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Kat Dakuu 01-24-2018 08:21 PM

Make a character from your avi
Time for a new game, ya'll!

While similar to some of the Avatar Above You games, the point of this exercise will be to focus on your own. Write a character profile to match your avi, whatever style or detail level you see fit. You may also include a short, drabble story featuring them. I'd recommend posting a pic of the avi used with your profile in case you ever want to look back at it or use the character you've created, and so posters below may also enjoy it. Whenever you change, feel free to come back and make another post~

Remember, have fun, stretch your creativity, and keep the game going! I will post my example below.

Kat Dakuu 01-24-2018 08:40 PM

Name: "Shadow Hawk" (real name unknown)
Age: 27
Occupation: ninja of the Gaia-Noct
Bio: She got her name from the silent and deadly way she kills with a sword made entirely of black metal. Some don't even see the blade, misinterpreting it for a shadow wind. Despite that, she herself does not dress in shadows. In fact, she would quite prefer not to. Parent's of deep agents, she's never been allowed to meet them and doesn't even know if they are alive. Which is fine really. A girl with many scars and kills as herself is far more suited to being alone. She doesn't even miss the though of them. However, she does sometimes get tempted by the mysterious, handsome figure of the Sapphire Sun kingdom's ninja knight whom she has faced off with many times. Neither has won, neither has lost. She doesn't even know which end result she would prefer against him. Her teacher did always call her rash...

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