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Ascadellia 08-28-2010 05:46 AM

School of the Damned OOC/Profiles
School of the Damned OOC!
For those in the RP to just talk about what's happening and just hang out.
Also where the Profiles are posted. :3

→ Jared Saito

    • ξ「 Alias(es) 」 Jared. Jarebear(Belle)
      ξ「 Age 」 18
      ξ「 Birthday 」 10/21
      ξ「 Sexx 」 Male
      ξ「 Status 」 Straight
      ξ「 Occupation 」 Student
      ξ「 Race 」 Demon
      ξ「 Love 」 N/A
      ξ「 personality 」 Fun loving and inquisitive. He's always up for something interesting and new and is extremely hard to make him lose his cool. Only time he's seen with something different is when he's forced to climb up something bigger than eight feet. Or when you manage to do something he dislikes.
      ξ「 About 」Jared was born to two normal demons in a sort of average family. The only thing was that they didn't have many powers, besides the average things demons usually have. He was always a bit special, and his parents hid this from the outside, since they had heard of the prophecy. Sent him to school to try and mingle with others like him, and the humans. He of course, didn't know the true reason. It was to hopefully hide him from the Kai.
      ξ「 Dorm 」231A
      ξ「 Me Likey 」Tea, coffee, water, sweets, girls
      ξ「 NEHVER」soda, spiders, heights
      ξ「 Powers 」Control of elements, heightened senses and telekinesis.
      ξ「 Weapon」N/A
      ξ「 Side」Chosen


Originally Posted by Syraannabelle
→Syrine Monroe

    • ξ「 Alias(es) 」 Syra
      ξ「 Age 」 17
      ξ「 Birthday 」 July 22
      ξ「 Sexx 」 Female
      ξ「 Status 」 Bi
      ξ「 Occupation 」Student
      ξ「 Race 」 Shifter (Raven)
      ξ「 Love 」 Crush on Nick
      ξ「 personality 」 Mischievous, playful, and a little dark in her pranks.
      ξ「 About 」Her mother was a Raven shifter, her father a normal, so she spends a bit more time in her human form. She grew up in a normal, human, village, hiding her true-self, until the dark of night, could hide the fact that she wasn't normal. Her parents wanted her to experience schooling with people that are others like her, as well as humans.
      ξ「 Dorm 」104A
      ξ「 Me Likey 」pranks, moonlight, painting, flying, and dancing.
      ξ「 NEHVER」preppy people, mornings, swimming, and silence.
      ξ「 Powers 」Shifting (obviously), and hypnotizing (only affects humans)
      ξ「 Weapon」advanced martial arts
      ξ「 Side」Kai


[QUOTE=chicChick]→Alyssa Turner

ξ「 Alias(es) 」 Aly
ξ「 Age 」 16
ξ「 Birthday 」 24/12
ξ「 Sexx 」 Female
ξ「 Status 」 Straight
ξ「 Occupation 」 Student
ξ「 Race 」 Shifter (wolf)
ξ「 Love 」 None
ξ「 personality 」She is an extremely shy person when among strangers, but once you gain her friendship, she will be a friend for life and you will see a side of her that not a lot of people see. Extremely protective of her friends.
ξ「 About 」She was born to two wolf shape shifters. When she was 7, however, her parents died and therefore Alyssa was sent to the orphanage. All she could remember of her parents were the love that they had for each other, and their last warning to her "Make sure not to show anyone your powers when in human form" Growing up in an orphanage, Alyssa made a few friends with the other children and had thought of them as part of her pack.
ξ「 Dorm 」120A
ξ「 Me Likey 」friends, music, dancing,
ξ「 NEHVER」backstabbers, heights, strangers
ξ「 Powers 」Shape shift to a wolf, abilities of a wolf when in human form, super speed
ξ「 Weapon」Daggers, staff
ξ「 Side」Chosen


