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-   -   ***Rosebleed's questing for Valentine's Hair Pin! 1EI left to collect! Thanks for selling the Sash, Yumehayla! <33*** (

Rosebleed 07-28-2008 05:38 PM

***Rosebleed's questing for Valentine's Hair Pin! 1EI left to collect! Thanks for selling the Sash, Yumehayla! <33***

Wow, so it is now June the 12th. It has been almost a year since I first joined Mene, and gosh, what a great year it has been! I've been a hard-core quester since the moment I joined the site. :) I now have all the CI's on this site and I only have to collect 8 more EI's in total. In the last year tonnes has happened. I became a Moderator in December (trust me, I've never been more shocked in my life. It was always my sister who ended up getting chosen to moderate on the sites we go on.) I've been given an awful lot of stuff, and I owe them for that, big time.

So yes, welcome to my Quest thread! I hope you'll stay and chat with me. :)

+_+_+ Post 1
<You are here> Introduction I.e Greetings!
+_+_+ Post 2 What I'm questing for and progress
+_+_+ Post 3 Future Quests
+_+_+ Post 4 Donators
+_+_+ Post 5 Affiliates

Rosebleed 07-28-2008 06:58 PM


What i'm questing for:

V-day 07 Hairpin


28th July 2008: Well currently all i've got is the gold you can see. :angel:

2nd August 2008: Sold a few of this months C.I's, gained gold. Current total: 7400g
Yay nearly there!

8th August 2008: So I probably could have these slippers right now. Had it not been for me getting tempted and buying a whole load of event items! :sweat: I've just put in an offer for the dove and raven headwings.. We'll see if I get them, then i'll probably start from scratch! Fun stuff ;) either way i want these slippers before september.

11th august: Ok, so the person never got back to me about the headwings.. So I got bee slippers instead! Thats one out of two of my quests completed... How fab ^_^
Starting from scratch again now though... >.<

26th august... Ok! so its been ages since I last came on this quest page, but loads has happened since then! I've almost achieved my panda slippers..
I'm just waiting for acceptance of an offer, i've purchased the fox hat, and i'm after a few othe items also...
But what to make as my main quest? I really dont know.
Plus, I've just realised its only 3weeks till I fly out to tenerife! :o its come round soo fast. Humph.

5th September....: Right, so like i said last time, I was following this quest for ages, i've had the funds for panda
slippers for well over two weeks but I was struggling to find a seller. which really sucked.
However, last night someone popped into my exchange thread accepting my offer. I couldnt believe it! D:
So, I now own these slippers... I am starting up anothing quest for the Staff of Healing and the Horns of nature.
It shouldn't take too long as i've already got the funds for them!
On another note, whilst on the panda slippers quest I acquired several other items...
See the quest's achieved section.. ^_^
I hope everyone is well and thanks to all who've kept my thread running smoothly..
Maybe I should set up a blog D:

5th September: Ok, so literally an hour after I last edited this
I managed to get both the horn of nature and the staff of healing! wh00t.
So, now I'm aiming to buy the dove and raven wings...

7th sept: Hmm, two days on i've got my raven wings, and i'm awaiting my dove wings trade to be accepted.
So onto the next items! which is, Dragon Helm, Garnet Dragon Sword...
I wonder how long this will take! Remember guys i'll be away for 10days in september from 16th to 26th
so i'm getting as much as I can quested! D:

11th Sept: Whoot! I go on holiday in 5 days :eager:
So, anyway, I've branched out a bit again, I invested in the sash of chaos
which was a future quest, but is now an achieved quest :p

9th October: Well today was my mum's birthday, and yesterday was my sisters.
Its been a busy few weeks since I got back from tenerife.
*sighs* I've just been selling some of the monthly ci's to get some money under my belt before the
'give back' auction.Which should be... Amusing?
Oh yes, and i've just bought the dragon helm... so, it starts again!

