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Woodlandnymph 09-13-2013 01:33 AM

Show us your Projects and Ideas !!
I am a super crazy crafter. I've always got *some* thing in the works. So, I thought it'd be nice to have a place to post things you've wanted to make as well as anything you've been working on for ages.

My first thing would be this mirror I upcycled into a chalkboard!
Click on thumbnail for full view
I found a funky (ugly bronze painted) mirror at a second hand shop and painted it with a satin acrylic paint

Click on thumbnail for full view

Scuffed up the mirror with sandpaper and coated it with 2 layers of chalkboard paint

Click on thumbnail for full view

Then, success! So cute! I already had the materials to paint everything, so the only out of pocket expense was the three dollar mirror.

Kirin Rosenbaum 09-13-2013 02:08 AM

Oh that's so cute. I am currently crocheting scarves. I also have to get cracking on my handmade Christmas cards. So many to make and so little time to do it. Though I might send my family winter cards this year, save me sometime, but we shall see.

Woodlandnymph 09-13-2013 02:10 AM

I wish I could crochet Kirin. I can only knit. And very simply.

Kirin Rosenbaum 09-13-2013 02:17 AM

I can only simply crochet and it took me forever to learn.

Seridano 09-13-2013 02:35 AM

I have a bit of a thing for mask making so erm...have some completed masks.

Not entirely sure what I want to do next. Started one for my sister, but still need to finish it and I'm not quite sure it's right just yet...aaaaand I've lost the inspiration for it.

Woodlandnymph 09-13-2013 03:01 AM

Still more crocheting than I can do Kirin! I can do a straight row....and not add onto it at all.

Oh man, Ser is that a weeping angel mask?! Those are fantastic.Do you use a paper clay? Paper mache? I've made a few masks, but none recently.

I did make some eyes that I started selling:

Click on thumbnail for full view

Here's the only finished one I bothered taking a picture of, but they're dragon eye pins (and magnets) that I'll have up on Etsy, but I'm also selling them at craft fairs. They're a lot of fun to make. I was going to check out Smaug from The Hobbit more carefully to replicate his eyes.

Kirin Rosenbaum 09-13-2013 03:16 AM

Oh I am jealous of your talents. Mine are so simple compared to you.

Nivvy 09-13-2013 03:46 AM

Very cute chalkboard, and that eye is gorgeous :D <3
I adore chalk paint ^^. I can't wait til we move into a bigger house (in a million years lol)
I just want to splash funky coloured chalk paint all over everything haha

Woodlandnymph 09-13-2013 04:00 AM

Chalkboard paint is the best way to play with things. I love those projects I see on pintrest with the spice jars or wine glasses with it on them.

Cherry Who? 09-13-2013 06:37 AM

Holy cow, you guys are talented! I'll just sit over here with my jar of origami stars and feel inferior. [lol]

jellysundae 09-13-2013 10:39 AM

I'm plotting visiting Woody's house with a removals van now [ninja] I adore things like your chalkboard. Stuff painted in pretty colours looks so fantastic on white walls.

Kirin Rosenbaum 09-13-2013 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Cherry Who? (Post 1772139802)
Holy cow, you guys are talented! I'll just sit over here with my jar of origami stars and feel inferior. [lol]

I am jealous you can do origami. I can't do it to save my life.

Woodlandnymph 09-13-2013 03:20 PM

I agree, I wish I could make those little stars, I think they're adorable!

Excellent! Jelly, I'll have tea all set up for you too! And I agree. I love little pops of color. One trend I love seeing is when people go to a second hand shop and buy a dated old ceramic or wood piece ( like an owl or what not) then paint it one shiny color.

Or something like this : Colored trays which I've done with clear bowls and candlesticks for my sister's baby shower to hold candy.

M i r o 09-13-2013 03:20 PM

Ooo, that chalkboard thing. My mom did that for me but on the wall in my closet. It was a huge rectangle black chalkboard space she made with a solid border. Didn't last long since the closet was also my computer closet. The computer chair was too big to be in there and the arm handle gauged out a big slash into it. XD We had to re-drywall the whole thing and now its an ugly white color. It's no longer my computer closet because it happened again. And the last thunderstorm took out my computer monitor/tower, so, I don't have that anymore either.

Kirin Rosenbaum 09-13-2013 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by Woodlandnymph (Post 1772140009)
I agree, I wish I could make those little stars, I think they're adorable!

Excellent! Jelly, I'll have tea all set up for you too! And I agree. I love little pops of color. One trend I love seeing is when people go to a second hand shop and buy a dated old ceramic or wood piece ( like an owl or what not) then paint it one shiny color.

Or something like this : Colored trays which I've done with clear bowls and candlesticks for my sister's baby shower to hold candy.

Oh those are so dang cute.

BellyButton 09-13-2013 06:39 PM

Freaking cool weeping angel mask, Seri! [eager]

I also love your chalkboard, Woody! Such a neat idea.

Great thread! :D

jellysundae 09-13-2013 07:27 PM

I have realised that I have irritating tendencies when it comes to crafty stuff. I will want to try something, and expect to be able to do it perfectly first time, then get frustrated with myself because I can't ><

I have a pine rocking chair that I've had for years. It needs sanding down and painting. I bought a tin of paint for it years ago too, not done it >.>That is me all over [blush]

Kirin Rosenbaum 09-13-2013 07:35 PM

You won't ever know how to do it right if you don't try.

