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Xavirne 06-19-2015 12:54 PM

Beyond the Cabins: A Campfire Tale
Remember those bloodcurdling campfire stories you and your friends used to tell while out camping in some foreign woods? Remember hugging your knees as the suspense continued to rise? Remember the “AHHHHHH!” that nearly made you piss yourself?

Remember, remember, remember…

The year is unknown and, truthfully, it doesn't matter. Our story doesn't revolve around technology or modern times for our adventurers are holed up in the woods for a weekend of R&R! They're here because they earned it. Er, more like won it. That's right, they were put into one of those scammy sweepstakes and, like anyone who thirsts for adventure knows, you have to accept. After boarding a plane with a plethora of other people, you embark on the journey of a lifetime. Little do you know that this could very well be your last....

The mystical island you're now on it shrouded in mystery. You know nothing of the area, save for what a pamphlet and your map tell you. Well, if you bought the guide book you would know more but who, first off, buys books and, if they do, who actually reads them?

You're lead to some lovely cabins in the heart of the forest and are told that you must always return to camp before the sun kisses the earth goodnight. There's an eerie, bloodcurdling undertone to this warning but, as it is the month of Halloween, you really think nothing of it.

Our story begins that evening after their arrival. You notice that there's no staff so you'll have to cook (and fend) for yourself. You also notice that there aren't enough cabins so you can claim your own. Looks like you'll have to make friends with someone and hope they don't snore too loud!

As you and all the other participants gather around for dinner, you begin to hear strange noses and soon glowing eyes appear around the cabins. Although you, yourself, might not be just a human, glowing eyes in an unknown area is still just as alarming.

What will your destiny be? What will the ending be to this untold, terrifying campfire story?

This fate is for you to find out. Will you get to pass this story on to your children in the years to come? Or will you forever become one with the factual campfire myths?

Xavirne 06-19-2015 01:11 PM

Let's go over the rules, shall we?
Keeping snoring on the down low. Try not to peek while the ladies are showering, pervs. The 5-second rule definitely applies here. Do your best not to get eaten by whatever lurks in the woods. Oh and should you see something absolutely revolting or downright terrifying, scream. Scream for the love of god so we can all flee and make it back to safety. Sorry, but if something wants to eat you, it's ill advised to save your ass.

There may be points in the RP where a secret is revealed. Just because it was revealed does NOT mean your character will know it, unless you are a mind reader. Should you not be sure if you character overheard a secret or dark plot, please ask for clarification. This also falls into implied secrets such as when a male character starts to continuously hang out with a female character. We tend to assume it will blossom into a relationship, but if you’re unsure if this is love or not, ask.

All character profiles must reflect the ones shown below or listed under the format section.

As I am a lazy GM, I would like everyone to please color their speech. I don't care what color you use, but if you're new to the coloring craze, most people pick a color related to their character's eyes, hair, or powers. If for some odd reason we start to cluster and things get hectic, I'll enforce a bolding rule. A bolding rule is pretty simple. You bold any character you're interacting with in your post. Don't feel obligated to bold them multiple times per post. Just one and done works for me!

There's no post order, post limit, size limit, character limit, etc. There's no limits. Write what you want to write and post what you want to post. I do ask that, if you get bored of a character, to let me know. I love killing people off. B|

If life magically sucks you away from us, please give me a head's up. I don't want a bunch of unused characters lingering in the woods. If you're going to vanish and not return, please let me know. I'm good at writing characters off--you can decide if you want them dead or just forever immobilized by fear in the cabins!

Feel free to use the characters you make for this story elsewhere. You put the work into them so they are yours! I encourage you to reuse them and let them grow and develop! It's all part of the charm of roleplaying. However, if you're going to use a similar storyline or make more characters with my skeleton design, I do ask that you give me credit. After all, I put effort into the design and creation of this story. It's only fair I get noted for my work, much like you get noted for creating your character.

It's an order. No ifs, ands, or buts!

Xavirne 06-19-2015 01:29 PM

In case it's necessary, here are some definitions and terms~!


Angels can either be half-blood (born from two humans) or pure blood (born from angels). Pure blood angels are only born once every thousand years. Angels can posses many different powers, and make their power(s) into weapons and/or armor. You can get two races of angels, Fallen and Light. Fallen Angels, in most cases are stronger than Light Angels.
Demons are unique creatures that cover a wide range. Demons can be anywhere from creatures of hell to fallen angels from heaven. Anyways, demons are often misunderstood and represented as terrible, mindless tricksters. This can be the case, but it’s not always true. Demons can actually be just as polite and friendly as angels. However, this depends on their raising.

An unknown fact about demons is that they select one mate for life. This bond happens subconsciously. The demon will be unaware of its undying love until it meets them. When this happens, the show is on. Demons will compete for their desired mate – some are more popular than others. Only the strongest and most desired male will win the female. Yes, in the demon world, females are the ones in charge so the men must fight and try to win a female’s love.

Once bonded, he will continue to fight to be with her. Should he die, the female will either commit suicide or she’ll move onto the next best male. All and all, demons are lovers for life and tend to die fighting for the one they love, or they die of a broken heart.
Dragons are powerful creatures. Sometimes winged and other times without, these beasts can still fly in the sky. Some have horns that adorn their face while others are slippery smooth. Each dragon has its own unique subspecies and traits. Certain dragons can breathe fire just as other dragons can live underwater. Depending on its birth location and ancestry, its powers will hone as they mature.

Not all dragons are wicked tempered as some subspecies are known for the peaceful lifestyle. Again, it all depends on the dragon’s birth location. If born in a cruel environment, chances are the dragon itself will be wicked.

Dragons are said to have the best shields of them all – their tough scaly body. However, dragons do have tender spots just as all creatures do. Nonetheless, slaying these fierce beasts is easier said than done. Yet, dragons are still greatly misunderstood and often left alone.
Every Elemental possesses a special power, whether its fire or water, each has at least one. With that said, most are either fire, earth, air, or water – the four main elements. Other dominate breeds are light, dirt, or poison. Some rarer species include are ice, battle, lightning, day, night, and dark.

Elementals are practitioners of magic (the ability to wield an element) and each has limits to his/her magical abilities. With this being said, it is reasonable to assume that water is weak to lightning yet strong against fire. Such practical examples hold true for these species. Thus, as stated, each is extremely weak against a set Elemental (e.i. Fire is weak against water).

Elementals also range in abilities from one another. Not all Fire Elementals can breathe fire just as not all Sand Elementals can create sand whips. The abilities and skills of an Elemental are directly related to the clan’s name as well as internal organs.

Nonetheless, Elementals look just like humans. The only distinction is the length of their ears. Elementals have long slender pointy ears. There are two types – one that points upward and one that points downward – these are dependent on the linage.
Elves are one of the eldest races of the world and they have the highest developed civilization because of this. Just about all creatures respect elves and even revere them. Elves have paleness to their skin tone, but there are some elves that have a darker skin tone (these are southern elves). Nonetheless, it is said that elves are not susceptible to illnesses and are rapid healers. In addition to that, elves are slender, nimble creatures that live in forest or deep underground caves. They are festive creatures that love to be joyous and happy as there isn’t much to worry about if you’re an elf. Moreover, elves tend to be either water, earth, or wind wielders.

Elves vary in size from about 4'10" to 6'8". Elves don’t usually cut their hair, but this only helps to define their graceful, fragile features and extraordinary beauty. It’s typical for elves to have pointed ears and high cheekbones.
Every faerie possesses a special power, whether its fire or water, all possess at least one. With that said, most faeries are either fire, earth, air, or water – the four main elements. Other dominate breeds are light, dirt, or poison. Some rarer species of faeries are ice, battle, lightning, day, and night.

Another characteristic of faeries is that they are born outside their mothers. Faeries are born in flowers. Fire faeries, for example, are born in a fire-colored flower. Water faeries are usually born in water lilies or other water flowers. Air faeries are born in fruit blossom and lightning faeries are born in exotic flowers. Day or sun faeries are born in early blossoming morning flowers, while night faeries are born in flower that only open their peddles at night. Poison faeries are born in poisonous flower and earth faeries are born in garden grown flowers. Dirt faeries are born in desert flowers, light faeries are born in white-colored flowers, and ice faeries are born in flowers that grow only in cold weather, while battle faeries are born in flowers that bare thorns, such as roses or thistles. Finally, dark faeries are born in flowers that are said to be lethal or are born in dying flowers. Faeries of one type can never be born in another species flower. For example, you’ll never find a dark faerie in a water lily or a battle faerie in a sunflower.

Furthermore, to add to a faeries type, each has a specific natural eye color. Fire faeries normally have flaming orange or red eyes, while water faeries have either blue, bluish-green, or bluish-purple eyes. Dark faeries usually have gray, black, crimson red, red tints or shades, or even blue. The list continues with each type.
Griffins are part bird and part lion. These large winged creatures are capable of carrying a horse in their razor-sharp talons. This all powerful beast is not something you’d want to piss off. No, in the past griffins have killed humans and even devoured their trusty steeds. With this being said, do not try to rob a griffin nor insult it. These bird-like beasts expect sheer respect from all those that gaze upon them.
Aside from being powerful like a lion, griffins are also swift like eagles and have a very keen eye. Moreover griffins are great at making bargains – more like ripping you off – and will do anything to obtain gold. These creatures are greedy, yet, very hostile when they were overstepped. So watch your back and pray that you can fly faster than a griffin!
A being has the ability to alter its physical appearance. Whether it is from a human to a cat or a cat to a knife, each shifter has its own unique abilities. Some can only transform into one object (true-shifter) while others (called spirits of hell) can shift amongst many forms.

Shifters can be haughty and rude at times as they can usually able to fight solo. Shifters don't need masters. However, most have them as without masters they can't do much. Each shifter creates a contract with a creature and will serve them for life. This binding can only be broken by a 'reverse blood contract.' However, there are no known owners that have relinquish their shifters, setting them free. Once freed, the shifter is able to do seek out whatever life it wants - whether that be a human or a weapon. Should they decide weapon, their soul is removed from the weapon they once embodied and they travel to a place of everlasting life.
Unai [ species created by ISOS Duke: do not use without permission ]:
Unai are creatures of mystery. If you were to ask a human what they were they would tell you that they were mindless killing machines that are out for blood. This is not the case though as any Unai would tell you. Humans gave them the nickname of hell hounds because of their appearance when in all actuality they are more feline than canine and yet all at the same time they are neither. They look canine but their actions read feline and even then they chirp like birds to communicate, they growl like any other predator, and can roar like a big cat.

