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Seridano 06-14-2014 06:14 PM

Sand In Our Eyes [Seri's Artsu]
Hello, hello! You must have walked quite a long way to get here. Oh, is that sand in your eyes? Ah, good, good...I mean, how dreadful. Perhaps you'd like to purchase some of my wares while your vision is suitably impaired you're out this way.

Note: Feel free to pay whatever you'd like for ze artstuffs. Seri isn't planning on being picky (she just figured that it was high time she got around to actually doing something, and since she has the time...)

The styles being attempted may change, as Seri's whims and inspiration tend to shift like the very breeze around us. For the time being, the following style will be available for those interested:

Available Slots

1. Chexala

Pick Up

Iroase Delchatten

Iro 06-14-2014 06:15 PM

*wanders in from the call of art*

linapoo 06-14-2014 06:15 PM

wooohooo! +q+ what a cute art style you have there!

Seridano 06-14-2014 06:16 PM

Danke, dear. it's something new I've been testing out here and there. Hoping that this will lure people in so that I can get a few more samples / a better feel for it. Maybe, with some practice, I might even venture into the land of full body chibis -le gasp-.

Ello, Iro!
/luffs on

linapoo 06-14-2014 06:17 PM

oh no full bodies?!
the struggle but you can do ittt +Q+/ i like the spirit


hummy 06-14-2014 06:19 PM

go seri, go!

Dystopia 06-14-2014 06:20 PM


Seridano 06-14-2014 06:20 PM

@lina - I am, indeed!

I will, hummy. I will!

@Dys - Hmm, I haven't the faintest idea why Anna would be here. ;)

linapoo 06-14-2014 06:21 PM

qvq once I get some gold...hahaha
it's so sad how poor i am on mene XD

Seridano 06-14-2014 06:22 PM

Wanna do an art trade? I want your art, you want mine. You may be leagues better than I am, but a girl can hope, right?

Dystopia 06-14-2014 06:22 PM

@ Seri - rofl. Can you doodle me a firebird?

Maria-Minamino 06-14-2014 06:23 PM

*tempted to buy Seri art even though one of the samples is of my avvie* XD

Seridano 06-14-2014 06:24 PM

A firebird? Like a phoenix or like the car? Because, if it's the former, then yes, I could give that a whirl, and if it's the later...erm...not so much.

/dangles temptation in front of Maria

Dystopia 06-14-2014 06:25 PM

T-the phoenix. Is there a car called a firebird...? xD

Maria-Minamino 06-14-2014 06:25 PM

Does Seri do OCs?

Seridano 06-14-2014 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Dystopia (Post 1772748045)
T-the phoenix. Is there a car called a firebird...? xD

Yup, my dad used to have one when he was younger.


Originally Posted by Maria-Minamino (Post 1772748048)
Does Seri do OCs?

She does, indeed!

Dystopia 06-14-2014 06:26 PM

... Is it a nice car?

Seridano 06-14-2014 06:27 PM

I guess. -shrugs- Seri knows very little about cars and what makes them nice.

Maria-Minamino 06-14-2014 06:27 PM

Okay...too much temptation....

Hair: Red
Eyes: Her left eye is green and her right eye is yellow (Her dragon is opposite).[/CENTER]

That is my OC Mare :P She is a dragon rider.

I am looking for art of her if you are interested? I have no idea what to offer in payment though? Is 1k alright? Or is that too low? D:

Seridano 06-14-2014 06:28 PM

That's perfectly fine, dear. people can offer whatever they want for ze art.
I'll add you to the list! <3

Dystopia 06-14-2014 06:29 PM

xD I don't know much about cars either.

The used car salesman is gun rob me blind man. D:

Maria-Minamino 06-14-2014 06:29 PM

Hooray! Arts! I love art <333

I shall start a trade :D

Seridano 06-14-2014 06:30 PM

I know that feel. -sighs- Anywho, you want a firebird, so I ought to add you, yes?

@Maria - Yay! I shall start on ze arts shortly.

Dystopia 06-14-2014 06:32 PM

:3 Yep. Thanks!

Seridano 06-14-2014 06:32 PM

Oki, added you to ze list!

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