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Kry 07-18-2012 04:37 AM

A Feast for the Gods (it's a forest. just jump in.)
A few rules:

No god-modding
Please be at least semi-literate
Romance and violence are welcome, but remember this whole website is PG-13 so don't get too carried away
Anyone can play a forest god, there are two main ones and a forest mother. (The two main gods and forest mother have been taken. There can be a few lesser gods but no more than three.)
If you do play one of the forest gods please no godmodding. I know. Gods are all supremely powerful and such, but we want this to be fun and fair. Gods are first come first serve.
Please title your first post as Forest God if you are going to be playing as one of the two gods.

A little Background information:

The forest was a very large forest, with all sorts of plants and wildlife. Magic ran wild and rampant here and some even said that a few of the Old Gods still lived in this forest. Mostly it was the villagers who lived in the various villages that bordered one side of the forest that believed the Old Gods still resided in this place.

It is easy to get lost in such a big forest, and even if one doesn't get lost it would take many days to get from one end to the other. And half as many of those days to get from one end to the center or from the center to one end. Recently a few of the hulking beasts that lurk in the forest have been raiding the villages along it's edge. The elders of course assumed the Old Gods were angry at them from some reason known only to the gods, and so they proposed a sacrifice.

Of course, they would not take someone from their own villages as a sacrifice. Plenty of their own people had been lost already by the raiding beasties of the forest. It just so happened a few days after this decision was made, a gypsy caravan came to rest at one of the villages before continuing on through the forest. The caravan never went into the forest, the warriors of the village killed all but one of the gypsy.

Starting Post:

Elyrion scowled as he stood under the large tree. His arms were raised, held in that position by a rope tied tightly around his delicate wrists, binding them to a low hanging tree branch. Not low enough though, the five foot four inches tall young man had to stand on his tip toes. It was a very uncomfortable position, especially so because of the sticks under his bare feet. His caravan was dead, but Elyrion did not care, he had held little, if any, love for his traveling companions. He was not truly one of them, and they had not truly accepted him. The villagers had clad Elyrion in fine jewelry, a thin long harem skirt, and ornaments for his hair. Honestly the pink haired, pink eyed male had never been dressed so prettily before and Elyrion absolutely adored it.

He did not adore the fact that he was to be a sacrifice to some Old Gods. Most likely a bear or a chimera would end up eating him, before those dumb gods even thought to look for a sacrifice. The village elder had said he wasn't a sacrifice. No, that old idiot had called Elyrion a bride. Bride of the Gods. Elyrion snorted lightly at that. Even if the gods did come to claim him it was doubtful they'd use him as a bride, most likely they'd eat him and still continue to torment those stupid villages. Elyrion couldn't put the fault on the gods though, villagers as stupid as those ones deserved to be tormented by supreme beings.

Elyrion struggled against the ropes that held his wrists for a moment. He stopped when his skin began to chafe. "Oh please, can't someone come and untie me already?" Elyrion's voice carried prettily, it was a light voice, soft. It was the voice of a faery. Or rather, a half demon half fae. How that had happened, Elyrion didn't even want to speculate, he had never known either parent so had no idea which had been the faery and which had been the demon. Such a thing though, it didn't matter to him. Elyrion would rather pretend he was a human.

Hidden Cupcake 07-18-2012 07:14 AM

Forest God
"Oh please," came voice, deep and commanding, the sounds of rustling leaves and bubbling streams permeating as it broke the air. "Do those foolish mortals truly believe this will calm my wrath?" The owner of said voice stood off to one side, eyeing the 'sacrifice' with obvious disdain. The man was tall and slender, almost fragile looking, but his limbs were well-muscled and lean. They were the limbs of a runner. Long hair traveled over his shoulders and down his back, braided with flowers and leaves in seemingly random places, rich brown, and healthily glittering in the light.

His body was covered in furs of all kinds, a doe's skull strapped over his left shoulder. A sturdy belt of deer hide and bones kept a tunic of bear fur in place, the arm of it's right arm remaining and covering his own right arm, the claws of the once might beast glittering dangerously in the light over his right hand. Upon his neck was a necklace of bones, a hawk skull amulet laying comfortably upon his chest. The skulls of mice hung from his ears. His pants were also of deer hide, ragged near the edges, like the hide had been sewn as soon as it was tanned. His feet were covered in moccasins of rabbit fur and decorated delicately with the animal's bones.