16th October: Ok, many things have happened since I last posted.
I've purchased several items including: Dragon garnet sword, glacial circlet, some of the valentines 08 items
and some of the halloween 08 items.
I'm now looking to by the sleepy melodies harp... i'm also bidding on the give-back auction.
So its all good... :)

20th October: Ok ! So I totally got called into work when the auction ended so I didn't manage
to win anything. :(
On the upside, I've purchased the sleepy melodies harp, The astrol halo and winters flight!
Good hord this week.
And so starts the long quest for the pudao of time, I doubt I'll get it till atleast next month. :)

16th November: Well, its been a whole month since I last updated this so I thought i'd better finally do it.
The latest give-back auction I won the queens crown *jiggs* which has shoved my quest forward a few notches!
Also the next giveback auction that is currently in place has a pudao, and a fan in it.
I have yet to decide what to bid on although I am tilting towards the pudao purely because
I put the fan down in the raffle.
And that brings me onto that subject; The raffle. I've put in for the carnival hairpin,
the fan and the val hairpin. hopefully I'll win something <3 xD

26thNov: I won the pudao in the giveback auction! *dances* so that quest was completed and i'm currently loving it.
I'm not sure of what to quest for next... so after the hard one i'm going for the cloak of nature. a slightly easier one xD

27thNov: Ok! so I won the fan in the raffle! dead chuffed. but then I went and splashed out for a new outfit!
So now I'm a bit skint xD

2nd DEc: almost christmas, thinking about holding a giveaway on the event <3
Bought the carnival hairpin yesterday also <3

7th december ~ purchased the following:Scepter of Order
Cloak of Nature
Yumeh Cat Hairpin
Not many more ci's left to get anymore! D:

Jamuary 5th 2oo9 <3:
Well, its been forever and a day since I last updated this, so I though I'd best do it <3
The last giveback auction I aquired the mask of atlantis... I am now hunting for the phoenix mask...
If anyone sees it, lemme know! I've aquired many items over the last month, mainly items for my giveaway
(30k+ worth of items) >.<
but also some for my self.
Stuff given to me:
White Bunny Plushie
Bunny Hairpin
Chicky on my head
pierced Bunny Headband
Stuff I bought:
The mask of atlantis
Sceptor of chaos.

I cant remember everything I've purchased since the last time I updated this. Lets just say its alot.
I was given the scarf of order by creps, and someone helped towards my offer on the phoenix mask!
omg. I want to know who did it. => I later found out it was Bartuc. Which reminds me,
I must chase up the art I commissioned..
Only 1 more CI to go till I have the whole lot! :squee:

27-01-2009 ~
Squee! well. What an entertaining week. All of my last CI quests finished, and through help of my friends!
Shocking! Thanks guys! But especially to bartuc ~ Gave me my kings crown :o *still in shock*
~ wait that might be tiredness. I only had like 3 hours sleep!
So, for now I'm going to take some time out from questing.
I'm going to be gathering prizes for my easter giveaway, helping others with quests etc.
=) a nice laidback few weeks. whee.

02-03-09 ~ I gave in and bought one of my quest items... well, make that 3, actually. But I didnt update this before D:

07-03-2009 ~Started questing again because i have now purchased all my give away prizes.
Now questing the male welcome tee!

25-3 ~ So I got the silver top of the morning hat a few days ago, and I as thinking...
I don't need to get the welcome tee (m) because A/ I never have a male avatar! B/ I'd just be keeping it for
hoarders sakes. xDD
So I'm skipping it and going for the Lovelipop instead.
Though, this probably wont happen till after easter.. :lol:

31-03-09 ~ Zweres donated Golden Decorative Stockings :o luffle's forever. xD now looking for pot of gold

18-5-2009 ~ Won the gold prize from the quest raffle.. 12k <333 Thanks juru!

22-5-2009 Purchased V-Day pendant from Ebil for 90k. Thanks luff <3

16-6-2009 ~ Purchased the Gold Clover Hairpin from Ebil for 120k! Thankyou <33

29-6-09 ~ Purchased the Pot of Gold from L O G A N ~ Thankyou <33

27-8-2009 ~ Purchased the V-day belt fro Razo for aprox 130k. Thanks Razor!

10-9-2009 ~ Purchased the Green Clover Hairpin from the GBA. Thanks Eroy. :)

1-12-2009 ~ I've decided to take a mini hiatus from Mene, alot has been going on in life, and I just don't need the extra pressure/responsibility that I have here on Mene. I will, however be popping online quite often to check on everyone xD. The main reason i've decided this is because It's really busy at work, and I have alot to learn/cram in before the handing over of management at the store and I am finding it hard to get the time to go online. Most of the time I'm using my mobile, which even though its an Iphone ~ its tedious to use it for posting and such.. Lol. I think a month should do it, two at the most because by that time I would have found my feet.
30-12-2009 ~ Sort of got back from my mini hiatus today, things are calming down at work a little, so hopefully all should be well.
Bartuc gave me a Vday 07 boa today, in exchange of all the junk in my mule. Which was worth less than half of what the boa costs, so thankyou. :hug:
18-3-10 Bought the l-pop with some of the items my sister gave my when she left, anlong with some of my hoards. xD Really happy about it.
23-5-10 Bought the pure love sash with some of my spare items and the remainder of items my sister gave me when leaving. (whoop, whoop) Thanks again Yumehayla for selling to me!

