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Kiyoto 01-25-2014 11:32 PM

Kakashi (Accepting)
- Kakashi -

For centuries, the world of the supernatural, and our world, have been kept separate. An organized group known as the Kakashi have been set up in order to keep the balance between the two worlds. The Kakashi are in themselves gifted. They are able to see spirits and the supernatural, where as normal humans most often do not. In each region of the world, a family of the Kakashi world is set up as guardians, to protect that area from the supernatural. It is an honor to be given the title of the main guardian family for an area. For with it, comes: Power, wealth, supplies and more.

Each family is given a guide, a spirit who takes the form of an ordinary animal. In the city of Kokoro, two families of the Kakashi world reside. These two families, the Kazuto and the Sakurai, have inhabited the area for centuries. They have always been at eachother to gain the right as the main guardian family for that area. One day, years ago, the head of the Hiroshima family was in a battle with a group of demons of the Supernatural world. It was during this fight, that the Kazuto family lost their guide. The council of the Kakashi world, the ones who oversee all and make the desisions or rules, were not pleased with this at all.

The loss of a guide left a family more vulnerable, and it was against their rules for a family to opperate without one. The torch was passed in turn to the Sakurai family to be the main guardian family. Of course, the Kazuto were not happy about this in the least. They kept pushing for the council to reconsider the desicion. During this time, on one of his routine scouts, the head of the Kazuto family came upon a wounded demon. The head took pity on the demon, taking him home to help him heal. During this time, the Sakurai and the council grew furious. Helping a demon, let alone letting them into their home was unheard of.

The Sakurai tried to warn them that the demon would be the end of their family. The Kazuto head would not listen. When the demon was fully healed, he did something they had not expected. He swore himself to the Kazuto family, to serve and protect them as their new guide. Thus a contract was formed. This made the Kazuto family push even harder for the council to rethink their position. They were not happy with them in the least however. Over the next centuries, the two families continued to fight and work towards the goal of the main guardian family for Kokoro.

Now, in the year 2014, the council has made the desicion to allow them to compete for the title. The families have one year to prove themselves. Whichever family does so, will be given permanent title of main guardian family of Kokoro. But this is not all that is going on. Within the supernatural world, a group of supernatural beings known as the Septarian, have begun building their ranks. They are planning a breach, a take over of both worlds. They plan to do this by finding one important missing link. Their King vanished long ago, after a battle where he was wounded. It was rumored he made it to the human world....

Kiyoto 01-26-2014 12:39 AM

- Factions -


The Kakashi is an organization within the human world. They are a beings who are special and gifted. They are able to see spirits and supernatural creatures, which normal humans are not. The Kakashi is headed by a council of seven people, who are chosen by the others within their world. They make all of the main desicions for the world, as well as the rules. The human world is split up into sectors, each sector is looked after by a main guardian family. This does not mean that they are the only Kakashi living within that sector. It means they are the ones who have to take charge and protect it. They can enlist the help of other Kakashi within that sector if they desire. With the title of being the main guardian family of a sector, comes: Power, wealth, support and more. Kakashi are also able to hear the voices of their guides, which sound like normal animals to other beings. They also specialize in various other areas like holy, fire, etc. It depends on the family and the individual. Families with Kakashi blood in them, are known as guardians or vice versa. They are led by a head of the family. This can either be an elder, or the father, sometimes even the mother. It depends on the family. They can be the main guardian family for their sector, or merely a family that is living there. They can also be enlisted by the main guardian family to work for them. Each family typically has their own specialty with their powers, or it can be the individual member. There are also those who have either been dishonored or alone, not with their families as rogued, or the last living member.


Guides are spirits. They are typically assigned to a family when they begin within the world of Kakashi, and stay with the family until the family ends. They take on the form of a normal house pet (typically a dog or a cat.) They do have a "release" form, or a more powerful form, since their other main purpose is to protect the family and the heir. Their kind of like the sidekick to the main guardian and the family. Being with the family for so long, means they have known all the past members and events that hae happened to the family. This typically makes them very wise and knowledgable. However, they all have a personality of their own. They can talk, but the only ones to understand them, are those with guardian blood. Normal humans would not be able to hear anything other than normal animal sounds from them.


The supernatural can be basically anything and everything. From ghosts, to demons, to chupacabras or other creatures. Most of them are hostile towards the human world. They live within the supernatural world, a parallel world to the human one. They typically come through tears within between worlds. They are led by a group called the Septarian a group of powerful supernaturals. They were also once led by a king, but he was badly wounded centuries ago during a battle. He was rumored to have ended up within the human world. They are looking for the heir of his.

Kiyoto 01-26-2014 12:47 AM

- Rules -

1. No Godmodding
2. Follow All Mene Rules
3. Respect All Roleplay Members
4. Pm profiles titled Kakashi, or they will not be looked at.
5. Yaoi and Yuri Allowed Within Reason
6. Violence Allowed Within Reason
7. No Killing Off Characters Without Their Permission
8. Keep OOC In The OOC NOT In The Rp Thread.
10. BOLD and UNDERLINE other character's names in your posts so people know you are talking to them.
11. You can develop and add to your origional profile as we go. As long as their still alive.
12. Rules Subjected To Change When Needed.

- Character Skeleton -

HTML Code:

[CENTER][FONT="Book Antiqua"][B][COLOR="Color"]- Username -[/COLOR][/B]


[COLOR="Color"][B]- Name -[/B][/COLOR]
xxx (Family members of the same family MUST have the same last name)

[B][COLOR="Color"]- Age -[/COLOR][/B]

[B][COLOR="Color"]- Gender -[/COLOR][/B]

[B][COLOR="Color"]- Sexuality -[/COLOR][/B]

[B][COLOR="Color"]- Posistion -[/COLOR][/B]
xxx (What is your position in the rp or family)

[B][COLOR="Color"]- Personality -[/COLOR][/B]

[B][COLOR="Color"]- Weapons -[/COLOR][/B]
xxx (only Kakashi and Supernatural beings)

[B][COLOR="Color"]- Powers/Abilities -[/COLOR][/B]
xxx (Only guides, heads, heirs, family members with abilities and supernatural creatures have powers. Family members without abilities, can only do the basic abilities of a Kakashi. Normal humans Delete this.)

