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xemsax 08-08-2008 05:30 PM

Poster's Block
Starting a new chat thread here because I am terrible at inserting myself into a pre-existing conversation. I'm coming into the event late so I'm desperate for a chat. Haha.

How about a topic? Anyone ever login to Mene (or anywhere else for that matter) ready to earn some gold the good old fashion way, but discover you have poster's block? I hate it when that happens personally, I talk a ridiculous amount in real life, but I can never think of anything to say online. D:

Catching some sleeps, chat away my pretties chat away!! Muahahahaha!

Ichigo Kurosaki 08-08-2008 05:34 PM

That sounds like most people. It's hard to, in your words, 'instert yourself nto a pre-existing conversation.'
I totally agree with you on the poster's block. It's a pain. :(

xemsax 08-08-2008 05:37 PM

It really is; I get discouraged and end up logging off or playing tetris. It is less rewarding to get that long desired item with game-gold though.

Sapphire Rein 08-08-2008 05:42 PM

*rolls through* Why so late to the event if I may ask? <3

Ichigo Kurosaki 08-08-2008 05:43 PM

Exactly. I find its too difficult, I don't even bother going into the forums most times. I just go and play 'Chopper Challenge'.
True. But sometimes it is much quicker.

Zukin 08-08-2008 05:48 PM

I think I have that, hehe.

I always have a hard time thinking up things to talk about.

I'm just not that interesting.

xemsax 08-08-2008 05:49 PM

Sapphire Rein - Mainly a combination of having to fill in shifts for absent co-workers, and obsessively watching every available episode of Torchwood. I only just checked my e-mail today. I know it is shameful.

Ichigo Kurosaki - Quicker it certainly is! But one does want to connect with other people from time to time. I also have the gaming skills of a two-year old at best, Tetris is the only game I can play long enough to get gold worth the trouble. Hahaha.

Zukin - I'm sure it isn't a matter of not being interesting! It is just that silly poster's block! :D

Winter Wind 08-08-2008 05:50 PM

I post wayyy more than I play Tetris.

I'd much rather chat with my buddies on here than sit and press arrow keys. :'D

I've never had a poster's block before. o-o
For me, I just click a thread, hop in, and post "Hallo. ^^"
That usually gets a conversation started with "HOw are you?" then we go on from there. ;D

Dejection 08-08-2008 05:51 PM

I am usually a pretty good conversationalist. I have a lot of weird stories and experiences, so it's not too hard for me. And I'm friendly.

But I usually post even if I don't have anything much to say. Most people don't, either, so I don't feel out of place or anything XD

Zukin 08-08-2008 05:51 PM

I'm not good at the chopper challenge.

I keep crashing into things.

Dumb Zukin is dumb.

Monstryk 08-08-2008 05:52 PM

I never stay in chat threads, I just look at interesting threads and post and leave.


xemsax 08-08-2008 05:53 PM

Winter Wind - Oh I do envy the easiness of your manner!

Dejection - Maybe I'm too shy then? At any rate interesting stories are gold, sometimes literally!

Zukin - Try Tetris? I can't play Copper Challenge either! Hahaha.

Monstryk - That is still better the lurking. *nod*

Immortaleyes 08-08-2008 05:54 PM

:) Xem...I have the same problem sometimes. Other times I just go right into it...especially if its something that I'm passionate about. Like knitting, art, writing, or music. :)

Zukin 08-08-2008 05:57 PM

I should try Tetris, I play it a lot on my phone.

I've been on Mene forever I just keep forgetting it's here so I don't have as much gold anymore. XD

xemsax 08-08-2008 05:58 PM

Immortaleyes - You knit? That is really cool. I keep trying to learn but it have a really hard time keeping everything loose. I do it too tightly and after a few minutes I can't go on. I like to sew though; my hems are getting straighter and cleaner which makes me really happy.

Zukin - Give it a try!
I signed up two or three months after it was started, but I haven't been the most attentive member.
Something always seems to come up IRL.

Zukin 08-08-2008 05:59 PM

@Immortaleyes - I've been trying to learn to knit, I'm horrible at it though.

I want to make things for my Dollfie. DX

Rosebleed 08-08-2008 06:07 PM

Mleh. I get that alot, and following what you said in the first post I also hate going into threads where there are existing conversations! I feel like i'm invading some secret cult or something... (ok I might be exaggerating a little bit, but hey! Why not???)
Hello by the way, how are you all?

xemsax 08-08-2008 06:14 PM

Rosebleed - I know! I feel the same, everyone knows each other and are throwing around inside jokes you'd have to read twenty pages of dialogue to understand.

Also: I am doing just fine. I randomly ran into that god thing and got a new item. It was pretty neat. How are you?

Immortaleyes 08-08-2008 06:19 PM

Zukin: If you find someone who will teach you that will be helpful. I had a teacher for the first year...and then after that I just went off on my own. I've been knitting for about 12 years now...maybe longer. And just who is Dolfie?

Rosebleed: Why hello there! welcome.

Rosebleed 08-08-2008 06:24 PM

Yes yes. It sucks when that happens. Whats worse is if they completely ignore you altogether!
Goodgood, I am also fine, except in certain threads i dont seem to collect stars and I cant work out why! *scratches head in puzzlement* is puzzlement even a word? :sweat:
I still need loads of stars. I got behind because I didn't realise I wasnt collecting them. lol.

Hello immortal! I like your name, how are you?

xemsax 08-08-2008 06:29 PM

Rosebleed - I've only collected roughly four stars so far. Nearly twenty tokens though! That must have been quite disappointing when you found out the stars weren't collecting like they should have been.

Rosebleed 08-08-2008 06:31 PM

Heh. I'm not as far behind as you ^_^ I'm only 4 stars short of the final item so far ;)
How comes your so far behind! Do you like the event items?

xemsax 08-08-2008 06:34 PM

I do like the items, I've been absent from Menewsha for a few weeks and when I came back the event was in full swing. That was...oh two hours ago maybe?

Rosebleed 08-08-2008 06:37 PM

Ohh. Well I only joined mene like a week ago. I love this site. although due to commitments outside of the net I cant spend that much time on here D:
I think the new clue must be out.. the star things turned orange... I'll go check it out D:

xemsax 08-08-2008 06:41 PM

Welcome to Mene then! I'm the same: real life comes first, but it is good to know there is somewhere like this to play around on from time to time.

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