Anyway, Unai are not mindless killers. They, unlike other creatures called ‘weres’ are animals with human forms. Due to their animal forms these creatures are best suited as hunters. They are very territorial and protective creatures as such as well. Unai are actually peaceful, close to nature creatures, it just happens to be that whenever humans see them they had been on a hunt or had to protect their kind or territory. They live in tribes or packs and do not separate themselves with last names. They live very close so their last names become ‘Unai’ to represent their race. This is important when it comes to arranged marriages. In order to keep strong ties with their allies and surrounding races Unai send some of their best to be wed into these other races, just as they send their own to them.
Infected with a kind of non-life, vampires are not truly dead or alive. They 'live' in a dreadful state of half-life, causing them to thirst for the life-giving blood they once held in their own bodies.

Vampires can either be born as so, or bitten and become one. If bitten, there are but two types - just your typical vampire and level zero vampires. Level zero vampires are lowly creatures that seek out living people, not obeying the rules of their race. Those rules being, 'thou shalt not kill the living.'

Depending on the linage, some vampire families have unique traits. Nonetheless, vampires have special talents whether it be extreme speed, fire casting abilities, incredible strength, or even future sight, all vampires have a special power.
Werewolves are humans who could or can alternate between their own shape and that of a wolf form. They have all the powers of a wolf, some say that you can only change when the full moon is upon you. Others, such are rogue werewolves, don't have this issue.

Some people are born natural werewolves, others are bitten, and there are a rare few that collected a rare “virus” that make someone a werewolf.

Each werewolf has its own unique traits. Some have several forms or stages such as slightly animalistic features but more human, slightly human features but more animalistic, and full wolf form. They can be hurt by anything, but, depending on the wound, some things won’t bother them as they have superior strength to most. Werewolves can see better in the dark, have superior smell, but other than that they are your basic wolf just with more strength. The sense of smell is weaker when they are human, but it is still better than humans; werewolves only have human strength in their human form and they can’t see as well in the dark as their wolf form can. Of course their body temperature is slightly warmer than that of normal peoples.
Zombies are dead bodies that have been brought back to life by supernatural forces that most people cannot explain. Moreover, they are considers among the lower forms of the undead. Usually, when there is one zombie nearby, there are more to appear in larger numbers. However, not much is known about zombies or about the origins of such pathetic and horrible things.

And so you don't get lost, here's the map!

Xavirne 06-19-2015 02:00 PM

When creating a character, please follow this form. If something doesn't apply to your character, please remove it or write N/A.

HTML Code:

[CENTER][img]Character Image Goes Here[/img]
[COLOR="YourColorHere"]"Character quote goes here"[/COLOR][/CENTER]
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][FONT="Century Gothic"][COLOR="YourColorHere"][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Black"]▬▬▬▬▬ [/COLOR][FONT="Book Antiqua"] CHARACTER NAME [/FONT] [COLOR="Black"]• • • • •[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR="Black"]▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by [/COLOR]YourUsernameGoesHere

[COLOR="Black"]❖[/COLOR] Nickname
[COLOR="Black"]❖[/COLOR] Species
[COLOR="Black"]❖[/COLOR] Gender
[COLOR="Black"]❖[/COLOR] Sexual Preference
[COLOR="Black"]❖[/COLOR] Partner, if applicable
[COLOR="Black"]❖[/COLOR] Age
[COLOR="Black"]❖[/COLOR] Height
[COLOR="Black"]❖[/COLOR] Eye Color
[COLOR="Black"]❖[/COLOR] Hair Color[/COLOR][/FONT]

[COLOR="YourColorHere"]❖ APPEARANCE[/COLOR] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="Black"]Missing anything when it comes to looks?  Describe them here.  Can be scars, tattoos, piercings, attire.  You name it, you list it.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[COLOR="YourColorHere"]❖ SKILLS[/COLOR] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="Black"]Character's abilities go here in paragraph form.  If you use a weapon (how did you even get the weapon on the plane?!), you can list it here too![/COLOR][/SIZE]

[COLOR="YourColorHere"]❖ WEAKNESS[/COLOR] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="Black"]Character's weaknesses go here in paragraph form.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[COLOR="YourColorHere"]❖ PERSONALITY[/COLOR] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="Black"]Character's personality needs to go here in paragraph form.  Don't make this too long.  Short and sweet is ideal[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[COLOR="YourColorHere"]❖ HISTORY[/COLOR] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="Black"]Character's history goes here in paragraph form.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]

Xavirne 06-19-2015 02:02 PM

Accepted living characters~!
"Perhaps the biggest misconception is that I offer nothing for I am called a number that means nothing. It's regrettable though for one shouldn't be so foolish as to judge a character by his ill-sounding nickname."
▬▬▬▬▬ ZAKIEL "ZERO" BLACK • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Xavi

Lypheion (more or less a wolf-shapeshifter elemental)
Icy blue (but when fighting red)
Silvery blue (depending on the lighting and his mood, the shade can be either lighter or darker)

❖ APPEARANCE When pissed off and ready to kill, Zero's hair turns dark gray and his eyes glow red (like this). Other than that, Zero does have a scar across his face that can cause people to stare.

❖ SKILLS His element is darkness. Meaning, he can manipulate shadows and is strongest at night. He can also morph into a half breed or a full-wolf form.

❖ WEAKNESS Zero is completely defenseless and weak in the sunlight. He cannot win in a fight against light/holy attacks (so white magic or healing magic). He has a fear of corn (odd phobias run in the family). And he cannot fight ghosts--has something to do with the fact that he's bond to a spirit from hell who, in a sense, is a ghost.

❖ PERSONALITY Tends to be extremely quiet all the time, but sometimes he’s too quiet. People often suspect him of sinister acts due to his suspicious behavior and appearance. He’d independent and loves to be alone. Likewise, he hates the sunlight and is rarely seen in it. Zero is definitely a shadow stalker.

❖ HISTORY Coming soon~!
"I'm a tool to be used not a weapon to be sheathed."
▬▬▬▬▬ AKINA • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Xavi

Spirit of Hell
No sexual preference
Red orbs
Brilliant red hair

❖ APPEARANCE As a blade and a cat.

❖ SKILLS Shapeshifting from a human to a cat or to any array of weapons.

❖ WEAKNESS If Zero dies, he dies. So Zero is his weakness.

❖ PERSONALITY Being a spirit from hell, it is only natural that Akina act a bit lazy at times. Akina isn't one to typically loaf around if there is something better for him to do. He's a hard worker and is determined to help Zero out. According to his lord, if he can take over 100 souls from creatures that seek to kill Zero, Akina can 'upgrade' and become a stronger tool for Zero's uses. Overall, he can be funny and witty at times, but can also be haughty and sarcastic.

❖ HISTORY Signed a blood contract to serve Zero Black. He serves as Zero's weapon and best friend. Prior to being Zero's butler, as teachers like to say, Akina used to live his life as a rogue cat. Upon facing his own death, Akina was offered the chance to come back and live his life as a shapeshifter. Taking the card that was offered to him, Akina and Zero are now on a mission to defeat over 100 enemies at least a 100 times!
"I will cut you if you cross me."
▬▬▬▬▬ RYANNE SKYTUN • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Xavi

Vyllkus (essentially an elemental demon)
Reno, her twin
Deep blue orbs
Black as night cut in the "hime" style

❖ APPEARANCE Even though she didn't get her father's cursed red orbs, Ryna tries her hardest to mimic his look so she wears brilliant crimson eye shadow around her eyes. Like her father, Ryna has a very angular face with a tiny, sharp nose. Her lips are thin and always painted a deep raspberry color. Ryna has her mother's peachy-colored skin, thus forcing the woman to wear white blush to tone down her skin color. Being her daddy's little girl, Ryna strictly wears black. Also enjoying the seductive side of life, Ryna wears a form-fitting black dress with a swoop back and a slit that goes up to her thigh. Around her petite feet are lace-up stilettos. She wears black gloves that run up to her shoulders. Around her neck is a pendant given to her by her father on her 13th birthday (the day she realized she was a Vyllkus); she never takes it off. Whenever she's nervous, she'll twiddle with it and mutter to it, as if it can hear her.

❖ SKILLS Inheriting her father's powers, Ryna is a Vyllkus of the dark affinity. She can manipulate shadows to her heart's desire. Much like her dad, she wields a reaper's scythe. The scythe materializes from the darkness and takes on a solid form once her hands grab it.

❖ WEAKNESS It must be the Skytun curse because like her father and her brother, Ryna is also terrified of food. Although not a tomato or corn, Ryna's fear of bananas runs deep. Just the thought of one has her fleeing like most girls do from spiders. Aside from her banana phobia, Ryna is also weak to beings of light. Try as hard as she like, an angel's touch still burns her dearly.

❖ PERSONALITY If there was one woman you wouldn't want to cross, it would be Ryna. She's got an unbelievably big chip on her shoulder. One little thing can set her off--with or without your control! Aside from being overly moody, Ryna is also extremely standoffish but in a very pompous and prim way. She likes to tilt her nose up at those that stand beneath her. She more or less thinks she's a queen and forces people into obeying her. Worry not, Ryna does have a soft side. You can easily butter her up by asking her about her father.

❖ HISTORY Ever since she could remember, she was the prized jewel of the family--at least from her dad's prospective. She never knew why until she turned thirteen and awoke with the power of darkness. Sitting her down, her father explained that she had inherited his rare genes, his Valsozn genes. Since Valsozns can only be male, she was the "sub-species" of the Valsians, a Vyllkus.

Most everything was over her head but the girl loved the attention and knowing that she was making daddy proud. She continued trying hard, doing all she could to make him proud.

Too bad her strides were undermined by her mother's untimely and unexpected vanishing (presumed death). Her grief-stricken father lost his spark and their bond waned. Not wanting to lose him, Ryna fought hard to maintain her status.

It's been almost 10 years since mum vanished. Her father's still a broken man but Ryna has done a ton of work to fix him up. She's hoping that, by accepting this bizarre invitation with her twin and brother, she might finally prove that she's the superior child and the one that truly deserves her father's love.
"Let's go find some friends!"
▬▬▬▬▬ NOERINA SKYTUN • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Xavi

Lypheion (more or less a wolf-shapeshifter elemental)
Single and ready to mingle
Brilliant red eyes
Short blonde hair

❖ APPEARANCE As a kid, Reno got herself in a bit of trouble. Had mom and dad not been there to remove the hunter's trap, Reno would have been a goner. To this day, she still has the an inch-long scar on the inside of her right ankle. The rest of the scars seemed to fade but this one will likely always remain.