[B][COLOR="Color"]- Biography -[/COLOR][/B]

[B][COLOR="Color"]- Extra -[/COLOR][/B]

[B][COLOR="Color"]- Character Theme -[/COLOR][/B]
xxx (give your character a theme song!)[/FONT][/CENTER]

Kiyoto 01-26-2014 12:49 AM

- Cast -

Kazuto head:
Kazuto Heir: Yoshimitsu Kazuto (happydeath)
Kazuto Guide: Haru (Kiyoto)
Kazuto Member (with abilities): Deidre Kazuto (CrimsonShadow)
Kazuto Member (With abilities): Darcy Kazuto (SuperZombiePotatoe)
Kazuto Member (without abilities):
Kazuto member (without abilities):

Sakurai head:
Sakurai Heir: Rikuno Sakurai (Cora)
Sakurai Guide: happydeath
Sakurai Member (with abilities):
Sakurai Member (With abilities):
Sakurai Member (without abilities): Hanako Sakurai (Finna)
Sakurai member (without abilities):

Septarian head: Arianna(Ari) Corleset (Cora)
Septarian: Kalyspo Blackthorn (CrimsonShadow)
Septarian: Bastian DarkHolme (Kiyoto)

Supernatural Being: Damian "Saber" Lycan (Kiyoto)

This is just to start with, positions can be added or taken away as needed.

- Roleplay Links -


Accepted Profiles

Kiyoto 01-26-2014 12:49 AM

- Announcements -

* 1/26/14- The roleplay takes place in Japan, keep that in mind. The Kazuto and Sakurai family main houses, are right next door to eachother, to addd to the drama and mischif. Remember the two families do NOT get along really, especially the Sakurai family towards the Kazuto's guide since he is a demon. Also, the Kazuto family is more "male" dominated, while the Sakurai family is more "female" dominated. This does not mean that all members of that family must be male or female, but they are majority.

Kiyoto 01-26-2014 12:50 AM

- Reserved I -

Kiyoto 01-26-2014 12:50 AM

- Reserved II -

Kiyoto 01-28-2014 12:14 AM

Damian "Saber" Lycan

"Man, just my luck" pausing for a moment, the wolf man rubbed the back of his neck. He glanced around himself at his current perdicament and decided....he had absolutly NO idea where he was. When it came to directions, unless he was following his nose, he was horrible. He didn't even know where to begin, let alone where to go. Sighing slightly, he closed his eyes and turned his head up towards the sky. "What a pain" he groaned. He had fought to get here, now that he was, he was completely lost. If he didn't move soon though, someone was bound to recognize him, maybe even turn him in or try to attack him. He really didn't want a fight right now.

The forest was alive around him, being close to a rhoad there were people milling about and talking to one another. He was a bit hungry, which caused his stomach to growl. Placing a hand over it, he sighed once more. "Been runnin all night with no food" he glanced over at a food cart that had stopped not far away. He had no money at all, not even a place to put it really even if he did. He gave a slightly sour look. He could always just take it, it wasn't like anyone could stop him...right? Ugh..He ran a hand over his face. That was what got him in jail in the first place. His hand moved to the bandages that currently covered the right part of his face and his eye.

He had nowhere to go, and no one to help him at all. This really was setting up to be a pain. He had been locked away for so long, that the supernatural world around him had moved on without him. It was the same old feudal style, but it was far more modern than it had been back when he had first gone into prison. He glanced towards a large castle in the distance. "Hey you" he called to a guy passing by who jumpped slightly. "What is that place?" he nodded towards it. "T-that's the Septarian'd be better off staying away from it buddy" the man hurried on. Septarian eh? He had never heard of them. He tilted his head, looking back up at the sky once more. It was black and purplish with clouds, overcasted with a grim feeling to it.

He felt a slight growl form inside of him, but pushed it away. He sniffed the air again, he could smell something...human? There was a tear in the fabric between this world and the mortal world nearby. That was a tallent of his. It wasn't a superpower or anything, just thanks to his natural senses. He could sniff out anything supernatural or human, made him an excellent tracker. It was one of the bonuses of being part wolf demon. He was also part human, his mother had come from the human world. Perhaps it was about time he payed the human world a visit, see how much that had changed as well. All he had to do was follow his nose. He smirked, walking along. He did not seem to mind or even notice his feet were bare. The rough ground benieth him did not bother him at all. He was stronger than one to let something like that get to him.

At the same time, the pads on the bottom of his feet were tougher than a normal humans. Being half wolf demon, he was used to braving the elements, and having his feet bare. He prefered it. They were to big for normal shoes anyways, he was quite big altogether for a man. He towered over most, and his fit body had been described like a brick wall by some. He was currently in black and white striped prison pants, and his typical black T-shirt with the white eye like design on the shoulder. He had worn it in prison, and having just recently escaped, he had little else to change into. He paused near a set of trees sniffing. Looking to his left he saw it. To those who did not know what to look for, they would miss it easily. The land looked normal, except for one area where it looked slightly hazy and distorted.

He walked over, reaching out his hand. Sure enough, as it touched the distorted area, it vanished. His smile widened. Many had asked what going through the barrier between worlds felt like. To him it felt like pushing through thick resistant water. Like a wall of some kind of jelly like substance that did not want to let go. It took a bit of effort to push through it, but he was alright with that. He forced his way through, blinking his eyes at the bright sun that greeted him. A cold chill fluttered across his skin, and the smell of the air said it was still coming down from winter here. He glanced around, he was on the roof of some large building. Down below a pair of gates were opened, and people in uniforms were coming through.

Was he at a school? That's what this was right? It looked like one, but of course different from ones he had seen before. All of them were more advanced. He moved to the edge, crouching down a bit. His senses were suddenly allert and flaring, another growl wanting to surface. Kakashi....this place was reeking of them. He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck again. Great, just his luck to land in the middle of a place belonging to those who had had a hand in putting him away. He would not be going back, no way in hell. He looked down at the beings below again and his stomach growled a bit once more. Man he was still hungry, he could smell that many of them had food on them, and that there was food inside of the building below him. Seemed he would be eating soon enough...

