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Mr. Mayor 06-05-2010 11:48 PM

Discovery Bay - Come hang out at the beach!
Discovery Bay

Welcome to Discovery Bay! This cove is just around the northern peninsula of the harbor. Just a 20 minute walk from the town center but it had become a bit forgotten about as the clifftop path had been damaged during winter storms several years ago and was no longer safe, while the overland path had become clogged and overgrown.

The recent shipwreck off the coast brought this bay back into use though; the path from town was cleared, and the old pavilion was repaired to provide for the salvage crews who were working on the wreck. The bay was also given a name after the discovery of some exciting ancient artifacts which were stirred up from the bay floor by the disturbance of the recent wreck!

So now you can have the pleasure of visiting this lovely area! As you walk along the path from the town you'll enter into a narrow belt of woodland, the path sinks as it nears the cliff edge and a series of steps lead you down through a rift in the cliffs and bring you out on a level grassy area about 20 feet above the beach. On this little plateau you'll find the pavilion, a bit of a grand name for a modest building! This is a open-fronted bar with a small clubhouse behind it, built from old salt-silvered timber and with a seagrass roof it looks like it's been there for 100 years, and some of it probably has! Seabirds often nest on the roof so that's something for the ornithologists among you to look out for. There's plenty of seating outside the pavilion, much with parasols if you want to get out of the sun, and more room inside if the heavens should open and you need to make a mad dash for shelter!

Some more steps cut into the rock bring you down onto the soft golden sand of the beach. The sand curves in a typical half moon shape, half a mile in length, that tapers at each end into tumbled rocks and pools teeming with sea life before meeting the enclosing cliffs. The water of the cove is mostly shallow and very safe for swimming, it runs out for a distance around 100 meters and then deepens sharply close to the narrow mouth of the bay but that depth change is easy to see as the water color darkens in a clearly visible line. If you're careful you can climb out over the rocks that make up the northern arm of the bay and work your way right around to the bay's mouth. But only do this if you're sober and please don't let children go out onto the rocks unattended!

It is rumored that smuggler's used to use this cove in days gone by, there are a couple of caves in the cliffs which show signs of fires having been lit in them in the past and where old lanterns, candles and crates have been found so this could well be true! But now the cove is our playground so feel free to use it, night or day!

Mr. Mayor 07-25-2010 01:11 AM

Discovery Bay - Come hang out at the beach!
...............Well would you credit it! All this week I've been run ragged going back and forth between Menewsha and Amorus dealing with various issues that have arisen from this shipwreck...

At first it seemed like nothing more than an unfortunate accident then a few rumors began to circulate, the main one being that the ship's Captain was rascally drunk at the helm and so pie-eyed that he steered his vessel straight onto the rocks without even realising!

He has been questioned lengthily about this and has strenuously denied it, but today a rather startling discovery was made! Salvage work has been continuing on the stricken vessel since the wreck, now this has been slow work as the ship can only be boarded without danger for a few short hours when the tide it as its lowest each day, so it wasn't until today that the teams were able to safely access the Captain's cabin and make a rather dismaying revelation!

Hidden in a secret compartment between the cabin walls and the hull of the ship were a large amount a crates full of alcohol! It would appear that not only was the ship's Captain a drunken sot, but he was a smuggler to boot! Now, these crates contain jugs of a special wine from a particularly mountainous region of Dainea, as the wine was discovered in Menewshan waters I contacted the Dainean Empress and offered to return the hoard to her, but she has most graciously turned it over to me to do with as I will, as a thank you for the discovery of the smuggling.

So! I have decided to share this bounty with you good people! I will distribute the flagons to people who leave me a note in here saying they would like to partake of this vintage! There isn't a huge amount, but there will be enough for a fair few Menewshan's to imbibe ;) If the wine proves popular then we will see about getting a regular supply in the shops.

So, who would like to sample a flagon of Dainea's finest? The smuggler's hoard is all gone now!