❖ SKILLS Taking after her mother, Reno has the ability to shift into a golden-brown wolf with tan paws and a cream-colored face. But her powers don't stop there! She can also wield the power of fire.

❖ WEAKNESS Unlike most firebenders, Reno absolutely loves the water. So what is her weakness? Well, let's just say she's not overly fond of heights. She also hates unstable ground. Oh and she cannot stand creepy crawlies! How does one combat her powers? Easy. If in wolf mode, use a whistle. If she's spewing fire, simply dump water on her. Just because she loves water doesn't mean it won't put out her fires!

❖ PERSONALITY Loud, check. Obnoxious, check. In your face, check. Crazy, double check! Reno is one of those petty, very sweet sound girls who's overly dramatic. If you rile her up, you better be prepared to run for this girl's been known to go a little insane when it comes to things. Why, the last time she got into a serious fight, her father had to step in and put up a wall of ice. Reno is, umm, not against killing people just for the fun of it. You could say she gets that trait from her dad who also goes off the deep end with his blood-lust.

❖ HISTORY Reno has always been glued to Ryna. She absolutely adores her twin and cannot imagine parting from her. Of course, Reno isn't one to object with hanging with her other brother, Zero, either. Personally, she loves her family and is very happy to be with them all.

Granted, ever since mother died, Reno just hasn't been the same. She's been... a bit more... wild? Reckless? Out there? Insane? Psychotic?

No one really knows where Reno's going or what's in store for her. All we know is that she's definitely not the same little girl she was before mom passed away.
"One touch of nature makes the whole world kin."
▬▬▬▬▬ ABILENE UNAI • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by ISOS Duke

Forest Unai
Nearly black at the roots then fading through different hues of green to Emerald Green and finally to a light Kelly Green at the tips

❖ APPEARANCE Unai typically stand out when taking a human form, but those of the forest seem to stand out even more. Rather than having the typical feline/canine looking ears, their ears are more like those of a stag. Abilene has a pair of feathery-looking antlers that grow from the side of her head, mostly concealing her ears. She also has a headdress made of living foliage that naturally grow on her. Her hair is short, save for the strands that fall near the antlers, those fall to her waist.

❖ SKILLS The abilities of Unai range not only from their species, but to their bloodlines. Abilene is what Unai consider a purebred, her lineage ties to Forest Unai breeding with Forest Unai so her skill set rests solely within the forest. Like other Unai, she is able to communicate with animals, but as a Forest Unai, she is also able to communicate with plants. Her powers further branch out to her affinity with trees. Humans had made comments saying that Forest Unai were dryads for they are able to turn inot a particular plant, for Abilene, that would be a tree. She is able to turn into a large tree, though it is not stiff nor firmly rooted. She is able to freely move about, granted, with limitations, as well as even use some of her tree-like abilities while in her human or Unai form. Some of those abilities would include the use of a foliage whip, typically a branch or some sort of vine, she is able to harden her skin like that of bark on a tree and she is able to root herself to the ground creating and immovable obstacle.

❖ WEAKNESS It can easily be said that fire is a weakness to Abilene, while the aftermath of what it brings is beneficial to plants, Forest Unai are known to be weak to intense heat and fire. She's also sensitive to weather and air conditions. She is able to tell what sort of weather is approaching and her body reacts accordingly (slowing down when cold approaches, taking root in high winds, etc). Being sensitive to air conditions means that she has a difficult time adapting to highly urbanized areas, toxins in the air or even water are known to make the woman (and other Forest Unai) sick.

❖ PERSONALITY A listener and adaptive like nature, but as stubborn and steadfast as a tree, Abilene is about as picture perfect one can get with a Forest Unai. She is very loyal to her pack, no matter what and whom may be a part of it, a trait common among Unai. She listens, mostly to the world around her, and acts as a mediator during times of turmoil, but will be sure to keep everyone informed of what is going on in the world around them should it be needed. If pulled into conflict, Abilene is known to quickly take root in her stance, stubborn to the core, it would be very difficult to convince the woman that she was not correct.

❖ HISTORY Unai don't typically meet very eventful lives, Abilene was very much the same. Her pack would send and receive Unai to strengthen the ties between all of them, but her family, for as many generations as their pack had existed, had only bred and married other Forest Unai. Abilene was the youngest of her litter, her parents having had nine other children before her. Out of all of her siblings, Abilene was the one that sought out the most attention, striving to prove that the tenth child could indeed prove to be worth something. Much like animals, Unai have to make a place for themselves in their packs, so just because she was born last did not mean that she would forever be looked at as the youngest.

The ambition and effort didn't go unnoticed for she was quickly surpassing her siblings in skill as well as stubborn determination. Another pack, the pack of the mountains, approached her pack, requesting assistance. A member of their pack had been lost to an island and though this particular member was shunned, the other half was highly sought for her skill set and refused to do anything without her sister. The island was forested, very jungle-like, not to mention dangerous. The mountain pack was seeking aid of a member of the forest to envoy with the other sibling to get their missing pack-mate back. The pack had picked Abilene for the job, her skills and affinity seemed best aligned for the job. A trade was then made, a member of the mountain tribe remained with the forest and Abilene would find her new home elsewhere. She was excited, being traded with another tribe was an honor.

"It takes a special kind of person to lead, that kind of person isn't you"
▬▬▬▬▬ FALINE UNAI • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by ISOS Duke

Mountain Unai
Partner, if applicable
Black with yellow
Brown, falling to the waist

❖ APPEARANCE In human form, Faline has a pair of feline looking ears and a sleek tail with a barb on the end. Her Unai form is a jet black creature with long, slender ears and a long thin tail with a barb on the end. Due to her separation from her sister for so long, Faline does have scars in the shapes of symbols across her body, though she has also found having them to be of benefit as she can quickly summon by will the blood through the scars.

❖ SKILLS Faline is the offensive blood magic user. With her book and dagger (though the dagger isn't really needed), she is able to summon creatures from the depths of her dark magic tome. These creatures can range in size, ferocity and shape and their duration is dependent on the woman. Being a mountain Unai, she is skilled in digging and burrowing as her kind form burrows or build mounds for homes. She has enhanced senses, much like other animals, though is able to feel vibrations in the earth much easier than the other species of Unai; it was a skilled that her kind learned and became instinct to protect themselves from the shifting mountains.

❖ WEAKNESS A number of things can pose as Faline's weakness, the first comes from her book. While it is like a cook book, it tells her how to summon the beasts, without it, she is limited to the creatures she had memorized the symbols for. In order to use her magic, she must carves the symbols out on a body for the blood magic to work, the creature is sustained through that blood so the more intense the spell the greater the strain on the summoner. She must remain mentally aware for the creature to remain which means if she is rendered unconscious it should disappear, or under the rare, horrible and extreme situations, it will run amok which then poses a risk to Faline's life. On top of all that, Faline dislikes water, much like a cat and is terrified of thunderstorms.

❖ PERSONALITY Faline has a very dominant and challenging personality, to top it off with being headstrong and hot headed, she is definitely a firecracker. Once she's set on her way, there's no changing it; you would be better off trying to knock her out and just taking her along with you than trying to convince her. However, when her sister isn't around, her personality tends to change. Her actions have a tendency to be more brash and not as controlled or predicted. She also seems more panicked and reliant on others, or at least their company, though she still wouldn't admit to it.

❖ HISTORY Faline is the older twin between herself and Rory and her personality goes above and beyond that of a normal older sister, but with good reason. Blood mages, like herself and her sister, are rare among Unai and in fact, when they were born there was only one left and he was very late in his years. When they were born, they were put under his care for their powers were not very predictable and simple injuries could result in accidental summonings. The two spent years under this man, at least as many years as he had left. They grew both physically, mentally and in power and control. When the man past, days later Faline heard the leader of their pack talking to her sister. She didn't hear the whole conversation but enough to hear banishment or death.

While healers, like her sister, were rare, healing through blood magic was probably not the greatest route as the user had to harm themselves to save another. Faline had to save her sister, so that night she enacted a powerful summoning, one that drew so much blood that it knocked the Unai out cold. The massive beast that was summoned was nearly half the size of the mountain in which they lived and quickly started rampaging. When Faline finally awoke, she was told all was well, that nothing bad was to happen. The twins were to be available should the pack need them, but they were free to do as they pleased.

For years, the twins were left alone, that is, until the pack caught wind of an island that held unknown power. The leaders thought the twins could grow with this power and sent them on their way. However, the powers and creatures on this island would be far greater than they could have imagined. It seemed as though they were under constant attack and during one relentless night, Faline urged the group to leave while she kept the attention of their attackers. Reluctantly, the group left and since then Faline has lived on the island trying to find a way back and trying to survive.

"Through unity, we can achieve all"
▬▬▬▬▬ RORY UNAI • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by ISOS Duke

Mountain Unai
Yellow and black
Brown, falling to the mid to lower back

❖ APPEARANCE In human form, Faline has a pair of feline looking ears and a sleek tail with a barb on the end. Her Unai form is a jet black creature with long, slender ears and a long thin tail with a barb on the end. Her ears are slightly rounder than her sister's.

❖ SKILLS A blood mage much like her sister, though instead of her abilities dealing with attacks, Rory is a healer. The more powerful the heal, the more blood gets used. She's able to treat breaks, sprains, disease and mortal wounds, but she cannot bring the dead back to life. Granted, there is a spell for it, but it would mean the cost of her own life as her blood would become theirs. She has a surplus of blood as well, something that has proven handy for her sister as she is able to combine her blood with the elder twin for more powerful spells. She is also the reason why the two never had any scars from their magic, she would heal them.

❖ WEAKNESS Rory produces more blood than actually needed to live, unlike her sister. Because of this, if she's not frequently needing it for her magic, the woman still has to inflict harm to herself to keep the pressure from building up. Even with the extra blood, she is still able to drain herself easily. Her spells are costly enough as is for she is essentially using her own blood to save others, but helping her sister comes at a greater cost for the magic is not hers to control nor is it her specialty so she's not designed to handle it.