Originally Posted by Soturo Ayami

→Refilwe Tu


ξ「 Alias(es) 」 Smiles
ξ「 Age 」18
ξ「 Birthday 」 April /9th
ξ「 Sexx 」 Male
ξ「 Status 」 homosexual
ξ「 Occupation 」 Student
ξ「 Race 」 human / psychic
ξ「 Love 」 none yet
ξ「 personality 」He’s a really nice kid, really he is. But sometimes you have to wonder how he got such an attitude. He ignores most people, favoring books for normal contact. But if you can get him to talk with you, you’ll find an intelligent boy who just doesn‘t know how to talk to people.
ξ「 About 」From the day I was born mother always treated me different. While brother went all over creation, making friends and learning to be social mother kept me at home for the most part. I did not mind because I had my books. It wasn’t until I turned 16 that I noticed the difference between mother and I. There were times I would know she was going to say something and I would say it before she would or one time I got made and I knocked over a shelf without touching it. I thought it was odd because Kwabena never did anything like that before. One day mother explained that it had something to do with our father which neither of us could remember. She didn’t explain it fully and I never questioned her about it afterward.
ξ「 Dorm 」231A
ξ「 Me Likey 」books, history, my family, music (I play the violin)
ξ「 NEHVER」rude people, people trying to make me smile, being alone
ξ「 Powers 」telepathy, telekinesis
ξ「 Weapon」none
ξ「 Side」Chosen

Soturo Ayami


Originally Posted by Staria

ξ「 Alias(es) 」 Tia, Aud, Hana, Ti, T
ξ「 Age 」 16-17...she thinks.
ξ「 Birthday 」 August 3
ξ「 Sexx 」 Female
ξ「 Status 」 Bi
ξ「 Occupation 」 Student
ξ「 Race 」 Unsure...
ξ「 Love 」 None Yet
ξ「 personality 」 Usually joking, happy, and kind on the outside it's hard to tell what she's really thinking. She could be as tranquil as she looks on the outside or inside have a storm brewing. Often this outside mask is the reality....Sometimes, however, she seems a whole different person, becoming broody, cold, almost cruel.
ξ「 About 」She remembers nothing prior to two years ago when she was found near death on a country road. She was beaten and bruised, even cut by what looked to be a knife or sword in some places, barely alive. The woman who found her rushed her to the hospital and Ti was in a coma for eight months, her strange purple and black hair never changing showing it was naturally that color. When she awoke, frightened, without memory, and alone the woman adopted her. Judging her to be around 16 or 17 by her looks and apparent education the woman enrolled her in school, innocent of what she was throwing her into.
ξ「 Dorm 」119A
ξ「 Me Likey 」Cats, thunderstorms, shiny things, quiet, friends, nature, books, sweets.
ξ「 NEHVER」small places, cold, darkness, being trapped, cruelty to animals, onions
ξ「 Powers 」1. Merge with things, allowing her to either pass through things(extremely tiring and dangerous, always a risk of getting trapped and dying) or make things apart of her so that she can make part of her body related to it(i.e. merge with a piece of steel to make a steel arm/etc). 2. Permanently 'merged' with some kind of black cat dna it seems as she can take on various cat/cat like forms.
ξ「 Weapon」Her body
ξ「 Side」Neutral



Originally Posted by Child of Choas (with pointed ears I will have my actual drawing of him up in a week or so)
→Jessi Mathatil

