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Lilithia 02-10-2007 01:31 PM

Harry Potter {Book & Movie Series Discussion}
So the last book is coming out... in July? Not exactly sure about the date.

Are you happy to hear about it coming so soon, or are you sad that it's the end of the era?

& I heard rumours {or is it confirmed? Someone let me know!} that one of the three will die. :(

If it's Ron.... :x

Also with the movie coming as well, I will be cosplaying in my Ravenclaw robe! :D I'm currently growing my hair right now for it. :D

Oh & my favourite book of the series is definitely "Goblet of Fire", I just connected with it the most. Although I love the Harry Potter series, I personally believe that the books in the series start to go downhill from after Goblet of Fire.

So in a way I'm leaning more to the side that J. K. Rowling will disappoint me with the last book.

TwoStar 02-14-2007 12:48 PM

I love Harry Potter^^

as far as i know... Harry Potter will die in the last book T.T

I dont like him to die... i loved to read Harry Potter... and i loved to see the movies in the cinema and to see what parts were cutted *lol*

Its so sad this is the last book T.T

Ancasta 02-14-2007 02:23 PM

I thought it was two impotent characters who would die? I could and probably am wrong, I barely keep up with the fandom anymore.

flaming-Scorpion 02-19-2007 11:50 PM

well...the philosophy thing said that both voldemort AND harry have to die in order for the fight between them to end XD so if harry dies so does voldy.

i already reserved a copy @_@

death of the hallows right???

Lilithia 02-19-2007 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by flaming-Scorpion
well...the philosophy thing said that both voldemort AND harry have to die in order for the fight between them to end XD so if harry dies so does voldy.

i already reserved a copy @_@

death of the hallows right???

Everyone thinks both will die. :?

poet`s playground 02-20-2007 03:22 AM

  • I love all of the books :).
    Don't say the books go downhill T_T that's depressing.
    Also depressing is the coming of the end. We can SEE it!
    Well... metaphorically XD.
    We already pre-ordered, o'course.
    I can't wait.
    I'm so excited, but so scared at the same time.
    In tune with like eighty billion people all over the world, of course XD.

Tittri 02-20-2007 03:59 AM

There's been a death in the past two books. Pretty unnecessary deaths too, in my opinon. I'm sure the next book will follow the same trend.
The one coming out, is the last Harry Potter book, is it not?

Although it saddens me, all good things must come to an end, especially if J K Rowling is seemingly running out of ideas like she's been showing in the past two or three books.

poet`s playground 02-20-2007 04:23 AM

  • Running out of ideas >.<.
    Unnecessary, but they're necessary to take the character out of the story and to show that this is someone that Harry depends on but in the end he has to do it all on his own. It means that they've served their purpose.

Jitsumi1221 02-28-2007 06:24 PM

hummm i dunno, i was kinda dissapointed by the last book she wrote, i eman all the sudden Harry is turning into an uber emo child? seems liek he did fine when he was being treated like crap before, and now all the sudden he seems so dark *mutters*

im pretty excited about the last book, i lvoe finding out how things end. hopefully it'll end in a good way and not in some way that makes you feel as if it was lacking, you know, tying off all the threads and such.

I'm thinking the second book is my favorite so far ^o^

Kain 03-01-2007 09:44 PM

The series kinda lost its appeal at the 2nd and 3rd books, but then as she got darker, it got better again. I dearly hope the last one isn't a disappointment....

Dawn Crest 03-01-2007 11:03 PM

I used to be really really into Harry Potter. Once me and my friend wore cloaks and made our own wands and pretended to be our own characters from the books. How young we were xDD

Now Im a bit older I still like it but not as much :) The movies are pretty good too.

Jitsumi1221 03-01-2007 11:08 PM

hehehe *chortles* Dawn Crest my friends and i all dressed up and went to the harry potter films together *cackles* cloaks and all *squee* i really dont see why people dont wear cloaks anymore, it keeps you warm from head to toe in cold weather...

hahaha i used to wear mine to get to my husbands dorm when we were in uni together ^o^ hahaha had a drunk guy yell at me and tell me not to curse him or something , i was laughing so hard i cried.. lol wants even a black cloak, its a bright emerald green

Audley 03-05-2007 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Jitsumi1221
hummm i dunno, i was kinda dissapointed by the last book she wrote, i eman all the sudden Harry is turning into an uber emo child? seems liek he did fine when he was being treated like crap before, and now all the sudden he seems so dark *mutters*

In terms of Half-Blood Prince, I don't think it was really that sudden - we already met capslock!Harry in Order of the Phoenix, so any "emo" behaviour on his part in HBP was pre-destined by that.