Cora 01-28-2014 12:56 PM


Rikuno Sakurai

Rikuno Sakurai looked down at her clothing. It was a neatly trimmed outfit befitting those who went to her school. It reminded her vaguely of the outfits sailors wore in those American made movies she used to watch as a child. She didn’t anymore, she found them to be vaguely annoying to her now, now she relished in the thought of tradition. Looking down at herself once more she thought to herself, At least the skirt is long enough, not like some of those other uniforms. She let out a deep rooted sigh and thought about how she would much rather not go to school and stay home, home where she could wear her Kimono in peace. Hanako convinced her it was a good idea to stay and her family agreed, so she stayed, begrudgingly and all.

As she walked towards the school she could feel the shear amount of people all concentrated in the same place. She cringed as Thoughts and feelings raced to her one after another in droves. Joy over seeing your friends, laughter in strong groups, artificial fear and pain of undone homework and broken superficial high school love stories. It was painful being able to feel everything around you, it was not a physical pain but a deep routed emotional pain. Some days she wished she could just turn it off. Turn off the pain that was crippling to her, but it was not something she could turn off, nor was it something she could get rid of. Instead she had grown stronger for the pain and learned to push through.

She looked up at the school and the same deep routed sigh escaped her lips. She did this every day, pause at the entrance, dreading what was to come. One second passed by and the world stood still for her, five seconds in and she smiled. At ten seconds the world began to move on fast forward. A male student with malice in his eye pushed her out of the way on his way into the school. “Move over, your taking up the walkway!” he turned to look back at her and she simply looked back at him with those dark piercing eyes. She could feel as his malice changed to fear. “O..O..Oh its you Rik… I..I didn’t mean it I promise.” And then he ran away.

She was used to being treated with fear. Hanako told her a long time ago that it was because she was special, gifted. And that those with gifts would always be feared by those without them. But she knew better, it was her dark hair eyes and clothing paired with her strange behavior. Rikuno may be the heir to the Sakurai family and the rightful guardian of the Kakashi but she knew better. To the rest of the world she was distant and aloft. She was the weird girl. And people would always fear what they could not explain.

She shrugged and continued to walk into the school grounds toward her classes. As she passed under the doorway to the school she swore she felt something that was different, something not quite human. She looked around her for a moment in confusion. But as the flood of emotions from the school began to overtake her she lost the feeling and it went cold. She stood for one moment more before casting a final shrug and heading to class

Finna 01-28-2014 11:36 PM

Hanako Sakurai

Every morning, Hanako woke up at 4:30 a.m., and put on a simple kimono. Stepping from her room, her footsteps were silent to avoid waking anybody prematurely. She had a fairly solid routine that she strictly stood by each day. Only on Sunday did she usually allow herself to sleep in until about sunrise.
Stepping into the kitchen, she would begin making breakfast, making enough rice to last the whole family the whole day. Rather than an electronic rice-cooker, she used an old-fashioned technique. Her grandmother insisted that it simply gave the rice a better flavor. Hana stuck with it.
The hours of the early morning were usually filled with little chores. She made bento lunches for everyone in the house-- even those who weren't going to school. They were usually made out of the re-heated previous night's dinner. She would start making tea and breakfast at about 6, make offerings and give prayers to the rather large ancestor altar in the living room, and start to make her wake-up rounds at 6:30.
Tapping on their door, she would say, "It's morning! Breakfast will be ready soon."
Most everyone would be finally awake by 7. School, being at 8, was a short walk from the house, so there wasn't a huge rush.

Hanako always left last, but was rarely late for school. She put on her school uniform, folded the kimono she wore, and put on her coat. With a "Ittekimasu", she was out the door and headed to school.

School wasn't bad for Hanako. She was a quiet girl, and generally ignored. Still, many people avoided her simply because her sister scared others. Hana didn't mind this. She loved her sister, and stuck by her with a deep care and loyalty. Rikuno would often chase away any bullies with only a look, much to her sister's relief. Hanako had always felt a little bad for her twin, wishing that people didn't look at her with trembling eyes. She was a pretty girl, as pretty as any other girl in the school! She wondered how much Rikuno actually minded... It didn't help poor Riku that she could sense the feelings and emotions of others around herself keenly. She couldn't imagine how distracting and frustrating that was.
Despite it, however, Hanako had urged Rikuno to continue going to school, and to at least earn her degree, "If it becomes too unbearable, nee-chan, then you can leave. But please, just try..!"

The walk was an uneventful as it usually was. Nobody bothered her. The wind was cold, but not too bad. Spring was coming soon enough, and she could smell it teetering on the wind. Arriving at the school gates, she headed straight for class.
However, entering through the doors, she blinked, feeling a twinge of something troubling her spiritual radar. Standing in the hall, she looked up, a frown on her face. What was that? Unlike with her sister, the overwhelming noise of others didn't cloud Hanako. It was certainly not something from this plane... a ghost? Or, perhaps worse..?
Someone bumping into her brought her back to reality, and the person apologized as he quickly moved on. Hana ran some fingers through her hair, and decided to not look into the matter further. If she did, she'd be late for class.

The girl would simply keep an eye on it, or rather, her 6th sense. She prayed for the best outcome.

happydeath 01-28-2014 11:53 PM


Yoshimitsu Kazuto

Dressed into the similar uniform that nearly all the boys had to wear when attending the school nearby that was filled with both members from the Kazuto and the Sakurai family. A single male had been making his way throughout the long stretched and beautifully decorated hall of the Kazuto's main family home. Progressing his way throughout the hall with his eyes still completely bandaged from all sight whatsoever, if anyone were to had looked at him walking; it would seem almost as though he could still see perfectly fine even with his eyes covered. This didn't bother the male too much since he was already blind to begin with.

The male was none other then the heir to the Kazuto family and to the rest of the family itself; the rightful ruler that would take the head of the family when their family became the guardian of the Kokoro; Yoshimitsu Kazuto. To him, he had simply thought of today as just the samething all over again just as the rest of the days of his life was like as the heir to the family. To the whole family, it seemed that his role to take the head of the family was indeed important but having family itself become the main guardian of Kokoro seemed to had been their main objective. To Yoshimitsu, this wasn't as much concern to him as the rest of the family was; true he wanted to become the new head of the family itself, that much was of big importance to him since it was something his father had been training him to become. However, anything more then that was almost something he didn't care much for.