ξ「 Alias(es) 」 Jessi ;p
ξ「 Age 」 17
ξ「 Birthday 」 May 3
ξ「 Sexx 」 Male
ξ「 Status 」 Bi I think...
ξ「 Occupation 」 Student
ξ「 Race 」 Sihde (Pronounced She, its a fae of celtic myths)
ξ「 Love 」 They ain't here... Either of them..
ξ「 personality 」 Act before you think, and Hyper. He's a loyal friend and a happy go lucky person. He is quite the charmer in his own idiotic way.
ξ「 About 」Though most Sidhe keep their own close Jessi was lost to the world of humans as a child of two. For eight horrid years he lived under a human roof. His so called father was a mean drunk and his mother was well... One minute she loved him the next she loved him so much she beat him. At ten his mother took him down town and told him to stay right in the park and she'd be right back. Jessi being a good boy listened. He stayed there for two days. Sleeping under the wooden fort like structures before a teenager show up and said Jessi was coming with them. That teen Jessi came to call King and it was in Kings gang he lived. It was King who told him to keep his pointed ears a secret. Jessi agreed and became close friends with another boy closer to his age named Jay. Jay and Jessi were always together till Jay was put up in a new home. It was Katie who explained that unlike him most of them were awards of the state and were only here till someone found them a home that's why it was only King, Nicks, and Jessi that lived in one area while everyone else slept else where. Jay's leaving greatly depressed Jessi and he barely talked to anyone while he was fifteen. On his sixteenth birthday Katie told him she liked him and for the next year she would drag him into all sorts of trouble and he loved it. The pain was gone up until the two of them were caught and Jessi was shipped off to a new school, miles away from his gang.
ξ「 Dorm 」232A
ξ「 Me Likey 」Trouble, pranks, alcohol, physical contact what can I say I like hugs and leaning on people, animals, oh and stuff that's soft
ξ「 NEHVER」The fuzz aka police, studying, people asking about my scars, being serious.
ξ「 Powers 」Intangibility, and Illusions
ξ「 Weapon」one knife
ξ「 Side」Neutral, but I aint gonna let the Kai win... They are the bad guy right?

Child of Choas


Originally Posted by kiralight16
→ Elliot Michael Feralis


ξ「 Alias(es) 」 Elli, Elliot, Michael
ξ「 Age 」 18
ξ「 Birthday 」 4/20
ξ「 Sexx 」 Male
ξ「 Status 」 Bi.
ξ「 Occupation 」 Student
ξ「 Race 」 Angel
ξ「 Love 」 None
ξ「 personality 」 Sometimes a ladies man, or the other way around, he's really somewhat reserved when alone, or when completely in a new environment. A bit vain in some cases, but not overly so that people think he's stuck up. He's just a well kept man.
ξ「 About 」Nothing much really to tell. He was born to a very wealthy family. Got spoiled a little, but he was also taught strict rules on how to appreciate the better things in life. Mother was a well known painter where he was around, and he'd inherited his artistic abilities from that. His parents had always had tutors for him, since every time he'd go out, he'd manage to make some commotion with the town children. Now however he's got a bit of a better control over his power, he's allowed to go to school with various people. As a test to see if he was truly ready.
ξ「 Dorm 」230A
ξ「 Me Likey 」Good clothes, food, swimming, art, cute things
ξ「 NEHVER」ugly things, bitter food, dogs, insects, P.E
ξ「 Powers 」Telepathy, flight(wings) and hypnotic gaze
ξ「 Weapon」Optional. Two Max
ξ「 Side」Neutral



Originally Posted by Orial
Nicholas Raznak


ξ「 Alias(es) 」 Nick, Nataka
ξ「 Age 」 16
ξ「 Birthday 」 aug 24
ξ「 Sexx 」 Male
ξ「 Status 」 Bi
ξ「 Occupation 」 Student
ξ「 Race 」 Storm Elemental
ξ「 Love 」 none at the moment
ξ「 personality 」 Nick is a friendly young man who enjoys being around other people. He is intelligent but also a bit of an adventurer. he tries to be the peacemaker but knows that sometimes fighting can't be helped. He's six foot tall and has a firm build, but mostly because of being a runner. he has brown hair that is usually combed back, but sometimes hanging loose and shaggy looking.
ξ「 About 」Nick is a storm elemental, the son of a fire elemental and a water elemental. he tries to be more like his mother, the water elemental, than his father, being calm and strong. unfortunately he has a bit of his father's temper at times.
ξ「 Dorm 」230A
ξ「 Me Likey 」 reading, going on walks, sparring, being outside
ξ「 NEHVER」 math, being stuck inside too long, seeing people fight
ξ「 Powers 」 Rainstorm - makes it rain, Lightning strike
ξ「 Weapon」 dagger
ξ「 Side」 Neutral