Rosebleed 07-28-2008 07:18 PM


Future Quests:

Well, I know its probably a long way off but these are the items i will be questing for in the following months:


All CI's Obtained!
  • Event items:
  • Valentine's Hair Pin

    NPC Items:
  • Tapi Hibiscus Bloom
  • Eggplant Hibiscus Bloom
  • What's that? head
  • OMG! Head
  • Chicken in a Chokehold

Quests achieved!
  • Bee Slippers
  • Fox Hat
  • Jester Hat
  • Spirit of Atlantis
  • Spirit of the Phoenix
  • Panda Slippers
  • Bunny Hat
  • Bleeding Hearts Fan
  • Royal Cape
  • Horns of Nature
  • Staff of Healing
  • Dove Wings
  • Raven Wings
  • Sash of Chaos
  • Dragon Helm.
  • Glacial Circlet
  • Cloak Of Healing
  • Dragon Garnet Sword
  • Orchid Petals
  • Staff Of Orchid
  • Orchid Hairpin
  • Festive Wreath
  • Celestial Headdress
  • Celestial Waist Wrap
  • Celes Paradi Hairpin
  • Starfruit Basket
  • Stardust Sash
  • Cresent Moon
  • New Years Pin
  • Hallopop
  • Ghosty Kitties
  • Pumpkin Candy Holder
  • Pumpkin Mask
  • Spooky Hairpin
  • Lunar Staff
  • Yumeh Ears and Tail
  • Fancy Cool Boots
  • Frost Belt
  • Snow Flakes
  • Frozen Warmth
  • Chilled Beauty
  • Winter's Flight
  • Astral Halo
  • Sleepy Melodies Harp
  • Channah's Panties on my head
  • GIANT Spork
  • The big BANG
  • Festive Wreath
  • Black Heartface Fox
  • Bleeding Hearts Hairpin
  • Bleeding Hearts Boa
  • Birthday Cake Hat (blue)
  • Ltd. edition 1st birthday cake hat
  • Queens Crown
  • Pudao of Time
  • Luck of the Irish
  • Oriental Fan
  • Carnival Hairpin
  • Scepter of Order
  • Cloak of Nature
  • Yumeh Cat Hairpin
  • Scepter of Chaos
  • The Mask of Atlantis
  • White Bunny Plushie
  • Bunny Hairpin
  • Chicky on my head
  • Pierced Bunny Headband
  • Yellow Balloon
  • Orange Balloon
  • Tigra the Tiger
  • Leon the Lion
  • Scarf of Order
  • The Mask of the Phoenix
  • Plucky the Ducky
  • Barba the Lamb
  • Golden Claddagh Belt
  • Menewshan King's Crown
  • Silver Claddagh Belt
  • Welcome T-Shirt - Female
  • Golden top o' the Morning Top Hat
  • Silver top o' the Morning Top Hat
  • Golden Decorative Stockings
  • Valentine's Pendant
  • Gold Clover Hairpin
  • Pot of Gold
  • Valentine's Belt
  • Green Clover Hairpin
  • Pure Love Boa
  • Strawberry Sugar Cookie
  • Halloween Pumpkin and Booger Cookie
  • Light Spell
  • Lovelipop
  • Pure Love Sash

Rosebleed 07-28-2008 07:23 PM



LILIM ~ 1750g <33333

Creps ~ scarf of order! :squee:

Bartuc ~ Added Scarf of Order + 6x Jan 09 To my offer for the phoenix mask! >.> I owe you far too much now! n_n :squee:

*Hime* ~ 100g <3

Bartuc ~ Kings Crown!!!! :squee: Luffles forevermore!

Zweres ~ Golden Decorative Stockings :squee: Thankyou!!

