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hariihyuuga 03-03-2008 09:17 PM

Waltzer 10,000! (started&still accepting)
The year: 5045 AD

You look out one of the large windows on the spacecraft Waltzer 10,000. The spacecraft is perched perfectly on the radioactive ruins of the World War 10 battlegrounds. You see many a begger pleading the guards to let them on, to let them escape the world they have falled with. You hear babies cry everywhere, you don't want to leave your home planet. You say your last goodbyes, and wave at your friends on the ground. A small tear drops from your eye, seeing them, and knowing you will never see them again. You hear the engines start up from underneath you. The craft, while sleak and smooth, is vast from the inside. You see at least 3500 people with you, some on higher levels, and some on lower. You know this can't be the entire ship, what you are seeing. You smell the great smell of homecooked food, fuel, and animals for slaughter on the ship. A great rumbling happens and you feel your body being pushed down from the sudden change in air pressure.

"Please take a seat folks, we are launching out of the Earths atmosphere." A calm female voice says over the ships intercom.

You take a seat on the ground and feel the rough vibrations of the engines. You look up, out of the window, and see the dull grey clouds on the orange sky go past at alarming speeds. No longer can you see your friends, and before you know it, you are in outerspace, in pure darkness, the sun being blocked out by the world you once called home.

"We are now traveling at twice the speed of light. We shall reach the end of our solar system in one week."

You look around at the people you see and start your new adventure in trying to find a new home to continue the human race on.

(PS, I am writing a side story that is based on this. Your characters may be used in the plot line. Please message me if you don't want that to happen.)

hariihyuuga 03-03-2008 09:26 PM

1. Follow the TOS
2. PM profiles to me! DON'T POST THEM ON THE THREAD!
3. Romance and drama is allowed, just refer to the first rule.
4. Keep it PG13
5. *action*, "talk", 'thought'. Keep it that way to keep people from being confused
6. Be fair
7. No killing
8. No god mode
9. Each person can play up to two people

hariihyuuga 03-03-2008 09:33 PM

Profile base. Build yours off of this!

Gender: (you can be questionable if desired)
How you got on ship: (bloodline, smarts, riches, stowaway, lottery pick, etc.)
Background story: (What happened before you got on the ship, life story)
Other: (whatever I might have accidentally left out, put here if it's important)

hariihyuuga 03-03-2008 09:46 PM



Originally Posted by HariiHyuuga
Name: Ruby
Age: 17
Gender: female
How you got on ship: Lottery pick
Apperance: an average sized human female, strong and toned, long brown hair and ruby red eyes. Often wears hair in a long ponytail with a red bow in the back, mostly wears red shirts and tomboyish pant's. Wears old style sneakers. Wears a pendant around her neck, with a picture of her and her little 7 year old brother in it. (Drawing coming soon)
Background story: At 7, her parents died in World War 10 as humble foot soldiers after her mother gave birth to her little brother. She cared for the younger sibling, named Maximillion, like a mother would a child. She was separated from him when she was 15 when a noble family took him in and threatened to kill him and his sister if he told his sister to come along. Now Ruby is setting out looking for the younger sibling, hoping maybe somewhere on this ship, the noble family that has Maximillion is on the ship and will give him back to her so they can be united once again.


Originally Posted by Clair Voyant
Name: Inez Ryan
Age: 16
Gender: (you can be questionable if desired) female
How you got on ship: (bloodline, smarts, riches, stowaway, lottery pick, etc.) One of the scientist's who help design and create the ship raised her.
Background story: (What happened before you got on the ship, life story) Inez was found wandering the streets as a small girl by Rolland Ryan. He raised the girl as his own and taught her about scince and history. After he died, Inez was asked to take his place on the ship.
Other: (whatever I might have accidentally left out, put here if it's important)


Originally Posted by Californiaswimmergirl

Name: Luna
Age: 18
Gender: (you can be questionable if desired) Female
How you got on ship: (bloodline, smarts, riches, stowaway, lottery pick, etc.): She is the daughter of a scientist that helped create the ship and is also really rich. Her family is/was one of the richest family on Earth.

