Menewsha Avatar Community

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jellysundae 09-29-2008 02:58 PM

Community contests guidelines.
This is the place for you if you want to host any kind of contest that doesn't quite fit in in any of the other forums.

Art and avatar contests are easy to place, but pretty much anything else wants to go in here :) (though you are welcome to host an art or avatar contest in this forum if you wish).

All current staff or NPC run contests will go into the stickies, so be sure to keep an eye on those!

What belongs in here..

Right now, anything goes (within reason) we'll be able to make a clearer decision about what does or doesn't belong in here once the forum actually starts being used.

Ask any questions that you may have here, in this thread, so we can get things ironed out [yes]

Majinkoz 10-01-2008 03:08 AM

I'm actually really excited for this little sub thread! I'm suprised that it isn't more popular yet.

So anybody can host a contest?

CK 10-01-2008 04:41 AM

So far, there doesn't seem to be any reason to restrict who can run a contest, though it may change depending on how this forum is abused used.

jellysundae 10-02-2008 11:39 PM

Yes, exactly. We'll be able to come up with some firmer guidelines once people start doing things and we all think"OH NO! Not having any of that!" lol

Seiki Nova 12-07-2008 05:08 AM

Are we able to use this forum to advertise contests that are able to be held in other forums as a way of bringing in a larger userbase?

Vixen with a Vendetta 12-14-2008 10:38 PM

So are giveaways considered contests?

jellysundae 12-19-2008 04:40 PM

No, a give-away would belong in the Charities forum, same as usual :yes:

Rvaya 03-02-2009 06:44 PM

This is exactly what I was looking for when setting up a name contest! I'll get started on it tonight I think. Thanks guys for this idea.

SkullCandy 03-06-2009 04:30 AM

Wow I never new this sub forum existed I'm surprised I didn't know about it before.

Lilith W 11-09-2010 05:03 PM

Can we run 50/50 raffles?
I was thinking about holding one and having it be more like 75/25 and use the funds for the user event we are working on.
I thought I should ask since I've never seen one held.

NekoSari 11-22-2010 07:31 PM

Would writing contests belong in here too? There's been the idea of one floating around in my head for a while, but I'm not sure where to put it :/

Silverbeam 02-28-2011 08:43 PM

Can you offer real life prizes as well as mene related items? Like craft stuff? I mean if art can be a prize, why not something more substantial? I'm making a new contest thread so please check it out and let me know if it goes against any mene rules! Thanks.

pat9neal 01-19-2012 10:08 AM

I really enjoyed the post but was wondering if you had any advice for those who have some nice bunch of ideas. Thanks!

M i r o 02-21-2012 10:04 PM

Jelly, CK, would it be alright if I made a thread here to host my Graveyard event battles for my hangout? They're for trying to win contribution items, gold and graphic icons that relate to my hangout. But instead of being a one time thing, it'd be used continuously for holidays instead of making a new thread every time during an event.

Jesmond 05-07-2012 08:41 PM

I was thinking of hosting a raffle of sorts involving pretty much all of my inventory. Raffle entries would be gained by people joining and posting on another forum.
Is this acceptable or against the rules?

Ling 08-18-2013 09:38 PM

I was thinking of having a one off contest where the contestants would interpret a made up word. The idea is for them to be creative in response, so I was wondering, I was thinking of the possible responses being artwork, craft, writing, photograph and also video or audio...

My main question is around the video and audio responses, would this is allowed on Menewsha? since I've never seen any user host anything with that type of possible response for a contest.

Also, in terms of prizes, is there any sort of standard for what is considered a reasonable prize for input in contest? What I mean by that is whether I could have a contest, like I mentioned above and give out items/gold of lesser value than maybe official event contests of the same sort would have as prizes?

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