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D.J. Dead 07-06-2013 10:36 PM

Break out those bathing suits! *OPEN*
Come have a swim! Just no peeing in the pool, please.
And as always follow Mene's ToS and behave yourselves.
Enjoy yourselves!

R u b y 07-06-2013 11:16 PM

Aww no flashing? What are we supposed to do now?! xD

DJ Dead 07-06-2013 11:18 PM

Well, I guess streaking counts as flashing so I should get rid of that.

R u b y 07-06-2013 11:19 PM

Yes! Otherwise Clooki won't show up xD

DJ Dead 07-06-2013 11:21 PM

All fixed!

---------- Post added 07-06-2013 at 06:21 PM ----------

*swims crazily*

R u b y 07-06-2013 11:34 PM

Whoo! o3o *flashes the pool*

MinakoAxule 07-06-2013 11:35 PM

Yay swimming! *Dives in* IRL I love swimming~! Especially if the water is super cold. I hate heated pools! >.<

DJ Dead 07-06-2013 11:40 PM

Ruby: I knew you were going to have fun with that one XD

Minako: Yeah I don't like heated pools unless it is the middle of winter and I have an itch to go swimming

Sorry if it takes me a bit to reply I am using IE for my mule and it is slow with Mene

R u b y 07-06-2013 11:41 PM

Had to be done xD

DJ Dead 07-06-2013 11:44 PM

Ruby: It is all good XD

R u b y 07-06-2013 11:50 PM

I think my avi's finally done ^_^ For now xD

MinakoAxule 07-06-2013 11:50 PM

O.O I'm strange I use cold water even in the winter! I love me some cold water~!

DJ Dead 07-06-2013 11:53 PM

It is looking good Ruby! I don't have enough things to get my Mule all dressed up but I am thinking about changing it to something or another

---------- Post added 07-06-2013 at 06:53 PM ----------

Minako there is nothing strange about it! My friend is the same way he hates any water warm unless it is a hot tub

R u b y 07-06-2013 11:54 PM

Thanks! I just modified my other avi xD Now I'm a pirate captain! :D Even though we're supposed to be fighting the pirates....

DJ Dead 07-06-2013 11:58 PM

I just put a bathing suit on *shrugs* it is what I have for now for my mule :D

R u b y 07-06-2013 11:59 PM

Well you did title this thread "break out those bathing suits" xD

MinakoAxule 07-06-2013 11:59 PM

Ruby you can be our spy~!

R u b y 07-07-2013 12:00 AM

Omg it's the perfect plan! >:D I'll infiltrate the pirates and report back >:D

MinakoAxule 07-07-2013 12:02 AM

Yes you should!!! I can make some communicators too! I am a genius scientist~!

DJ Dead 07-07-2013 12:05 AM

Yeah I just threw it up there because I was told that this was a little "Here is Summer" event XD I probably will change it later now that I know that it is "Ship Wrecked" themed but I am unsure what to actually call it. Or I could be a little rebel and just leave it [squee]

MinakoAxule 07-07-2013 12:07 AM

Leave it! It's fine~! No one has complained have they?

DJ Dead 07-07-2013 12:09 AM

Oh no, no one has complained at all I am just thinking about what others will think when they see the title XD

---------- Post added 07-06-2013 at 07:11 PM ----------

But now that I think of it other people have threads that don't go along with the Ship Wrecked theme so I will keep the pool going :D

*swims and splashes people*

MinakoAxule 07-07-2013 12:17 AM

*Swims under the water and behind DJ then tickles DJ's feet*

DJ Dead 07-07-2013 12:20 AM

*squeaks and flails the waters around*

MinakoAxule 07-07-2013 12:22 AM

*Swims away but laughs doing so almost drowning. She then scrambles to get to air.* X.X

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