"Those filthy mortals..." the man hissed, approaching the captive creature with a venomous look. "They believe they can calm me after what they had done...they chose a poor meal, if that was their choice. No meat on it's bones." He lifted his right hand, dragging the claws gently across the boy's exposed midsection, careful not to break his skin. "Perhaps I should just slaughter you here?" he hissed, leaning in close to the captive mortal, forest green eyes dangerous and sharp. He lifted the bear claws to the young thing's neck, gently tapping beneath his chin. "Decorate this tree with your fowl entrails..and then maybe send my ravens upon their crops. Teach those fools a lesson..." The man leaned back slightly, eyeing the captive, as if he was going through all the things he could do to the foolish attempt at sacrifice. The villagers should have learned by now; Ursan the Beast King was only pleased through action. Not petty sacrifices.

Kry 07-18-2012 07:30 AM

Elyrion was startled by the voice. He hadn't even known someone was so near, of course Elyrion hadn't been paying that much attention either, after calling out for someone to untie him, he had lapsed into thought about how pretty he looked in this skirt. When the male spoke, Elyrion had jumped the slightest bit, and blinked those pink eyes at him almost sweetly. He took in the other's appearance and wondered if this was one of the gods he had been meant for, or if the man was just a crazy hermit that enjoyed wearing various animals and lived in the forest. Elyrion wasn't sure which he would prefer, forest god or crazy forest hermit. Either way things probably would not end very well for him.

Meal? Elyrion pouted cutely at the man before him. "But the village Elder promised I'd be a pretty bride." He spoke the words ever so sweetly, even as he shivered with those claws running over his midsection. "Still, it wouldn't be fair of you to kill me, I'm not even from that village or any of those villages. Those people waylaid my caravan and kidnapped me. Besides, I'm sure my entrails won't be as pretty too look at as I am right now." Elyrion squirmed just a little bit, his calf muscles were sore from standing on his tip toes just so the ropes didn't bite into his wrists to tightly.

Hidden Cupcake 07-18-2012 04:42 PM

Ursan's eyes flashed, anger twisting his face as his eyes became gold and feral. "Bride?!" he hissed, narrowing his eyes and pulling his clawed hand back. "I will choose my own bride, whelp!" He held the claw high and his arm tensed, his intent clear. He was going to slam it into the boy's skull, splatter it mercilessly across the wooden trunk. But he stopped at the boy's mention of not even being a villager, of the Elder's promises. And the Beast God snarled, dropping his claw and turning to glare angrily at in the direction of the village.

"Elder..." he hissed, hand closing into a fist. "Such a prideful, foolish cur...." He needed to be punished. Perhaps he should send a cougar to his home, steal his children's lives in the night. Or a cockatrice to turn him to stone, force him to watch as the rest of his family is slaughtered. Whatever he decided, the fool would be punished. Severely.

(I had a longer post, but menewsha decided to crap out right when I hit post D:<)

Kry 07-18-2012 05:30 PM

Elyrion had flinched and closed his eyes tightly when that bestial man held his claw high. This man was going to kill him, of that Elyrion was certain. When the blow didn't come, he opened his eyes cautiously. The man was looking towards the village and Elyrion sighed softly. "Yes yes. I'd much like to have a say in who I marry as well, so don't act like your the only one being wronged her, mister animal skins." So perhaps Elyrion should have kept his mouth closed, but really it wasn't fair.

This man was acting like he was the only being wronged or whatever, when all the wrong doings had been done to Elyrion. At least, that was the way the half fae, half demon saw it. "Tch. All humans are prideful, foolish and incredibly stupid." He wriggled and squirmed a bit. "Buuut, I really think you should untie me now, this is really uncomfortable." Elyrion squirmed some more, as if trying to emphasis on the uncomfortable aspect of his situation.

Still he was at this man or god's mercy. Elyrion studied the man carefully. "So, then. Are you one of the forest gods the Elder was prattling about?" Maybe he should have asked that question first, though it really wouldn't change anything. Not from Elyrion's point of view. He had already decided this man was a danger to his well being.