→Berix Johnson


ξ「 Alias(es) 」 Berry, short stuff
ξ「 Age 」 17
ξ「 Birthday 」 July 18
ξ「 Sexx 」 Male
ξ「 Status 」 Hetero
ξ「 Occupation 」 Student
ξ「 Race 」 Reg. Human
ξ「 Love 」 Kiina (Crush)
ξ「 personality 」 Berix is short for his age, only reaching five foot tall. his blue hair stands out from the crowd and is always hanging in his face. he's thin but strong and it startles people to know he takes judo. He's a bit clumsy at times when not training, and fumbles over his words, especially if he's with Kiina, whom he has a horrible crush on but is too afraid to say anything. He is a nice young man, but is often looked at strangely due to his habit of 'collecting' things. he is a picker in his free time and fiddles with all sorts of things, people often think of him as a thief.
ξ「 About 」Berix has lived on his own for pretty much his entire life. His parents passed away when he was little and he moved from foster home to foster home before finally just living out on his own, working as a mechanic to make money so that he can pay his rent for his loft.
ξ「 Dorm 」235A
ξ「 Me Likey 」 Fiddling with mechanics, picking, training in judo, reading mechanical books, fixing up cars.
ξ「 NEHVER」being called a thief, being picked on, being shorted for his work, being forced into fighting.
ξ「 Powers 」 none
ξ「 Weapon」none
ξ「 Side」 Neutral



Originally Posted by Rising_Violet

→Timothy Gared Renolds


ξ「 Alias(es) 」 Tiny
ξ「 Age 」 17
ξ「 Birthday 」 May 13th
ξ「 Sexx 」 Male
ξ「 Status 」 Homosexual
ξ「 Occupation 」 Student
ξ「 Race 」 Werewolf
ξ「 Love 」 None yet, but has a think for older, dark-haired guys.
ξ「 Personality 」 Sometimes quiet and shy, Tiny is also very child-like and friendly. Energetic and caring, he's also very curious. Even though he enjoys reading and artwork, he excels at computers and technology. In addition to all of that, Tiny is sensitive and can get very emotional at times.
ξ「 About 」When Timothy was born, his parents decided that they couldn't take care of him, for whatever reason, and entrusted him to an enigmatic family friend named Mickeal.This is where Timmy earned the nick-name "Tiny", because Mickeal was also a werewolf, and poor Timothy was the runt of the pack. Tiny grew up in the same pack as Mickeal, even though the older boy could hardly take care of himself or even earn a high rank in his pack. As Tiny and Mickeal grew older, Mickeal started to introduce Tiny to the friends he had made. One was a dragon, one was a vampire, there was also a fox-demon. Tiny came to name all of Mickeal's friends according to their race, somehow he had never learned their real names. Mickeal, Dragon, Vampire, and Fox had all become a band that was rather popular in the area, and soon the band became Tiny's family, more so than the pack.

Well all was good with this tight-nit, eclectic family. Until one night the band had a gig that was fatally interrupted. See racism can still occur among the different races, and heaven forbid that a band of misfits exist. Gas was thrown into the cafe that they were playing at, and fire was set to the establishment. Chaos ensued. During the mayhem, Tiny hit his head and passed out.

He woke up with limited memory and now under the care of an old woman named Anna. Or "Miss Beatrice" when Timothy was in trouble. The old woman had known the boys of the band well, including Tiny. Even if Tiny had never met her. Tiny has been living with Miss Beatrice for about 10 years. She is the reason he was sent to School of the Damned.
ξ「 Dorm 」235A
ξ「 Me Likey 」Art work, Music, Mythology, Computers, Technology, Cross-dressing, Nice people, Older guys with dark hair, Cats, Candy, Video-Games, Live Concerts, Being Helpful,
ξ「 NEHVER 」Fire, Yelling, Drunk people, Large Crowds, Making someone mad, Large and vicious animals, Getting teased,
ξ「 Powers 」Green-thumb, Voluntary shifting
ξ「 Weapon 」N/A
ξ「 Side 」Neutral.. at the moment



