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MonkeyGirl18 01-02-2016 01:31 AM

Monkey's Memories

New Years Resolutions:
1. Draw more often (just in general, hopefully try to draw something everyday, maybe. Just to get better at drawing.)
2. Finish my crochet and knitting projects.
3. Finish my fanfics
4. Start writing my novel and update it twice a month.
5. Bring my grades and gpa up in school and actually try to set up a daily plan, to get things done and keep attention on my work.

Goals for Mene:
1. Basically to gain more gold and items
2. Become a little more active than I currently am.
3. Post in this everyday.

Challenge to myself:

Previous Months:



I'd rather nobody post in this to chat. You can chat with my in my hangout thread titled "Monkey's Magical Treehouse of Awesomeness". I just want to post my memories of 2016 here and I want to keep them all together.

MonkeyGirl18 01-02-2016 01:38 AM

Week 1:

January 1st:

Challenge: Last Years Resolutions
My New Years Resolutions from last year was:
1. Read a book a month
2. Lost weight
3. Write more

I had achieved none of it.


~Basically, I didn't spend so much time on my computer today, but I also didn't really do anything today. I slept and ate pretty much. Now I have the hiccups and they really are starting to annoy me, not that you care.

MonkeyGirl18 01-02-2016 04:15 AM

January 2nd:

Challenge: Resolutions
I already listed my resolutions on the first post so I'm going to refrain from sharing it again. But I will talk about resolutions a bit, I guess.

I've never fulfilled my resolutions and I kinda have to blame it on my memory a bit. My memory is terrible that sometimes even writing things down, I still forget. It's not that I'm trying to forget things, it just happens. I think it's from a time I tried to ice skate in which I had to talent in and I was trying to stick close to the wall for support while I figure out how to ice skate and I wandered from the wall by accident and I lost my balance and forgot to break my fall with my hands so I hit my head hard on the ice and I was dizzy and my memory wasn't the best since. But that's besides the point. I need to work on my memory and actually strive to achieve my goals.

I chose some pretty vague ones I guess, but they're something. I might end up eventually not doing resolutions anymore if I keep on not achieving them.


~My dad wants me to cut out my pastas and breads to make it easier to lose weight. Um, okay, I can do the pastas, but don't tell me not to eat breads. I work at Subway in the food court at my college and all the other restaurants (except one) are all basically breads. I can only eat at a burger place on my lunch breaks. No, I'm not cutting out my breads. Plus, I'm planning to go to the gym this semester and stuff. I'm trying to do something to keep myself busy, to help me get better at time management.

~I need more yarn colors for my crocheting. I don't need more, I just want more. I have gotten 5 colors for Christmas; red, pink, blue, green, and yellow. I am planning a Zelda themed blanket with the green and yellow. The green is the background and the yellow is going to form a Triforce. It's going to be granny squares and I love making granny squares. I don't really know what to do with the rest of the colors. My original idea was going to be the Hyrule Royal Family crest, but that's a bit difficult for now. I'm only a beginner.

~My pattern for my Zelda crochet blanket. It took me forever to figure out how to accomplish this:


[Yes, I do tend to ramble.]

(This says I posted on the 1st, but I posted this at 12:10am on the 2nd haha.)

MonkeyGirl18 01-03-2016 05:37 AM

January 3rd:

Challenge: Ice Sculptures
Ice sculptures don't interest me.

So for today's challenge, I'm just going to post a pic of an ice sculpture I found on Google Images I liked...



~This girl brought her dog to church. Why? It's such a distraction and is stupid. Leave your dog at home!
~Trying to actually use my Deviant Art account now since it's sitting there, collecting dust. Just gotta finish this first picture of the year.
~I finally let the people of Wattpad know that I'm still alive by letting them know that a fanfic if mine is close to it's conclusion and that it should have the next chapter up in the next week or two. They have waited more than long enough.
~I hope to start vlogging this year. But kinda just with my computer's webcam until I get a camera, if I see that this is going to be successful. I might just buy a cheap camcorder or something, as well as maybe a cheap tripod. I've been wanting to do this for a few years, but I always get too scared.

