Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   -   Jessie's Halloween hangout! Draw the Person above you edition! (

jessiekins 11-04-2012 04:30 AM

Jessie's Halloween hangout! Draw the Person above you edition!
Hello all and Welcome to Jessie's Halloween Hangout.

Come on in sit down, relax and chat about anything.

jessamica 11-04-2012 04:32 AM

Draw the Person ABove you Edition


Please read the rules before posting!

x. No bumping, begging, spamming, advertising, or flaming.
x. Posting only an emote (Example: ) is considered bumping unless accompanied by a quote.
x. Randomness not pertaining to the current subject is considered spam and is not allowed! (Example: "spagetti launch!" is spam. )
x. Please cut images from your quotes and keep quote towers at 5 quotes or less.
x. Don't ask or demand to be drawn.


o. Try to be literate, we love to actually be able to understand you!
o. Stick around for more than a page, you'll probably get drawn more.
o. Draw people, even if you think you suck! It's the thought that counts!


jessiekins 11-04-2012 04:32 AM

People i drew

Drawings i Received

jessamica 11-04-2012 04:33 AM

anything else?

jessiekins 11-04-2012 04:33 AM

and we're open.
cOme on in and chat with me

---------- Post added 11-04-2012 at 12:43 AM ----------

how do i ping people again?

jessamica 11-04-2012 04:44 AM

Threads open come on in folks

jessiekins 11-04-2012 04:56 AM

i forgot to ping my friends to tell them about the thread.
lets see now.

Kings Anointed:
La Tua Cantante:

RoyalSquishy 11-04-2012 05:23 PM

Wah is OuO

Also, how do you put images under a cut? ;A;

crazymuch 11-04-2012 05:46 PM

JESSIE???? Is it really you???

jessiekins 11-05-2012 03:50 AM

crazy: of course it's me sweetie.
how are you?

TerrenaAnimula 11-05-2012 03:52 AM

Hihi! :D

Is it mandatory to draw?

hummy 11-05-2012 03:52 AM

i can't draw,though

jessiekins 11-05-2012 03:54 AM

nope it's not mandatory to draw

TerrenaAnimula 11-05-2012 03:55 AM

Okay...because I want to spend my free time chatting...not drawing on top of what I already have to do for a studio art class.

How are you?

jessiekins 11-05-2012 03:56 AM

it's all good sweetie
you can draw if ya want.
Drawing is not a requirement. lol.

---------- Post added 11-04-2012 at 10:57 PM ----------

i'm alright not the best day.
spent almost the whole day with my gramma. she fell and broke 2
ribs this morning.

---------- Post added 11-04-2012 at 10:59 PM ----------

hello sweetie.

TerrenaAnimula 11-05-2012 04:01 AM

Oww. That is horrible! I hope she is doing okay.

I had to go to work today....then I had to go to campus to finish a project that is due on tuesday...then I might go to that studio to work on another thing that is due tuesday (even though I technically have that one done) for the same class. :/

jessiekins 11-05-2012 04:08 AM

yeah it was a rough day.
and on top of all that confusion and caios me and my hubby
have been fighting all day. Sigh.
every time we've been in the same room we've
just been at each others throats.
Sigh so today truely hasn't been by day

TerrenaAnimula 11-05-2012 04:13 AM

*hugs Jessie* I hope things get better for you.

jessiekins 11-05-2012 04:16 AM

me too.
it sucks when me and my hubby fight.
and it didn't help that i fought with my dad today too. sigh

---------- Post added 11-04-2012 at 11:28 PM ----------

i'm heading off to bed.
goodnight guys

jessiekins 11-05-2012 05:54 PM

hello everyone.
how are you all doing today?

jessiekins 11-06-2012 03:55 AM

hello everyone!

anybody around?

hummy 11-06-2012 03:58 AM

hiya jessie!

jessiekins 11-06-2012 04:00 AM

hello hummy
how are you tonight?

hummy 11-06-2012 04:01 AM

i'm good how about yourself?

jessiekins 11-06-2012 04:03 AM

i'm good.
relaxin a bit before bed.
i just went back to work today and
just got home a little bit ago and i'm tired

---------- Post added 11-05-2012 at 11:19 PM ----------

ok im hopping off now. i got to be up early for work

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