Originally Posted by kionaredhawk
Viktora Mangal


ξ「 Alias(es) 」Vik or Tora
ξ「 Age 」17
ξ「 Birthday 」 August 20th
ξ「 Sexx 」 Female
ξ「 Status 」 Hasn't quite decided but does like guys
ξ「 Occupation 」 Student
ξ「 Race 」 Half Vampire, Half werewolf
ξ「 Love 」 Mega crush on Jared
ξ「 personality 」 She's an angry individual, hating most things. Her parents especially for giving birth to her. But for all that, she still manages to smile at things she shouldn't and to give her heart to someone she shouldn't.
ξ「 About 」Her father is a full vampire, her mother full werewolf. And they gave birth to a hybird, her. She hates it and can't stand when she's the weakest. She grew up hating herself and her parents for it. They tried everything to get her to accept who she is but she just can't accept the weakness inside of her. And the worst part is? She's full of hatred and she likes the dark but her wolf form is anything but. How can someone so angry and evil be white?
ξ「 Dorm 」119
ξ「 Me Likey 」cute things, like bunnies, rainbows, sakura tress, and light hearted things, likes to play the flute, wind
ξ「 NEHVER」her parents, other were's and vamps.
ξ「 Powers 」vampiric speed and werewolf strength (Which includes claws here :D)
ξ「 Weapon」bladed fan (for elegance of vampires) and her fists (for brutality of werewolves...if you wanna look at it that way.)
ξ「 Side」 Kai



Originally Posted by JessehBoo
→Faeryn Arainabelle Blake

    • ξ「 Alias(es) 」 Fae
      ξ「 Age 」 Seventeen
      ξ「 Birthday 」 October 30th
      ξ「 Sexx 」 Female
      ξ「 Status 」 Bi, yet prefers males
      ξ「 Occupation 」 Student
      ξ「 Race 」 Vampire
      ξ「 Love 」 Not yet decided.
      ξ「 Personality 」 When first meeting her she can seem cold and uncaring. However if she befriends you she is feircely loyal, and knows how to have a good time. Is a bit of a trouble maker, and can be very flirtacious when she wants to be.
      ξ「 About 」 Faeryn was born a vampire and raised as a typical one was raised. Taught to feed on humans and as a last resort animals, for human blood kept us satisfied longer and gave us more strength. Yet when her parents were murdered by vampire hunters she fled to the only other home she knew, her parent's dearest friends. However they did not share the same thoughts as her parents and persuaded Fae to take on a life of "vegetarianism". Eventually they sent her here, for social interaction and the learn things they could not teach her, that and she often set things on fire.
      ξ「 Dorm 」 105A
      ξ「 Me Likey 」 The moon, sparring, wandering, storms (thunder/lightning), the rain, fire, leather.
      ξ「 NEHVER」 The sun, waiting, betrayal, frilly things, pink.
      ξ「 Powers 」 Typical Vampire Abilites (speed, strength, speeded healing, grace) and create and control fire.
      ξ「 Weapon」 two daggers she keeps hidden in her boots.
      ξ「 Side」 Neutral




Originally Posted by Soturo Ayami
→Shaza Rini Tu


ξ「 Alias(es) 」 my name…?
ξ「 Age 」 36
ξ「 Birthday 」 April/23
ξ「 Sexx 」Female,
ξ「 Status 」 Heterosexual
ξ「 Occupation 」 teacher
ξ「 Race 」 human
ξ「 Love 」 widowed
ξ「 personality 」 A very mother like style of teaching she’ll jump down your throat if she thinks you’re not living up you your full potential. Otherwise she’s a nice woman who will help you if you ask for it and as long as you are at least nice to her actual kids she will treat you like one of her own. She is hard-working and very self-confident always pushing to get things done. And is a reliable source of information should you ask for it.
ξ「 About 」I have two children, one who attends this school and one off in College. Their names are Kwabana (born on Tuesday), Refilwe (We were given). My husband of four years died shortly after Refilwe was born and a few days before my birthday. I have been supporting them on my own for the last 18 years. Yes I got married young but it was an arranged marriage. I do not regret it, not at all. The days I spent getting to know my husband were a blessing and he gave me two beautiful boys. I love them more then life itself.
ξ「 Dorm 」where ever teachers go?
ξ「 Me Likey 」food/cooking, music/dance, my children,
ξ「 NEHVER」letting children get hurt, being underestimated, losing focus, not being able to provide for my kids.
ξ「 Powers 」none
ξ「 Weapon」Pata
ξ「 Side」Neutral