Additionally, I think it was a pretty dramatic mood shift in terms of books 1-3 compared to Goblet of Fire onwards. The books do get progressively darker through the series, but the death of Cedric Diggory was a turning point - previously, Harry had always been victorious against Voldemort. It just wasn't the case in GoF, and I wouldn't say that teenagers in general are the best at dealing with high stress situations (although who is, really?).

Lilithia 03-05-2007 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by Dawn Crest

I used to be really really into Harry Potter. Once me and my friend wore cloaks and made our own wands and pretended to be our own characters from the books. How young we were xDD

Now Im a bit older I still like it but not as much :) The movies are pretty good too.

I'm going to wear a Ravenclaw Cloak to the upcoming movie that will be released in July as well as when the last book comes out, I'll wear my cloak to that too.

poet`s playground 03-05-2007 02:23 PM

I don't know about a cloak, but I'm definitely going to be wearing something fun when we go to see it at the IMAX...
Same with the book.
Mmmmm, Harry Potter summer. SEX.

Ebil 03-05-2007 02:27 PM

I loved the first few books, but the hype and the movies and more hype just made me loose interest a little. I think it was around Prisoner of Azkaban where I started to step back a little from the whole Harry Potter mania.
I'll still get the last book, as I've read them all, so part of me is curious as to what happens. It just lost some of its magic for me ._.
I hope Hagrid has a big role in it though. He's my favourite character <3
I'm quite glad it's coming to an end. I like movies and stories to have some sort of a conclusion. Saves my brain having to make up it's own endings xD
I'd like to see some different stories from JK Rowling that aren't about Harry Potter. I have no clue if she's written other stuff, but I'm just intrigued to see if she can do other subjects as well as she did HP.

Lilithia 03-05-2007 03:04 PM

I have a feeling she'll fuck up the ending. D: THEN WHAT HUH? Crap storyline all for nothing!?

shockwave129 03-05-2007 03:55 PM

sometimes i just cant wait for the next book so i wright the sequels myself.

its completly different then the real 1\'s

Mnyonywaji 03-05-2007 04:49 PM

I used to like all of the Harry Potter books... They were so magical! My favourite was I think HP:and the prisoner of Azkaban (who did not felt in love in that character, especially later, when we can get to know a part of his story....? ;p)

Now I of course am waiting for next books, but I'm not so much excited, as I used to be : )

Maybe that's all because of one forum, connected with rather dark band, I like, where the main topic, and the most popular was connected with Harry Potter. Gosh : )

Aurilia 03-05-2007 08:03 PM

I am yet to read the books.

What I really want to do is get a boxed set to have ALL of them all at once (when the last book comes out), but the problem is that those sets tend to cost over $150 .__.

While I LOVE spending money on books (books are never a waste of money to me, my room in my parents' apartment looks like a library), I am so broke since I got married that $150 seems like a huge fortune to me.

Maybe I'll just try renting them from a library. >_>

mystic kiwi 03-06-2007 11:13 PM

I love the series. I haven't reserved a copy of the newest book yet though. I'll probably just wit to get it. Some how I don't think it's going to be as good as the books were int he begining of the series. After "the prisoner of Azkaban" I think the books have too much filler information. I do like JK Rowling's writing style though.

Audley 03-07-2007 02:51 AM

I think the amount of information - or "filler" - makes sense for the progress of the story, though. Harry gets older, life gets more full-on, the plot unfolds, darkness spreads across the land etc. - I wouldn't say it was all divested in a great way, but I don't think JKR is the kind of author who gives out copious piles of information for nothing.


Originally Posted by Lilithia
I have a feeling she'll fuck up the ending. D: THEN WHAT HUH? Crap storyline all for nothing!?

Hey, that's what fanfiction is for ;)

Pedge 03-07-2007 10:41 PM

I love Harry Potter. Of course, I'm not as obsessed with it as a I was a couple years ago. My favorite book has always been, and will always be, The Prisoner of Azkaban. It was such a good book.

I cannot wait for the 7th to come out.
I heard Ron or Hermione will die. :(

shockwave129 03-07-2007 11:49 PM

is this place a only female zone

Audley 03-09-2007 04:16 AM

Er, no, but ... what's your point?


Originally Posted by Pedge
I love Harry Potter. Of course, I'm not as obsessed with it as a I was a couple years ago. My favorite book has always been, and will always be, The Prisoner of Azkaban. It was such a good book.

I cannot wait for the 7th to come out.
I heard Ron or Hermione will die. :(

I don't think any of the trio will die - it would seem like a cheap way for JKR to drive an emotional dagger into the heart of anyone who had ever read the series. Obviously things are going to get a bit hairy for them, particularly Harry, but at the moment I feel like too much weight is being put on deaths in the trio. I don't know - maybe as the release date approaches I'll change my mind, but I've never had the impression that this was something she would do.

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