Only with more clothes. She likes to dye her hair frequesntly. Her natural hair color is dark orange/brown. She has brown eyes and long eyelashes. Her style is very random and depends on her mood or the day etc. She also has a very thin model-like body and she’s very fit. She likes to exercise and is very flexible.
Background story: (What happened before you got on the ship, life story) As I said before her family is/was one of the richest family on Earth. Many boys think she’s very hot and she is used to them drooling all over her. Some date her for the money others for her beauty and some just for her personality and what kind of a person she is. Sometimes it’s all of those/a combination of those. Eitehr way she hasn’t found “the one” and hopes that she will find a guy amidst the thousands of people on this ship that’s perfect for her. Other than that she’s very friendly and fun to be around with. She likes to party, she likes to chill, she likes to walk, she likes to talk and likes to do anything and everything that is possible. her mother died very recently and it's a great pain to her becausde she stiull hasn't gotten over it/it hasn't really sunk in yet.

Other: (whatever I might have accidentally left out, put here if it's important)


Originally Posted by Nina
Name: Sauki
Age: 18
Gender: female
How you got on ship: Bloodline.
Background story: When Sauki was a 15 she lost her memery. Three years later she ended up on a ship with someone who owns it. Tho she can't remember their name she hopes to help them on their journy..


Originally Posted by Kiihay
Name: Yue Ji Cho
Age: 19
Gender: male
How you got on ship: Riches
Background story: Before the he had stepped foot on the ship he had been stowed away in a private boarding school for the arts. His family didn't want to deal with him, and so sent him to a school that he requested. Weeks before the launch date he was pulled out of his school, a place he had come to know as home, and thrown onto the ship by his parents. "It's all for your own good." So they said.... Frankly Yue Ji could care less, but before the ship he made sure that he stocked high up with supplies. Paints, markers, pencils, graphite, oils, paper, sketchbooks, everything he could think of and imagine. Yue Ji wouldn't be Yue Ji without his art.
Other: He can be rather kind and friendly, but at first he is always... well an ass. He's sarcastic and tests his boundaries with everyone that he meets before becoming a friend.... though there are those rare cases where he'll come to a person to ask for a model, only then will he be kind off the bat... but generally it's only to butter them up.


Originally Posted by Lura Crane

Name: Lura Crane
Age: 20
Gender: Female
How you got on ship: Riches
Appearance: A little less than average weight, just slightly shorter than average height. Straight black hair a little past shoulder-length, usually tied in a high ponytail with long bangs in the front. Always wears glasses, framing her light brown eyes. Often looks younger than her age, sometimes to her disappointment/discomfort. Soft turtleneck, long-sleeved shirts, comfortable cargo pants, colors usually include white, black, and the darker shades of blue. A light black coat (left open) that goes down to her thighs, and plain but fit athletic shoes.
Background story: She lives her life on arts and comes from a moderately wealthy family. Her parents had passed several years ago, she was left with a moderate inheritance to live on her own, with the occasional financial 'support' from distant extended family. She always seems to find beauty in anything and dearly wishes to capture it. Now that the world is in ruin, she sits in the spacecraft with high hopes of seeing new beauties around her. A sketchbook and pencils are always on her person, in her sidebag. Of course, with regular necessities, she brings even more sketchbooks, pencils, pens, and some books.
Other: She's fairly friendly to meeting new people, definitely trustworthy when true friendships are made. Sometimes though, she can get lost in her own mind when drawing in her sketchbook, focused intently on a certain thing and block out everything else.

Californiaswimmergirl 03-05-2008 12:19 AM

In my charcter's profile could you put otehr as 'her mother died very recently and it's a great pain to her becausde she stiull hasn't gotten over it/it hasn't really sunk in yet.'?

Also, when will we start?

hariihyuuga 03-05-2008 12:59 AM

yep. and it starts as soon as you want it to. I tried to set this rp up so you can do that. people on the ship reveal themselves... strangers become playable characters... stowaways come up... yadda yadda. :]

Californiaswimmergirl 03-05-2008 01:11 AM

Luna walked around teh ship bored. She looked out the widnow and a tear trickled down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away and sighed. She absentmindedly drew a haeart on the foggy window and sighed aagin. Then she got up and walked over to the lounge (is it okay if i make up places?). She noticed people turn to look at her and take her in. Her hair had been died black with white highlights (same lengthy and look and color as ion the pic).She was wearing black skinny jeans, black stilletos, and a low cut black shirt. She noticed everyone turn to each other and whisper. she also notice boys eyeing her. She heard two boys nearest to her talk to each other.

