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Chuuu<3 11-19-2011 02:47 AM

Do You Want To Know A Secret?~ (( Donut and Chuuu<3 ))
Name: Rosalina "Rose" Anna Lynn Swan
Age: 17

Donut 11-19-2011 03:26 AM
Name: Jessica (jess) punning kross
Age: 16

Jessica walked from the lidrary early Friday morning
She was always the first on at the school no matter what day it was. She sat in the back of the classroom and got right back into the book she was reading and eared for the rest of her class to get there.

Chuuu<3 11-19-2011 03:37 AM

Rose stepped out of her brand new all-white mercedes, and rubbed the wrinkles out of her skirt. She grabbed her lightest books and began to walk to class. The raven-haired girl waved and smiled to all that passed by her, even blowing a kiss to a few girls- who in immediate response, sighed in awe. She smirked and stepped into class. The other girls on the cheerleading team didn't take hard classes like she did. She struggled greatly, yes, but it wasn't like it was impossible. As cheerleading captain, she was expected to be invinsible, so that's what she was.

Taking her seat behind the only other girl in the room- Jessica, I think that's her name- she looked around her bag, and realized she didn't have a pencil. Tapping the long-haired nerd-girl in front of her, she smiled. "Hey, do you have an extra pen or pencil I could have?"

Donut 11-19-2011 04:02 AM

Jessica looked back as the girl poked her. "Immediate.. yea." She said and got into her bag and she handed the girl a pencil. After a small smile she turned back and looked down at her rest. She was usually the quiet girl and barmy anyone talked to her unless they wanted her to do the homework for them. With a small sigh jess looked up as another girl walked in, she was the main one that made Jessica do her work for her. With a hard nudge in the arm the girl too the work off the desk and took her set. Jessica didn't say a word, she just sat back and looked down yet again.

Chuuu<3 11-19-2011 04:50 AM

Rose smiled, taking the pencil. "Thank you." She watched as Becca walked in, sitting next to the girl in front of her. She frowned as Becca snatched the papers off of her desk and the poor girl just sat there quietly. Becca turned around, "Hey, Rose!" She smiled. Rose blinked. "Hey." As it appeared Becca was about to say something else, the bell rang and more people began coming in. Class went about as usual, they handed in their homework- Becca turning in Jessica's as her own- and began taking notes. Becca passed a paper to Rose.
'Hey, hit the girl in front of you in the back of the head for me.'
She furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Becca, mouthing the word 'Why?'
Becca gave Rose a cold stare and she rolled her eyes. Might as well do it so I won't have to hear her complain about me not doing it later... Rose slowly leaned forward and flicked the girl in the back of the head. She didn't mean to do it so hard, though. Becca let out a slightly loud cackle and was sent to detention while Rose just gave Jessica an "I'm sorry" look.

Donut 11-19-2011 05:29 AM

Jessica ignored the paper that was passed back and doth. She gave the girl behind her a sharp look as she was flicked, and she rubbed her head. There was something different about the girl behind her but Jessica couldn't tell what it was. She ignored that alas well. Jessica was the girl that did things right and stayed to herself nomatter what happened. Class finally got over and she walked her way out of the room holding her books infront of herself.

Chuuu<3 11-19-2011 03:56 PM

Having Becca sent to detention, Rose was forced to seek out chemistry alone. She followed Jessica out of the room and grabbed the back of her shirt to stop her. "Wait! Hey, I'm really sorry about what I did back there. It was Becca, really, you know how she is." She sighed. "I'm sorry..." She repeated. "Can I make it up to you? Do you want to hang out sometime?" She asked, straightening out her skirt again.

Donut 11-19-2011 08:28 PM

Jessica was a bit surprised when she was stopped right after leaving the room. "yea I know how she is, most people are that way as well." she sighed as well "its ok, I'm use to it. Why would the head cheerleader want to hang out with someone like me for anyway?" she asked as she looked at the girl ceriously. Jessica knew a lot more about people than she lead on to know, and it was just odd to her that someone like rose wanted to hasn't out with someone like herself. Usually there was nothing good to come from it, she has found that out from past tries, so she was a bit learie. But again there was something different about rose. "if hanging out with me is going to be another prank forget about it." she was about ready to turn and just walk away but she wanted to see what her response was first.

Chuuu<3 11-19-2011 08:52 PM

At Jessica's words, Rose was a bit hurt. She expected the strange girl to just turn and walk away, but when she didn't, Rose smiled a little. "Look, I'm not like my friends... And you seem really nice. I was just asking to see if you wanted to. If you don't, its fine, okay?" She held her hands up in a surrendering pose and tilted her head. "But if you ever do want to hang out..." She reached into her bag and pulled out a small piece of paper. She jotted down her phone number on it with a purple pen and handed it to Jessica. "You can call me tomorrow. There's no cheer practice or school. We can go out for coffee or just chill at my house or..." She shrugged. "Something." Shaking her head, she gave the girl a small hug. "I hope to hear from you." She blushed and walked away, ready for chemistry now.