][It's okay Cupcake. -hugs-][

Hidden Cupcake 07-18-2012 08:16 PM

Without a single word, the Beast God spun around, the bear claws glinting in the sun. There was the sound of splitting wood as the claws gouged the tree, slicing the rope that held him in the process. "Yes...I am, pup. I am Ursan the Beast Kind...and the crimes against you are the only reason you are not yet dead," he growled, eyeing the boy with a venomous scowl. He turned back toward the village, shoulders slumping lightly.

"Humanity was not always like this..." he said, voice quieter now. "They once treasured these woods...cared for them, loved them..." He sighed, shaking his head. "And now they bring me thin mortals as sacrifice to calm me, after what they allowed to happen!" His voice grew angry as he turned, glaring at the young man, the only current outlet for his anger.

Kry 07-18-2012 08:35 PM

Elyrion's eyes closed tightly when the other spun around with his threatening claws. He was sure his end had come. Those eyes opened at the sound of splitting wood and the rain of wood chips that pelted him. Elyrion stumbled forward a few steps on his tip toes, then stood flat on his feet, his eyes on the Beast God as he shook his hands to remove the lingering pieces of rope. Ursan. No Elyrion wasn't familiar with that name, but then again, he wasn't familiar with many names of any gods. Old or new, he really had no care for such creatures.

"I am Elyrion." He reached up to gently pull bits of tree out of his pinkish hair. Those eyes not straying from Ursan. "Do you want to talk about it? It might make you feel better to get it all off your chest." Elyrion was completely aware of the fact that he was the only outlet for Ursan's wrath. At least for now he was. Perhaps that could change soon? Still, Elyrion was very curious about one thing. "I guess I'm not a very pleasing sacrifice. I'm sorry I don't appeal to your tastes, does this mean I'm free to go?" Elyrion could only hope, but being free to go, did not mean he even knew how to get out of this forest. It was such a big place.

Smores 07-18-2012 09:11 PM

Forest God

A gently hand reached out to the trunk of an old tree, it had been there for quite some time. It was quite a beauty, so elegant in such a powerful way. So resistant to the tests of time as he himself had been. His body was more that of a human woman, much more lithe, yet he was a man. He was also deeply tied to the roots of this forest, to all the plants that resided within the caring grasp of vines that were strewn across the trees with ease. His fingernails were a light green, and his hair but a few shades darker. He was a God of the forest, but he strongly favored the life of the flora. Another God looked like a beast, brutish, and he was a God that always seemed to favor the fauna of the forest.

Yet that was truly not the case for himself. He found comfort in the flowers of all kinds, that with scents to swoon the heart of any feeble enough to smell such a decedent thing. Others, much darker sides of the forest. Flowers with poisons that slayed the masses with ease - horribly poisonous spores that could be released without warning and caused failure of the human body. Flowers represented the dangerous beauty of the flora. The trees the strength and the resilience, well that was clearly displayed in every weed, every grass.

Even his body was a shrine to the forest and its wonderful flora. His body draped in vines and rigid leaves made up the bulk of his coverings. Small, wonderfully vibrant flowers grew almost in perfect places to highlight the movements of his body. His lower half was covered to around the mid thigh, his arms, wrists, and his ankles wrapped elegantly in the vines. He was a true testament to the forest, it was a wonderful thing.

His feet moving swiftly upon the grounds he so cared for, he was elate with the life of the forest around him. It did much for his mood. Its life was his pride and joy, its suffering his rage and despair. As he made his way upon these grounds he felt the other God, and some sort of man in the distance. The trees, the forest its self whispered to him of the mans presence. The other God could speak to the forest as well, it was a trait that united them. Most other traits seemed lost upon a first glance. Yet in truth they shared the goal of the forests survival.

Turning his light green eyes away from the pair, he made his way deeper in the forest. To play amongst the flora and bask in the sun. While he could eat for energy, he preferred energy made as the plants made theirs. Made in the sun.

Hidden Cupcake 07-18-2012 11:10 PM

Ursan turned back toward the mortal, an eyebrow raised. The mortal was offering an ear? To listen? Why? He had no stake in this forest or its life. He snorted at his question, looking away as his attention was grabbed by flitting movement. His eyes softened at what danced through the trees, at the pretty thing who had been affected most by the villager's horrible mistakes.

"I would allow you to leave...but you have been given to the forest," he said, turning back to the mortal, Elyrion. "The decision is not just mine. And if he," he pointed off to the trees, toward the dancing god, "wishes you to stay, you will have no choice but to."

