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The Festival Tent 05-01-2016 08:36 PM

[Hangout] The Festival Tent - Feasting, Flowers, and Storytime!

The Festival Tent 05-01-2016 08:58 PM

Excited to join the Phoenix Jubilee, you head down to the City Gardens in the center of town. As you stroll up, you see the many colorful tents and booths of the festival clustered cheerfully on the lawn. Game booths line the pathways and part of the lawn has been set aside for live music and dancing. In the center of it all stand the Festival Tent.

People are already gathering around the games, but enticing smells are wafting out of the Festival Tent and you duck inside to check it out. Long buffet tables line one side of the tent, with little dining tables scattered around. Along the opposite side of the tent, you see more tables where a seemingly endless rainbow of Phoenix Orchids are on display for everyone to enjoy.

As you take in the sights, you spot Jeryck in one corner of the tent, telling stories to a gaggle of children. You also catch a glimpse of Li Mei bustling around and a number of other familiar faces scattered through the crowd.

Where will you head to first?

Jeryck 05-01-2016 09:32 PM

Have you ever heard the story of how the Phoenix Orchid came to be? It's a charming little tale, and quite an old one. Most people these days have never heard it, except in some of the very small towns tucked away in the hills. I had not heard it myself until my good friend and colleague Sir Cassian Keane the Third graciously shared it with me.

If you're feeling tired from the festival, come sit a while, and I'll tell it to you.

Story of The Phoenix's OrchidX

[Once upon a time, when faeries danced in every garden and a troll lurked under every other bridge, there lived a young man. He was healthy and capable, and his heart was the size of any six average boys' hearts together.

He was very kind, very earnest, very generous, and very, very gullible. But the people of Menewsha were, as a whole, honest and would never have dreamed of taking advantage of the young man. They laughed and would turn his generosity to those who needed it more than they.

But of course, not everyone in this world is as good as that.

A townswoman who was not fully adapted to the lifestyle of Menewsha saw the young man offering a bag of gold to a friend, who smiled and turned it away with his thanks.

"Give it to me," the townswoman said, when the friend had said his good-byes and gone about his way.

"With all my heart," the young man replied, handing over the bag of gold without hesitation and with a charming smile besides. Surprised and not knowing quite what to say, the townswoman took the bag and hurried back home.

For the next few days, she paid attention to the young man and his behavior - and the behavior of the Menewshans. She decided that the next time he offered something and the person he offered it to turned it down, she'd ask for it again. This time he was offering a hat that she coveted. When that was also kindly refused, she approached the young man again. "I will take that," she said.

"Then I give it to you with all my heart," the young man replied, placing the hat upon her head and seeming to be quite happy with merely that as his reward.

Again not knowing how to respond, the townswoman went away. But she sat and thought about it. "I wonder how far he would go to please a person?"

It was not long before she was to find out - she ran across him the very next day. "How are you? Is there anything you need?" the young man asked, seeing her expression.

"Would you really get me anything I asked for?" she questioned him.

"Oh yes - nothing would make me happier!" he replied.

"Then I'd like a flower -" she began. "An orchid..." That still didn't quite feel special enough. "An orchid that grows only in Menewsha!" And still - it didn't sound quite special enough. "And it must change its color every time it blooms!" There - that sounded quite special indeed.

The young man looked puzzled a moment, but agreed readily enough. "With all my heart!" He turned and walked immediately in the direction of the home of an old man who knew Menewsha the best, leaving the townswoman speechless - as she rather had expected he would refuse.

The young man walked twenty miles over some of the roughest terrain in the area to reach the man who knew the most about Menewsha, but the old man did not know of any such orchid. "You may wish to ask my grandfather," he wheezed. "But the way is long and hard - surely it is not that important?"

"It is my Quest," the young man replied simply. "Where might I find him?"

So the young man was told to walk the entire length of Menewsha to find the old man's grandfather, who lived on a rocky beach. It took him quite a long time to find the cottage and he was worn and weary when he arrived - but the ancient man who greeted him was kind and fed him a soup that helped him to recover. The young man told him what he was looking for and the ancient man shook his head, having never heard of such a thing.

"But you may wish to talk to the guardian on the mountain," he sighed. "But the way is long and hard - surely it is not that important?"

"It is my Quest," the young man replied simply. "Where might I find the Guardian?"

The ancient man instructed him to climb the tallest peak of Menewsha, where the wind howled its fury all year round. He crossed the whole of Menewsha again and scaled the mountain. It took him a very long time and when he reached the summit, he saw nothing at first.

"Oh - I've climbed the wrong mountain!" he cried, never for a moment believing he had been lead astray, even as his teeth chattered and he turned blue from the cold. He had not the strength to climb down again.

A sudden flash of heat chased away the chill and the young man looked up to see a phoenix standing over him - its wings spread and warmth radiating out from the magical bird like a warm summer sun.

"What a foolish creature you are," the phoenix remarked, its eyes bright and tone exasperated. "You need not explain why you are here - I was told as I flew over the cottage on the rocky beach. Is this that important to you, then?"