First drawing of the year. On my way to improvement:


MonkeyGirl18 01-04-2016 03:34 PM

January 4th:

Challenge: In My Kitchen
Food. My kitchen at home I guess is just average, when I go to my dorm, which is suite style, it's a kitchenette so it doesn't have a stove, but it and I have a microwave and I have a crockpot.


~Had to start waking up early again to take my brother to school. I have to learn how to go to bed earlier. I have to go back to my dorm this next upcoming Sunday, ya know, the 10th.
~Got the dress I wanted on here. And I figured out how to make my avi's hair as brown as I wanted it to be. I wish there were more glasses to choose from.
~Finally bought Fault In Our Stars movie. I can finally watch it!
~My feelings broke and you better know why ↑↑↑

MonkeyGirl18 01-05-2016 05:27 AM

January 5th:

Challenge: My Yard
There's grass, some trees, some bugs on the ground, dirt, probably somebody's trash in the ditch because they're so inconsiderate of others.... There's really nothing of interest with my yard. I don't see it much because I'm in school, well not at this minute, but usually.


~All I really did was work on pixel art. I'll share them later.
~Here's the pics now:
The small picture is the actual size and the big is the closeup.

*I realize in the first, the last few rupees (that's what they're called) are shorter than the rest.
**I made a teensy mistake in the last one, though nothing major as you wouldn't tell at a glance.

MonkeyGirl18 01-06-2016 12:14 PM

January 6th:

Challenge: To My Left?
~Just a wall, nothing special


~Had a scare this morning. Accidentally ran my mom's car into the neighbor's garage thing, didn't do damage to the car, thank god.

MonkeyGirl18 01-07-2016 12:03 PM

January 7th:

Challenge: To My Right?
My skein of yarn that is currently being used in a crochet project of mine.


~I want to go to the library, if not to check out, to read a little bit of Anne Frank's diary. I watched The Boy in the Striped Pajamas a few days ago and I also watched The Fault in Our Stars. Now why would the latter be any influence to read Anne Frank's diary? Well, just because of the bit about Hazel and Gus (SPOILER) going to the Anne Frank house with Lidewij. I wish my library opened earlier than 9am.
~I read the last entry in Anne Frank's diary because I don't have the time to read approx. 300 pages when I leave town to go back to my dorm on Sunday. It made me really want to read the whole book now.
~Hopefully, I will be able to get a car and into an apartment before I turn 22 or 23, which I turn 21 this year, next month to be a little more specific.
~Planning out a Zelda blanket proved to be a bit more difficult as I was trying to lower the number of granny squares I need. I successfully did manage to get it half the length it was going to be, I'm happy with it.

MonkeyGirl18 01-08-2016 05:23 AM

January 8th:

Challenge: Chores
Pretty much to help clean the house, do the dishes and take my bro to and from school, at least until I go back to school. Then I just have to clean up after myself. I still need to clean my room and pack things up.


~I ruined mac and cheese. I didn't have a box of mac and cheese but I did have plain elbow macaroni and I had a bag of shredded cheese so I tried melting the cheese into the pasta and when I went to eat it, it was disgusting. Then I discovered a recipe for making cheese sauce on the back of the macaroni box after I had ruined the mac and cheese. Shoot.
~I suck at starting fires and keeping fires lit in a fireplace. It's like magic when my dad starts the fire. Why can't our house have heating and have no worries about keeping wood on the fire. We need to catch up on the times. Our house needs to be destroyed to give us a reason why we have no choice but to move.

MonkeyGirl18 01-09-2016 05:34 AM

January 9th:

Challenge: My Last Vacation
Hmm.... Lemme see..... My last vacation was ... uhh.... I don't remember. My family is very tight on money so we hadn't had money to go on a proper vacation in a long time.


~Someone wrecked their car a couple houses down from me. They swerved off the road and hit a tree. They must've been texting or something that distracted them. I don't know how they are, but I'm just glad the road opened again, not that I was going to go anywhere and wasn't away from the house. They could've easily hit the house the tree was in front of so that's a relief a bit.