Soturo Ayami

→Ryota Arashi


ξ「 Alias(es) 」 Ryota, Ryo, Grumpy.
ξ「 Age 」 31
ξ「 Birthday 」 11/15
ξ「 Sexx 」 Male
ξ「 Status 」 Heterosexual
ξ「 Occupation 」Teacher
ξ「 Race 」 Fox Demon
ξ「 Love 」 None
ξ「 personality 」 Cold hearted and slightly sadistic, he's got a soft spot that very very few people see. Most of the time he's enjoying how to make people's lives a little harder, other times, he just stays by himself, observing. It's very hard to read his emotions, since he has an iron grip on hi facial expressions.
ξ「 About 」Works for Kai as either a mercenary, or as anything they want, so long as he gets paid. The only reason he got enrolled to the school was to try and figure out who, and where the chosen ones were. His mission is to try and get close to them, trick them into their submission, and once they're through with their powers. Simply dispose of them. Also, a little fun playing with the kids isn't anything wrong. They all needed to become a bit more fit. He has a little sister which he never really talks about, mostly cause he hates her guts. And the feeling is mutual, only difference is, she's not as heartless as he is. His parents are dead, so he has no other living relatives.
ξ「 Dorm 」None of your business.
ξ「 Me Likey 」Chocolate..
ξ「 NEHVER」Too many to list. Among the top though, are humans.
ξ「 Powers 」Fire abilities, and some use of energy/electricity.
ξ「 Weapon」Prefers to use his own body, or a gun if he's lazy and not in the mood to 'play'
ξ「 Side」Kai



Originally Posted by Child of Choas
-> Hashkale Fa'Col

ξ「 Alias(es) 」 Kale
ξ「 Age 」 24
ξ「 Birthday 」 January 13
ξ「 Sexx 」 Male
ξ「 Status 」 Hmmm, well Bisexual
ξ「 Occupation 」 Teacher, Art
ξ「 Race 」 Type of Wind Demon
ξ「 Love 」 Had one but she is dead.
ξ「 personality 」 Kale love to push people to their limits, he also loves to debate and fight with anyone. Kale is also very reserved and his careless face is nothing more then a playful facade.
ξ「 About 」Kale never like traditions, and can't remember much about his home or family other then his younger brothers forbidden affair and his elder brother. For his younger brother Hoskuld left in love with a maiden vowed to purity and whether or not the affair was approved by both sides Kale didn't know all he knows is that the people in his home village killed his brother for the act. His elder brother who Kale can't remember the name to was his teacher, teaching him that things are never as they seem and the only way to live is to change, and cause change. Kale fell in love with a gifted warrior girl from another village and they were about to get marriage when she was killed. Kale again can't remember how she died or much else. He knows the lost of his memory has to deal with the white and black hawk that follows him around now.
ξ「 Dorm 」Well why don't you tell me?
ξ「 Me Likey 」Books, a ritualized dance involving blades, dances of old, knifes, Winter, and poisons
ξ「 NEHVER」Dull people, narrow minded people, Spring, talking about the past or being asked about his past
ξ「 Powers 」Control over wind, and can unite with the hawk to gain white and black wings.
ξ「 Weapon」A scythe, and a ceremonial knife
ξ「 Side」Kai