"It is my Quest," the young man replied simply. "Where might I find such a flower?"

The phoenix regarded the young man for quite awhile, which allowed the young man some time to thaw from the cold. Finally, it replied. "There is no such flower now, but go you back to your town and build a garden. When it is finished, I will plant this orchid - one unlike any other in this world - and every time it blooms it will be of a different color."

"Thank you!" the young man cried.

"But be warned - the way is long and hard. Tell this to the townswoman - she shall have to work to earn her special gift. And you - you may help her as much or as little as you like. But it will not bloom if she does not put in her fair share of the effort. How can she appreciate something she has done nothing for?"

The young man, for once, had no ready reply. It seemed as if he had taken the phoenix's meaning, so the magical bird sent him on his way down the mountain and back to his town. He built the garden, and the phoenix came, planting a seed in the ground before flying away.

The townswoman came and demanded her flower, and so the young man explained what the phoenix had said. She pretended to agree, but left the bulk of the work up to the young man. So the orchid did not bloom that year. Nor the next. By the third year, all in the town knew the story, so the townswoman began to feel as if she should work a bit more, if only to escape the knowing looks of the townspeople. And as she worked, she began to wonder what the orchid would look like as it bloomed - so she worked a bit harder.

The third year the phoenix's orchid bloomed - a flower so lovely it moved people to dream. It moved the townswoman to tears. "Let's celebrate your success!" the young man said, happy to have finally fulfilled her wish.

And so every year the phoenix's orchid blooms, the island of Menewsha celebrates, knowing that hard work is what brings the purest rewards.]

If you're interested in more stories like these, be sure to stop by the Menewsha Library sometime. I've been building a little collection of myths, legends, and fairytales there for everyone to enjoy. *nods*

Li Mei 05-01-2016 09:58 PM

So, my family always celebrates the Lunar New Year back home on Vile and it's, like, one of my favorite holidays. But it's been forever since we really celebrated it here on Menewsha, you know? Such a drag!

The good news is, I talked to the City Council about it, and they agreed to spice up the Jubilee this year with some Zodiac flare! Go check out the games and contests to see what's up.

Wait, you've never heard of the Chain Zodiac?! Whaaaat! Ohmygosh, let me tell you about it!

Chain ZodiacX
Kaze-ten (Vile)

Years: 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032

Kaze-ten, also known as "wind weasels", are said to be found amidst the mountainous forests of Vile. Those born in the year of the Kaze-ten are natural leaders, hardworking, intelligent, and determined. They bring wealth and good fortune, but may be manipulative and overly ambitious at times.
Whalecow (Sea)

Years: 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033

Whalecows are the gentle giants of the sea and the faithful steeds of the legendary Whalecow Riders. A person born in the year of the Whalecow is patient, logical, friendly, and honest. They share a wealth of common sense, but can be a bit stubborn and demanding.
Lion-dog (Kiyo/Typhon)

Years: 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, 2034

Lion-dogs are the fierce protectors of the islands of Typhon and Kiyo. A person born in the year of the Lion-dog is powerful, rebellious, brave, and has a natural air of authority. They can be quick tempered and unpredictable at times, but will always follow through in the end
Bunnyfish (Zajac)

Years: 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023, 2035

A curious animal originally discovered off the shores of Zajac, Bunnyfish were originally considered creatures of myth. A person born in the year of the Bunnyfish is kind, well-mannered, gracious, and peaceful. They have a tendency to be detached or superficial, but otherwise make ideal diplomats.
Dragon (Dainae)

Years: 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024, 2036

Dragons are the noble protectors of the island of Dainae, said to be linked directly to the royal family line. Those born in the year of the Dragon are proud, passionate, charismatic people and seem to be gifted with natural luck. They might be arrogant or brash, but their fiery personality can also be a source of strength.
Basilisk (Tapio)

Years: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025, 2037

Basilisks are reportedly found in the dense jungle of the island of Tapio. Those born in the year of the Basilisk are graceful, elegant, cautious, and cunning. They can be a bit possessive and may prefer solitude at times, but make wise and reliable friends
Hippocamp (Atlantis)

Years: 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026, 2038

The Hippocamp is the guardian spirit of the lost island of Atlantis. Those born in the year of the Hippocamp are active, cheerful, open-minded, and carefree. Sometimes fickle and impolite, they overcome their shortcomings through strong will and extreme confidence.
Kirin (Gwydion)

Years: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027, 2039

A Kirin is an unusual creature found on the island of Gwydion. Those born in the year of the Kirin are gentle, understanding, righteous, and creative. They can be a little shy and overly sensitive, but keep their heads up and remain calm even in the worst situations.
Octi (Sea)

Years: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028, 2040

Octi can be found off the shores all along the islands of the Chain. Those born in the year of the Octi are known for versatility, ingenuity, hospitality, and wit. They're capable of thinking on their feet and adapting to any situation, but will occasionally use these strengths for mischief.
Phoenix (Menewsha)

Years: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029, 2041

The Phoenix is the beloved guardian spirit of Menewsha. A person born in the year of the Phoenix is neat, self-assured, decisive, and very observant. They can be strict, critical, and overly opinionated at times, but their compassion and willingness to help makes up for their shortcomings.
Heartface Fox (Menewsha?)