❖ PERSONALITY Rory was always viewed as the quiet and nice twin. With Faline's temper and outwardness, the younger sibling never had a reason to get loud cause he sister would do it for her. Even though she was silent, it didn't mean she was weak or unaware; she would make sure her sister wouldn't get out of hand and would make sure she knew full well what was going on. Though, people viewing her as weak would fall to her benefit as they would humor her more than her sister. When separated, Rory steps up in her sister's place, not letting people push her around but still remaining level headed. She's a bout of wisdom and does what she can to make sure people don't do something foolish.

❖ HISTORY Like her sister, Rory is a blood mage and together, the two of them were trained under the elder blood mage of the tribe. Even though they were twins, the two almost seemed like polar opposites, though they were inseparable. Those of the pack found Rory much easier to approach and one night, after the old man had passed, the leaders approached the younger sister. They feared Faline's powers were too unstable and risky to keep. They urged the girl to get her sister to leave, they would have a wondrous home set up for her and even Rory would be given permission to set up residence further out to remain in contact with her sister. Rory didn't agree with it though, together the two were very powerful and while Faline's magics held more of a risk, Rory could easily counter it. When she disagreed, the leaders urged her to reconsider saying that if she did not, it would lead to their banishment or Faline's death.

Rory kept the conversation from her sister as she went back to the temple to finish healing a few more sick before she would return for the night. Though, before that would happen, the earth began to shake, a mighty roar echoing in the halls of the burrow. She rushed out like the others to see a massive beast. Running, the younger sister looked for her elder half and she found her along with some of the hunters of the pack. Her body was decorated in runes that glistened in the red of fresh blood, though it did not flow for when it would hit that point, it would vanish, fueling the massive beast.

It was time to prove that the two could do anything. Copying the runes, Rory grabbed her sister's hand, meeting the runes there and as their blood mingled, the creature began to calm and would eventually vanish. When morning would come and the sister's would wake, the leaders were pleased. The younger one had been right and the leaders offered the sister's freedom under the condition that they would return and do as the leaders requested.

For years, the twins were left alone, that is, until the pack caught wind of an island that held unknown power. The leaders thought the twins could grow with this power and sent them on their way. However, the powers and creatures on this island would be far greater than they could have imagined. It seemed as though they were under constant attack and during one relentless night, Faline urged the group to leave while she kept the attention of their attackers. Rory was the most reluctant to go, not wanting to leave her sister's side. In the end, the group left and as soon as the younger sister returned to the pack, she demanded return. When news came about that a group was being put together to return, the pack allowed her to go with an ally of their tribe. If that trip didn't come up, they would not have let the younger sister go, the dangers were too great and there was no saying that Faline was still alive.

"I'm what you hear go 'boo' in the night"
▬▬▬▬▬ SID SHADY • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by ISOS Duke

Sid, Shade, Shady, Boogeyman, Bringer of Nightmares (the list goes on!)
Shadow Dragon
No preference!
Old, about 275 years old
6' even
Lavender with dark purple swirled in
Black as black can be

❖ APPEARANCE Sid is a shadow dragon, a race that is much smaller than others due to their nature of hiding in shadows and within the visions one has while sleeping. His form is much like that of the others; small and thin, his wings make up a good portion of his body, along with large fan-like spines and horns. As a dragon, he's about the size of a long-tailed sylph hummingbird.

As a human, Sid is very thin, almost sickly so. He bores no scars on his body due to his habit of fleeing from combat. He's not overly tall, nor overly short, he really doesn't have many characteristics to cause him to stand out as anything impressive. His skin is a pale white, his eyes seeming to hold a laughing glint in them most of the time and his black hair is kept choppy and usually tied up to stay out of his way.

He can usually be found clad in all black, the color of his element and the color that brings him comfort. His attire is typically made up of a long sleeve shirt, cargo pants and a pair of polished, black military boots.

❖ SKILLS Sid is known as the Bringer of Nightmares and as such, one of his specialties is toying with the dreams of those that sleep and bringing about horrible, horrible nightmares that the mind usually prevents from happening.

He also has control over shadows, able to manipulate them or use them as transport. He is also quite fast, both in human and dragon form.

❖ WEAKNESS Shadow dragons can be at a bit of a disadvantage as far as dragon species go. Whatever destroys shadows, such as light and fire, holds a significant advantage over these creatures. Not to mention, his dragon size can pose a problem at times. Though it's quite sturdy, it is still very small and no matter how sturdy it is, the size is still something that poses a weakness for he could still easily be crushed if one manages to capture him and he's able to be caught in smaller traps than other dragons.

❖ PERSONALITY Sid is about as trustworthy as a snake coated in slime; you know he's going to strike, you just don't know when. Yet, to those that manage to actually win his loyalty, he is devout and true, until you betray him.

Sid is a very complex character, finding humor in things that most people find to be haunting or just not funny to begin with. He teases, picks and seems to have a complete lack of manners when dealing with people. He's not afraid to push buttons, pull strings and lie to those to gain the upper hand. He's the type of person that is very much out for himself.

He talks big, but he's the type that's usually all bark and no bite for if Sid sees himself at a disadvantage, he will run. The action may seem very cowardice, but it was something that has kept the male alive and out of harms way for nearly 300 years.

He's the type that will exact revenge on anyone who wrongs him, but just when is another thing. It's very difficult to tell just what he's thinking or even planning for he usually seems aloof and just very carefree.

❖ HISTORY Sid held great promise for his race; he was so powerful and a prodigy, or at least that was what he had always heard. Yet, when his people looked to sending possible candidates to the Royal Palace to woo the Princess-to-be, he wasn't selected. Though he was not of a royal family, his abilities caught the eyes of the rules of their people and yet they didn't even consider him when sending some of their own to the palace. This did not sit with the male well; they were a race of deceit and lies so he would have no problems in exacting revenge against them.

One day, Gauss Auvryath, a storm dragon approached him, wishing for his services in taking the throne. It was just the thing that Sid desired in order to show his people the err in their ways. The overthrow was easy, almost as though the King and Queen simply allowed it and for many, many years, Sid was Gauss's right hand, he was second only to the King.
"There's no Aleu without Rroy~!"
▬▬▬▬▬ ALEU W. (BLACK) SKYTUN • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Xavi

Princess or Aleu
Rroy, husband
Looks 25 (is really closer to 50)
Dirty blonde

❖ APPEARANCE I'm not supermodel skinny (I have man-like shoulders which totally weigh me down), but I'm not quite average, either. A step toward the slender side of the scale. Ya know, just thin enough that I can rock a slim fitting suit but buff enough not to look like I'm snap on impact. Oh! And I have the cutest ears ever! Two horn-like wolf ears that poke out of my head. I have a fluffy wolf tail, too. Both the tail and ears are black with tuffs of silver-white fur (on the inside of my ears and underside for my tail). I am pretty freaking cute. No wonder the hubby gets all jelly when I talk to other boys!

❖ SKILLS Much like her husband, Aleu has control over darkness and shadows. Only, her level goes much deeper. Having a father who ruled over the underworld, Aleu's dark magic stems from below. She can call forth wolf-like shadow demons to do her bidding. She does have the ability to create objects from darkness, such as her throwing knives or even black gowns. Usually though, Aleu tries not to turn to her powers to win a battle. Why? Well, she would rather win with words than bloodshed. For some odd reason, when the mood is just right, a strong Northern Wind seems to below. Although she does not control it, the wind does seem to tune into her emotions from time to time.

❖ WEAKNESS Light, fire, and lightning attacks. Light and fire, as she is a being of darkness. Lightning for the North Wind does not enjoy stormy weather.

❖ PERSONALITY Quirky and unpredictable in simplistic terms. Aleu's usually a nice, happy-go-lucky, hyperactive, knucklehead, gravity-hating, crazy lass that loves to be happy! But she's not all fun and games, she's headstrong and won't be pushed around by males, often making her appear standoffish. Not to mention, she's the kind of woman that 'don't need no man to save her, which tends to be a huge turn-off for most. Aside from that, she's fiercely loyal to her heart and believes love can purge the world of darkness. Since having children, she has mellowed down some.

❖ HISTORY Married Rroy Skytun. Had four children. Does what she wants.

Xavirne 06-19-2015 02:03 PM

Reserved for updates~!

Xavirne 06-19-2015 02:03 PM

Saved for extra space~!

Xavirne 06-19-2015 02:04 PM

Open and accepting~!

Xavirne 07-08-2015 05:11 PM

Her ears flickered forward. For a second, her eyes closed and her nose wrinkled as she inhaled.

"Yup," she nodded her head firmly. "There is definitely something out there that wants to eat us."

"No shit," a voice, far deeper and more dry, commented. It came from the woman who now stood with her back against the cabin's walls. She had long, black hair, soulless blue orbs, and makeup the color of blood around her eyes and lips. Standing taller than the blonde with the wolf-ears, she appeared rather bored, as if this 'adventure' was not exciting enough for her.

"Awww, c'mon, Ryna, lighten up a little." The wolf-girl purred while running back to nuzzle the raven. "You could at least pretend to be scared, ya know?" Flailing her arms, the blonde let loose a chuckle before reeling backward into a silver-haired male. "Right, bro?"

"I'm not scared, Reno." Hissing as she sucked in a breathe of air, the raven flicked back her long hair before kicking off the building and walking to the railing. Draping her hand on the wooden edge, she smirked into the darkness that swarmed around them. "What do you think's out there?"

"Bugs," the male with the silver hair said in a rather cheeky tone. It appeared as if he knew the two women who spoke. Not to mention, the one did mention 'bro.'

"Ooooh! I love bugs," the blonde proclaimed before jumping on the silver-haired male. "Can I go collect some?"

"Uh... maybe after dinner?"
Hand falling to his hip, he patted the sheathed katana that was tied neatly around his waistline. "For now, we should worry about getting a fire going and getting something to eat before the sun dips any lower in the sky."

"Why are you worrying, Zero." The raven flicked her orbs toward the man. "You and Reno can see in the dark." Her attitude was starting to wear thin. She had a bug up her nose or a stick up her ass. Or maybe she was just a really big bitch with a condescending tone? Either way, it wouldn't take long before she set someone off with her dry words.

