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bloodstainedwings 10-21-2017 11:26 PM

[Game] Barn Battle Defense : Defense Against the Horde: Day six!
Everyday, each user (no mules) gets to pick a team to roll for; the defense against the zombies or the build a barn team. Please be sure to use the forms provided below.
The goal is to raise the barn, as the zombie will march onwards endlessly, however, if no defense is made, the barn will fall.
if you do not fill out the form correctly, your roll does not count.
correctly means your username, no brackets and no "username" in the form.
please do not get mad at me for not counting your rolls.

bloodstainedwings 10-21-2017 11:26 PM

BSW's Game Thread

Build your barn here:


[B][COLOR="SeaGreen"][SIZE="5"]Build Dat Barn! Day 6 [/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]

Zombies are coming!

[B][COLOR="DarkOrange"] [SIZE="5"]Stop those pumpkin eaters! Day 6[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]

bloodstainedwings 10-21-2017 11:26 PM

BSW's Game Thread

Day one:
Build a barn:
Suona: 10
Kay: 8
Xogizmoox: 9
Naisou: 9
Nephila: 8
shades_of_grey: 8
monstahh`: 5
Maria-Minamino: 4
Kent: 4
eastriel: 7
Car'a'Carn: 2
Sadrain: 3
musasgal: 2
Damia Flagg: 3
star2000shadow: 6
ghostPastry: 5
zigbigadorlube: 4
dragoness129: 7
salvete: 5

Stop those zombies!
Dystopia: 2
Linnea: 10
GummyBearKisses: 1
xoxoAngiexoxo: 4
Midian: 10
Hadsvich: 6
Roachi: 10
Shadami: 6
Velvet: 10
Miscreant74: 4
SuperZombiePotatoe: 10

Day 2:
Build a barn:
SuperZombiePotatoe: 5
Hadsvich: 1
*Hime*: 10
Sadrain: 1
ghostPastry: 5
Razor: 6
Suona: 9
Mikio: 8
Maria-Minamino: 9
Damia Flagg: 7
eastriel: 2

Stop those zombies!
Kay: 1
Naisou: 4
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa: 10
Emma Corrin: 8
Kent: 6
Shadami: 10
Miscreant74: 3
GummyBearKisses: 7
Midian: 7
Roachi: 3

Day 3:
Build a barn:
*Hime*: 10
Kay: 9
ghostPastry: 8
Damia Flagg: 3
Maria-Minamino: 4
Suona: 6
dragoness129: 9
salvete: 4
monstahh`: 10
Razor: 4
Star2000sahdow: 6

Stop those zombies!
SuperZombiePotatoe: 2
Velvet: 6
GummyBearKisses: 4
Hadsvich: 4
Naisou: 10
Shadami: 9
Kamikaze Kendra: 1
Kent: 1
Midian: 3
Kiari: 10
Miscreant74: 9
Divacita: 7
Emma Corrin: 2

Day four:
Build a barn:
Sadrain: 4
ghostPastry: 5
SuperZombiePotatoe: 7
Shadami: 5
eastriel: 1
Mimmu: 6
woohoohelloppl: 5
star2000shadow: 5
Damia Flagg: 2
evilcupcakecat: 7
Suona: 7
Maria-Minamino: 3
zigbigadorlube: 8
dragoness129: 10
Roachi: 8
salvete: 7
wish: 6

Stop those zombies!
Velvet: 2
Kay: 4
Vox: 4
GummyBearKisses: 6
Naisou: 5
Kamikaze Kendra: 9
Midian: 1
Miscreant74: 9
monstahh`: 6
Kent: 9
Emma Corrin: 1
Hadsvich: 5

Day 5:
Build a barn:
eastriel: 10
Nephila: 6
woohoohelloppl: 5
Sadrain: 6
Mimmu: 10
*Hume*: 4
star2000shadow: 5
Damia Flagg: 9
Razor: 10
zigbigadorlube: 10
ghostPastry: 5
Maria-Minamino: 7
salvete: 3
Suona: 3
wish: 5

Stop those zombies!
Velvet: 5
Naisou: 5
Shadami: 6
Vox: 5
Kiari: 5
GummyBearKisses: 1
Miscreant74: 4
SuperZombiePotatoe: 2
Kay: 10
Kent: 4
Kamikaze Kendra: 9
Midian: 5
Roachi: 2
Day 6:
Build a barn:
Mimmu: 5
Nephila: 9
Kay: 6
Eastriel: 2
*Hime*: 3
ghostPastry: 2
dragoness129: 8
Maria-minamino: 2
Razor: 7
Sadrain: 10
star2000shadow: 10
Damia Flagg: 6
salvete: 2
wish: 4
woohoohelloppl: 3

Stop those zombies!
Hadsvich: 5
SuperZombiePotatoe: 6
Naisou: 8
Shadami: 1
Vox: 1
GummyBearKisses: 2
Kiari: 2
Kamikaze Kendra: 9
Kent: 5
Miscreant74: 10
Velvet: 6
Emma Corrin: 7
Midian: 5

bloodstainedwings 10-21-2017 11:26 PM

BSW's Game Thread
Day one:
Total score for the barn: 109
Total score against the zombies: 83

A foundation has been laid, it is mostly rocks and mud and there seem to be some gaps, but it can be fixed. The zombies are so close that it seems like you might not have time to do much progress on the barn as they have eaten a fair amount of your pumpkins. hopefully you do not starve to death before the zombies even get there. .