Years: 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030, 2042

The origins of the Heartface Fox aren't clearly known, but they've been seen on Menewsha for many years. A person born in the year of the Heartface Fox is honest, intelligent, straightforward, and has a keen sense of justice. There's a tendency to be cynical and judgmental, but their fierce loyalty makes them very dependable companions.
Ammut (Merkhet)

Years: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031, 2043

The Ammut are mysterious creatures found in the deserts of Merkhet - the most famous of which is the Star Eater, Guardian to the Celes Paradi goddesses. Those born in the year of the Ammut are sturdy, modest, bold, and realistic. They will avoid confrontation if possible, but can sometimes be self-indulgent and too dependent on others.

Sooo, what sign are you?

Check out the full thread on the Zodiac here and pick up a sweet banner for your sign.

The Festival Tent 05-01-2016 10:12 PM

As a little bonus, we'll be giving away the gold earned by the Festival Tent at the end of the event! Everyone who makes at least 10 posts in the Tent will be entered into the drawing, and the lucky winner will take home the pot. The more posts the thread gets, the higher the pot will get, so get posting!

Roachi 05-02-2016 09:25 AM

*peaks head in*
oooh i guess i'm first here! :P

Kay 05-02-2016 09:29 AM

Yay! The event is here! [eager]

xoxoAngiexoxo 05-02-2016 10:00 AM

Yay event time wasnt expecting it to start this early

Kay 05-02-2016 10:03 AM

I didn't think it'd start this early either. I'm going to enjoy this event. I've got three or four days off from work in a row. Perfect timing for an event. Lovely event commons. I like the new dresses.

Inspiration 05-02-2016 10:10 AM

Hi jeryck, h Li Mei! It's wonderful to see you both.

Roachi 05-02-2016 10:15 AM

I'm glad it did - well i was able to get online and set up my charity thread xD

xoxoAngiexoxo 05-02-2016 10:22 AM

Im gettin off work soon so ima check it all out when i get home

Roachi 05-02-2016 10:28 AM

Cool Angie. Might see you later. Im off to bed soon.
Grr wish i didn't have work. Would love to just hang out on mene like the old days xD

Shadami 05-02-2016 10:33 AM

I am super excited the event is here this early too. cause my girls woke me up a half an hour before I had to turn my alarm off. xD so they're watching cartoons while we get ready for school and I post.

Inspiration 05-02-2016 10:37 AM

Goodnight Roachi, sleep well!

star2000shadow 05-02-2016 10:38 AM

'Pokes head in excitedly' hello everyone 'waves'

zeapear 05-02-2016 10:39 AM

Well, I for one am excited for this event! Phoenix Jubilee is my favourite Menewsha specific event; you really can't go wrong with flowers.

Howdy Star!

xoxoAngiexoxo 05-02-2016 10:41 AM

I was off 3 days last week im just finishing a 14hr shift now so i will be sleeping in a few hrs but i plan on being around a lot for event

---------- Post added 05-02-2016 at 05:42 AM ----------

There wasnt a phoenix jubilee last summer so this my 1st phoenix event

Shadami 05-02-2016 10:45 AM

Hope to catch you later than Angie :]

Good morning Star

zeapear 05-02-2016 10:47 AM

The Phoenix Jubilee was my first ever event way back in 2008; almost 8 years ago now! I remember you'd get event currency by clicking orchids that would randomly appear on the website; it was a lot of fun and pretty ingenious. I think that might have even been the first Jubilee?

Kay 05-02-2016 10:50 AM

The event has just started and menes starting to get busier again. It's nice to see. Wish I didn't have to work tonight.

zeapear 05-02-2016 10:52 AM

Yeah, I miss the days back when Menewsha used to be absolutely packed during events; I remember some threads were updating so fast that you could hardly keep up with conversation. [lol] It should be nice seeing some users come back; I know that I definitely lurk until an event begins.

musasgal 05-02-2016 10:54 AM

No flipping way! Kirin is exactly like me O.o

star2000shadow 05-02-2016 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by zeapear (Post 1773617553)
Well, I for one am excited for this event! Phoenix Jubilee is my favourite Menewsha specific event; you really can't go wrong with flowers.

Howdy Star!

Howdy Zeaper and your right you can't go wrong with flowers as is Im trying to earn up a bit more gold for an item in th enormal common's store that would go with my current avi 'nods' I'm a do a purple wig on top from one of the sets that was recolored 'squee' i can't wait to get all those wigs they all look awesome.. 'takes deep breath' but I shall be patient..

...or try to be.

zeapear 05-02-2016 11:02 AM

Star: That should look really nice! Good luck with saving for it. :) I'm holding on to all of my event currency until the EIs are released; the suspense is gonna kill me.

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