Child of Choas


Originally Posted by Ribe
→Amilia Samantha Brown

ξ「 Alias(es) 」 Amil
ξ「 Age 」 Looks 24 ( real age unknown)
ξ「 Birthday 」 Apirl 12
ξ「 Sexx 」 Female
ξ「 Status 」 Bi
ξ「 Occupation 」 Teacher English & Classic Lit & Study Hall
ξ「 Race 」 Jenji
ξ「 Love 」 Crushing Ryota she really is puddy in his hand if he says the right things. She would fellow him where every he would lead her. Even if he could never love her in return. She really dose care about him and dose not expect to be loved in re turn. Even if she wished for it she would not want it being forced like that. She know no one can love her and they only want to use her but she would be only with it if it was for him.
ξ「 personality 」 Amilia is sweet and kind. She a mother type of people and very caring and loving. She love children because there wishes when they get her lamp are always simple and sweet. This is because they have yet to be touch by greed. Those she can bite people heads off if they piss her off. On another note she enjoy being around another people. Or nice quite gardens.
ξ「 About 」The Kai took my lamp and now I am force to do as they command of me. I have been a Jenji for longer then I can remember and I am forced to follow commands given to me by the wishers of my lamp even if I dislike them. I have no free will of my own even if I have try to free my self. I will be bound to the lamp for all of time and past that. I have been passed around to many people in my life time watching as people betray others, kill, corrupt and even lie. I have seen the darker side to life and been force in to causing many people to die. I was the cause of many earthquakes and mudslides that buried whole cities. Everytime I am for to take lives this way it kill me inside a little. Those is my own curse and the life force on those that the royal of the time feared. The Kai found my lamp buried under a lost city I had destroy on some one else wish. Now they past my lamp off between the members to keep me bond to them. I have no idea where my lamp is now but I know when they makes wishes they need me near my lamp. Those I can not take it back from them only see it.
ξ「 Dorm 」Where every Kai put me. Those I miss my Lamp that is my true home.
ξ「 Me Likey 」Reading and quite spot. She like classical music and being romanced.
ξ「 NEHVER」Being control and not being able to fight ageist it.
ξ「 Powers 」Grants wishes to the controller of her lamp. Amilia can only grant wishes in sets of 3. She can use her magic without wishes but that is minor self wishes she can do. Those the major wishes can bring people back to life, destroy cities, make wealth etc.. The Minor self wishes. Things that really are so small people would not think they were wishes at all. Example flower growing, quite, mind block self ect simple thing.
ξ「 Weapon」None
ξ「 Side」Kai



Originally Posted by Soturo Ayami
→Draco Constantine


ξ「 Alias(es) 」 Draco
ξ「 Age 」2,921 (looks 34)
ξ「 Birthday 」 Month/day
ξ「 Sexx 」 male
ξ「 Status 」 bisexual
ξ「 Occupation 」 science teacher
ξ「 Race 」 Dragon
ξ「 Love 」 none
ξ「 personality 」 An honor bound dragon whose will is never tested. He believes that the worlds change is not his problem. He speaks very slowly with a very wise tone that seems to captivate others. He enjoys life above all else and would do anything to protect it.
ξ「 About 」If you wish to know me you must ask and only in my trust of you will I reveal anything. Be aware even though I am tolerate of you I may not see you as you would believe.
ξ「 Dorm 」none
ξ「 Me Likey 」starry nights, old world architecture, astronomy, astrology
ξ「 NEHVER」cloudy days, argumentative people
ξ「 Powers 」fire breath, shadow manipulation
ξ「 Weapon」claw/teeth, fists
ξ「 Side」Neutral

Soturo Ayami


Originally Posted by Orial
→Hashim Al Quintar


ξ「 Alias(es) 」 Freezing Knight
ξ「 Age 」 Unknown, looks about 27
ξ「 Birthday 」 December 31
ξ「 Sexx 」 Male
ξ「 Status 」 Bi...if I have to choose
ξ「 Occupation 」 teacher
ξ「 Race 」 Demon
ξ「 Love 」 Love is for the week
ξ「 personality 」Freezing Night enjoys his job, perhaps he enjoys it a little too much. There is little else he's good at except for taking orders and tormenting those who get in the way. He prefers to swing first and answer questions later.
ξ「 About 」Hashim was human, once, a very long time ago, the dawn of man. Okay so maybe not THAT long ago. Needless to say, Hashim was once human. He was born in an Arabian village, and even as a child he was treated as a hell spawn because of his blood red eyes. When the town was attacked by crusaders, he watched eagerly as the people who once tormented him died at the blades of others. When the Crusaders came after him, he drew a blade and fought them off, asking for power to make sure he would never be hunted again. It was granted, and the became a hell spawn he had always been called. Ever sense he has reveled in his job to create chaos and shed blood.
ξ「 Dorm 」None
ξ「 Me Likey 」Death, killing, darkness, blood, war, people screaming for mercy.
ξ「 NEHVER」goody-two shoes, peace, having to keep someone alive.
ξ「 Powers 」Can control canines, power over darkness
ξ「 Weapon」Sword of Darkness (Nodatchi) Hand Claws
ξ「 Side」Kai