As Yoshimitsu had continued his way down the hall to the front entrance of the home. It was quite common to see several members of the family come out from their rooms to try and assist him on walking since they had known quite well that he was blind. Each time, they were rejected by him; this was very common to him by now. Even though he was blind, he was well aware of his surroundings by now that it wasn't much trouble for him to know where he was heading without help from others. Soon enough, as he began to leave to the front entrance; he slipped on his shoes and began to head towards the school. Passing by the Sakurai family home, he kept his attention completely away from the building and simply continued on his way.

After a few minutes of walking down the cement sidewalks, he could soon hear the sounds of chit chatter of other students along with the sounds of shoes patting against the pavement of the ground around him. He was nearing the school indeed, it had only been a matter of time as he had finally reached the front gates of the school as he had listened to the chatting of students all around him. Some of which were rushing to head into the building, others who seemed to careless about the school and simply hang outside right by it and those who were taking their time normally to get to the school. Yoshimitsu, was one of those types that had been quite careful with each of his steps as he made his way towards the building. It wasn't until the strange shiver of feeling as though he were one of the many students who were being watched that he had finally stopped in his tracks. Turning his head left to right as he had wondered what the strange feeling he had gotten in his gut was about being watched. Yoshimitsu soon brushed it aside and once more continued on his path to reach the school's front entrance.



With each soft step at a time, a lonesome grey cat with black stripes all over it's body and with white paws had wandered down the halls of the Sakurai family home. His tail swaying slowly left to right as his bright orange and black eyes had shifted left to right to see who was still within the home. Around his neck was a black collar that had the symbol of a skull that seemed to had been blind dangling from it. Every once in a while as he made his way throughout the halls, the sound of a small yet clearly heard 'meow' would be heard within the hall he was within. It had taken quite a while, but as he wandered down each of the halls; it seemed as though that he was alone at the time.

Knowing quite well that the heir of the family; Rikuno Sakurai had made her way to her usual school duties. The single grey cat was quite confused as to where the rest of the family had been. This grey cat was no ordinary cat either, but rather it was the guide to the whole family of the Sakurai. Yosuke. His duty was to protect the heir of the Sakurai family and the actual family itself, but in this case since he could yet to find any of the family members; Yosuke had nearly felt as though he was failing in his duty as the Sakurai family's guide.

It was only a matter of time that Yosuke had finally decided that he would leave the Sakurai home and head towards the school where the heir and many of the other members of the family had went for education. Throughout the whole time he had been on the pathway towards the school grounds, he had made sure to keep himself to the shadows so that ordinary humans would not catch glimpses of him. This was due to the fact that the last time he had tried to walk around in public within his ordinary cat form, the attention that had been given to him was quite unneeded.

Rushing throughout the shadows of the public, it had taken quite a bit for the grey cat to reach the school grounds. However, in the end he was still able to reach his location and find that the heir was making her way over towards the the building. Rather then rushing up to the heir, Yosuke had stayed near the closest tree he could find and watched the humans and members of both the Kazuto along with the Sakurai family make their way for an education within a large building. As he had watched how another member that had approached the building was Hanako Sakurai, he simply nodded his head as his tail swished left to right above his head. Remaining silent, the strange shift in presences within the area of another supernatural being had probably been the only thing that kept him quite on guard. Rather then going straight after or even searching for what had that aura, he simply watched the events playing out before him and would jump out if he was either needed or he simply wished to speak with any of the family members in general.

CrimsonShadow 01-29-2014 03:51 AM

Yawning loudly Deidre turned over and slapped her alarm clock to turn it off. Flopping over onto her back she stretched and then rolled out from under her covers. Yawning again she padded barefoot into the bathroom the connected from her room and her twin sisters room. She hopped into the shower after yelling at her sister to get up. Taking a quick shower she grabbed her towel and wrapped it around herself, then went into her room so Darcy could shower.

After drying off and putting her wet hair up into a clip, she grabbed her uniform and put it on. "I hate this thing!" She yelled out angrily. Luckily it was their last year of high school and soon she wouldn't have to wear it anymore. Taking her hair out of the clip she let her blonde, near white straight locks fall down her back. Grabbing her hair dryer and brush she set off to dry her hair. When she was done she quickly made a side fishtail, trying it off with a small strip of leather.

Walking over to her vanity table she sat down and put on her makeup. Black eyeliner, mascara and a little bit of bronzer and she was done. She changed out all her earrings. The left had two lobe piercings (black skulls and a diamonds above it), three snug's right next to each other(small diamonds, dermal punch(onyx stone), industrial(black spiked bar). The right held two lobe, tragus (black spike), conch(large diamond), and helix (black hoop).

She slipped on a pair of loose fitting socks that came up to her mid calf and pulled on a pair of black combat boots that laced up the front. She left the short laces untied at the top so they were loose and her white socks bunched over the top of them. Grabbing her leather jacket she slipped it on and grabbed her cross body black and silver studded bag. "Yo sis! I'm going to be down in the kitchen grabbing us something to eat," she yelled as she walked out her bedroom door.

Taking the stairs quickly she went into the kitchen and fixed up some breakfast. For herself she made a bowl of cereal and for her sister she made her favorite.

SuperZombiePotatoe 01-29-2014 08:42 AM

Darcy Kazuto

Darcy sat on floor next to her bed attempting to untangle herself from her sheet. A few minutes before, she was sound asleep having the most wonderful dream about soaring through the clouds. That is until her sister's voice cut through the dream and she hit the ground... quite literally. Not that Darcy was unhappy that her sister had woken her up, but she would have preferred that Deidre would be a bit more gentle about it. Oh well, that's how it went. Darcy rubbed the place where her head had met the floor. "I'm up, I'm up!" she shouted and proceeded to get out her uniform and book bag.

After showering and getting dressed, Darcy stood in front of the mirror to fix her hairpin on. It was funny how different the twins were when it came to looks. Darcy's dark brown hair and icy blue eyes contrasted with her twin's so much that people often didn't believe that they were related. Even their dress sense was different, Deidre with her more alternative style and Darcy being slightly preppy. But, any one who knew them very well knew that they were two halves of the same walnut.