Day Two:
Total score for the barn: 81
Total score against the zombies: 59


The barn is progressing nicely, all the foundation cracks are filled in and you even have some walls framed out. Those zombies though, they got the better of you. those crops are severely damaged and you seem to have lost some workers to the horde.

Day Three:
Total score for the barn: 73
Total score against the zombies: 71

The horde as been pushed back and held off. It seems the calvary arrived and it helped progress things along. we got the walls all framed and up, and there were no delays due to the horde. Great job today everyone!

Day Four:
Total score for the barn: 103
Total score against the zombies: 67

The barn has walls and the roof trusses are built, but before you could get it hoisted up, a zombie attack thwarted your progress. luckily, they didnt damage your walls or foundation, you guys built them well enough to withstand. but that roof needs to go up so you can get it covered. You were able to push the zombies back but not until after having to take some refuge.

Day Five:
Total score for the barn: 106
Total score against the zombies: 68

Wow, what a day! That roof is up, the walls are up, doors and windows in. the horde was held back successfully. no delays at all today. All this barn needs is some paint, locks and to be finished on the inside. Call be impressed!

bloodstainedwings 10-21-2017 11:26 PM

Barn Battle Defense : Defense Against the Horde Day, Day 6 almost done!

bloodstainedwings 10-21-2017 11:26 PM

BSW's Game Thread
The Zombies are attacking! We need help! Help us raise a barn to protect our pumpkins and ourselves from the evil Zombie Pumpkin eaters! Once a day you can pick if you want to fend off the horde or help build the barn, without the barn, we all lose all, as the horde will never stop. But we also can't all be building the barn or else the horde will stall our progress and eat all our pumpkins!

Linnea 10-28-2017 01:56 AM

yaaas! let's build that barn and fend off the zombies!
Stop those pumpkin eaters!
[Username] linnea

---------- Post added 10-27-2017 at 06:56 PM ----------

oh shiz, that didn't work. let me fix that!

Dystopia 10-28-2017 01:59 AM

Stop those pumpkin eaters!

---------- Post added 10-27-2017 at 06:59 PM ----------


Originally Posted by Dystopia (Post 1773984285)
Stop those pumpkin eaters!

Fuck. Fixed it.

Stop those pumpkin eaters!
The 10-sided dice lands on 5

Linnea 10-28-2017 02:02 AM

there we go!

i fixed it for good!
Stop those pumpkin eaters!
The 10-sided dice lands on 10

---------- Post added 10-27-2017 at 07:02 PM ----------

haha dammit! i forgot my username!

---------- Post added 10-27-2017 at 07:03 PM ----------

and i added some color so bsw can easily pick out the rolls for each user and each category

Dystopia 10-28-2017 02:05 AM


Linnea 10-28-2017 02:08 AM

it's going around [lol]

maybe bloodstainedwings: will go easy on us :P

Suona 10-28-2017 02:10 AM

You guys are cracking me up [lol]

Build Dat Barn!
The 10-sided dice lands on 4

Kay 10-28-2017 02:18 AM

Build Dat Barn!
The 10-sided dice lands on 1

Xogizmoox 10-28-2017 02:30 AM

Build Dat Barn!
The 10-sided dice lands on 4

GummyBearKisses 10-28-2017 03:04 AM

Stop those pumpkin eaters!
The 10-sided dice lands on 10

---------- Post added 10-27-2017 at 10:06 PM ----------

I think you guys started a trend because look what I forgot to put too.

Dystopia 10-28-2017 03:25 AM


Xo~GREMLIN~oX 10-28-2017 03:28 AM


Originally Posted by Xogizmoox (Post 1773984329)
Build Dat Barn!
The 10-sided dice lands on 8

I actually remembered my name but INCLUDED THE WORDS USERNAME so I guess I goofed up too y'all since that should be erased lol[squee]

Naisou 10-28-2017 04:03 AM

Build Dat Barn!
The 10-sided dice lands on 4

Nephila 10-28-2017 06:57 AM

Build Dat Barn!
The 10-sided dice lands on 8

xoxoAngiexoxo 10-28-2017 07:54 AM

Stop those pumpkin eaters!
The 10-sided dice lands on 4

shades_of_grey 10-28-2017 08:03 AM

Build Dat Barn!
The 10-sided dice lands on 2

bloodstainedwings 10-28-2017 10:23 AM

updated to here.

due to the hiccup, today will continue to be day 1. i will also be more lenient with people not filling out the forms right today, but today only, please make sure you do not have the word "username" in your entry, it should just be your name.

but so far so great you guys! thank you so much! [heart]

monstahh` 10-28-2017 11:07 AM

Build Dat Barn!
The 10-sided dice lands on 7

like this?

Midian 10-28-2017 11:59 AM

Stop those pumpkin eaters!
[Username] Midian
The 10-sided dice lands on 7

Hadsvich 10-28-2017 12:26 PM

Stop those pumpkin eaters!
The 10-sided dice lands on 10.

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