Menewsha Avatar Community

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mewmew07 10-31-2010 12:51 AM

Halloween event freebies for moi? + Hangout
To help celebrate Halloween, I am looking for some event freebies of my current avatar.

Any style and quality is accepted. I won't turn anyone down who is nice enough to want to draw me.

While it's of my current avatar, the hair color will be different since I had this avatar before, then changed it, and then came back to it and they seemed to have changed the way you pick colors for hair. So here is the avatar with the right hair color:

Feel free to stick around and chat as well, since this will also be my hangout thread so I don't have to keep up with two of my own threads.

mewmew07 10-31-2010 09:21 PM

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lunanuova 10-31-2010 09:45 PM

Hi mew! Don't want to let this thread slip away with no visitors now, do we! Happy Halloween!

mewmew07 10-31-2010 10:02 PM

No, of course we don't!

Thank you! Doing anything tonight for Halloween if it isn't night where you live already?

jupiter 10-31-2010 10:17 PM

I'll help keep it up whenever I can. n___n
It's good to see you again, Mew.

mewmew07 10-31-2010 10:37 PM

Thanks paper!

And it's great to see you too!

How are you?

jupiter 11-01-2010 03:32 AM

I'm alright. I had lunch with a friend I hadn't seen in a while just earlier today; it was a new restaurant, too! It's this little hole-in-the-wall Korean place where they serve little bowls of things I don't know I'd ever care to know about, ahahaha! They were all super yummy and we had a great time.

I do love Hallowe'en, just not with my family. It's an absolute nightmare during the holidays.

mewmew07 11-01-2010 08:22 AM

That place sounds yummy! What did you guys have to eat?

And that's too bad. I enjoy hanging with my family at Christmas.

jupiter 11-01-2010 11:28 AM

I think it's just a combination of my unwillingness and forced hand that puts me in such a bad mood during those times. So I'm touchy and I don't like to be bothered or micro-managed and I'll go off on other family easily. Same with all of us, I think. My father wants decorations, I don't. So I get them from the attic, set them all downstairs and he will take it upon himself to dictate where everything goes, how it goes, etc. But won't offer to actually set it up or clean it up. I feel bad complaining about it, though.

I was terribly yummy! I think I would have to be in the mood for it, though, because some of the tastes were a little muted or onion-like and it could just as easily make me love it as make me queasy. They give you these small dishes of things to eat with your meal like kimchee, some seaweed with sesame oil, tiny dried fish, sweet potatoes that were marinated in something, some tofu, and a couple other mystery dishes. They were just enough for a few bite-fulls. And then my friend had teriyaki chicken, and I had a boiled beef. I was sure I had made a terrible mistake when I ordered; I mean, boiled beef? Boiled meat? Boiled?

But it was so decadent! The meat had been marinated and was so mouthwatering and tender! It practically melted in your mouth!

lunanuova 11-01-2010 01:32 PM

I stayed at home last night for halloween. Only 3 times we had trick or treaters! I went to a halloween party on the 30th (saturday) though.

I might try drawing your avatar one day when I can. However it will not be near any standard of the art you already have :|

mewmew07 11-01-2010 05:17 PM

paper: That's too bad. If someone in the family wants something done more than anyone else, then they should do it and not force others to do the work for them.

Boiled meat sounds gross. I like those restaurants where you can cook your food on a hibachi.

luna: That would be great. I am sure you are a pretty decent artist.

mewmew07 11-02-2010 04:18 AM

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jupiter 11-02-2010 09:55 AM

I know, right? I was so scared, ahahaha! But it was super delicious; not like anything you'd think of when you hear "boiled". The onions in the soup were a little lifeless, but the rest was so delicious. I'm definitely returning.
But next time, I want Indian food.

I'm bringing your thread up!

mewmew07 11-02-2010 10:06 AM

I hate onions!

I like Mexican food and Italian food and some Chinese food.

jupiter 11-03-2010 05:05 AM

I think that of the general food that I eat, I have enjoyed it all. I do love onions raw over cooked, though. Sauteed isn't bad, but generally I like that spice!

Enjoying your week?

mewmew07 11-03-2010 06:00 AM

I hate onions any way you cook them.

My week is ok. I went shopping today because it was election day and I had the day off so we went after my mom and I voted.

We ate at Panda Express and then I bought myself a cute hoodie.

mewmew07 11-04-2010 07:16 AM

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jupiter 11-04-2010 08:05 AM

Aw, that's great! I haven't gone shopping in a while; perhaps I'll splurge a little bit later. I just haven't been in the mood and haven't seen anything that caught my eye. Plus, I need to find a new job! This one I have now is godawful. My boss is moody, the customers are getting progressively more rude and obnoxious, and I'm not even being paid.
Omigosh, I complain about my life too much. T___T
I have a totally cute haircut now, though. And I am in love with the last pair of boots I purchased.

I'm also excited for the holiday season!

mewmew07 11-04-2010 08:43 AM

What kind of boots are they?

Too bad your job sucks. Hope you find a better one.

I had a summer job, but I might have already told you this. Well, I am saving $200 from it and buying myself a Wii when the red Super Mario Bros Limited Edition one comes out.

I always go shopping and buy stuff. I love clothes. On Friday I went shopping with my mom and bought a pair of cargo jeggings and a tank top.

jupiter 11-04-2010 08:46 AM

I need to do the opposite and get rid of clothes. Sometimes my mother still buys me things and gives them to me when I have no intention of wearing them, so my closet is stuffed with coats, and millions of skirts. Just hook after hook after hook after hook of skirts. It's obscene!

Ooh, good luck getting the Wii! You'll have so much fun on it! And you can do all sorts of neat things aside from play games.

mewmew07 11-04-2010 10:02 AM

I wanna exercise on it and play the music games like rock band and guitar hero.

Tell your mom not to buy you clothes, only for birthdays or Christmas and only if you said you liked that shirt or pants or something. Just buy all of your own clothes. This is what I do.

mewmew07 11-05-2010 08:18 AM

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mewmew07 11-06-2010 10:39 PM

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