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cardigan sweaters 10-02-2010 06:54 AM

Which of the Seven Deadly Sins is the Avatar Above You?
Lust, Greed, and Gluttony; all sins that are under the "Seven Deadly Sins"

Describe the AAY's Sin


Say "The Avatar Above me is ______ BECAUSE ____"

Instead of "(sin)"

Have fun!

sweet_serender159 10-02-2010 09:24 AM

hmmmmm.... you would be I recon sloth... cause you look pretty lazy and you need a good sleep ^.^

Kiako 10-02-2010 01:03 PM

The Avatar about me is Lust because with no clothes on I don't think you can be anyone else really :drool:

Eastriel 10-02-2010 01:23 PM

The avatar above me is pride - looks like they care a lot about how they look with all that co-ordination!

bloodstainedwings 10-02-2010 02:55 PM

the avatar above me is greed because she seems to want more and more layering in her outfit.


HappyStarr 10-02-2010 03:18 PM

The avatar above me is Wrath. Look at those glowing red eyes! So wrathful! And that evil smirk. She's totally enjoying getting ready to smite whoever did her wrong. 0.0

Eastriel 10-02-2010 03:23 PM

The avatar above me is a mix of wrath and lust, lust due to the reveal clothing, especially the slit skirt and wrath due to the sword.

Codette 10-02-2010 06:52 PM

I have to agree and say greed. You always want more...

Little Monster 10-02-2010 06:53 PM

Syra Stoll meh Post :squee:

Syra you are wrath you indulge in your power to fight

HappyStarr 10-02-2010 06:59 PM

Monster's is Greed. 'Cause she's a Pirate, always out pillaging and plundering for more booty. ;D

Bearzy 10-02-2010 09:24 PM

I think your envy, you're jealous of a lover and are out to kill him/her (the green eyes tipped me off)

Dystopia 10-02-2010 11:52 PM

Lust. Nudity!

HappyStarr 10-03-2010 01:27 AM

Greed! Horns and head-wings!?

Dystopia 10-03-2010 02:12 AM

Wrath. Big sword. o.o

Do horns and headwings symbolize greed? o.o

HappyStarr 10-03-2010 02:15 AM

lol I was like "...her avi is hogging the head decor!"

I also see sloth, 'cause her eyes are closed.

Dystopia 10-03-2010 02:20 AM

:o You could also be Lust. You aren't very dressed, either! You're a femme fatale!

Haha. I find it amusing you didn't comment on the Eggplant Bloom. Or any of the other rares I have slapped on.

HappyStarr 10-03-2010 02:29 AM

ahh..well I was going to, but that would have been too easy. XD

Hmm...I think Vanity would work well, too. 'Cause of all the items and how she looks like she puts extra amounts of effort into her appearance so that everyone will tell her how awesome she looks.

xRhii 10-03-2010 03:13 AM

The avatar about me would be Wrath, because it just seems like it could work, especially with that sword.

Bearzy 10-03-2010 03:30 AM

Lust! Look at those bedroom eyes.

Dystopia 10-03-2010 03:33 AM

Envy. That expression reminds me of a child that's about to throw a temper tantrum for not getting what she wanted. >>

xRhii 10-03-2010 03:35 AM

Oh yea~! Come here my Sweets... -Beckons-
And I'd have to say Pride for Dystopia, your avatar just seems to want to be important.

Kiako 10-03-2010 09:30 AM

I think this avi might be on her way to becoming pride, bu for now, she is Lust cause of the whole no shirt deal <3

Woodlandnymph 10-03-2010 06:33 PM

Let's go with greed, cause you look like you are all suited up for battle, to gain riches and glory

xRhii 10-03-2010 07:49 PM

Hm..pride your avi just seems to give off that vibe. Your avi's really beautiful.

x_cannibalisticcows 10-04-2010 01:49 AM

Lust. xD!

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