After her hair was brushed and her long black stockings were on, Darcy began searching for her shoes which weren't where they usually stayed.
"Weird," she said furrowing her eyebrows, but finally resolved that they must be somewhere in the house. So without wasting time she ran (shoelessly) to eat breafast, as fast as the wind. Skidding into the kitchen, she found Deidre already there eating breakfast... and her black oxfords.
"Aha! I knew they were here somewhere." She sat down at the table to put them on. Deidre had already set out a bowl of fruit a salad and a slice of toast, which Darcy began to gobble with smile. "You forgot the grapes," she teased but new that her sister wouldn't take it seriously. That was what Darcy did. She quiped and teased at every opportunity, but never meant any harm. Although, easily offended people sometimes couldn't be avoided.

Before she could take a bite of the toast Darcy glanced at her watch and realised the time.
"Woah! If we don't leave now, we'll be late." Holding the piece of toast between her teeth, Darcy hauled her grey leather bag onto her back and grabbed Deidre by the wrist, dragging her out the front door. The two hurried down the sidewalk, but not for long as the school was fairly close to their home. The streets and sidewalks bustled with students and Darcy began to munch on her toast while she looked around casually. Being a member of a prestigious family caused to most of the students to treat her and her sister with a littler respect. But honestly, Darcy was just a normal girl. Her only difference was that she had an extra gift and Kazuto after her name. Darcy thought that she saw a few of the Sakurai family members in the school grounds and she tried very hard to pay them no attention. She didn't think it wise to cause some mischief so early in the day. But, later though...
When she and Deidre arrived at the school gates they came across their cousin, Yoshimitsu... as well as an odd feeling in the air.

CrimsonShadow 01-29-2014 03:48 PM

Her head came up as her twin rushed into the kitchen. Deidre smiled impishly at her comment about finding her shoes. Little did her sister know, she had snatched them earlier and brought them down here. The two were always playing little pranks on each other.

Laughing at her sisters tease she picked up her napkin and chucked it at her. "You're a brat," she said fondly while still chuckling. She had just placed her bowl in the sink when Darcy grabbed her wrist and dragged her out of the house. "But I dun wanna!" She complained as they rushed to the school. Deidre hated going to school. Usually Darcy had to drag her there. Coming upon the entrance of the school she noticed her cousin.

The twins walked over to his side and Deidre felt a weird sensation. "Hey Yoshimitsu, do you feel that?" She asked quietly. It felt as if they were being watched, her spine was tingling from the sensation. Deidre's gaze went to her sisters, her eyebrow raised in a silent question. Did she feel it to?

Her eyes left her sister's after she confirmed and roamed around the building. "We're going to be late. We can figure it out later." She really wanted to know what was going on.

Kiyoto 01-29-2014 04:42 PM

Standing there on the roof, the people mulling below caught his attention more and more. They had food, and he was hungry. He had not eated for hours now, so his stomach was running on empty. He sighed, but then gave a light sniff. He glanced down at the gates. That smell... Kakashi. He sighed lightly, the scent of them was stronger in the air. There had to be a few around here, so close to him. Was it worth risking it? He pondered it for a moment, thinking it over.

There were many reasons not to, but he also could not ignore that he was in need of nurishment. He sighed, turning from the edge of the roof. Man this was a pain in the backside, he had no idea where he was other than being in the human world at a school. He crossed his arms for a moment, standing here was doing him no good at all. He smiled, turning away to the side of the school. It would cloak him from the front as he decended. But just how did he plan to get down hmm? He moved, hurrying towards the side of the roof. As the edge approached, he jumped. Simple as that, he jumped off the roof. He fell from the area above, heading for a tree below him.

The leaves rustled as he crashed through him, his body bracing against the two branches. He landed by the tree, his feet absorbing the impact. He felt it send a chill resonating through his body. A jump that would have easily killed a human, or shattered their legs at the least, only caused a small ripple through him. He streatched, smiling, he was glad to be able to streatch his legs. His eyes moved around a bit, no one was there but... One lone student stood there, their eyes wide at the man who seemingly had just fallen from the sky. "Guess I shoulda been more cautious eh?" he rubbed his neck again. The student turned, running away saying something about a strange man or whatever.

He wasn't to worried about it, or interested for that matter. From here, the smells of food and such were stronger, he was closer. His eyes for the moment fluttered to a green tub by the edge of the building. He walked over, lifting the black lid. The smells that hit him, made him take a step back. He shook his head, sneezing slightly. That was deffinetly a garbage zone. Ugh, the smell was going to haunt his senses for awhile now. Humans were definetly an odd bunch, they found the weirdest places to stash their leftovers and garbage, and they wasted so much. He was not that desprate, he had his standards and respected himself to much. He turned away, but he was still a bit curious of this land. He was interested to see what the human world was like after all these years. He made his way towards the edge of the building.

Finna 01-29-2014 10:54 PM

As Hanako walked to class, the feeling in her gut could not be shaken. Unlike others in her family or in the Kazuto family who had especial powers, Hana learned to fear things like demons and strong entities from other planes. She wasn't a physically strong girl-- scrawny at best-- and she was not terribly skilled in really any kind of martial art or self-defense.
Still, what if this was something she could do something about? What if, perhaps, this was something that was endangering innocent students or people? She also couldn't deny that her curiosity was getting the best of her in this situation. Life was very routine, after all, and usually the exciting things happened to her siblings and family while she made sure to have dinner ready for them when they returned from their rather scary duties.
Hana gulped deeply and frowned, standing unmoving in the hallway. The girl had never been late to class, and had never missed a day, even when she was very ill. She'd almost made it to the room, but... Her heel spun upon the hallway floor and she picked up in a run to head back down to the lower floors to find out what was going on. She even passed some Kazuto family members, but she didn't do much but pass them with an, "Excuse me, sorry." Surely they'd felt it too. Did they find out what it was? Was it nothing of alarm? She wasn't about to ask them...

Hurrying down the stairs and past the shoe lockers, The girl was out the main door. The energy had moved-- it was lower now. Her heart pounded and she took a deep breath. Just then, a scared student ran past her into the building, yelling, "There's a strange man!"
Hanako's eyes widened at this, and she headed from the direction in which he came-- cautiously of course. As she headed around on the other side of the school grounds, she stopped at the corner of the building and pressed her back against the cold brick wall. She took a breath to calm her nerves and her excited heart. Tilting her body slightly, Hanako peeked one eye over the edge of the building. She felt the energy coming from that direction, and it was getting stronger.
In her school bag which she held with both hands, there was a bento lunch inside, still hot from that morning. Leftovers from the night before, Beef Donburi. It smelled delicious.