1. Elliot Michael Feralis
2.Shaza Rini Tu
3. Belle Rose
4.Chandra Airi Baldric
5. Jessi Mathatil
6.Belinda Kasimir Adalbert
7. Draco
8. Timothy Gared Renolds
9. Faeryn Arainabelle Blake

1. Syrine Monroe
2. Ryota Arashi
3. Hashkale Fa'Col
4. Amilia Samantha Brown
5. Hashim Al Quintar
6. Viktora Mangal


1. Jared Saito
3.Refilwe Tu

Codette 08-29-2010 03:44 AM

oohh, a bi shifter raven rooming with a straight shifter weasel... this has hilarious hi-jinks and sexual harassment written all over it ^.-..... oh damn.... she's only 13..... uhhh.... this could get awkward... *giggles*

Ascadellia 08-29-2010 04:12 AM

Lmao! XD We shall see. :3 But yeah, it'll be interesting with the pairings. :3

chicChick 08-29-2010 05:53 AM

oh wow!!! The roomings. XD Straight and bi/homo. I only just noticed. LOL Wonder what the pairings will be like. XD

Ewe 08-29-2010 05:57 AM

I can already tell that this is going to be not only interesting, but very confusing.

Soturo Ayami 08-29-2010 05:57 AM

Hehe. Refilwe is whining already XD

Ascadellia 08-29-2010 06:03 AM

lol It was just who came up first and stuff. XD But yes.. It'll be very interesting. XD I didn't notice until I checked it again that there were all different. It was just.. oh boy. XD

Soturo Ayami 08-29-2010 06:10 AM

heheh I'm going to have fun anyway.
Refilwe is one of my more whiny characters.
I enjoy torturing him XD

Ewe 08-29-2010 06:12 AM

Adam is pretty whiney too. x3

Ascadellia 08-29-2010 06:16 AM

>.> Jared, is. XD My most easygoing one. So, have fun with him! XD

Soturo Ayami 08-29-2010 06:21 AM

Hehehe There is only one teacher.
XD Shaza is amused. ...What is she teaching by the way?

Ascadellia 08-29-2010 06:24 AM

She could teach any class really. I kind of had forgotten about the schedule until earlier. >.>; But, I figured with two classes she could do, it'd be fair enough. At least, hopefully until we get more teachers. If worst comes to worst. I'll have one of my other guys teach also. X3;

Soturo Ayami 08-29-2010 06:28 AM

Alrighty then.
she wants Math and Music XD

Ascadellia 08-29-2010 06:32 AM

Okays. ^ ^- That sounds good. :3

Soturo Ayami 08-29-2010 06:49 AM


*does dance* Now I am kind of hungry.

Ascadellia 08-29-2010 06:53 AM

*offers some watermelon* Nya? :3
I'm thinking about opening the RP up tomorrow. ^ ^- Sounds good?

Ewe 08-29-2010 06:55 AM

I was kind of hungry.
But then the muffins found me!

And, that sounds good to me.

Soturo Ayami 08-29-2010 07:02 AM

Sounds fine...
When is tomorrow for you?
Cause it's tomorrow for me already.

Ascadellia 08-29-2010 07:05 AM

Well, it's 12:05 right now. XD;

Soturo Ayami 08-29-2010 07:09 AM

Gah It's 3:05am where I am

Ascadellia 08-29-2010 07:11 AM

lol Same as Ewe! ^ ^- Man, why can't you guys live in Cali? >.>

Soturo Ayami 08-29-2010 07:14 AM

Because then I'd be living with my Great Uncle and cousins I don't know. XD

I like NY it's very random here.X3

Ewe 08-29-2010 07:14 AM

How about you come to Massachusetts and live in my closet? I think yes. ;D

Ascadellia 08-29-2010 07:18 AM

XD How about, we all go to New York? XD It seems more fun. >.>;
Man, or why don't y'all visit here? x.x;

Soturo Ayami 08-29-2010 07:22 AM

Yes you should both visit NY.

I don't think I could live in a closet. XD

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