Kry 07-19-2012 12:19 AM

Elyrion really would listen, if Ursan decided to speak of all his troubles and what not, even though Elyrion wasn't too interested in such things at all. When Ursan looked away, Elyrion followed his gaze curiously. So then there were two gods after all. The way the Elder had spoken, the old man hadn't been sure if there were just one god or two. Elyrion had thought that was stupid, if one was worshiping something they ought to know if they were worshiping just one god or two. He shook his head slightly.

"Of course, how idiotic of me to think I would also have a say in if I stay or go." Elyrion had sighed in annoyance and rolled his eyes lightly. "Well then, let's go ask your friend if I can go." Elyrion stepped closer to Ursan, and seemed to absently reach out to grasp the beast king's hand gently in his own small delicate one. Elyrion knew better than to just reach out and take this bestial gods hand, but he did it anyway. Partly he did it to see how Ursan would react.

PapillonCameo 07-19-2012 02:09 AM

Verity moved quickly trough the village with a rather harried look. These fools! She'd only been trying to help them, and they went and stole her things. Not only that, the people had begun throwing sticks and stones at her, and hounding the female knight straight for the forest. The caramel haired woman had heard rumors about the goings on of this village and had come to help, but instead they were doing this. Luckily her armor protected her from the worst of things, though now she was wishing for the helm she'd left with her horse.

It didn't matter anymore, she'd stumbled into the forest at a run. She kept going along the path, trying to escape, until a root lifted making the knight stumble and fall before the trio of males. Hastily, Verity stood with wide blue eyes and stared slightly while her right hand moved to a sword that was no longer there. "Hello, I don't suppose you have any shelter for a weary traveler?" Verity was more then weary. She was bruised, disgruntle, and in serious need of a bath.

Her eyes traveled over the three men as she asked her question, catching upon both the one with the pink hair and the one covered with flowers. They were attractive to her, in a way the one covered in furs wasn't. She saw too many of his kind out on the battlefields wreaking havoc to want to form anything but friendship with one like him. She shook her head, this wasn't the time for her to be thinking of such things. Verity needed to find someplace to stay for the night.

Smores 07-19-2012 02:38 AM

His gently gaze quickly shifted amongst the other God whom pointed in his direction, and this human that had stumbled upon a root of his precious flora. Walking gracefully, in what looked like a dance, he came into the presence of his fellow God and these two human things. His green eyes glancing over them and his lips lay motionless, as if he had no words to describe them. Raising his hand to the trunk of a tree a small, almost unnoticed, smile crossed his face. Just to feel the energy of the flora was so electric to him. It was rejuvenating to be sure. Still the pain the forest felt in its destruction at mortal hands made his stomach turn, the pleasant energy had a bitter and slightly painful after taste.

He stepped over to his brutish counter part and rested a hand upon his large chest, "Are these but your play things?" Waving his left hand in the two humans general direction his voice was hushed. It came and went with the winds. His lips did not move, giving the impression he had no voice. That his voice did really reside in the forest they stood in. He now walked on the tips of his toes over to a large tree and brushed the leaves as if it were a dog. His attempts to soothe the pain in the forest. "Why are they here?" Turning his head back to the trio he now accompanied, his lips once more remained unmoved.

His voice coming and going with the choppy breezes that swirled around the trunks of the trees and the leaves of all the luscious flora that clustered the ground and grasped at all things they could for support. They brought with them his voice. It was soothing, but strange. Still he was a God after all, strange really lost its meaning in a place like this. In this forest.

"What will you do with them?"
Cocking his head to the side, the humans being here was nothing if not questionable. It was strange for his counter part to even allow these humans to live. Usually their bones could be found strewn out and amongst the forest floor. It was almost strange to see them still alive, and looking at him.

Staria 07-19-2012 03:12 AM

Forest God(kinda, She is called the 'Forest Mother')

The water goddess was the oldest of them all, her water having gathered the animals and gave life to the plants. Still, she was a gentle soul who spent much of her time asleep with no body or interest in the going ons of the forest. This was simply one of many forests that sprang from her waters. Due to this she was simply called the 'forest mother' and was thought even by many gods to be merely a legend, an embodiment of the waters ability to give life in lore.