Kiyoto 01-29-2014 11:11 PM

He paused, the scent of a Kakashi strong in his nose now as well. There was one around the corner. A light growl formed in his chest. However, the smell of food also reached him. He sighed, as his stomach began to growl. How could he defend himself on an empty stomach like this? He sighed, the Kakashi was lucky, he stepped back. Only one thing to do right? He moved, walking forward, not bothering to hide on the side anymore. As he moved around, he came into contact with a smaller female, obviously a teenager. He towered over her with his sheer size. The smell, both of them, were coming from her. His eyes narrowed a bit, both the one that could be seen and the bandaged one.

He could easily bet she would know he was not normal off the bat. "If you know what is good for you girly, you won't try and fight me" his words were a bit harsh but true, he may have been out of practice, but he could still easily take one female looking like her. The scent of the others near the gates made him glance over at them. Had they seen him yet? He was begining to pick up the scent of a guardian as well. This place was getting a little to crowded for him. He turned to the brick wall that surrounded the school, glancing back at the female for a moment before he jumped up onto it, then over out of sight. Once on the other side, he glanced both ways. Great, now he was lost again. Where the hell was a hiding place to lay low here when you needed one? Buildings everywhere, and those strange things that sped back and forth with people in them. What were those?

Cora 01-30-2014 01:05 AM


Rikuno Sakurai

Rikuno was just about to reach her classroom when she once more paused and took a deep seated breath. Just like at the entrance it was a ritual. To Riku rituals were important. They were something she had been taught since she was a small child, but they also helped her with her tolerance levels. She needed to keep trying, she had promised Hanako that she would. That didn't mean that the whole thing wasn't tough on her. Just as she was slowly letting out that deep methodical, ritualistic breath of air someone ran into the classroom yelling ["There's a strange man!"]

Rikuno suddenly looked concerned. Instead of entering the classroom she turned the other way. She was often late for class, but she knew she wouldn't get in trouble. Her family had sent a letter to the school telling them of "her health condition" which often allowed special liberties like being late for first class or leaving early if it got to be too much. Her mind went back to the feeling she'd had before outside the building. Could it be that there was a demon or some other supernatural creature here at the school.

She silently scolded herself for not having investigated further earlier, but the hundreds of people all around her had muffled it. She needed to get better at picking them out. She could not fail at getting better at that, she was the true heir to the Kakashi. Not that she was bad, she just let thing get muffled and overpowered.

One her way out of the school she passed the Kazuto heir, but paid him no mind today. She didn't have time to deal with it, not that she normally woud say anything at school anyways. School was the unspoken neutral ground between the two clashing families. They could go to school without the fear of each other, for both sides needed to go to school. As she neared the outdoors she could feel the supernatural, but it grew fainter with each passing moment. She could also feel another presence which felt uneasy. As she drew nearer she recognized that figure at once "Hana" her voice spoke to Hanako, but her eyes scanned the area, "I feel....something off"


Arianna Corleset

Ari headed down side streets between the many Japanese houses. She was late for her first day to teach up at the school, but she simply did not care. She probably should, but she didn't. Her thoughts were on the tasty morsel of a human she had left back in her home. She would much rather have been back there then going to that stuffy school full of humans anyways. She thought about all the things she could be doing to that tasty morsal. She wondered, as she had everyday since taking that job, why she had taken it. The school was full of humans and kakashi. Truely she must have been stupid. But then what did they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

As she rounded a bend she passed by first the Kazuto house and then the Sakurai house. Twice she paused to look at them, the homes of her enemies. The kakashi may be fighting amongst themselves but to her they were all the same, they were her enemy through and through. After giving an involuntary shake in front of the Sakurai home she continued to head towards the school.

Just around the corner from the enterance Ari was startled when a that wasn't a man it was more like her, something supernatural, jumped over the brick wall next to her. She blinked a few times and just stared at the man, where had he come from? She easily blended into a crowd because of her dashing good looks, but this guy this guy was clearly a strange looking human. Passable save for the odd behavior, but at this moment very suspicious. She wondered how the Kakashi hadn't caught that. She turned to him, "hello?"

SuperZombiePotatoe 01-30-2014 01:55 AM

"How could he not feel it?" asked Darcy frankly, looking quickly towards her sister. She was glad for confirmation that she wasn't the only one experiencing the strange sensation. Darcy had that it was a presence. The presence of something entirely unwanted in their school, in there world, and it was close. Her eyes shot around the school grounds. "It's almost as if someone... something..." Her eyes drifted towards the main entrance of the school.

Before it stood one of the largest men Darcy had ever seen. His back was towards them and Darcy wouldn't have noticed the girl he was facing had it not been for her legs. Sure more than ever that the feeling was emanating from this stranger, Darcy cocked her head in the direction of the door silently gesturing for her family members to look there as well. The second after she did so, however, the man glanced at them and then vaulted over the brick wall, quite inhumanly. No sooner had he done that did the feeling begin to recede, but not entirely. He was still in the area.

Finally she could see the girl properly and Darcy realised that they were in fact neighbours. Hanako Sakurai stood alone before the school entrance, but she wasn't alone for long. Rikuno, the Sakurai heir and Hanako's twin sister, walked quickly passed without so much as a look and joined her sister at the entrance. So she had felt it too. Darcy's curiosity was becoming too much to contain.
"Forget about being late," she said breaking the silence,"We're already late. I don't know about you guys, but I want to know what went on over there." Without saying anything else, Darcy began walking towards the Sakurai's. Hopefully they would have the decency to give her a little information. Hanako was always polite, but Rikuno could be a little bit... cold.
"Good morning, neighbours. Now, I'm not here to cause trouble or anything," said Darcy as she approached them,"But, I felt something. So did my sister and cousin and I'm sure you two did as well. I'm pretty sure it came from that guy" If he was even human. She focused on Hanako now."So it's a simple question. What went on between you and him?"

happydeath 01-30-2014 03:42 AM


Yoshimitsu Kazuto

As Yoshimitsu had neared the entrance into the school building. He could hear the rushing sounds of footsteps approaching him from behind, rather then stopping however; the bandaged male had continued on his path down the cement floor until he had heard from one of the two females that began to walk by his side to be his cousins. Keeping his head directed towards the path in front of him, hearing as how one of his cousins; Deidre was the first to speak up towards him on whether he felt the strange presence within the area or not. All that the white haired male would do in return was give a single nod to her question. There was no doubt about it now, it was true that Yoshimitsu had hoped that the feeling he had gotten about feeling as though there was another presence within the area was just nothing more then his own imagination; but that didn't seem to be the case after-all. If both his cousins were able to feel the strangeness as well, there was indeed something to be reckoned with going on around the school.

