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SeaSaltEyes 05-12-2015 05:21 AM

My Awkward Life

That's me in a nutshell. Awkward. Sometimes I don't feel like I'm living on the same earth as everyone else. Seriously. Come get to know my "Toy Story World" theory or my thoughts on finding money on the ground. My wife wants to write a book of the things I think about. Maybe this will give her some chapters...

Feel free to pop in and say hi. I always appreciate other awkward people.

SeaSaltEyes 05-12-2015 05:26 AM

2015 GOALS

1. Learn how to make my boobs dance.
2. Stop procrastinating so much.
3. Finish my book!
4. Make my apartment pretty.
5. Discover the true meaning of Narnia.
6. Get cheesecake.

SeaSaltEyes 05-12-2015 05:30 AM

I wish I could make my boobs dance. Like how guys can flex their pecs and they just bounce around on their chest...I wish my boobs could do that. I mean, how entertaining would that be?!

"What are you gonna do today, honey?"

"Oh, just sit here and make my boobs dance."

That would be tops. I wonder if there's a YouTube video for that...Maybe that can be my first goal of 2015. Have dancing boobies.

SeaSaltEyes 05-12-2015 03:18 PM

Leggings are not pants. Leggings are not pants. Leggings are not pants.


I'm having a serious existential crisis right now. I know that leggings are not pants. I know that I can't wear them outside my apartment without judging myself. But dear Goddess they are comfy! And I really don't want to put jeans on. So here's my dilemma. Do I wear leggings today knowing full well that every time I go outside I either have to change or face silent persecution from my neighbors? Or do I just suck it up and put jeans on because I have very strong convictions.

Why isn't there an app for this?! I obviously need technology to make my decisions for me.

You know what? Screw it. It's a leggings day. SUCK IT WORLD I'M BREAKING THE RULES!

SeaSaltEyes 05-13-2015 04:59 PM

So, Emily's waiting for the second chapter of my book and I haven't even started writing it yet...I thought being accountable to someone else would be helpful, but now I just wish I hadn't told anyone so I could just give up. WHY DO I GIVE UP SO EASILY? I'll tell you why: it's because I'm unmotivated and lazy and just a really skilled procrastinator...UGH.

On a lighter note, there is a giant wardrobe outside my apartment. At first I thought I'd try and get in it to see if it went to Narnia. Then I realized that even if there was a secret exit in the back it would just go straight into my apartment. DOES THIS MEAN MY APARTMENT IS NARNIA?! That would actually be pretty lame. My apartment is pretty lame. I could say that Narnia is just symbolic of the place you feel safest but when you think about it fighting in a war that's not even yours led by a Jesus lion doesn't seem very safe. Alas, we'll never know the true meaning of Narnia.

Whether you think so or not I just came up with A BUNCH of goals for 2015 through this post. That's good, right?

I guess I should get working on that second chapter now...

SeaSaltEyes 05-15-2015 03:19 AM

There's seriously something wrong with my brain. I just can't seem to form sentences. Obviously, I'm doing it here but this doesn't count. I have all these great ideas swimming around in my head for my novel and none of them translate onto paper. Today has been 8 straight hours of staring at a blank pages. I used to be able to write all the time. Now I can't even get past 100 words. There's something wrong with my brain. I try to cut out distractions and I get bored. I try to add in distractions and I can't focus. Right at this moment it looks like I'm never going to finish my book.

SeaSaltEyes 05-16-2015 02:34 AM

So...I scrapped my first chapter. It's too wordy, too pretentious, too...not me. The good news is that I already have 1000 words of my fresh start. I really want to get this book written and that would probably go faster if I didn't keep giving up but I can't help it. Sometimes I just honestly hate what I've written. Hopefully this draft will hold up but I can't be positive. It makes me want to cry sometimes how I can't write anything that makes sense.

I read something interesting the other day about writer's block. It said that you can't get blocked if you don't believe you can. It really resonated with me. So I've decided that instead of writing a book I'm just going to write. I'm not going to give myself limits or goals or deadlines. I'm not going to revise or edit. I'm not going to worry about what I've written. I'm just going to write. Writer's block does not exist. YOU HEAR ME?! WRITER'S BLOCK DOES NOT EXIST. I'm just going to write the story that I want to write. In whatever order I want to write it. I'm not going to worry about literary techniques or run on sentences or making sure my similes make sense. When I'm done with my story then I can go back, plan a little better and turn it into a novel. Right now I just have to get it all out.

On a non-writing note, I'm failing miserably at my housewife duties. I've been so focused on myself lately that the apartment is a mess, the dishes aren't done and this is the third day this week that I haven't wanted to cook. I hate making my wife feel like I'm not doing my job. How can I be expected to be a good mother when I can barely get through a day taking care of myself? I guess I'm just feeling a little introspective right now because I'm about to start my period and I don't have any cheesecake. Stop being so down on yourself! Right now!

Okay, moral of the story is that the past week has been pretty...blech. But, it will get better. Because I'll make it better! I can do it!

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