The anger of the two other gods and their physical closeness to each other awoke her, however, and pulled her to the lake nearest them. She did prefer her forests live so to feel two angry gods that may be fighting was enough to wake the goddess who had been sleeping for over 100 years. Still as the lake water formed into a body it would be that of a young woman, her gentle eyes surveying the seen before she became fully solid and stepped onto the land. White robes formed around her body from the water as well and she walked towards the scene.

She would find the gods angered by mortals, whom for herself always had a special place in her heart as it was the nature of the water goddess to love all things as she gave to all things. She tilted her elegant head to the side as she stayed close to one of the trees and simply gazed at the group in silence. She did not approach just yet, sure the two forest gods would sense her.

((I deliberately left it vague so that Hidden and Smores can decide how much their connected to her if at all XD. She can be just an old legend to them and they can think of her as an intruder if they like or she can be an acknowledged friend. I don't care.

Also I have permission from kry to make this character :P))

Hidden Cupcake 07-19-2012 04:41 AM

Ursan pulled his hand sharply away, snarling at the mortal. He turned back to his fellow God, snarl vanishing. He opened his mouth, but was interrupted by the horrible sound of crashing metal. He turned, eyes sharp and feral and a snarl on his face. More mortals?! How many would intrude on this land?! He growled dangerously, the sound low and guttural, like a bear's. But the sound of his companion God's voice seemed to calm that. His voice always seemed to calm the Beast King's anger.

"This one," he began, waving his hand absently at Elyrion, "was given as...sacrifice by that village. I cannot banish him alone. But this one," he turned, glowering down at the armored woman, a hint of disgust in his voice, "just bumbled along. I have not yet decided on what to do with it." He watched her, looking her over carefully and intently, nose crinkled lightly. He eyed her armor, searching for the weak points, eyeing it's tender joints. It was missing its helmet. That would not be good in a fight.

There was a tug in his mind, causing him to lift his head, nostrils flaring. Clean water. For the first time since this horror started, he smelt clean water. Not water tainted in bile or filth, not the horrible scent of dead plants, water logged and sifting to the bottom. Not the scent of dead fish and poisoned bears. But crisp and clean water. A scent he remembered so clearly from the day he had been born. Mother.

Smores 07-19-2012 12:24 PM

Turning his gaze upon the one known as Elyrion, he leaned forward to exam his face and body more clearly. The humans looked so similar to the himself and his Godly counterpart. Yet, they were so frail and powerless. How they had the nerve to even leave their homes was a mystery knowing they could die so easily.

Then his head turned to the woman whom had fumbled over the flora, his Godly companion not too pleased with her being here. She too looked so frail even if she was clad in armor. The winds rushed through the trees and his voice once again came forward - his lips ever still. "They must not harm the forest." His words were still sweet, but his thoughts as always came to that of the forests well being.

Remarkably at that moment, he felt a presence in the forest. It was of that old tale, some goddess whom claimed herself the mother of the forest. How he despised that annoying wretch, more then he despised the humans that brought pain to the forest. That thing, who claims creator of his flora, was here now - in the area. Whats worse is that she referred to herself as a mother. It was feeble, the flora did not need that wretch for anything. She saw herself the giver of their life but she was not needed here, the flora had always survived, adapted to their environment.

The winds rushed violently through the trees but no voice followed. He had become irritated at her arrival, it was like an insult. Her existence and all the things she claimed to be were meaningless - and in his eyes so was her life. How he wished to have his flora absorb that wretch and use her for nothing but nourishment. Letting her fade from this forest as excess water that fell from the trees - something humans termed as the plants 'sweating'. He turned his attention to the direction of the thing who claimed herself a higher power and took but a single step forward. Acknowledging her presence, but not welcoming it.

Staria 07-19-2012 02:18 PM

The younger gods were doing their jobs it seemed... so she could do hers and purify the waters here as she had slept so soundly to do without breaking up a fight. She nodded as if satisfied, though as she suspected both gods noticed her before she could turn away. She had little to do with either, since they did their jobs and had no need of her until now so ironically were among her favorites of the forests she had created in her younger days. She hadn't even really ever spoken, letting legends and spirits tell her tale or at least as much of it as she had any desire for others to know. Even if she was mother of everything and mother of nothing, and the legends never quite understood that. She supposed it was too complex...