MonkeyGirl18 01-10-2016 12:46 PM

Week 2:

January 10th:

Challenge: Travel
~Well, I have to travel back to my dorm today if that counts. It's an hour away from home. Otherwise, I don't mind travelling. I don't really care for car rides, especially when they get really long because I get bored easy.


~As I mentioned above, I move back to my dorm today.
~First real snowfall happened overnight. We had a tiny bit of flurries in December, but it was too warm so it basically melted in the air or as it hit the ground.
~Moved in and found out my minifridge is full of mold. That's not good. Gotta clean it so I can take all my fridge and freezer food and put them back. It smells horrid.

MonkeyGirl18 01-11-2016 04:55 PM

January 11th:

Challenge: The future of . . .
I don't really know what this challenge prompt is asking me with the future.... Future of what? I know it's up to me to decide, but I like to know what it is the future of.... So I'm just going to have to come up with something....

I know I could just do the future of Menewsha, but that's too predictable and I am still rather new and trying to build up my gold and inventory so that I can dress up however I like.

I guess the future of 2016. I hope to have started vlogging, been wanting to do this for 2 years, possibly more. I also hope that I have saved up a lot of money, and have finished at least 1 blanket and finished the 2 plushies I'm making for friends. That was supposed to be their Christmas present but I ran out of time.


~At one in the morning, I decided to go to bed because I was tired. I had a long day, but I didn't go to sleep til 2:30 because I kept hearing crinkling and snapping noises for a good while and I got paranoid. Thankfully I did get sleep last night.
~Upon returning to my dorm yesterday, I discovered a fridge filled with mold. Ulgh. At least it's cleaned out now.
~This week is going to be boring af and I couldn't help the fact that my parents couldn't take me later due to their work schedule. Me and my sis shares a vehicle, but it stays with my sis since she works off campus compared to me working on campus.

MonkeyGirl18 01-12-2016 12:56 PM

January 12th:

Challenge: My New Jam
I don't have a new jam. At least not yet.... I've been listening to Starbomb a lot recently, especially the song "The Simple Plot of Metal Gear Solid"... I guess that'll be it because I used to not care for that song.... But, I'm not new to listening to Starbomb, though.


~Making a 4th crochet blanket. Haven't finished one yet and I'm addicted to starting projects and not finishing them. I am determined to finish these. I am still trying to figure out how big I want to make each section of color.... I hate decisions. I'm terrible at judging.

MonkeyGirl18 01-13-2016 03:39 PM

January 13th:

Challenge: Mmm.... Jam
~My dad works at a factory that makes and labels jams and jellies and preservatives.... So we can get free stuff through that. I don't eat a lot of jam or whatever though.


~Making a 4th blanket, which might end up being my first completed blanket by the looks of it since the progress is faster because I'm doing it in a different way.
~Literally watched YouTube videos all day. I'm pretty bored. I should straighten out my room, but I got lazy.

MonkeyGirl18 01-14-2016 03:33 PM

January 14th:

Challenge: Movie Time
I really want to watch a movie right now but I don't know what to watch. And I don't really know what my favorite movie is.


~The same thing as yesterday happened again today, like quite literally.
~I have to go to bed early because I have to wake up early for spring orientation for work...
~One of my roommates moved out today. I wonder why. I'm thinking she probably found an apartment to move into because I don't think she graduated or she would've completely moved out at the end of the fall semester... I don't know any of my roommates very well anyway. So I won't really miss her, and that just sounds horrible to say. But I didn't know her. I don't remember her name. I moved into to this dorm 3 weeks into the fall semester because the dorm I was in is getting torn down in February and they recommended us to move out when we can during the room change period and I did. And quite luckily, too. I barely got into this suite style dorm room by luck they had a single female room open. I took it. Oh, how I was so close to not getting into this dorm room. I don't have to pay full price, either.

MonkeyGirl18 01-15-2016 04:06 PM

January 15th:

Challenge: Happy Thoughts
I'm thinking in my head "I feel so much more confident about making videos" because I've had ideas coming to me when I was supposed to be paying attention to my work orientation. That makes me happy because it makes me think that this will work out for me.