"Silly, Ryna!" The blonde was bouncing around the deck now. "You can see too! Daddy told me!" Tugging at her buff-colored wolf ears, she let loose a yelp when she scratched too hard. In seconds, she went from being a human with wolf ears to a full-blown wolf. "Ouchie ouch!" Sitting, she tried to frown but found it impossible with a muzzle.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, the silver-haired male sighed. "Oh Reno, what are we going to do with you?" A quick step forward, and he racked a hand through her fur. In seconds, her tail was wagging and her tongue slobbering from her mouth. "Why don't you work with the others while Ryna and I see if we can hunt something nearby."

she belted out. "You two always get the fun jobs." Slowly morphing back into a human, her ears and tail remained. Granted, neither mattered for the woman was now stark naked before the other campers.

Ryna snapped, "have some decency. Wear the suit dad packed for you."

"BOOO," she began again. "I like bewbies out!"

"If you weren't my sister, I would agree." Zero smirked while covering his eyes. "Get dressed and see if you can find some pots or something."

"Aye-aye, captain!"
Saluting the male, she dashed into her cabin and dropped on a sports bra and pair of girl shorts. Back out on the deck, she pouted the second she saw they vanished. "Well," hand on her hip, she shrugged, "shall we try to get dinner started?"

ISOS Duke 07-08-2015 06:40 PM

Rory was restless on the plane, not only was it her first time flying and she hated it, but she was returning to that island. Her eyes jumped from person to person on the flight. None seemed to really pay any extra attention to herself or the antlered woman next to her. She had not spoken with Abilene much, but the two didn't really need to share too many words with one another to know what was happening. The green haired woman made sure to hold the hand of the smaller brunette the whole flight, giving it a squeeze whenever she felt the woman was starting to get too upset.

The brunette felt bad too, she could feel the tension in the other's hand. A forest Unai and a mountain Unai, neither were meant to take flight and here she was worrying about herself. Thinking such things would calm the woman down again and return her to look at the others. She wasn't the only one with ears and the way she was going on to those around her, perhaps they were used to such things as well.

Once the group had made it to the island, Abilene found a whole nother task of keeping the other Unai in line. Once they set foot on dry land, the girl nearly bolted into the forest. Grabbing her hand, she shook her head, her eyes locked on hers. Now was not the time, nor was there anything nearby, the other should have known this. Like the others, they set up in the cabin, getting settled as best as they could and once done, they moved to the larger seating area outside where three individuals in particular seemed to be having a very lively conversation.

One of the women, a blonde, seemed to be having the time of her life. This brought a sympathetic look to the woman's face as she shook her head. She was trying to set a mood though, she had to give her that. Lifting her head, Rory took in a deep breath of air. It was quiet, which almost seemed odd. She had not recalled this area or cabin on the island when they arrived and for nothing to be lurking close yet, it was strange.

When questioning what would be out there, the male's casual response caused Rory to grip Abilene's hand tightly, her brows furrowing as she shot the woman a desperate look. Abilene watched the woman and though she did not know the other half they were search for, she felt for the girl. She place her other hand on the Rory's and softly said, [color="green]"We will find her."[/color]

Rory nodded and at this point, no longer watched the group on the deck. Her eyes were locked on the dead fire pit in front of her. "If only they knew," she whispered back to the woman. The island was far from safe, the Unai knew that and for people to be so calm and go there, not knowing, it was painful.

The mood on the deck seemed to change which caused the women to turn around and look once again, the blonde was missing and in her place was a wolf and a few moments later the wolf was gone and a nude woman stood there once again. "That explains a lot," Rory said quietly, Abilene nodding in response. Being animals themselves, the lack of clothing meant nothing to them. The two women both wore simple dresses anyway, something that many human women wore to bed.

When the other two took the chance of the wolf-girl getting dressed to head to the woods, Abilene made sure to hold Rory tight. "It is not time," she stated calmly. "The trees are content, we are safe." Rory nodded and a few moments later, the girl had returned, upset about the disappearance of the other two.

The women stood up, Abilene finally releasing Rory's hand as the woman seemed much calmer at that point. "We should start a fire," Rory said, recalling that some of the beasts they had encountered did not seem fond of the fire breathing creatures her sister would summon. Granted, it would also draw others in, but that also meant it could pull her sister in too. On top of that, some of the others may not be partial to raw meats and the flames would keep the area warmer when night fell.

Abilene looked at Rory warily. She could not deny that the woman was right, even her people needed fire, but it still made her uneasy. "Allow me to prepare the kindling," she asked, her voice calm and smooth, sound mature for her age. "It is best to ask for the help than to take without permission." Before there could be an argument with that, the woman moved towards the forest edge, placing a hand on one of the trees. She looked up into the branches, speaking through their connection, though it probably would have looked like a crazy just staring up into the tree. After a few moments, the tree seemed to shudder, looks sticks and branches falling to the ground. She would continue this until they would have enough wood for their fire.

While this happened, Rory rounded the deck to the stairs. Looking the blonde woman in the eye she said, "What shall we prepare?"

Xavirne 07-08-2015 07:01 PM

Having paid little attention to the other people on the plane, Reno simply blinked twice when she discovered others were nearby. Sure, she knew they were there but she didn't really know-know. Like, she could see them. But... they were... more or less just... things? Nothing or no one important?

With a sheepish grin, she ran a hand through his short blonde hair. Boy, was that embarrassing. Totally overlooking all these people, especially these two that smelled less human than some of the others.

"I'm not picky so asking me is probably a bad idea." She gave her shoulders a slight shrug to coincidence with her words. "But a fire," a grin grew on her face, "I can help with that." The way her eyes gleamed with delight was, odd, to say the least.

In a baby voice, she uttered to herself, "Don't let daddy know and he can't scold me for burning the whole town down." Smacking a fist into her palm, she shot a grin up to the evening sky above. "Thanks, mom." She looked longingly at the clouds for a moment longer before wiping a tear from her eye.

"So where were we? Oh, yes, FIRRRRRE!"

Hands flying out to either side of her body, she shook back her head and let a laugh roll off her tongue. It was one of those maniacal laughs that the psychopaths had. Eventually, when two and two were put together, the laugh would make sense. Until then, they were left with cocked brows and piqued interests.

"BURN, BABY, BURN!" She began to wriggle her fingers, completely ignoring the fact that the one girl had just talked to a tree to get wood. With each flicker of the finger, a spark would jump from her skin. Then, much like the unsuspecting boom of thunder, a laugh erupted and a large flame exploded from within the woodpile.

"And that," she said while flicking her shoulder, "is how you make a goddamn fire." Hands sliding over her beasts, she smirked before turning to Rory. "Since this beastie is going to be rip-roaring for a while, maybe we should get some meat? I think Zero and Ryna are doing that though. So... berries?"

Reno jerked her eyes to the tree hugger. "Don't suppose you can ask the trees were some delicious berries are?" Hand on her chin, she puffed her cheeks out before dropped her tone so it sounded almost man-like. "Reno, don't eat the red berries with the blue dots. Those are poisonous for pups like you." It sounded like she was quoting a man in her life? Likely her father.

Blinking, she laughed. "Daddy says Lypheions can't have those berries. They make us very, very sick." Her ears dropped as did her tail. "Daddy took me hiking one year to this really pretty temple. Along the way, I got the poops because I didn't listen to his berry-instructing." She shrugged. "Guess I did but... I just didn't apply it back then. Teeheehee!"

ISOS Duke 07-08-2015 07:37 PM

Rory nodded slowly at what the woman told her, so she would have to take charge of things a bit. What would Faline have done? A small smile formed on her lips as she knew the first thing she would have done if someone said that was to belittle them for being useless. As she was lost in thought, she didn't quite catch the woman's reaction to the fire needing to be started, though the word 'firrrrrre' definitely brought the Unai back to reality. Her eyes widened as she looked over at Abilene, the woman hearing the word as well. Before Rory could touch her though, the woman had sent a blast of flames to the pile of branches that had fallen to the fire pit. Looking back over the forest woman, she saw fear stricken eyes harden.

"Uhhh," Rory slowly replied as she drew her attention back to the blonde. "Weren't the other two going hunting?" She asked confused for a moment. She thought she heard the boy say he wanted her to prepare everything else for cooking.

When the blonde drew her attention to Abilene, the woman glared at her. The trees around the forest's edge groaned as their bark hardened. "I don't think the trees are going to want to do much talking after that display," she stated as she crossed her own arms across her chest.

Rory looked between the two women; she wasn't overly familiar with either nor did she know the extent of their powers, but blowing up half the island at this point wasn't going to be a good idea. At this point, Rory did place on hand on the woman's shoulder, if only to try and keep Abilene's words from getting to her. "No red berries with blue dots, right? That sounds like Banesblood, we can't eat those either," she said, a warm smile on her face. "Lypheion?" She then cast Abilene a confused look, but the woman merely shrugged as she turned her back to the two.

"I'm not familiar with the term," she then added as she looked back to the blonde. "Would you like to explain?" She was hoping that keeping her talking about other things would keep her from shooting out fire in random directions, or that laugh, though it seemed like a pre-warning for what was going to happen.

Even with her sister gone, Rory was quickly picking up the urge for watching over this person. Her personality was just as explosive as Faline's, only her powers could appear much faster. With her sister, Rory at least had the delay of the runes, not with her though.

Abilene looked up at the trees, they were worried and she had to calm them. Their chatter would not make it easy for her to communicate with them to prepare the group for danger. "Shh," she cooed to them as she placed a hand on a couple of the trees. "You will be safe," she whispered to them. The trees groaned though, their distress wasn't just from what was happening at the camp, the plants were talking, the inhabitants of the inner island were starting to stir.

The green haired woman's brow furrowed as she listened to them. The creatures were aware of intruders on the island, but they were still a ways out so there was no immediate threat at this time. To tell Rory that the creatures were starting to wake would be foolish, she did not need to worry her travel companion.

Xavirne 07-08-2015 08:07 PM

Nodding, she smiled. "Yup. No bad berries." Tilting her head to the side, the wolf-girl flicked an ear forward. "You can't have them either. Father said a few species can't. Oh I wish I could remember. Ryna was always better at remembering."

When the Unai asked about her own species, Reno gave a laugh. "Maybe I should back up first. My name is Reno Skytun, I'm the daughter of the famed Enlightened Valsozn, Rroy, and the deceased Lypheion princess, Aleu." Dipping into a curtsey, she raised her gaze back up to the woman. "A Lypheion is what I am. We have the shifting abilities and looks of our wolf kin, as well as the mighty strength over an element like the elementals and mages." Lacing her fingers together, she smiled sweetly. "As you saw, I control fire. Daddy doesn't let me use it since it's explosive. I've been working with Uncle Nieko-kun to control it but... it's boring." Her tongue poked out but retreated quickly upon recalling Abi's comments.