She had little time to muse, however, as the flora god reacted to her presence. He always resented her, but it was something the old goddess had encountered many times before. Always worshiped or resented for some reason, not always even for a reason she understood. She gave of herself, gave life, because she WAS water and it was simply her nature. Sure she could pull out all the water in a place and let everything die as one of her angry sisters had done in their area, but she saw no purpose in that. She much preferred watching life grow and nurturing it until it can live on its own. Then it could spread her tale or turn its back on her as it liked, unlike the angry sister she cared little for worship or control. Perhaps this was why so many called her 'mother' instead of goddess. She gave life and then let it grow up, let it go free.

She made no motion to approach as the other deity looked at her and simply bowed in a rather old fashioned sort of way towards the forest god as he turned to her. She had done so before, rarely speaking or interfering save to purify the water when she could. This forest was the only one in needed her at the moment, and one she was aware she was unwelcome in. The irony would have made a smile appear on her pink lips were she not aware that it would only bristle the plant gods anger. She had no desire to anger anyone really....

Kry 07-19-2012 02:49 PM

Elyrion eyed Ursan for a moment when the beast king jerked his hand away. But there was amusement in his pink eyes, his attention did not remain on Ursan for much longer though. The other god had approached, and now there seemed to be a a human among them as well. Elyrion often pretended to be human, and normally he played his part well. His head tilted to the side slightly as he turned to inspect the woman clad in armor. A knight? "Oh how wonderful. A knight in shinning armor has arrived to rescue me from my fate of sacrifice." Elyrion's light voice dripped with sarcasm and an amused smile tugged on his lips for a moment.

When the plant god leaned towards him to examine him, Elyrion stood perfectly still. "My name is Elyrion, and I've no intention to harm the forest. At least not on purpose, but sometimes accidents happen." He shrugged almost absently, though something seemed to be tugging at the two gods' attention. Elyrion blinked and looked this way and that to find whatever was responsible.

Smores 07-19-2012 03:14 PM

"An accident?" The Gods head turned gently to the now saved sacrifice and away from that water thing that bowed to him in some kind of friendly gesture. One what was ignored. "I assure you..." The God glided over to the man on his gentle feet and held his face in his hands, the winds still whistling with the echo of his words. His voice soft as per usual, the words could be heard whistling in the winds. "You harm my flora, and your death will be no accident." This time the winds that carried his voice were cold as they brushed past exposed skin, sending shivers down the spine. Yet his face was still that of a porcelain doll - completely emotionless and void of feeling.

Releasing the sides of the mans head he went off in a seemingly random destination. Away from these two humans and his companion God. It also goes with out saying that he avoided the water creature tot he best of his abilities. He had no need to fight with her and risk harming the forest. Besides, at least that wretch could make herself useful and cleanse the waters for his flora. He would never acknowledge that spotlight hogging monster as God, and certainly not a mother of any sort. He did not need her, for he could travel with the spores of his flora on the winds else where if the need so arose.

Brushing the green hair from obstructing his eyes he searched the forest tirelessly for any harm, and when a broken branch or uprooted plant or tree was spotted - it was quickly repaired at the hands of the healing forest God. He could still feel that thing in his presence, in what he saw as his forest. He was okay with sharing this place with his other God, the one he saw as the God of the fauna here. They had a balance - they kept each other in check. The flora fed and maintained the fauna, and the fauna helped to move about the seeds and such. In his eyes, neither God needed that mischievous sea witch.

Though he thought back to that strange man and his multitude of expressions he made with his face. His companion, the other God that resided here made similar expressions. Though what looked liked anger or rage was most common. Still they could both show these expressions, it was strange to not be able to do something a human could not. Even his counter part, a similar forest God could do it.

Staria 07-19-2012 03:59 PM

The goddess frowned as the red eyed creature speak so sarcastically, so dangerously. She feared he would invoke the beast god's rage far too easily. She looked between the two, uncertain. She had little power in the forest outside the lake and rain, only in extreme circumstances could she interfere. Once she had given the forest over to the two gods it became their domain really, she was a 'mother' not a ruler.

As the flora god ignored her she simply sighed, such a defiant child as another had been whose refusal to call for her had led to her arriving too late. She could not help but watch him leave a moment, reminded of something. Sadness lingered in her gaze, though usually she simply dismissed his actions as his right to independence. She could not truly give birth directly from a womb but only through her power so she could not claim a direct line the way many other gods could. She was barren after a curse from an elder god she had refused to serve when she had not yet ascended to be a goddess in her own right. She was born as a mere water nymph many thousands of years ago, but refused to be a mere sex object for a water god who fancied her.