~Listened to a 3 hour Zelda soundtrack in one sitting.... Not doing that again.
~1/3 of the way through with my pink color in my crochet blanket, once the pink is done, I should be 2/3rds of the way done.

MonkeyGirl18 01-16-2016 04:46 PM

January 16th:

Challenge: Bears
There's a cartoon I like called We Bare Bears and I love it and it's so adorable!


Ice Bear is Best Bear. >.> I don't care what you think. I need more episodes.


~Nothing really happened other than me getting mad at myself because I told my manager that I don't have classes Monday (as well as my dad) only to realize I do and that Monday was MLK Day and the schedule I was looking at cleareed off Monday. URGH! I have to talk to my manager now to fix this.

MonkeyGirl18 01-17-2016 07:39 PM

Week 3:

January 17th:

Challenge: Dat Merchandise
I got a Wreck This Journal copycat? Does that count? I have always wanted a book like that because it's fun and a good way to relieve stress.


~Today is my mom's birthday. Gotta call her and tell her Happy Birthday still.
~I will probably never shop at Meijer again. They didn't have just plain ol' frozen cauliflower. They had it with sauce and in mixes, but not just as is. I've always preferred Kroger anyway.

MonkeyGirl18 01-18-2016 11:06 PM

January 18th:

Challenge: B is for...
B is for my name because it starts with a B... Britt, I don't care, you can't find me anywhere with just Britt because you don't know where I live or what I look like... Ha....Ha!


~Free food is bae!
~Cauliflower covered in spaghetti sauce is pretty good. You guys should try it.
~The second line wasn't the free food I had.
~My phone is a butthole. It died on the charger and I have no idea why it didn't charge. It's at 49% now.

MonkeyGirl18 01-19-2016 01:39 PM

January 19th:

Challenge: In My Desk...
Canned food. That's all that is IN my desk. On my desk, however, is crap and junk that needs to be either thrown away or put away.
Well, I also have dishes in my desk in a cabinet type of space while the canned food is in a drawer.


~First Day of classes. Only have one today, but it is 3 hours long. From 9:30-12:30 (Or 12:15)...

MonkeyGirl18 01-21-2016 03:03 AM

January 20th:

Challenge: I'm Up!
Um, Idk what this is asking.... I woke up at like 8 or something for class.... Um, I'm up to my crocheting.... idk.


~University closed.

MonkeyGirl18 01-21-2016 06:49 PM

January 21st:

Challenge: Random Act
Random Fact: There's a site called Random Act about doing acts of kindness..... That's all I could think of for this day's challenge. I'm terrible at these. //shot


~Night class is cancelled and university is closed tomorrow. I only have work for a hybrid class tomorrow online. Otherwise, no classes for me Friday anyway.
~Professor got mad because people didn't read chapter out of the book. I don't have the book yet because I didn't have a chance to yet. Getting them tomorrow unless weather otherwise prohibits it.

MonkeyGirl18 01-22-2016 02:25 PM

January 22nd:

Challenge: My Shirt Is...
Well, currently a tank top but is going to be a t-shirt soon. It doesn't really matter what it is because I will have to change to my work clothes later on.


~More freaking snow. I don't want to miss the classes I haven't gotten a chance to go to again. I wanted snow, but not on the first week of classes.
~I need my books, but Idk if I want to risk it with all the snow today.
~My phone is about to be thrown across the room. It won't charge to 100%. Even while keeping a charge all night on the charger and I can't take the battery out.

MonkeyGirl18 01-23-2016 05:18 AM

January 23rd:

Challenge: Keys
I have 2 keys, one that opens my dorm room, and one that opens my bedroom in my dorm room. I live in a suite style dorm, LOL!
Oh, I have a third key to a van me and my sister share. I don't drive it that much.


~Work last night was chaotic. What does Saturday have in store for me?

MonkeyGirl18 01-25-2016 12:41 AM

Week 4:

January 24th:

Challenge: C Is For...
Cookies and Candy. They're delicious!


~Went to bed at 5am and woke up at 11am
~Only left room for church and food
~Ran out of pink yarn for my crochet blanket. Need to get some more.

All times are GMT. The time now is 01:59 AM.