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 09-13-2013 07:37 PM


I have realised that I have irritating tendencies when it comes to crafty stuff. I will want to try something, and expect to be able to do it perfectly first time, then get frustrated with myself because I can't ><
Gah, this used to happen to me too. [gonk] I feel like I've gotten over it mostly now though, for whatever reason. Instead of frustration, I end up regarding the first attempt as a point towards the new skill or something like that. Would be neat to gather all the first attempts at something and put them into a shadow box. [yes]

There's some furniture in the bedroom that needs some work, but it's that particle board stuff. I finally looked up how to work with it, so now it's a matter of gathering materials to do it. Darn thing needs new tracks too, oy, wuttapain. [lol]

I'm at the point in crafts and stuff where there's tons I'd like to try, but the problem is a lack of materials. And since I'm slow to get them, they just kind of sit on the backburner until everything needed gets accumulated. In any case, I've been saving glass jars for some use. XD

jellysundae 09-13-2013 07:37 PM

I know Kirin, but...just but, basically xD

I don't have the funds for materials if the finished article isn't going to be up to my standards, you know?

Kirin Rosenbaum 09-13-2013 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa (Post 1772140233)

Gah, this used to happen to me too. [gonk] I feel like I've gotten over it mostly now though, for whatever reason. Instead of frustration, I end up regarding the first attempt as a point towards the new skill or something like that. Would be neat to gather all the first attempts at something and put them into a shadow box. [yes]

There's some furniture in the bedroom that needs some work, but it's that particle board stuff. I finally looked up how to work with it, so now it's a matter of gathering materials to do it. Darn thing needs new tracks too, oy, wuttapain. [lol]

I'm at the point in crafts and stuff where there's tons I'd like to try, but the problem is a lack of materials. And since I'm slow to get them, they just kind of sit on the backburner until everything needed gets accumulated. In any case, I've been saving glass jars for some use. XD

You can always make beach in a bottle with the glass jars. *nods*


Originally Posted by jellysundae (Post 1772140234)
I know Kirin, but...just but, basically xD

I don't have the funds for materials if the finished article isn't going to be up to my standards, you know?

I do know that feeling. Though luckily mom loans me money when I need something for my cards.

Cherry Who? 09-13-2013 09:59 PM

Oh, you guys, origami stars are the simplest things to make ever, trust me. The only issue with learning how to do it is that some instructions are needlessly confusing. If you guys want, I could slap together a quick picture tutorial? Once you get it down, they're good to do whenever you need something to occupy your hands and eyes. I make them when listening to podcasts or watching The Daily Show/Colbert Report.


Originally Posted by jellysundae (Post 1772140227)
I have realised that I have irritating tendencies when it comes to crafty stuff. I will want to try something, and expect to be able to do it perfectly first time, then get frustrated with myself because I can't ><

I have a pine rocking chair that I've had for years. It needs sanding down and painting. I bought a tin of paint for it years ago too, not done it >.>That is me all over [blush]

That's completely me. Not just at crafting things, at everything. If I'm not instantly perfect, I'm like "NOPE, FUCK IT!" I also have the tendency to buy things for a project and then never actually do it. >> I have so many shirts and skirts that need altering, a dresser that needs sanding and restaining, countless necklaces and bracelets that want making... ugh.

Woodlandnymph 09-13-2013 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa (Post 1772140233)

Gah, this used to happen to me too. [gonk] I feel like I've gotten over it mostly now though, for whatever reason. Instead of frustration, I end up regarding the first attempt as a point towards the new skill or something like that. Would be neat to gather all the first attempts at something and put them into a shadow box. [yes]

There's some furniture in the bedroom that needs some work, but it's that particle board stuff. I finally looked up how to work with it, so now it's a matter of gathering materials to do it. Darn thing needs new tracks too, oy, wuttapain. [lol]

I'm at the point in crafts and stuff where there's tons I'd like to try, but the problem is a lack of materials. And since I'm slow to get them, they just kind of sit on the backburner until everything needed gets accumulated. In any case, I've been saving glass jars for some use. XD

I like the shadow box idea. :D Put that in your craft area as art and to see how you've progressed!

I'm in opposite-ville over here. I have so many ideas, materials just pile up. I forget sometimes what I have, and buy things twice... It's kinda bad getting all these ideas cause, I don't have all the time I want to play and craft.

Slowly and surely though, I'm organizing what I have, and putting it all at a big craft table. I can seriously live off of what I have craft wise for a year or so creative-wise if I just pick up a small thing or two here and there. I've thick fabric to make a bodice/corset, material for a skirt I wanted to make, and so much felt I could choke a kindergarten art room....

Kirin Rosenbaum 09-13-2013 11:37 PM

Hey there how is everybody doing? Hope you are all doing well. I really need to start making my Christmas cards.

~LONGCAT~ 09-14-2013 12:24 AM

Most of my hobbies and crafts fit over in the art forum because it's more painting than crafting. But I have been working on a needlework piece... sort of [ninja] I should get back to that at some point

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