The goddess looked away, and for a moment her normally serene face seemed near tears. He could be like the daughter she had lost so easily. She bit her lip as she reigned her emotion in to appear her usual self, but a soft sprinkle of rain began to fall from the sky as the sorrow struck her hard enough to force her powers. She gazed up at the sky at the light rain, the gentle rain to gentle to call thunder. She closed her eyes a moment as she felt the rain on her face and focused on it being a purifying rain, a cleansing rain instead of sorrow. It would purify the forest of the taints man had visited on it, though she imagined the two humans may not like it very much and so tried to leave an opening in the rain over each.

((The rain should purify the water, any poisoned animals/plants, etc after a few hours to make it clear. >.>... ))

Hidden Cupcake 07-19-2012 05:53 PM

Ursan snorted at the sacrifice's sarcastic tone, though remained quiet as his companion threatened him. When he had made away to tend to his plants, he closed his eyes. He was quite protective of his plants. More so than Ursan was of his beasts. But Ursan's beasts were not entirely defenseless. While some plants had poisons, most were defenseless and incapable of truly defending themselves. His protectiveness of them was understandable. He turned his head and opened his eyes as the smell of water became almost...sad, reminding the Beast King of the rain that was now falling. He closed his eyes as it spattered on his face and furs, however sparse the amount he got was. She seemed to be sparing the humans of the rain for some reason.

He sighed lightly under his breath, turning to Elyrion. "It would appear you are free," he said, glaring at him lightly and waving his hand in a seemingly random direction. "You may leave now, if you wish. Or, you can stay. Though your safety can not be guaranteed if you do." His voice was low and almost dismissing, as if he had no interest in the mortal anymore. "As for you..." he said, turning and glowering down at the armored woman. "What are you doing here, why have you blundered here like a newborn fawn, and why should I allow you to live?"

PapillonCameo 07-19-2012 09:08 PM

The young woman became aware of how dangerous this whole situation was to her soon enough. These people were gods! Save for the man in white, but he'd already been dismissed. Taking a deep breath, Verity lifted a hand to let the rain fall soothingly over it. Considering the company, the knight wasn't all that surprised that the water didn't fall upon her. Though, she did wish that it did.

Verity shifted uncomfortably, careful not to damage any of the foliage. The god covered in flowers and leaves frightened her, perhaps more then his counterpart. She had to rethink that as he turned his formidable attention to her. "I came here to figure out the trouble going on in this village. The people started throwing rocks at me, and using weapons to hound me towards the forest."

The blue eyed woman took a moment to pause and collect herself under the god's gaze. "That's not something I can say. I'm not special, or more deserving then any other. All I want to do is help people, but that's not all that unique a wish." She knew she was giving herself up to the god, and leaving the decision entirely in his court. At least, if things went badly, death would be unique and give her quite the story in the after life.

Kry 07-20-2012 02:54 PM

Elyrion had sighed ever so softly when the plant god approached him, placing a hand on each side of his face. "But an accident is an accident and it isn't fair to kill someone because they did something accidentally and didn't mean for it to happen." He watched the god curiously for a few moments as the god drifted off in a random direction. He stared after the creature for a few moment's longer, then turned his eyes up to the sky. Rain, but it wasn't raining on him. Elyrion wasn't quite sure how he felt about that.

Though it did seem like a good thing that it wasn't raining on the knight. Wet armor with no proper way to dry it would be a horrible thing to endure. Also it would make the armor rust. Then she would be a squeaky knight. That thought amused Elyrion for a moment as he gazed at the sky, imagining the female knight moving around in rusted armor and squeaking with every movement.

Then Ursan was speaking, interrupting his thoughts and his pink eyed gaze went from the sky to the beast king. Elyrion licked his lips, all this rain was making him thirsty, but he was watching Ursan almost carefully. "Silly beastie, my safety can't be guaranteed no matter what I do or where I go. I think I'll stay awhile and enjoy the sights." He stepped a little closer to Ursan and turned towards the female knight.