It wasn't until the sudden rush of a pair of heavy footed footsteps running towards the brick wall that Yoshitmitsu had finally decided to stop in his tracks and direct his gaze towards the same direction his other cousin; Darcy had looked towards. From what information he could gain with his many other senses, it was a male that was not that much older then the rest of the students around the school. Maybe three to four years older at the maximum, staring as how he could hear the male hop over a large brick wall and land with a thud on the other side, the sudden change in presence had dropped quite a bit but the sound of him landing and walking were still quite clear to the Kazuto heir.

As expected, that was not the only presence that was more then familiar enough to Yoshimitsu. It had seemed that the Sakurai heir; Rikuno Sakurai and her twin sister; Hanako Sakurai were within the area as well. One of his cousins speaking about how she was going to go over towards them and wonder about the male that was giving off the strange supernatural presence, it was more then obvious enough to Yoshimitsu that his other cousin was probably going to go with her to the other two. Realizing more then well enough that he was already late for class by now; he simply shrugged his own shoulder about the thought and approached the Sakurai heir and her sister.

Even though the two families were considered rivals, Yoshimitsu was never really one to care much for the conflict between the two families. As long as the Sakurai stayed with their own side and kept out of the affairs of stopping him from taking the head of the Kazuto family role; he would stay out of their way. His father, wanting him to the fact that helping the family become the main guardian for Kokoro a bit more seriously was just simply not sinking in as fast as the other members of the family had wanted him to take it.

Once approaching the two females of the Sakurai family, hearing as how Darcy was the first to speak up about the strange male that had just been seen not too long ago. Yoshimitsu had simply given a polite bow of his head towards the two females; even with his bandages covering his eyes he was still able to bow correctly in front of the two of them. "Greetings, Miss Rikuno. Miss Hanako." Were his only words as he waited for an answer to his cousin's question about the male and how the heir of the Sakurai family was chasing after him for just a moment ago. He remained silent right after the greeting due to the fact that Darcy's question was pretty much the samething that Yoshimitsu had been quite curious about the male and how his presence was giving off quite a supernatural type of aura around him.



Throughout the whole time, Yosuke had remained on the tree branch right around the courtyard of the school grounds. He gaze shifting upon the ordinary humans that had wandered and the three Kazuto family members who seemed to had been late for class just as a few other students were as well. It really was of no concern to the grey cat on who was late for class or not, that was of no real importance or any real danger for anyone to be late. So as he continued to wait and watch the other students wander themselves into the building, the small grey cat had let out a deep but silent yawn as his own eyes began to slowly come to a close. His entire body beginning to drift off into a slight slumber until the sound of a male student calling out the words of something like a strange man or something along that line had caught his attention.

With his ears perking up quickly, Yosuke wasted no time to lift his head as he darted his gaze left to right on wondering what was going on around the school now. Watching and waiting with anxiety of what was happening the sudden presence of the supernatural being he had felt earlier was getting stronger and stronger by the minute as he sat there on the tree branch. It was only a matter of time that he was able to pinpoint the source of the energy coming from some large male that rushed towards the nearest brick wall only to hop over it and begin to walk off just fine.

Raising a brow at what he had just witnessed, Yosuke's tail had began to slowly curl against his body until h had seen as how the Sakurai heir and her sister had stepped out from the school building; followed right by the Kazuto family members approaching them. Curious as to what was going on, the grey cat had began to slip itself down onto the floor as it made it's way over towards Rikuno's side before sitting himself down with his tail laying softly down beside him. Staring up towards Hanako with a warm smile of his own; even though he had known well enough that he could speak ordinary words, he decided that he'd simply let a bit of his animal side out and just give her a playful 'meow' before looking over towards the Kazuto family members and finally up towards Rikuno. Throughout the whole time, he had remained silent as he simply listened to the conversation that was about to commence between the family members. If anything were to happen, he'd have to make sure he'd protect the Sakurai family from the Kazuto by any means necessary.

Kiyoto 01-30-2014 02:25 PM

Pausing for a moment, Damian stood up straight. Another woman had come around the corner, and was now speaking to him. At first he would have been surprised that a human was being so calm in front of him, when her scent reached him. No…she wasn’t human. So why was she here? Was she aware of the Kakashi, and that she was possibly placing herself where she could be killed? Well, really it was none of his business. He turned to face her, tilting his head slightly. “You’re not human lady…” that was more of an observation…rather bluntly put as well. He glanced her over for a moment, her outfit, the coat wore the same insignia as those humans who were entering the school.

“You have business with this human school?” he asked, his curiosity slightly perked for a moment. Why would a supernatural being even be here or want anything to do with these places…unless….she had some ulterior motive up her sleeve. She was quite the pretty face, but there had to be more that was just seen upon the surface. He knew that for a fact, from his own life. So what was the reason? He knew he probrably should have left, he was still to close to the Kakashi and this human infestation. At the same time, he reguarded his appearance, and realized he still looked like he should have belonged in a prison. He really needed to find a change of at least pants, and some food…he was still hungry.

CrimsonShadow 01-30-2014 05:03 PM

((Wow that sucked....sorry...))

"Forget about being late."

It was like Christmas to her ears. If her sister was going to be late then by damn was she going to be late. Deidre never had a problem with skipping class. She tried to do it as often as possible. She glanced at her cousin before walking behind her sister.

She would stay silent and watch the others reactions. The blonde was good at that, picking up body language and what wen't unspoken. Behind her she could hear her cousin following after them. She had just knew he would come also. There was no way the heir would miss this.