“Yo, isn’t that the girl that the daughter of that scientist? Aren’t they like the richest family on Earth?”

“They're one of them.”

“Didn’t her mom like die last week?”

Luna stiffened at the mention of her mother. The reality of her death still hadn’t sunk in.


“She probably wants some comfort.”


“Maybe a guy?”

“You like her?”

“Hello. Dude, she’s got money and a hot bod. Is there anymore to say?”

“I know what you mean.”

Luna clenched her jaw and grinded her teethe against each other. She hated when guys did that. When they went after her for her money, or her “hot bod” or both. It sickened her. They were so insensirtive, snobby, etc. etc. etc.

She walked on through the aisle. Finding an empty table she sat down and looked around the room.

hariihyuuga 03-05-2008 01:34 AM

Ruby got up from where she sat moments ago and looked around. She could smell the overwhelming stench of food more and more and got extremely hungry, but decided it would be best to wait until the line at the kitchen shortened. She walked over to the lounge, trying to fit in with the people on the ship

Rich families all around her glared or giggled at the sight of the lucky girl who just happened to make it onto the ship. She could smell the the perfume of the richest women overpowering her. She almost passed out on the ground before a woman about her age caught her eye.
'Wow! I've never seen that face before, yet something about her makes me feel.. comforted...' Ruby thought to herself. She made her way to the lounge table, and sat at an empty table near the lady. She felt very lonely and sad that she had to leave her friends, and potentially her brother, back on Earth, but she hoped to become friends with this lady she sat near.

Californiaswimmergirl 03-05-2008 01:36 AM

Luna looked up wehn a girl around her age sat down at her table. She smiled at ehr glad it wasn't some lovesick boy. "Hi." she said., "I'm Luna."

Clair Voyant 03-05-2008 01:50 AM

Inez sat proudly in her "father's" place, eating her helping of food. She felt like one of the luckiest people in the entire wor-- Well, it wasn't the world any longer, was it?

She sighed. This would take some time to get used to, but she was lucky not to have anyone to have left behind. Her father had been the only person she knew.

She noticed two girls sitting alone at one table, removed her tray from her table and sat down with them. She didn't say a word, or even look up at them, just continued eating. Her father hadn't taught her to be social, so she didn't know how to polietly start a conversation.

hariihyuuga 03-05-2008 02:23 AM

"Hi, I'm Ruby" she said softly and shyly... she didn't think the woman would speak with her. She could tell Luna was rich, no normal human being would have enough money to get hairdye, a rarity these days. A myth she had heard from her father before he had died was that ages ago, people used to dye their hair a bunch of different color, and anyone could do it easily. He also told of a mysterious race of people called "Eyerich" that had naturally red hair. But they had long died off from mingling with "Blawnds" and "Broonets". She saw three richer looking boys eyeing the young woman she sat with and threw them a quick glare. They ran off towards the line of hungry people waiting for the grand homecooked meals.

"I was wondering..." asked Ruby quietly and respectfully, "Have you heard of a young boy, he would be 7 years old... his name being Maximillion... he was taken in by some cruel nobles... not saying you would be cruel... but I was wondering... if maybe you would know where he is...?"

She showed this woman named Luna the picture of Maximillion when he was 5 that she had kept in her heart shaped locket for so long... too long without seeing him face to face

Californiaswimmergirl 03-05-2008 02:26 AM

Luna looked at the picture. She thought. "No." she said to her. Then she noticed another girl had sat down at their table. "Hi." she asid to her. "I'm Luna." she added.

hariihyuuga 03-05-2008 03:12 AM

Ruby waved shyly at the new person who sat at the table next to them and adjusted her oversized red bow that held her ponytail awkwardly and nervously.
'I hope I don't screw things up here, I don't want to get on peoples bad sides if I am to be living with them for a very long time.' she thought anxiously

"H-hi, I'm Ruby... it's a pleasure to meet you" she stuttered.