Jennifer ~ 4,000g! Thanks hon! :hug:

XxXshizuki-chanXxX ~ 250, Purple Spotted Present, Red and Green Present, Big Present, Little Teal Present and Green Present! Thankyou hon! :hug:

Bartuc again ~ A 07 Boa for all my mules junk ~ Thankyou again! :gonk:

Rosebleed 07-28-2008 07:24 PM



Rosebleed 07-28-2008 07:30 PM


Rosebleed 07-29-2008 06:25 AM

Whoops! I was so busy changing the title that I totally forgot to remove that! My bad... Thanks for posting, its appreciated :sweat:
:-3 I wish you luck in getting your Pudao of time? ^_^

Rosebleed 07-29-2008 07:00 AM

=3 I guess not many people come on at this time in the morning, but thats ok! I'll take advantage of the time to playgames. :sweat:

Rosebleed 07-29-2008 06:50 PM

THankyou Cbree! Goodluck with your own quest also...
Well as I dont want to get rid of the few items i've already got, i'm only 1 eigth(sp) of the way there! hence only got 1,300 g.

Aryah ^^, I make coffee for a living ... I have to have paitience! :sweat: Thats probably why I succeeded with most quests on gaia ^^
I want loads of the store items too! there's just too much to like on this site! >.<

OhhHHhh. Well, I've read 'Arya' In Eragon, and I think it was 'aryah' in LOTR;s not sure though, haven't read it for a long time!
I think you have a nice name! far better than mine, Lisa. Can't enve shorten mine down because it is already too short! Bwaha.

Rosebleed 07-30-2008 08:40 PM

I dont think its that well used though... But on gaia, my mule was called 'arya-san' from one of my fave books, but hey ^_^ its not spelt quite the same, so its still indiviual to you at the moment. ^^
Its well worth it.. ^_^ I like them, as you can see from my large list :sweat:
Yeah. I'll be buying the c.i's every month...

Rosebleed 07-31-2008 03:32 PM

The film! Ych. You'd be surprised at just how much they miss out. But I dont think it was from lotr's, I was thinking of one of the elves but I looked it up and I was wrong :sweat: Nevermind!

Oh, hello silent. Nice to meet you O_o;; These threads take ages to pick up from what i've seen but hey, no matter ^_^

Rosebleed 07-31-2008 04:39 PM

WEll this is interesting as always.. I suppose I should visit some other forums ^_^

Rosebleed 08-02-2008 04:17 PM

THats good to hear, although maybe its because I'm a newbie and people dont want to come here xD
Well, only 1000g to go, ish... I guess i'd best start looking for a seller,
@aryah Most probably both. :D

Rosebleed 08-03-2008 06:06 PM

Thank you Pixore! ^_^ I need the luck :-3 xD

Silent, Yes I have them I think they're so cute! How could I not like them if I like the slippers... What do you think about them?

Rosebleed 08-03-2008 08:53 PM

Now! Doesnt this event look interesting.. I cant wait to see the items! I love events...

Siri 08-03-2008 11:33 PM

Hey~ I saw your thread and decided to stop by again. x3

I'm having so much fun with this event. :D

SilentBeauty 08-04-2008 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by Rosebleed (Post 3667971)
Thank you Pixore! ^_^ I need the luck :-3 xD

Silent, Yes I have them I think they're so cute! How could I not like them if I like the slippers... What do you think about them?

I think they are so cute!

The slippers together with the headphones is a too cute! <3

Good thing you are already questing the slippers! x3

Rosebleed 08-08-2008 10:28 AM

*Revives* Sorry guys i've been whole heartedly taking part in the event that I completely forgot about my quest :sweat: However I am now back on the ball. Progress post has been updated and i'll once again be roaming the quest threads :D

Rosebleed 08-08-2008 05:36 PM

Everyone might have neglected the quest threads! Or at least I did. bwhahaha.

Rosebleed 08-08-2008 05:47 PM

And to give the thread a little lift, I would sing, if I wasn't afraid of making the few people on this forum disappear... so I'll recite a song.. That i'm sorta listening to.

Rosebleed 08-08-2008 05:52 PM

They call me 'hell'
They call me 'Stacey'
They call me 'her'
They call me 'Jane'
That's not my name
That's not my name
That's not my name
That's not my name

They call me 'quiet girl'
But I'm a riot
Maybe 'Joleisa'
Always the same
That's not my name

Ok! I'm bored of that now.

I do like the ting tings though. they're odd.

Rosebleed 08-08-2008 05:56 PM

Now this song is super dooper ^_^
Take that ~ Rule the world

Rosebleed 08-08-2008 05:58 PM

I seem to have stoped getting stars! What! Why! I dont know. curious though.

Rosebleed 08-08-2008 06:02 PM

And now its started back up again. I wonder why!

Coquette 08-08-2008 08:07 PM

hello there, how are you?
hope you do well with questing ^^
i may make one later myself :]

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