Crossing her arms over her chest, she stood silently by her sisters side. If there was going to be a fight she was ready to jump at a moments notice. Her eyes studied the sister before her. Hana, who was actually pretty sweet and Rikuno who was usually cold to everyone. The two were an interesting pair.

Finna 01-30-2014 11:56 PM

Hanako was frozen in place and quiet when the beastly man had faced her, stepping backward a little bit as he threatened her. "If you know what is good for you girly, you won't try and fight me"
Blinking, her lips parted, "Oh, ah... I have no intention of..." But he barely gave her the chance. It wasn't long before he was looking around, as if testing the air, becoming nervous. She took another step back. He turned to look for a way out.
Their eyes met once more before he bounded the height of the wall, going over. The girl stood there, eyes wide with a bit of shock, not really sure what had just occurred. Who was he? Was he lost? Was he really going to hurt her? Was he scared of Kakashi? His clothing, surely, looked a bit strange, but... What was he doing on school grounds? She couldn't shake his strong, supernatural energy. She took a breath, her hands tightening on the handle of her school bag. The leather creaked slightly under her grip.

It wasn't long before she heard her sister's familiar voice calling her name, and she turned to face her, "Ah, Riku-chan, there was a--"
Suddenly, Darcy and Deidre approached. Even Yoshimitsu came forward. Hanako bowed to the sisters, "Good morning, Darcy-san, Deidre-san." She matched a polite bow with Yoshimitsu, their heads not bumping with an expertise in etiquette, "Kazuto-sama, Good morning." He was the heir of the family, after all.

Darcy presented her question, and Hanako took a breath. As soon as she thought of how to answer, however, she heard Yosuke's meow and she smiled softly, crouching to pet the grey guide cat. With one hand leaned over her knees, she parted her lips, "When I was walking in the halls, I felt his energy, surely as all of you did. I was worried, thinking, 'what if he hurts someone?'" Hanako let out a deep sigh, "As foolish as it was-- I'm not carrying a weapon --I came to look, and he suddenly approached me. He was very large and had a bandaged eye. His pants were striped, too, like a prison uniform from old movies. He told me not to fight him if I knew what was best for me. But, it seems all of your presences troubled him and scared him away." She brushed her hand along Yosuke's back before standing back up. She smiled bright and warm, "It's a thing to be thankful for. I may have been hurt or taken." She bowed deeply to the group, "I am happy that my neighbors are strong people."
Hanako was often like this, even when any of the neighbors had been nasty to her in the past, she was never too proud to apologize or take the blame upon herself. She'd been chewed out by some of her family members for 'appearing weak', but she thought, perhaps, being humble in the face of difficulty was always a stronger trait.
As she rose from her bow, she offered a smile to Riku, "You too, nee-chan."

With a breath, she sighed softly, "However, I couldn't get any useful information from him. I'm sorry."

Cora 02-01-2014 01:26 AM


Rikuno Sakurai

Rikuno watched as one of the two Kuzuto girls marched over to the two of them and started questioning Hanako and herself about the man that had just been there. She could not feel any animosity towards the two of them off the girl for the moment it did not matter, the girl was a Kazuto and it simply did not matter. Why should she help her? All so that she could turn around and help their heir take all the credit. Silently she simply pretended to take no notice of the girl and instead her eyes went to examining the wall that the strange man had scaled over.

Reaching out her thoughts to further out then the wall she tried to determine if the man was anywhere near. He appeared to be on the other side of the wall, not having moved. He was, she thought over the feelings coming from the strange male, confused? She wondered on this for a moment, what could have made him so confused? She was pretty sure the man was not human, just from the way he felt, was this his first time to earth? A clouded expression came over her face as she started to think of what the male on the other side could do. If this was his first time to earth he was almost just as dangerous as someone who had been there a long time. A new deamon was liable to do something stupid and evil out of fear and confusion.

She heard a soft meow of a cat and looked down at the grey cat. This almost caused a rare smile to play those lips, but not quite, her face did lighten up a bit at the sight of her guide. She would have to talk with him later after the Kazuto family had gotten the answers they had wanted out of Hanako. Sadly she knew that Hanako would be far to kind to there neighbors, she nearly almost always was, but it was this kindness in her that Rikuno adored so very much.

She turned her attention to Hanako as she spoke about the man. Her mind went to frustration and then anger. She would have to have some words with Hanako later about how foolish she had been, hadn't she always told her that she should carry her weapon with her at all times? And if she didn't have it with her to dart head first into danger? Riku threw her arms around Hana in a move that was very uncharacteristic of her, but almost a protective hug. When she realized the three Kazuto members were still standing there she stepped back a moment later, and straightened out her school uniform.

CrimsonShadow 02-01-2014 02:33 AM

Across from the school standing underneath a large tree stood a woman, though you couldn't see her. She was using her magic to make herself invisible. If you could see her though you would see that she had long flaming red hair, that seemed to move as if licks of fire were coming off her wavy locks. Her eyes were an eerie silver, constantly swirling inside a thick ring of black. The tall woman was wearing a black gown that seemed as if it was made of smoke. In her hand was a dark silver wand, covered in sharp black thorns. She seemed to be absent mindlessly making circles in the air, a silver glow following after the tip.

The other worldly woman was studying the school before her. She watched as the Kakashi students seemed to pause before entering. Ahh so they did catch the whiff of the wolfman. She watched the interaction between the weak Kakashi and the newcomer. When he jumped over the wall after spotting the others she shook her head. He should have killed the little twit. Sensing the leader of her group the smoke billowing around her completely covered her body until she was just a small black cloud of it. Crawling over the ground the black smoke made it's way over to Arianna and the wolfman.

The smoke swirled around at their feet before rising up in the air. When it moved back down Kalypso could be seen. She had a wicked smile playing across her face as she studied her leader and the man. "No fair," she said in a crisp British accent. "You get to play teacher while I do nothing?" Shaking her head her attention turned to the man. "Now you I see have been naughty." She tsked him and shook her wand like one would shake their finger. "Prison pants just won't do in the human world. Would you like me to swap them out for you? I won't charge you. This time." Kalypso winked at him before looking at Arianna with a pout. "Please give me something to do. I'm so bored."

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