Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   Hallowe'en 2010 - Let the fun begin! (
-   -   ~ Gekkouka ~ 1 Day Event Art Auction ~ Last round! Congrats, Sylira! (

Iro 10-31-2010 08:05 AM

~ Gekkouka ~ 1 Day Event Art Auction ~ Last round! Congrats, Sylira!

Hello, everyone, and welcome to my first ever event art auction! :D
I'm trying this out to see how it goes, so it'll be short and simple.

Auctions would last for 24 hours, and another may or may not start again the day after.
I would be placing auction winners on priority spot, and would hopefully be done with their prizes in 2-3 days.

Starting Date: November 5th, 2010
End Date: November 6th, 2010
3.10pm GMT +8

[[ Clock in my time for your convenience ]]


Will do:
OCs with sufficient reference

Will NOT do:


This is what you are bidding on:
1 Chibi Full colour

Iro 10-31-2010 08:05 AM

Bidding History

High Bid: 8.5k

Hadsvich - 7.5k
Sylira - 7k
avi - Dove Wings (approx. 5k to 6.5k)
Sylira - 4.3k
ToriKat - 4.2k
avi - 4k
ToriKat - 3.2k
Arikana - 3.1k
ToriKat - 3k


Round 3: Chunsa-chan (paid o.O)
Round 2: Arikana 6.25k
Round 1: Seito (paid O.o)

Iro 10-31-2010 08:06 AM

Open for posting! :D

Protagonist 10-31-2010 08:12 AM

1k : )

Iro 10-31-2010 08:13 AM

Thank you for your bid! :boogie:

How are you liking the event so far? xD

Protagonist 10-31-2010 08:15 AM

I like it a lot actually. I love it being based out T or T : )
How about you?

And your art is toooo awesome to pass up.

Iro 10-31-2010 08:17 AM

I liked that part too! Knocking on the NPCs door for treats (no tricks yet!). xD
I've just joined in about a hour ago, so I'm still going through the stickies and seeing what I could join in this year. :D

I like the simplicity of this event. Where did you get your scream!mask? o3o

Thank you! :oops:

Seito 10-31-2010 08:26 AM

Iro auction~~ <33

Iro 10-31-2010 08:27 AM

Iro auction. 8D

Hullo, Seito!
Hullo, lurking anna!

Seito 10-31-2010 08:27 AM

Seito bids her soul! *shot* xD

Dystopia 10-31-2010 08:29 AM

Dammit. I've been found. xD

Iro 10-31-2010 08:31 AM

Nuh, uh, Seito!
That is one too many souls than I could handle. x3x

No one hides from the profile ninja. :ninja:

Seito 10-31-2010 08:32 AM

True... I wouldn't want to infect you!

*shoves (in)sanity back* xD

HamletSpamlet 10-31-2010 08:33 AM

*lurk lurk* :ninja:

Chunsa-chan 10-31-2010 08:33 AM

O: Ohhhh, pretty art!

2k! <3

Dystopia 10-31-2010 08:34 AM

@ Iro - Hurr. So I would like to part with some shiny stuff for your work, but I'd actually prefer something like this. Think if I promise some nice bribes, we could work something out?


Oh, and I could totally wait for you to finish off the auction pieces first, of course.

Iro 10-31-2010 08:36 AM

Too... late.... *chokes on green candy and collapses on ground*

*lurks harder on Hammy* :ninja:

Thank you very much, Chunsa! *__*

*rubs chin*

I could try. But I've not drawn in that chibi style for quite some time, it may not look exactly the same, but I'll try my best. xD

Seito 10-31-2010 08:37 AM

Oh noes!! IRO!!


Dystopia 10-31-2010 08:38 AM

@ Iro - Right. Now raising the stakes, would you willing to do a couple? >> /punt'd in face

Chunsa-chan 10-31-2010 08:39 AM

Welcome Iroase.
:ninja: I shall be keeping a close eye on this thread.

Iro 10-31-2010 08:40 AM

*hole mysteriously appears on ground, sucking Iro away*

...... Are they both males? : D


*offers some cake and coffee for service* xD

Speaking off, I feel like drinking coffee.... *goes to make some*

Seito 10-31-2010 08:41 AM

Noooo! come back were with Iro!


Dystopia 10-31-2010 08:41 AM

@ Iro - ... D8 Actually, they're not. One's female and one's male.

Iro 10-31-2010 08:43 AM

*a piece of cheesecake gets punted out of the hole instead*

What were you looking to get drawn? xD

Seito 10-31-2010 08:44 AM



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