Clair Voyant 03-05-2008 11:09 AM

Inez looked up at them, a bit shocked. She hadn't really thought anyone would notice her. She smiled.

"I'm Inez Ryan, the daughter of the late Rolland Ryan... he was one of the men who built the ship!" Inez said proudly. Then she remembred something poliet she was supposed to say. "It's a pleasure to meet you both."

Nina 03-05-2008 12:11 PM

Sauki walked by them and went to her own table. She looked down and sighed out. She closed her eyes and laied her head on her hands.

hariihyuuga 03-05-2008 07:12 PM

"Wow, your father was one of the scientists?" inquired Ruby. "I've always been interested in that sort of thing, I've just never been able to study it that much." She explained.

Ruby noticed the girl who sat a few tables away and wanted to invite her over to her table, but was to shy to do so.

Clair Voyant 03-05-2008 07:28 PM

"Oh, science is the greatest thing!" Inez cried. "I've always enjoyed studying it."

Californiaswimmergirl 03-05-2008 08:36 PM

Luna nodded. "My dad also helped build the ship. Christopher Sky." she said.

Clair Voyant 03-05-2008 08:41 PM

"I think I met him once... but I can't be sure..." Inez thought out loud. "I can't really remember all the scientists I've met."

Californiaswimmergirl 03-05-2008 08:49 PM

Luna nodded. "me too." she said. Suddenly she oticed a girl sit dowqn on an empty table near them. Seh walked up to her. her stilletos made a soft thump as she walked over to thr girl. "Do you want to sit with us?" she asked the girl indicating to her/their tabele.

Clair Voyant 03-05-2008 08:52 PM

Inez continued eating. She had nothing else to do.

Kiihay 03-05-2008 10:27 PM

Boring... the dull rough of the air filtering through the vents was the only sound that Yue Ji was aware of. It was only a little later on that he started to realize the clicking of metal and the chinking of plates. That's right he was sitting in the lounge, but he didn't pay much attention. Instead his attention was directed towards the piece of paper on his table and the thick piece of graphite between his fingers. His fingers were black from all the rubbing and blurring on the picture, and it wasn't of a person or of a thing, but of a memory. Swirls and flowers were decorated up along what looked like a willow tree. From the raining branches they seemed to bleed a thick liquid like blood. It was a rough picture that looked like it had been frantically drawn and it was hardly recognizable. This was not his art, this was his boredom.

He was daydreaming, his eyes staring away in the distance in his drawing. He pulled from his surroundings; a flower in a woman's hat, a girls diamond teardrop earrings, an intricate chocker that was laced by metal and the curls of a girl's hair. He could barely hear them, turning them out. Finally when he noticed that his empty space was starting to near it's end and he was beginning to see nothing but the dirty black of his graphite. He shrugged his shoulders and then took the piece of paper between two hands. In one swift movement he pulled in two different directions.


And the tree was left in two halves. He wasn't the type to try and keep art that he didn't consider 'art'. He sighed and tapped his black fingers against the table as he peered around the room for something new... something interesting... He wanted a good model, but who?

Californiaswimmergirl 03-05-2008 10:30 PM

Luna looked around teh room as she waited for the girl's reply. she caiught the eye of a boy looking around the room as well. She looked away and continued scanngin the room impatiently.

Lura Crane 03-06-2008 03:38 AM

Silence. Calm, relaxing silence-- save for the quick short scratches of the graphite point on the rough sketchbook paper. Surrounding movement was noticed, but not paid more attention to. It became a quiet, slow-moving world as Lura recreated an image from memory. A cat napped on a glass table refracting sunlight in all different directions. Lively shadows from the leaves of a nearby tree danced along the tabby's fur.

Lura sat at a corner table of the busy room. Her cheek rested on her left hand propped up on the table, her right hand continued to make sideways motions as more marks were formed. Her eyes took on a sort of drowsy appearance as she smiled at the warmth relived from the moment captured in the drawing. Little could be done to bring her back to reality now, not even the grumbling from her stomach signaling her need for food.

Nina 03-06-2008 12:20 PM

Sauki woke up and saw Luna standing next to her, "I don't know." she said looking up at her, "But if I must than sure." she got up and walked back over to Luna's table. See cought the eyes of a 19 year old and shook her head.

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