"Help people?" Elyrion made a slight face. "Tch, typical naive knight." That was all he said to the girl, his attention returning to the sky and he watched it for a few moments. After those few moments, his gaze shifted to the goddess. Was she the one doing the rain thing? It seemed likely. There was a beast king, and a flower king, so it did seem likely that this other woman was a water queen. Elyrion watched the goddess for a little while.

Hidden Cupcake 07-22-2012 03:34 AM

Ursan let out a long sigh through his nose at the woman's words. "Rise, knight," he said, turning his eyes back toward the village. "You have done nothing to deserve the ire of the forest." He turned to look to Elyrion, a warning in his eyes. While he would allow the mortal to stay, he would not tolerate him being any closer than that. Even then, he was pushing his boundaries. "As for the village...they are beyond help," his voice was final as he turned, staring intently in the direction of the village.

They would be punished now. Another attack. He may have to take a direct approach with this one, punish them personally for their transgressions. While he cared little for the mortals that stood near him, they were wronged as well. And the villagers would pay in blood once more.

PapillonCameo 07-22-2012 04:08 AM

"I find myself loathe to leave this place at the moment, not knowing the area. ... Thank you for sparing me." The last words were spoken softly as the knight righted herself from a bowing position she'd unconsciously assumed before the god. Her blue eyes flitted here and there, catching upon the pink haired man from before. Remembering his comment, she moved towards him with a rustle of leaves. Each step was carefully placed to avoid any plant, though a dead branch or two snapped with her passage.

"Naive, perhaps, but I still see the good in people." With a slight roll of her eyes, Verity removed her cloak and held it out to the man. "Here, you might need this when night comes around." She was used to sleeping in much rougher conditions then this, with less hospitable people. Though that might have been hard to believe.

Smores 07-22-2012 05:44 AM

His green eyes lay upon the village that stood before him, he had left the others in the forest and come to this vantage point. Today was a day that aggravated him deeply, and with the rain falling on him and his forest - he could feel a new found strength. That damned woman had done something right for once, she had given him some more strength to exert his force over the village. Not only did their mere existence harm the forest he deeply loved, now they so dare as to send humans into it? To trample upon his plants underfoot and cut through them with machetes, fall on them with heavy armor, and tie ropes to them to hold down their own kind.

Both of his hands clenched into tight fists as he shook his head side to side. He had come here to reflect upon what should be done - maybe to remind himself that they are all not guilty. But the opposite was true. All of them were guilty and needed a punishment that would not soon be forgotten. This true punishment would require both of the forest Gods to cooperate. This would bring upon the humans a wrath like no other. He usually left human punishment to his counter part, but after his annoying day with that false mother Goddess and the damned humans, the pollution and much more. It was time to show them that more then just the beasts that reside in the forest are to be feared.

Turning on his heel he would head back in the direction of the small trio that were still in the forest. He could feel their presence. Even though he was a few minutes away from them he would still be able to use his voice in communication. Preparing a plan of attack would work best. As he walked through the forest his negative energy had an affect on the planets, it made them grow more viciously. They became thorned and began to cling to everything around them. The usual peaceful and wonderful growth was hastened in his immediate presence to a violent and stifling one. His voice was sent over the distance to his count part God, in hopes of pulling together a plan of revenge. His first time ever raising a hand against the village. Just seeing them so ignorant moments ago from that vantage point was a disgrace. So oblivious of what they were doing.

"My friend." His voice reached over the distance in a gentle whisper, not even his voice was capable of showing a form of emotion, like his lips and face. He had no idea if his eyes could do what the rest of him could not. "Revenge. I wish to share in your revenge." His voice danced around the head of his Godly counterpart in an attempt to persuade him. Though he cared not for the two humans that must be hearing him. "The humans must see the forest its self lives - not just the things that reside in her." His final words were more like a whisper, it was the only deviation of his voice he could perform. He could speak normally, or whisper - making his voice more gentle then it already was being the final deviation. "They must know the wrath of the forest Gods." It was expected to feel the wrath of his companion, though he himself had never even thought of such a thing. It was unheard of for him to raise a hand outside of the forest.

"We rule together my brother..." This time he spoke directly to his Godly brother, he now stood before him and the humans. His hands unclenched, but their was a bitterness in his heart - and it was reflected in the plants around him. Enduring the humans had been irritating enough, but with the reawakening of this false mother. He hated to say it, but he needed to something to release pent up frustration.

The humans just played on his nerves too long to not be a feasible choice.

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