"Oh," she turned toward the forest woman, "I am sorry. I will do better to control my powers. I just need to remember that daddy's always watching and he'll get mad if I keep making messes. You can tell the trees that I won't scare them again. Besides, I don't think we'll need another fire anytime soon."

Before she could rattle off on a long tangent about fire, a shoe came flying into her head, instantly knocking the wolf out.

"You'll have to ignore her,"
the male with the silver hair emerged from the woods with blood all over his mouth. "Honestly, she's harmless. She just gets too excited when it's mentioned so do try to keep the f-i-r-e word to a minimum."

Walking over, he gently kicked the girl. "She'll be fine." Stepping over her, he circled back the way he came.

"Thanks." The cold voice of the raven came next. "You completely forgot about me."

"Nonsense. How could I forget the scent of dinner?"
Grin in tow, he slowly morphed into a silver-white wolf. Moments later, he was tugging out what looked like a deer.

"We found dinner," the raven said plainly.

Moving toward the blonde sister, she sighed. "Reno," she stroked the woman's cheek, "time to wake up." A dark shadow crossed the wolf-girl's face and pooled into the palm of the raven. Grabbing the shadowy blob, she flicked it into the forest. "How do you feel?"

"Like someone threw his boot at me." Squinting, she glared at the wolf that propped the deer beside the fire.

"Besides that?"

"Good. I made a new friend." Rising from the earth, she snuck around behind Rory and hugged the woman. "New best friend. She's the greatest!"

"Really?" Ryna shifted her gaze to meet Rory's orbs. "What's her name."

"Bestest friend ever!"

With an eye roll, Ryna dropped beside the fire and started to pick at a stone. "Well why don't you and 'bestest friend ever' go find us some water."

ISOS Duke 07-08-2015 09:36 PM

Yes, she acted very similarly to Faline in some regards, Rory had this interesting ability to tame the seemingly untamable it seemed; even back home the leaders were surprised that Faline seemed to listen to the other girl. She nodded though, her father must have been well versed among other species then, from what she had heard, most species could eat the fruit but to Unai it was like poison.

When the girl went about introducing herself the female made sure to lock the name to memory, but the last name stuck with her for a moment and she couldn't figure out why. Then the woman talked about her parents, namely her father caught her attention. Lypheion were not a species that Rory was familiar with, the mountain Unai tended to be prone to hearing of darker things but all Unai knew of Rroy and the Valsozn. Though different in being, Unai and Valsozn that crossed paths never seemed to fight with one another, which was a feat for many differing species. She just stared at the woman in awe before dipping her head to return the polite gesture.

The girl started going on about her species before going back to her father and her Uncle, another person she didn't recognize. At that point, Rory felt and even larger weight on her shoulders. Instead of just having to find her sister, she had the offspring of the Rroy Skytun before her. She knew that if anything happened to the girl or she offended her, the leaders would chase her out, if not kill her, without a second thought.

Abilene heard all too well what the girl was saying, even from the distance in which she stood. A hand lowered to her side and she let out a slow sigh. Unlike the mountain Unai, the forest ones had some experience with Lypheion, not Aleu, but they had heard the name before. "Your kind always makes a great impression," the woman replied as she dipped her chin to allow herself to view the woman out of the corner of her eye. "It is of no surprise that you bore of the rules of control."

Just as she finished speaking, an object went flying by, knocking the woman to the ground. Patting the tree she still touched, Abilene then added, "And punishment comes to those who do not respect control and authority." She watched the boy come out of the woods, taking note to his warning. "I would hardly call her harmless," she stated under her breath as she turned to face the group, arms crossed under her chest. To most she may be harmless, but the carelessness would not bode well for those of her kind.

When the third appeared from the woods, the male turned into a wolf tugging out a deer looking creature. Their scents were similar to the other girl, even if their appearances held key differences. "There's berry bushes nearby, I will return shortly with some," the green haired woman said before her own body morphed. The four-legged form looked like a skinny jackal, though it wasn't feline nor canine. It was slender and had a pelt rather than fur, ears like a stag at the side of its head and the feathery antlers rising proud on the beast's head. Abilene's tail was flat, looking very leaf-like and even bowled some. Color-wise, the center of her back was black but faded greens much like her hair. Even the living plants were still there, on her head and branching down her neck. Once transformed, she took off into the woods.

That left Rory with the other three as they woke Reno up and the Unai was quickly introduce as her best friend. The woman smiled and pat the girl on the head as the other sister quizzed her on her name. After being told to get water, Rory took a step away from Reno only to bow at the trio. "I am Rory, my traveling companion is Abilene," she said softly before straightening again. "As you have the same scent and what has transpired, I feel safe in telling you what Abilene has already confirmed." Faline would have been furious, Rory was usually long winded when it came to formalities and that drove the older sister insane. "We are Unai. She of the forest, myself of the mountain."

Her eyes bounced between the three for a moment, the news probably meant little to them if the species even rang a bell. She then turned to the blonde, a smile on her face as she said, "Reno, I shall help you draw water for the site. Shall we go?"

Xavirne 07-08-2015 10:11 PM

Smirking the remark of the green-haired one, Zero turned his focus back on the meal at hand. Since Ryna, Rory, and Reno (say that five times fast!) were busy chatting away, he made do with fangs and claws. Of course, every now and again a voice would pipe up and offer to help, though its origins were very mysterious. Or maybe they were just hearing things.

Upon introduction, Ryna flitting her lashes at the Unai. "A Unai, very unique species indeed. Father spoke very highly of your kind. It is nice to know that we are in the company of such an ally." Her voice actually picked up a bit, almost sounding sincere and friendly, though it was undoubtedly drowned out by Reno's bliss.

"Rory and Reno, the bestest of friends!" Not caring one bit about personal space, the wolf-girl looped her arms around the Unai and hugged her dearly. "I don't know what an Uni is but you're pretty and nice. So I like you."

"Unai," Ryna corrected. "If either of you two learned to listen to father, you would know a thing or two." Her orbs flickered to Zero for a second. "Anyway," she laid a hand on her chest, "I am Ryna and this is our elder brother, Zero. He, like Reno, is a Lypheion. I, on the other hand, an a Vyllkus." Daintily, she extended her hand to the Unai to shake. "I presume we will get along just fine as our species are linked across time and space."

Retracting her hand, the woman readjusted her seating so that she sat properly over the fire. Taking a needle from the heel of her boot, she began to weave together some thicker leaves she had found. "I didn't spy any water the direction we came from. Perhaps behind the cabins?"

"Whatcha making?" Reno's nose was pressed against her sister's cheek. Clearly this one had not respect for space. Planting a quick kiss, she shooted back and resumed her hugging of Rory.

"I figured we could use some plates. I'll weave together a few while you gather water and Zero," she looked up from her sewing to check on the ravenous male, "rips dinner apart and guts it. When your travel companion, Abilene, returns, I shall add her in preparing a tart of sorts."

Pointing at the raven, Reno laughed. "And this is why I keep her around. She's so smart and dandy, just like daddy!" With a little yip, she looped arms with the Unai and tugged her toward the cabins. "Beyond the cabins we go to fetch the water for... bro?" She attempted to sing and rhyme and, quite frankly, she was failing. Her voice was angelic but her lyrics needed... fine tuning.

"Return immediately if you sense danger," Ryna instructed before falling silent.

ISOS Duke 07-08-2015 10:34 PM

The recognition from the dark haired woman was both pleasant and humbling. She had never met any of her father's kind before, but to be treated highly from previous experiences wasn't something to take light and of course, would have been something Faline cared little about. Even with the nature of their kind, her older sister had a hard time getting into the pack mentality when everyone else was against her and she didn't know it. Granted, much had changed since then, but her sister was still upset about what happened years ago.

Just like that Reno was latched onto the girl once again and Rory laughed. Was this what it would have been like to have younger siblings? Even if her parent's had other children after them, the twins didn't know for as soon as their powers were discovered they were put into the care of the others. She nodded her head towards Ryna as she said, "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance and I do indeed look forward to working with you all. In this day and age, non-humans really need to be forming alliances." She shook the woman's hand, a part of her, on the inside was boiling over with excitement. She had always been interested in working with the other races, but none would let her, but now she was able to.

The smile on Rory's face faded slightly as she watched the interaction between Reno and Ryna. She wanted to share her excitement with her sister; missing your other half was difficult to go through, she only hoped the girl was alright. Her eyes then fell to the boy, Zero as his sister introduced. He reminded her much of Faline; quick to action, usually in the offensive fashion and very solitary.

Reno was definitely one to unknowingly know when someone was upset for almost as soon as her thoughts started to drift off, the wolf girl would return to her side. She was quickly pulling her towards the back of the cabin, her energy indeed lifting the mood of the other Unai. She chuckled a bit and said, "She and my sister would definitely be a force to be reckoned with." The warning of danger was not one to be taken lightly, Rory knew all too well of the dangers that lurked in these woods.

Off in the other direction, Abilene was taking her time once the forest surrounded her. Nothing would come until night fall, that was what the trees told her. The arrival of their group indeed woke the beasts, but they dare not travel in the day without good reason and they weren't for certain that this group was staying. Once night would hit, they may not be so lucky, but the forest agreed to do what they could to slow the creatures and protect them the best as they could.

She found the plants she spoke of and much like before, requested their aid. The plant shuddered, dropping the ripe berries from its branches. Using her leaf-shaped tail, Abilene scooped up the fruit before slowly walking back towards camp. The air was definitely a tense one, though she wasn't sure if it was the plants or some sort of dark magic that lay within the island. Those of the forest were prone to earthen magic so they had a hard time detecting the other elements.

As she neared the camp, she noticed that the boisterous wolf-girl and Rory were gone. She narrowed her eyes as she saw the other two still there and continued on cautiously. Finding one of the leaf plates that sat near the dark haired woman, Abilene walked up to it, tilting her tail to allow the berries to fall onto it. She then allowed her human for to return, white dress still intact, as she said, "The forest has granted us a small bounty and has agreed to assist us during our visit."

Xavirne 07-09-2015 02:24 PM

As the ventured deeper into the woods, the two did eventually happen across a pond. It wasn't too far out of the way either. The dirt path that lead right to it was a very nice gesture by whoever built the cabins.

