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Codette 06-11-2011 12:15 AM

Bunny Roulette ~All Draws Complete!!!~

( )_( )
Hello Lovelies! I'm Codette!
Many of you might remember me better by my old name 'Syraannabelle'.
I'm a sweet heart of a girl, and I'm so excited to almost be 20. (My birthdays July 20th).
I'm very happy to be here hosting your Roulette game, and even happier to do it as a Bunny

( )_( )
http://icanhascheezburger.files.word...24c17902f6.jpgMageling gave me Epic Bunny as a pet

Codette 06-12-2011 04:38 AM
( . .)

Okay my little Bunnies, a few rules and a bit of a how-to-play before we can get started!

1. Once a day you can pick (max) 2 numbers off the roulette wheel. Post the form in the thread.

2.Please use your main account only. If I find out you were using your mule to use up numbers I will be a very angry bunny. And you'll be banned from Bunny Roulette forever!

3. Once a number is picked it cannot be used for the rest of the day. All numbers are restarted after each draw. That does mean a limit of 37 possible numbers, so hop in quickly each day for your lucky numbers. Now remember, I can't be on all the time, so please check to see which numbers have been taken, without relying just on me.

4. Your entry must be in by 10:00 PM CST (check with the Front Desk for time zones), thats when I draw for the daily winners, using the random dice generator in the forum.

5. Each Draw has the possibility for 2 or more winners.

6. If you miss the time of the draw, your entry will go to the next days entries.

7. On June 30th the Draw will be at 10:00 AM CST. After I make the draw Bunny Roulette will be closed.

8. The winners each day will be asked to choose a random number to determine your prize ( I will ping you the question). If you choose a small prize, you will be able to win again. However Big Prize Winners will not. Big Prize winners can still play, but will not be eligible to win. I will inform you when you choose your number which prize you have won.
You will receive your prizes on Monday July 4th. (Special winners receive as win)

9. When posting your form to enter Roulette, you must post some bunny image. Whether it be an image, an icon, or a keyboard bunny (like the ones around the game) is your choice. Any forms without a bunny will be IGNORED

10. Chatting around the game is encouraged! Whats the fun of Roulette without some hoots, hollars, love and fake outs. (*HUSH* SECRET: I will be giving a prize to the most active user around the game ^.-)

PLEASE: Read and Follow all of Mene's rules as well!

Have Fun Little Bunnies!

( . .)
( '.')


( '.')

Codette 06-12-2011 04:38 AM
( )_( )
( )_( )
Name Numbers
Roxxxy 9, 28
Mageling 6,32
LizzyCollinsDeArc 7,11
crazymuch 22, 34
Rochiel Silverfire 29, 31
sadrain 21, 23


Codette 06-12-2011 04:39 AM

Day One:
Day Two:
Day Three:
2. WinglessFairy
Day Four:
2.Sexy Blue Candy
3. Kent
Day Five:
Day Six:
Day Seven:

Special winners:
Roxxxy- first post- Romance isn't Dead hairpin
Siri- bringing the thread to page 2- Holiday Tree
crazymuch-making my bad day bright- Cookie Collective
Dillo-for being patient and an awesome player- Yumeh halo
Zeapear-making sure Yumeh doesn't eat the bunnies- Big Present
Mageling-making sure Yumeh doesn't eat the bunnies- St. Paddys lucky white shirt
Sexy Blue Candy-being a sweetheart-Holiday Cookie
Mageling-being a sweetheart-creamy cappuccino
sadrain-1st post pg.25- fluffy pillow


Codette 06-24-2011 02:59 PM

Alright my Lovely Bunnies! BUNNY ROULETTE IS OPEN! ^.^

Roxxxy 06-25-2011 12:15 AM

1) 13
2) 26

( '.')

So cute!!! :squee:

Codette 06-25-2011 12:17 AM

I know aren't they!

Roxxxy: , would you like to pick a number between 1-87? For being the first poster ^.^

Roxxxy 06-25-2011 12:23 AM

How about 69! Kekeke... :mrgreen:

Codette 06-25-2011 12:27 AM

Congrats! Roxxxy: won the Romance isn't Dead Hairpin! please accept your trade!

Roxxxy 06-25-2011 12:33 AM

AHMGAH!!! Thank you :hug:

Codette 06-25-2011 12:34 AM

*giggles* *hugs* Thanks for being the first one to bet on the Roulette Wheel ^.^ Hopefully more bet soon... I'd hate to spin it in 3 hours and only have one person betting *sadface*

PapillonCameo 06-25-2011 12:35 AM

Name: PapillonCmao
1) 11
2) 28


Hi there Codette!

Codette 06-25-2011 12:36 AM

Hey Pap. Thanks for answering my prayers ^.^ How are you?

PapillonCameo 06-25-2011 12:40 AM

I'm good! How are you?

Couldn't pass up the chance to pick some numbers! lol

Codette 06-25-2011 12:41 AM

It's just so tempting isn't it? Especially with all the cute bunnies hopping around ^.^

I'm doing well... Was a little stressed just before the event started seeing as I'm at work ^.^' But all is well now (still at work but less stress)

PapillonCameo 06-25-2011 12:47 AM

lol At work! Well then... Good thing bunnies are around to distract you! XD

Speaking of work, I just got a job at a Summer Camp as a councilor.

Dottie Mae Evans 06-25-2011 12:47 AM

Name: LizzyCollinsDeArc
1) 7
2) 20
( . .)

I hope I can play this game everyday. :)

Codette 06-25-2011 12:49 AM

yep... I'm just a secretary, not like I do much anyways other than answer phones and emails for the company. ^.-

Thats awesome!

Hey Liz--- I mean King ^.^ I'll sign you right up ^.^
yep, you can play everyday. It's only if you win a big prize you can't win anymore, but you can still throw your numbers in to create tension ^.^

Roxxxy 06-25-2011 12:49 AM

BTW, Codette: I like your new name.

Codette 06-25-2011 12:50 AM

Thank you Roxxxy. I'm quite fond of it as well. So much it's the name of my main female character in my webcomic! Yeah... I'm a dork.

I love your avi Roxxxy!

PapillonCameo 06-25-2011 12:51 AM

And Codette was the first character I met at the Ball, one of many mind you...

Codette 06-25-2011 12:53 AM

yep, that she was Pap. Man that was a great RP... at least until we tried adding conflict and people got lost/lost interest.

Dottie Mae Evans 06-25-2011 01:07 AM

Codette, did I lose or did I win for today? Hm....

Codette 06-25-2011 01:09 AM

sorry King, you have to wait 2 more hours to find out. The only ones that know immediately are special winners, like Roxxxy did for being the first person to play ^.^

Dottie Mae Evans 06-25-2011 01:16 AM

That's ok. :) I'll munch on my new product as I wait. ;)

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