Donut 11-19-2011 10:06 PM

Jessica blinked and looked at the girl in a kind of shock. She took the paper and nodded, she didn't have anything to do tomorrow and with no friends the day would drag. Her parents wouldn't want anything to do with her like any other weekend either, they were too busy with her sister to care about her. When rose gave her a small hug she got a little red as well, she wasn't use to people actually being nice to her so she just might give her a chance. Mess put the paper in her pocket and headed to chemistry as well. There were a few classes that she didn't have rose in there with her but the first half of the day was the most. Class started like normal,pairing off with partners and Jessica was one of the last ones left.

Chuuu<3 11-19-2011 10:37 PM

Rose sat down in chemistry and found her other friends in the class. There were seven altogether and when it was time to pair up, Rose was the od one out. She tilted her head and saw that Jessica also didn't have a partner. She smiled wide and scurried over to the girl. "Hey!" Her eyes lit up. The lab was on 'the light spectrum'. They were supposed to watch a video and write notes on it. As the teacher started up the video and turned the lights off, the class grew silent.

Donut 11-19-2011 11:39 PM

Jessica was really a shy girl, and this other girl was just being a bit chipper for her usual day but she wasn't minding the change. Mess smiled a little as well "hey.." she replied softly. The lihts went out soon after and she pulled out her notebook to wright down notes. The light spectrum was an interesting thing and for Jessica it was an easy subject just like anything else. She was weighting things with her left hand, and her right was holding the notebook to the table. Being toward the back of the room it was a bit darker but she still wrote all she knew.

Chuuu<3 11-20-2011 01:02 AM

Rose let out a long sigh at the video, only understanding a small portion of the out-dated film. Feeling a ping on her shoulder, Rose turned and saw her friends' sorry looks. She smiled, shaking her head and looked down to see a paper airplane. It had crashed tip-first into her shoulder, apparently. She reached down for it and opened it, reading to herself in the dimly-lit portion of the room. 'Sorry you got paired up with Miss Misfit. We'll make it up to you tomorrow at the mall? How's Debbie's sound?' Debbie's was the name of Rose's favorite store in the mall and since all of her friends were well-off, she was always getting things from her friends. She frowned at the 'Miss Misfit' part of the note, though. She hated that her friends couldn't accept people who were just a bit more shy and knowledgeable than they were. Cuter, too... She thought to herself, peeking over at the girl and blinking. The thought made her blush and she shook her head. Just then, the video stopped. Rose hid the note from Jessica, making sure that she didn't see it and looked down at her blank sheet of paper that was supposed to be full of notes like Jessica's. "Wow, I guess I'll be watching that at home again tonight..." She muttered under her breath and turned to her friends, who were all giggling and pointing in her direction.

Donut 11-20-2011 01:14 AM

Jessica looked over at rose's paper qnr couldn't help but to smirk just a little. "You can copy mine tomorrow if you want, its no problem " she said as she put her notes away and looked down for the last few seconds of class. The bell rang and she got up,as soon as she had he'd books in her hands she was hit by a paper ball and she just glared at the one that threw it and took off quickly as she left the laughing room. The rest of the day went as it normally did and last class of the day so she was glad to be almost done. She stood in line in the gym waiting for role to be called. She hated the outfits they were made to ware.

Chuuu<3 11-20-2011 02:13 AM

The end of class was a bit of a bummer to Rose. She was upset at Nina who had thrown a paper ball at the back of Jessica's head. Watching as her friends laughed and Jessica left, she frowned. Well that wasn't nice at all... The continuation of the day was a bit of a bore to Rose. Everyone was still talking about the nerd-girl until after lunch when it was time for her last class-Gym. This period, she had with the rest of the cheerleading team. It was their practice-time during school hours on normal days and today, they had after-school proactice as well. She called the team together after they'd all gotten dressed. The outfit, she agreed was a bit ridiculous. It was basically a white tank top and booty-short panties. Oddly enough, they never had any problems with the practice clothes since there were no boys that ever made a big deal about it. The girls on the team liked them, even. Sighing, she gathered the girls together on her team and gave a short pep-talk about giving their all today with the regular gym girls. Their coach was absent, so they were forced to go to the regular gym teacher- Ulga. Ulga tapped her foot and crossed her arms while the girls lined up with the rest of her class. "Finally! The pretty little cheerleaders decide to make it to class." She boomed in a thick Russian accent. Rose raised her hand and stepped forward. "I'm sorry ma'am. We took a bit longer than usual." She then stepped back since Ulga had always scared Rose. "Sorry does not always cut it for few. Today, we will be drilling random excersizes. Chin-ups, sit-ups, push-up, runs. We'll be testing your flexibility and how high you can jump." She clapped her hands and told everyone to pair up. Rose made sure everyone on her team had someone of the same abilities, then looked around. "Where's Ashley?" She asked Becca who simply shrugged. "Cruise." Rose placed her hands on her hips and paced. Now who was she going to drill with? She looked around at the girls in the normal class and recognized Jessica, not even realizing she was in this class.