Now, the pond was nothing too fancy, but it was enough to get the job done. The water was a brilliant blue color and you could see the bottom. You could also tell that there were fish off on the backside and some frogs sitting on the lily-pads nearby. A few colorful birds of orange, red, and yellow, sat nearby and watched the girls. They were completely harmless and after verifying that neither shifter was a threat, began to chirp and sing away.

Reno, who was super hesitant of the whole idea of getting water (it probably had everything to do with the fact that she was fire), stopped dead in her tracks just before the water's edge.

"Yeah, so, ummm, this water looks questionable to me." She poked at it a few times. The face she made with each poke was downright adorable, despite the fact that she was wearing a disgusted face.

"I don't think we can trust it. Too suspicious. Do you see how it just looks back at as," her hand pointed to their reflections. "Just watching and copying faces like the creep it is."

With a grunt, Reno pulled back from the water's edge and pouted. "Yup, we're screwed. No water for us. Too creepy." Ears flicking toward the Unai, she laughed. Reno was just being silly and she made it known. "Although," her hand scratched her chin, "I did forget a bucket."

Whether they were going to go back and get a bucket (assuming Rory didn't bring one) was going to be up to the Unai girl. Reno seemed pretty content not getting water, as duly noted by her tail happily wagging behind her as she poked a little hermit crab.

"Awww, you're adorable. You shall be my Goobie." A second later, she was whining. "Bad, Goobie, bad. You pinch-ied my pinky!" Whimpering, she looked back at Rory to await instruction.

Meanwhile, back at the fire, Zero had finished chuckling up the meat. Morphing back into a man (his pants were in tact but the shirt was a goner), he found some utensils in the cabins. Paying little to no attention to the women, he started to slice away at the meat until he had slabs to start cooking. Back into the cabins he went to find metal grates. Much to his pleasure, there was something. It was a bit dirty but it was nothing a fire couldn't fix!

Once the cobwebs were burned of, he grabbed one of Ryna's leaves and used it like a napkin. It didn't do much for cleaning but it was a decent attempt. Finally calling it quits, he started to plop the steaks on the grate that sat above the fire.

"Did we want any spices," his silver ears flicked every which way as his face turned to Abilene. She was clearly the most capable when it came to gathering so why not ask her about herbs and spices. "I recall passing some catnip but that's about it."

"Spices and herbs would be nice, but not required. Most of you appear to be able to eat raw meat so don't worry about buttering it up for me." Ryna's voice was back to that dry, boring tone. Of course, Ryna's tune changed when she responded to Abi's comments.

"It is most excellent to know that the land is on our side. I believe we have you to thank for that? As a Forest Unai, you have my utmost respect. It is your kind that allows the land to look so lush. Although you didn't directly aid Rroy, daddy did mention that Forest Unai helped keep the thicket thin while he and his friends were on the hunt for the Raccoi that sought to destroy the forest."

Letting out a soft sigh, she placed another plate down. "We truly are lucky to have you with us. If you don't mind me asking, why did you and the Mountain Unai come here?"

Zero, half-interested, jumped in. "Yeah, it's odd that you would be here if you've your own land to tend. The three of us came because," he stopped to laugh, "well, I wanted to get away from father. He's been a real ass lately. Reno wanted to come with me and Ryna wouldn't let her twin and I out of her sight."

"Honestly, I shouldn't. You two would both be dead if I weren't around." She shot Abilene a quick grin, knowing that the sarcastic woman would take her side.

"Says the non Lypheion."

"Ha, I need not be what mom was. To be a Vyllkus is more of an honor."

"You always were dad's favorite," Zero growled. "It's why I can't stand him. Alienating his other kids. Tch, what kind of father does that?"

"The kind of father who lost his everything. When mom died nearly 10 years ago, dad changed. He used to love you and Reno very much. But now that mom's gone, he can't stand the sight of you. Not because he hates you. No, he hates himself. He lost mom. And you two are a constant reminder of his failure. I've never seen him so broken and weak,"
her voice was crestfallen and the look of worry in her eyes mimicked that tone. "I just hope this little bout of rebellion doesn't break his heart."

"As if," Zero grunted while flipping over the meat, "dad doesn't give a damn. So long as you're safe, he won't care what happens to Reno and I. Besides, it's time he let us leave the nest. He's been babysitting us too much since thing. He's too clingy. He had to let go. He has to move on."

"You're wrong." Ryna's voice was stern and forceful. "Daddy would never abandon us, even if it killed him."

ISOS Duke 07-09-2015 03:03 PM

Abilene's eyes fell to the male as he moved about, preparing to cook the meats. While Unai were wild animals by nature, their kind had evolved to be able to consume cooked foods, not highly processed, but cooked. It was something that allowed them to better blend in with humans and while they could have simply eaten fruits and vegetables, while omnivorous, the creatures were partial to meats. When he asked about spices, the other woman replied at the forest woman looked at her. "Should you desire them, simply let me know and I shall be able to ask for them."

The woman started talking about a time when Abilene's own kind aided her father. She nodded her head at the black haired woman and said, "I am glad to hear that my kind has been of assistance to your father and his kind. Unfortunately, I did not take part in such a thing, but it is always an honor to assist the Skytun line."

The forest woman was asked why they would even be on the island, of course, the siblings then went on bickering on their own and the woman's eyes hardened as the looked at them. She could feel the desire for an ally from the woman, but unfortunately she found their squabble to be unneeded and only harmful on the island. "As uninteresting as I find your family squabble," the forest woman spoke up after Ryna's voice started raising towards her brother. "I must insist that you keep such behaviors to a minimum for all of you could easily wind up killed, regardless of whom keeps you company." Her eyes fell to Ryna, then to Zero and back, hinting back to Ryna's comment about her siblings being dead without her.

Feet parting to shoulder width apart, the woman crossed her arms over her chest as she watched the two. "My services have been requested by the Unai of the Mountain so as such, I was traded into their pack with a member of their own. So while my roots are with the Forest Unai, I am now in the Mountain Unai pack," she said answering the male's comment.

Her eyes hopped between the two again as she continued. "My traveling companion, Rory, is search for her sister whom is on this island. I am not privy to the details, but I had been told that Rory and her sister have been here before, for what reason I do not know. The sister has told me that there are horrible creatures on the island, the trees have already told me that they are aware of intruders having come to the island, though they will not move to see if we are here until night fall."

Abilene's chin dipped slightly, giving her gaze a darker look. "If these creatures that even the forest are wary of, I fear the powers that they may have at their disposal. So, unless you wish to bring these creatures upon us sooner, I recommend we keep our noise levels and presence low."

Xavirne 07-09-2015 03:23 PM

At Abilene's warning, Zero glanced down at the katana that was still on his hip. "I would hardly call our bickering loud," he said with a small smile on his lips, "Reno's the one we need to maintain."

Nodding in agreement, the raven finished up another plate. "She is right though. The forest is not used to voices so even our usual tone can call unwanted predators. Whispering, though unorthodox, might be the wisest of approaches." Her pupil-less blue orbs flickered to the katana Zero spied. A smirk jerked at her lips. "Daddy has done well to each all three of us the skills and tricks to survive. Not to mention," she tried not to swoon too much, "daddy would flash here in a heartbeat if we were truly in trouble." Hands grasping the necklace she wore, she blushed. "Daddy said he'll always protect us so long as he lives," she cooed to the gem.

Zero, completely disgusted with all this 'father talk,' rolled his eyes and started removing the meat from the fire.

"Uh, speaking of low profile, shouldn't Reno and Rory be heading back soon? They've been gone for a bit."

"You know her antics. She'll avoid getting water for as long as possible. I trust Rory, she'll protect Reno and keep her close." Ryna's work on the plates was done so she now turned to making little cups for the water. They weren't anything special, but the leaves would line the clay mugs she made. "When she sleep tonight, we'll have to put the mugs in the fire and hope to bake them." She stated without any intention of discussing it further.

Zero, still not ready to fall completely silent, brought his attention back to the Forest Unai. "So Rory has a sister who's on the island. Interesting. Are they native to this island? Or was there something that originally drew them here?" He knew Abi couldn't answer it, but he asked anyway.

ISOS Duke 07-09-2015 03:49 PM

Rory's ears rotated this way and that, keeping her attention to the darkness of the forest beyond. The power of the island was still rich, she could feel it buzzing in her core, but even when she had come with her sister, the two never figured out what the source was. She trotted along with the blonde wolf girl, between the two of them, she felt safer knowing things would have a harder time creeping up on them. Once they got to the pond, the brunette sad at the water's edge and dipped her hand in as she looked further into the water. There were fish and soon after they two arrived, frogs started chirping again; the water's could support life which was a plus.

Reno didn't seem so sure which drew the other woman's gaze up. "The water looks safe," she reassured the woman as she made a face and started poking the water. Rory chuckled slightly, Faline hated the water and the woman before her seemed to act very much the same way. "It's not as bad as you think it is," she said as she scooped the fluid up into her hands taking a drink. She then dipped her hands back into the water and held them out to the girl. "Try it, it's safe, I promise," she said, her voice and eyes warm. "It'll make you feel better after your Goobie pinched you."

Fortunately the woman had remembered to grab a bucket as she was being pulled into the woods, so once she convinced Reno it was safe, they would be good to fill it up and return.

Xavirne 07-09-2015 07:58 PM

Squinting, Reno glared at the woman who offered her water. This was definitely a trap. Rory was betraying her! With a name so close to that of her father (really, you just move the o over one and you have Rroy), it was hard to fully trust her. Okay, okay. That was a blatant lie that Reno just started telling herself. Rroy was one of the most trustworthy individual's she would ever meet. And Rory? With a name so close to that of her dad, had to be just as honest and sincere.

Taking Rory's hands in her own, Reno tipped the water into her mouth and almost instantly light up with delight. "Wow, that is really good!" Tail wagging, she splashed into the shallow water near the edge where they were. Kicking the water lightly, she yelped and howled with glee. This was so much fun! And Rory wasn't playing along? She would fix that.

Crashing out of the water, the woman morphed back into her wolf form and tackled the Unai to the ground. "Play with me, play with me! Just for a bit!" Ears perked, she listened for noises. Nothing. It was safe for play for a bit, right?

The blonde's tail continued to wag to the point that it was kicking up dust all around the yellow-eyed woman. "C'mon, please, please, please!"

