. My per day count isn't very high for posting.

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