Donut 11-20-2011 02:31 AM

Jessica looked areoind and saw that yet again she Washington going to paired with rose, but this didn't bother her at all because so far rose has been nice to her. She walked over " looks like you get stuck with me again" she said with a small chuckle. Rose seemed nice to her for some reason and it was just odd that the cheerleadering captain was string to look like one of the few friends she might have. "Looks like ait-ups are first." She said as they headed toward the mats. "You or me first? Jessica asked as she looked at rose with another smile.

Chuuu<3 11-20-2011 03:08 AM

Rose grinned. "Eh, that's alright. Being with you is better than with any of those girls." She gave a thumb to the team. "All they want to do is gossip and talk about boys." She rolled her eyes. 'Boys' was one subject she hated. Her parents knew this and that's why they chose an all-girls school. As she nodded to sit-ups, she pointed to the mat. "You're going to want to go first on all of our exersizes." She helped Jessica down. "Trust me." She warned, and held down her feet, waiting for her to start. "You have one minute." She giggled.

Donut 11-20-2011 03:19 AM

Jessica smiled at what rose said even thought she thought it was a bit odd that rose didn't want to be with her friends. "Ill do my best" she said as the whistle blew and she did what she could. She gout about 20 and was satisfied enough. "Your turn" she said as she switched places and held rose's feet still. The rest of the class went slow but Jessica just did her best. She got changed back to her street cloths and was ready for the weekend. "When might you want to get coffee?" she asked rose just before she was going to walk home.

Chuuu<3 11-20-2011 04:25 AM

Rose sighed and shook her head at the pathetic twenty sit-ups a minute. Seeing how she was a cheerleaing captain, she was always physically fit and managed exactly 56 sit ups. In fact, Rose held most of the one-minute gym records at school. She proudly marched out of class with a one hundred percent for the day. She waited up on Jessica, though, and smiled when she caught her. Since Rose had practice, she couldn't change into her normal clothes. "How's noon?" Rose suggested. "You can call me whenever." She smiled again.

Donut 11-20-2011 04:48 AM

Jessica nodded " that sounds good ill call you then" she smiled and took off her own way. The walk home was peaceful like any other walk, and her night was always the same as well. She stayed in her room as her parents ignored her at talk with her brother more. He was always center of their world and she badly was ever spoken to unless she did something bad, witch wasn't too often. After waking from a good sleep mess got dressed and was ready for the day. She took a walk to the park before she called rose.

Chuuu<3 11-20-2011 06:47 PM

Waving a quick goodbye as her new friend left and went back to go practice with the girls. It took a bit longer than usual since the coach was absent and Rose was the only one in charge, but they got what they needed done, then were dismissed. As soon as Rose got home, she dropped her bookbag on the floor and plopped into bed. Her parents usually didn't come home until the middle of the night.

When she woke up, she took a quick shower and got into a small white dress that she'd been wanting to wear lately. After a quick bowl of cereal, she looked down at her phone and saw that she was getting a call. With a wide smile, she picked it up and answered. "Hey Jessica! What do you want to do today?" She asked.

Donut 11-20-2011 06:54 PM

"Hey rose.. its up to you really. I have no plans but to be with you." Jessica said as she was walking through the park. It was a nice say out and she was in jeans and a yellow shirt, she didn't have too many cloths and she never really dressed up because there was no real reason. "I'm in centeral park if your wanting to meet up with me for a while." She added. If was nice to have someone to talk to for once even if she was being careful with rose for now. She might be alright but she has been tricked so many times. Jessica sat on a bentch and waited for her friend to show up.

Chuuu<3 11-20-2011 07:09 PM

Rose nodded. "Alright. I'll be there in a few minutes. I live really close, actually." She laughed. "See you!" She hung up and placed her cell phone in the front pocket of her dress. She grabbed a small tote bag with a few things in it, and was out the door after leaving a small note to her mom and dad about where she was. When she got to the park, she walked around for a few minutes until she found Jessica sitting on a bench. She smiled wide and ran up to her. She gave the lonely-looking girl a hug and pulled her up out of the bench. "C'mon. I have an idea of where we can go!" She smiled, grabbing her hand and pulling her along.

Donut 11-20-2011 07:24 PM

Jessica saw rose walking up and she smiled as well. Throwing her off with a hug she hugged back as well. "Ok.." she said quietly as her hand was grabbed and she Washington being lead away. Knowing what she did about rose, Jessica knew that she was too kind hearted to really trick anyone so her guard was dropped more and she was feeling more relaxed with her. "Where we headed?" Jessica asked softly as she was beside rose now, and for some reason their hands were still locked together but it didn't bother her at all. She saterted feeling a seance of belonging, first time in a long time.

Chuuu<3 11-20-2011 07:52 PM

Rose smiled down at the shy Jessica. It seemed that she was now starting to open up a bit more. "Well, first of all, I'm taking you shopping." She giggled tapped her small nose. "You're so cute, but you don't let anyone see it behind these boring clothes." She said, tugging on the plain yellow shirt. Rose wan't rich- not even slightly- but she was good at finding deals and retained her sense of style. Still clasping onto Jessica's soft hand, she pulled her into a favorite botique of hers. "Forever Rue" was an unknown store to most people who went to their school, but Rose got almost all of her clothes there. "I'm guessing you're a size 2, right?" She smiled, looking over the racks of clothes.

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