Nipping the Unai's hand ever so lightly, she tried to pull the Unai to the water. As Reno got wet, the tail started to spray water on Rory. This made Reno happy so she released her love bit and howled happily. "Yay, yay, yay!" she cheered while prancing around in the water like a pony.

ISOS Duke 07-09-2015 08:20 PM

Rory smiled as the woman drank the water, though she wasn't expecting the woman of fire to react towards the element as she had. The fact that someone that seemed to hate water so much, yet so interested in playing in it moments later, it through the Unai off. No matter how hard the younger had tried, Faline would refuse to actually play in the water. As the girl grew louder, the woman instinctively grew quiet, her ears perked up. There was nothing around, at least nothing that was heard. The girl kept nipping at her extended hands, having her pinned to the ground before trying to drag her foward. A devious look came to her face, much like the look she never showed Faline when it involved water.

A blackness started covering the woman's pale skin, her body morphing like Reno's had. Unlike Abilene, Rory's appearance was pure black, like a moonless night. Her cat-looking ears elongated, looking almost like those of a rabbit's, her snout long and narrow, her tail thin like a whip. Rolling to her feet, on all fours, Rory's form would come to an average sized human's waist. She lowered her upper body, much like a playful dog before leaping towards the woman.

She turned her body so that her side pressed up against the golden wolf and sent the two of them toppling into the water. Unlike the wolf girl, Unai lacked the ability of speech in their natural forms, or at least most did. Rather, the girl chirpped much like a bird, the sound whistled through the leaves as she broke through the surface of the water again.

Abilene's ears turned a bit, though given the feathers and hair, it was an unseen movement. She took a slow seat beside Ryna to assist her in preparing the cups. "It appears that they may take a little while," she replied calmly as what sounded like birds singing reached their camp. As she slowly formed the clay mugs, she rolled her eyes up to the woman. "Keeping our tone down, regardless to whom we could have sweep in to save the day, would be best. It is best to minimize the chances of something happening and hoping help will arrive in time."

Fresh leaves fell from the trees, allowing the women more than those on the ground to work with. Lifting her head, the woman bowed a thanks as she picked one up, lining the cup. Her eyes remained on the object on she said, "If you haven't noticed, this is a forest, not the mountains from which Rory and her sister are from. Typically Mountain Unai would avoid forests unless under the guidance of one of the Forest. So their original purpose for coming here? That would be a question for the one with your sister."

Xavirne 07-31-2015 02:03 PM

Tail wagging uncontrollably, Reno openly accepted the invitation to play in the water. Despite her initial comments, the wolf-girl loved the water. She had always been fond of it, even though it's her greatest weakness. All too often daddy or mommy would have to drag the girl out of the pool and force her to soak up some sun. Too much water and Reno would get sick. The water would absorb into her skin, causing her to lose her hotter-than-usual core temperature. Her skin would begin to shiver and a reverse-fever would begin. Why, one time Reno got pneumonia from swallowing too much water! It was a real learning experience for everyone but Reno. She was, to put it nicely, stupid. Her love for water greatly outweighed her need to avoid it.

Splashing about, she nipped Rory's ear lightly before nuzzling her. "You're really pretty," she said while a glisten to her eyes.


"Don't tell me she's playing in the water," Ryna's voice wavered with concern. "If so, we'll need to keep track of the time. She can't be in it for more than an hour at a time."

Nudging Zero, the male nodded. "Yeah." Tapping his katana, he nodded again. "Probably best we don't let her play for an hour though. Thirty-minute max. Remember what happened last time?"

"Yeah, having a fever out here might be ill-advised." Her hands went back to work and she smiled at Abi's comment. "Agreed. Reno will be a hard one to convince."

For a bit, the trio was silent. Ryna enjoyed taking in the sound of the world around her. She was always the quiet type so the silence didn't phase her one bit. The wind in the leaves, the birds singing in the breeze, the water dripping from a leaf--it was all smoothing. It really made this so-called threatening island less scary. It seemed tranquil, at peace. Of course, Ryna knew better than to fall for that ploy. The night was always calm before the largest storm.

Zero, who had dozed off, seemed at peace too. His muzzle rested on this large, white paws of his. For the most part, he made not a noise--a true feat for a sleeping dog!

Glancing down at the sword beside her brother, she gave the wolf a light tap. "Time?"

Tongue rolling from his muzzle, Zero shifted to eye the weapon. "It's been about fifteen minutes." Ears flicking forward, he smirked. "I doubt they'll be much longer. The one she's with seems responsible. I reckon they'll be back soon."

Tucking his nose beneath his tail, he pulled the sword in closer. "Until then, back to napping."

"Men," she said with an eye roll.

ISOS Duke 08-04-2015 06:40 PM

Rory would dive back under the water before swimming back up toward the wolf girl, climbing over her and pushing her under as she emerged above the surface again. Chirps and whistles came from the black creature, a sound of excitement and happiness, as she played with Reno. Faline hated water; it was usually a fight to get the older sibling into the water to bathe, let alone play in it.

Though she could not speak in her native form, the Unai could understand the other woman's words. There was a soft look in her eyes as her ears relaxed, having instinctively fall backwards when the woman nipped at one of them. It was an endearing look, one that said she appreciated the woman's words.

A snap echoed around the pond from the woods further from their campsite. The black creature froze, her yellow and black eyes focused on the darkness cast by the trees. Slowly swimming backward, she quietly chirped at the wolf girl, her eyes flicking to her from time to time. Climbing out of the water, she grabbed the bucket in her teeth, dipping it into the water before backing up some. Rory looked back to Reno, the look telling the girl to follow, before she turned and ran back towards camp.

Abilene sat quietly as she assisted with the cups, her eyes closed as her fingers ran across the leaves, moving them into place. She listened as the siblings before her spoke to each other, listened to the chirps in the distance and listened to the forest. Rory was enjoying herself, a good thing considering how miserable the girl had seemed since she first saw her. The sounds brought a small smile to her lips, even as the siblings discussed the seriousness the water could bring them.

She would do what she had to, should the Skytun children request her assistance, but for now, things seemed at peace. When Ryna made a disgusted response to her brother's actions, the woman opened one eye to look at the sleeping wolf before her attention was pulled back to the trees and the sound of paws rushing back towards camp.

Opening her other eye, the woman rolled them back, landing on a spooked, soaked Unai, a wolf nearby her. A teasing smile came to her lips as she said, "It was a squirrel. It fell out of the tree." Her smile grew, revealing sharp canines as the rigid black fur on the creatures back seemed to relax as Rory physically appeared to calm.

Setting the bucket on the ground, the black fur seemed to melt away, her body morphing back into her more human looking form. Her hair was soaked, her thin gown equally as so. Reaching down for the bucket she sighed saying, "We are very fortunate then."

Abilene shook her head, making her way towards the younger twin, taking the bucket from her. "If it had been anything dangerous, I would have found you first," she said, a stern look in her eye as she looked into the yellow-black eyes of the other woman, whom nodded back. The green haired woman made her way back to the other two siblings, setting the water down beside the log she had been near.

Xavirne 10-21-2015 02:52 PM

The snap that echoed caught the wolf-girl's ears. Much like the Unai, she drew back those ears and a low growl followed. Eyes honed on the shadows, she tip-toed behind the black creature. There was a fine line between play and danger. Although Reno was all for mayhem and chaos, she wasn't about to endanger the life of her new found friend. Besides, based on the worrisome look in the Unai's eyes, Reno knew that whatever lurked was likely bigger than the two of them could take.

With affirmative nod, she trotted after the one with the water. Reno would keep behind Rory, knowing full well that, should something attack, Rory would have her mouth full, literally! As such, that meant Reno was going to be on the defense.

Thankfully, Reno didn't have to exert her forces and make any plays. Their retreat was successful. Though, upon learning it was merely a squirrel, she squinted. "Well, it's better to play it safe than to be sorry!"

"Whoa," Zero's head shot toward the wet wolf, "since when have you been the responsible one?"

"Psh, I would never put my best friend in danger!" With a firm snort, she shook the water off her coat. Naturally, she did her best to make sure her siblings get splashed a few times.

Mimicking Rory's transformation, Reno flipped to her human-form. Only, unlike Rory, she was stark naked and fleeing into the cabins to get clothes.

"Reno," Ryna said with annoyance, "when are you going to wear the outfit mom made for you? It's supposed to morph with you." Zero, with a nod, pinched his nose. "Yes, please. I really am not fond of seeing my sister in the nude."

Reno, from inside the cabin, poked a pale leg out from behind the door frame. "Egads, are you saying you've seen me naked?!" Her nose appeared as did her large, red orbs. "PERVERT!"

Zero, rolling his eyes and dropping his head into his palms, just sighed. "Yes, of course. And not by my own accord. You frequently frolic in the nude."

Cheeky as always, Reno winked before racing from the building and sliding down the railing. Just as she got to the end, she kicked off and landed beside the campfire. "So whatcha three been up to?" It didn't take her long to realize they had made plates and cups. She also spied the fresh meat and berries. There appeared to be some leafy things too--likely a pale attempt to make a salad. "Oh. Well, we brought water!" She pointed at the bucket before smiling.

Sitting down beside Ryna, Reno patted the log to her right. It was reserved for Rory, which meant Zero and Abi would have to sit together. Taking the cue, the gray-haired male looked over at the other campers. They seemed... taken aback by this all. Some have broken off and went on their own. A few other lingered, but wanted nothing to do with this crew. Shrugging shoulders, he dismissed them as easy prey for whatever lurked in the forest. They were no longer his concern. Right now, it was keeping a wary eye on the Unai and his sisters.

Food ready, Ryna dished everything out so it was completely propotional. Naturally, she tipped Zero some extras as she didn't need him to starve.

"Perhaps, after dinner, we can go back to the pond and find some fish for breakfast. It might be wise to gather supplies now than wait until the morn'." Ryna's gaze fell to the sky above. "Who knows what the weather is like here. And I'm not fond of being caught in a storm."

"Well," Zero teased slightly, "if you're worried about ruining your hair, Reno and I can go out with the Unai tomorrow."

"Tch, that's if it rains." Smirk in play, she took a bit of the food and said not another word.

Meanwhile, Reno was stuffing her face. "THIS IS LITERALLY THE BEST EVER." Grin plastered over her face, she did her 'happy squirm dance of happiness.' "Mmmm, mmm! You guys are the bestest cooks eva!"

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