Goblin Maiden 07-25-2010 01:15 AM

Shoot me one, please, Mister Mayor! ;D

Foxy 07-25-2010 01:18 AM

I would very much fancy a sample.

Mr. Mayor 07-25-2010 01:18 AM

With pleasure, my dear!

The_Cheh 07-25-2010 01:18 AM

I would love to partake in this mr mayor :D

Mr. Mayor 07-25-2010 01:20 AM

I am liking this! All these lovely ladies wanting some wine ;)

Foxy 07-25-2010 01:21 AM

Mmm, very fine wine indeed.

Kent 07-25-2010 01:23 AM

Oh! I'd love to sample this wine~ o wo

Hadsvich 07-25-2010 01:23 AM

I'd love to sample some too~ o wo <3

Popcorn Gun 07-25-2010 01:23 AM

Oooh that naughty captain.
Indeed I'd like to sample some.
Or at least have it around.
Is it the kind of stuff that gets better with age?

Mr. Mayor 07-25-2010 01:23 AM

It is rather good, isn't it, Foxy? Apparently it doesn't give you a sore head in the morning, either! You could almost kid yourself that it is healthy. *laughs*

Goblin Maiden 07-25-2010 01:25 AM

Very fine wine, Foxy, from a very FINE provider. ^__~

No after-morning regrets? 8D Right-ho, then! *Mai gulps some down* Ahhh, positively refreshing. ;D

Wulfwynn 07-25-2010 01:25 AM

Ooo...if there happens to be a jug left I'd love to partake in these fine spirits. *grins*

Casiana 07-25-2010 01:25 AM

Mr Mayor!

Jugs? Where? I would greatly enjoy a jug!

My gratitude! ^_^

Popcorn Gun 07-25-2010 01:30 AM


It is very...interesting.

I was really confused when I first saw you wandering around with a jug of unknown liquor/alcohol in your hand, and then I heard what you had to say, and iot made much more sense.
x' D

Mr. Mayor 07-25-2010 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by Popcorn Gun (Post 1767915709)
Oooh that naughty captain.
Indeed I'd like to sample some.
Or at least have it around.
Is it the kind of stuff that gets better with age?

Yes indeed! A rather badly-behaved man! But a benefit to us in the end I think you'll agree *smiles*

This will most definitely improve with age, I've had some myself that was 10 years old and it was like sipping liquid silk, absolutely divine!

Popcorn Gun 07-25-2010 01:33 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Mayor (Post 1767915767)
Yes indeed! A rather badly-behaved man! But a benefit to us in the end I think you'll agree *smiles*

This will most definitely improve with age, I've had some myself that was 10 years old and it was like sipping liquid silk, absolutely divine!

Haha, I suppose so.
Menewsha hasn't had or provided anything like this to drink since...well ever, haha.
Merci beaucoup.

Casiana 07-25-2010 01:34 AM

-bottles some up and puts it on a high shelf-

Let's save some then!

-blows in slightly less filled liquid-

Skull 07-25-2010 01:35 AM

Well now! I do believe I could go for a little drink...

Goblin Maiden 07-25-2010 01:40 AM

*Mai sways back in to show off her booze--er, wine wear*

I'm a... well, I don't know what I am. XD I just felt it fit with the wine jugs... hmm, they're getting kinda heavy and my arms are skinny. Oh well! Sometimes you gotta sacrifice for fashion. ;D

Mr. Mayor 07-25-2010 01:41 AM

They could be a good way to build up your biceps, Mai. *laughs*

Kent 07-25-2010 01:43 AM

Thanks for the wine, Mr. Mayor! It's rather delicious~ = w= <3

momochan 07-25-2010 01:44 AM

Can I have a bottle of the wine?

Goblin Maiden 07-25-2010 01:51 AM

I didn't think of it that way! Thanks, Mister Mayor! 8D

Hmmm... I should write a book about it! "Ways to get Fit while being Fashionable and Fed." Well, drunk, to be honest.

...I mean, while drinking! I mean...

*Mai hides her face and shuffles away*

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