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poet`s playground 04-11-2009 07:02 PM

The Ruby Room - We Have Ruby Carrots
Hullo, and welcome to the Ruby Room :). It's a place for everyone to hang out.

poet`s playground 04-11-2009 07:03 PM

The Reason For Ruby?

Well, about a year and a half ago now, I became aware of a "new" band called the Foxboro Hot Tubs. They had a song called "Ruby Room". The band was actually a side project of my favorite band, Green Day. At that time I was looking for a name for a hangout to make, and that one stuck. I've been making Ruby Rooms across the internet ever since. Everyone is always welcome, and you can talk about anything.

poet`s playground 04-11-2009 07:04 PM


poet`s playground 04-11-2009 08:36 PM

Now open!

Esmereina 04-11-2009 09:13 PM

LOL I took your first post !!! <3

finally! XD

how are you doing poet? :)

poet`s playground 04-11-2009 09:28 PM

Yay! Welcome to the Ruby Room for Easter :D.

Esmereina 04-11-2009 09:39 PM

lol... hey there! ^^ whats going on? You snagged Evil Faeries first post!!! lol :) good job!

poet`s playground 04-11-2009 09:50 PM

LOL I thought it only appropriate, even though it's not that big of a deal to me...not a whole lot. Playing the events everywhere...

poet`s playground 04-11-2009 11:57 PM

*sigh* The commons are once again not very unisex friendly... and people wonder how I manage to not lose all of my gold...

Mimily_chan 04-12-2009 12:04 AM

hi guys ahppy bunny day and hope you get lots of carrots :3

poet`s playground 04-12-2009 12:36 AM

lol, thank you. Although it's just me in here at this time.

DariaMorgendorfer 04-12-2009 12:45 AM

I gotta say, ruby carrots sound pretty but I think I'll pass on eatin one...I value my teeth.

poet`s playground 04-12-2009 12:48 AM

Only the color, not the density...


Pyro neko jess 04-12-2009 12:58 AM

Ruby's room that reminds me of a cartoon I forgot what is called...Ruby and something.

Esmereina 04-12-2009 01:00 AM

lol... Ruby and Moon? i think thats what its called..XD

hey poet.. im sorry i keep disappearing.. my back is on the fritz... :(

i really need to lay down.

kegokec 04-12-2009 02:47 AM

GASP! Poet is Femme! >3<

Exrael 04-12-2009 05:33 AM

Rubies~ <3 I love their deep colors - heck, I love the deep colors of all gemstones! x3

And a very happy Easter to everyone!! ^n^

AkashaHeartilly 04-12-2009 05:50 AM

*Pokes her head in*
Hey what up ruby room, how goes the event here for people>

secretdae007 04-12-2009 12:48 PM

Ruby carrots you say... -looks around-

poet`s playground 04-12-2009 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by kegokec (Post 1764278179)
GASP! Poet is Femme! >3<

Oui, je suis une femme... und das ist mich XD.

Hello to everybody who's come in :D.

poet`s playground 04-14-2009 09:04 PM

Gah, for some reason I couldn't add this thread to my subscriptions... x_x.

Genji to Heike 04-17-2009 11:20 PM

Ruby carrots look precious but it might be too hard to chew xD.

salvete 04-17-2009 11:22 PM

Oh, hello, Akni/Tubby/Femme/Poet! I was wondering where the Mene Easter event Ruby Room went.

Hello to everyone else as well.

Genji to Heike 04-18-2009 12:14 PM

Hello too. I missed my chance of getting another one of the last item (frown).

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